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October 01, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

… in the early morning blast, which nearly demolished the science building housing the research center and destroyed valuable research data stored on computers. The indictment, returned in U.S. District…

…-weddings SERVICE- Vig Salon heC Every MONDAY: Football night, Color TV, happy hour prices Every TUESDAY: Apple Wine night--reduced prices THURSDAY, Oct. 1: THE LEAVES OF GRASS Ci.7f~ 1 ~ ~ ~.I and salon 761…

October 17, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 39) • Page Image 7

… Assembly, the representative body for students in the school, which appointed the two student members of -the Board of Inquiry. Prof. Bernard Galler, of the computer and communication sci- ences department…

… constituted" an d should dissolve itself. Last; week, the Board - of In- quiry recommended that Denton's wieot-ed aas t+tQualiy ao'A p Ace 0ot chec it FRESH APPLE. CIDER 79c a Gallon, WITH THIS COUPON…

October 30, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

… his- tory of this technological age, com- puters have taken the fun out of these electoral battles, telling us almost in- stantly on election day who will win and by how much. "Bosh to the computers

… Michigan, choose two: Paul Brown (D) James L. Waters (D) Paul G. Goebel Jr. (R) Jack H. Shuler (R) 10. Parochiaid: yes or no And was a computer needed to fig- ure out that the late Lurleen Wallace would win…

… shall not go for naught, of course. T h a t person making the m o s t correct selections shall receive the wonderful prize of an American Apple Pie from the Cottage Inn Pizza. All entries m u s t be in by…

October 16, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 32) • Page Image 8

… contends that the which pays two cents a pound suit, as well as a scheduled coun- for used bottles. cil resolution to replace Demo- Selling organic apple cider at cratic commission member Theo- the Farmer…

… grown apples from a local Deny suit, on march RmR ,h be filed directly in the Su- preme Court, Milliken and Kelley used the Ingham Coun- ty Circuit Court as the legal vehicle to get the question into…

… the year. ATTENTION DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Day Calendar SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 Computing Qtr. Open House: Tours, 10 am.-8 pm. Football: Michigan vs. Illinois, Mich. Stadium, 1:30 pm. University Musical…

October 11, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 30) • Page Image 5

…, Sunday, Oct. 15, (BEAUTI- COMPUTER PROGRAMMER: one half-: FUL NEW LOCATION), Washtenaw time position. Experience with PDP- Farm Council Grounds, 5055 Saline- 8 essential. Phone 764-9550 between '6 Ann…

….49 $2.98 3 4 6 8 111 13 Normandy department. 19 Mary Tyler Moore's TV friend. 21 Vermont resident. 24 Part of an apple. 25 Fish hook attachment. 27 Ancient Troy, 28 Clown in "As You Like it." 2…

October 03, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…," Rackham Lect. Hall, 4:10 pm. Chemical Engineering: "The FOR- TRAN IV Programming Language II," Nat. Sci. And., 7:30 pm. Computing Center: T. Schriber, "Ba- sic Concepts of Discrete Event Sidiula- tion…

… 26. carrots 27. green onions 28. crab apples 29. red peppers 30. radishes 31. corn salad 32. sliced cucumbers with sour cream 33. sliced tomatoes with fresh dill 34. red bean salad 35. greek bean salad…

…. greek feta cheese 87. swiss cheese 88. ceddar cheese 89. bread pudding 90. rice pudding 91. creme caramel 92. baked apples 93. house cake 94. peaches 95. maunarin oranges 96. orange sliced candies I…

October 12, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 32) • Page Image 6

… STICKERS custom printed PROFESSIONAL motorcycle mech. will WANTED: Senior Computer Science/ 665-0592. 77H38 while-U-wait! $2. MBL Press, 1217 tune-up your motorcycle at your Business student to do…

… Oaks' predessors. 23 Exclamation Clutch. 56 Start. 25 Sic. Pouch. 58 Clog. 26 Weapon. B.C. neighbor. 59 Antiseptic. 27 Expensive, Subsequently. 61 Whitman. 30 Way of sha Port of Guam. 63 Tree of apple

October 24, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…. psychic, lay-therapist, ."Bio-Energetics Aud., 7:30 pm. & Its Integration with Astrology, Magic, Computing Ctr.: J. Henriksen, "Intro- Yoga, & Psychology in Wholistic Heal- duction to SIMSCRIPT-II," Seminar…

… ing," Aud. A, Angell Hall, 3 pm. Rm., Computing Ctr., 7:30 pm. Botany: A, Smith, "North American Music School: H. Hamilton, "Japa- Species of Lactarus," 1139 Nat. Sci.,4neseNoh-Dramna," lecture…

… MONTVERDI MENDELSSOHN CIANTI GIORDANI Thurs., Oct. 25-8 p.m. E. Quad Greene Lounge EVERYONE INVITED! No musical knowledge needed. ADMISSION:5c HOMEMADE APPLE PUDDING CAKE served afterward. Further info.: 761…

October 05, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 27) • Page Image 5

… at 994- 5960. dB108 G THUNDER PRINCETON REVERB practice amp.. vox wahwah pedal, cJtc 3x3 Norcold refrigerator. 668-7574. 42B108 TUTORING, EE, Statistics. Math, r-.- Computers. Call Walt. 994-3594. c…

… Look of contempt 13 Arboreal mammals Rose extract Ad - States of servitude Aunt: Sp. Two-wheeled vehicle Serving to warn Formerly Recipe item Very: Ger. Yorkshire city Peak in Thessaly DOWN Apple seeds…

October 15, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

… EDITING. Call Jean, quired Phone 663-4618. 90P1017P *i4-3594. 10 a.m.-0 p.m. cC - PERSONAL ----- -c~! CAR SERVICE, ACCES. _ TUTORING, EE, Statistics, Math, ---- SPECIAL RATES for couples today.I Computers

… palatable 32 58 Flying stinger 34 59 Legislative 35 bodies 36 60 Formal head. dress 38 DOWN 1 "The birds 39 began - . ."' 2 Petitioners 40 3 Good apple 41 4 'Useful item for 42 a lepidopterist 44 5 Large…

October 18, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 38) • Page Image 6

… apt. Good - - campus and bus. Available Nov. 1. access to hospitals and campus. TUTORING, EE, Statistics. Math, $260/mo., 994-0433. 6901020 Free parking. Pool. 8 mo. lease starts Computers. Call Walt…

… Indian cavalry. man Noted cartoonist Bundle Born: Fr. Compass pt. DO"N From head to foot: Fr. phrase Firm. San Juan title Doubles and redoubles East Indian island group Encounter Big Apple dan- cer…

October 23, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

… for 1974. The September computer print out indicates that $2,271.86, or 45 per cent of the $5,000 has been expended to date. Of the 45 per cent expended, my travel ac- counts for $764.81 or 33 per cent…

…. College students will have to sell their diplomas for a nickel to buy a rotten apple from a derelict with a cart. Everyone waits in eternal bread lines for Rus- sian black bread. Banks fore- close on…

October 30, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

… University once again re- fused to sell the union computer printed mailing labels address- ed to members of the union. But the University did admit that it was reversing an ear- lier promise to provide the la…

… lecturer C. Lombari Barber, Professor of Eng- lish at the University of California, Santa Cruz, will speak on PERICLES apple rscond3 6"an recods ava,alefromr AG S;9 0 Cap~. F f l ,..-...... a , The…

October 01, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

… industry, said Biological Determinism Series: R. there are "shortcomings and Jacoby, "Historical Perspectives on uncertainties" to the theory and Sex Roles," Aud. 3, MLB, 3 pm. Appl. Mech., Eng. Sal.: S. H…

…' Friendship Assoc./China Study Club: Slide show, People's China, "You Can Get There from Ann Arbor," Ballroom, Union, 7:30" pm. Computing Ctr.: B. Carnahan, "Fortran-Lv Programming Lan- guage: 2," Nat. Sci. Aud…

…- view, state & national park appls. are due ,etc. If you're a seasoned student re-register, if new, register to learn the ropes and get ac- quainted. ' f iting for the or stereo buy OR like to view the…

… ALL cases, the percent- last three months of 1973 when March 1, 1973 and has recheck- seen as unacceptable." age of change is computed by the rate rose 16 per cent com- ed on or about the start of each…

… the University billing "I wouldn't say there was process. pressure put on by PIRGIMi PRESENTS In the past, students checked people there," he commented." "yes" on computer punch cards "But the…

October 03, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 26) • Page Image 6

… . . . . .------- COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJORS:, -- !BM Electric Typewriter, 6 years old, moonlight for a small Detroit-based QUiIT studious female to share $225, in good condition. 662-9740 firm that needs several, relatively…

….Inter- national Co-op, Tom, Carol, 761- 7435. 25M105 I APPLES You pick Ida Red-Golden Delicious Northern Spies--Red Delicious 9 a.m.-6 p.m. ERWIN FARMS f{58354 Pontiac 'Trail 4 miles north of South Lyon 437-0191 I…

October 04, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

… two words e numbers) 5 words per line HELP WANTED CHEMISTRY T U T OR for high school student. 662-0751. 65H105 COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJORS: moonlight for a small Detroit-based firm that needs several…

…, call 995-733. 23M108 MEALS are a socel time of day. We still have room at the table. Inter- national Co-op, Tom, Carol, 761- 7435. 25M105 APPLES You pick Ida Red-Golden Delicious Northern Spies…

October 05, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

… Recife. His report:... Havina sane woman will go out and Computing Ctr.: Meeting on Languam tesGraduate French,: eCEEB lived in Brazil for most of the past ten years, I had heard sn!nd 7995 for a plastic…

… know it. deadlines come up, RELIGION and SOCIAL JUSTICE- A !employers are here to interview, state & national parks appls are a I v e oMe tORISoe somuc ISGCaissinterviewing for ACRICSdue etc.ifyou're a…

October 10, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 32) • Page Image 8

…. 79C1010 sureia, do-n, porio- ( Ad hand reflexology. appled kines- I SPECIAL PHYSII DESK REI 1976 $10.95 If ordered by Oct. 15th, and paid in ad- vance. Mail your check today. Price is $11.50 plus…

…. All electric. Serving the academic. RECORDS hundreds and hundreds of them SLEEPING BAGS down and dacron ART PRINTS 40 high quality masters 1002 S. Forest - No. 1 Come anytime 54B1012 PDP-8 COMPUTER for…

October 19, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…- tions." The winner delivered a rendition of "Oh, Susannah" on his harmonica. Others sang the na- tional anthem, juggled apples, and recited poetry- presumably not all at once. Mimnaugh was asked "your 19…

… drummer for The Who was fined $120 yes- terday after he admitted maliciously damaging an airline ticket desk computer at a Scotland air- port. Keith Moon spent the night in a jolice cell after the scene at…

… a British Airways counter. The musician reportedly shouted, bawled and swore at the counter and punched a computer machine which then broke down. After the court case, Moon said he became angry after…

October 01, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 20) • Page Image 7

… RECREATION ERWIN FARMS U PICK APPLES 58354 Pontiac Trail, across from New Hudson airport, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Red Delicious 9/24, 6.50. Spies & Ida Reds, Oct. 1, $7.00. 84RR1013 FOR SALE DEALERSHIPS available on the…

… areas of ® DATA BASE MANAGEMENT COMPUTER DESIGN * MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS a nlrI ATI mr. t CTIEKAC 'I i 23 34 29 35 ,,>36 30 _____ I ; . > I,- . , . ., .t , .. ,. .. _. ._ . .. ,, . . ._ r _, T…

October 20, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

appls. available. Rand Corp., Calif., Wash.,D.C.: Graduate student Summer Program, covers broad fields-computer sciences, engr., manage., physical sciences, social sciences, etc. Apply as early in '78 as…

… Ireland at 7:30 .. or at that very same hour, you can meditate with Stern Morgan at the Canterbury House, corner of Catherine and Division ... MTS afficiandos cpn attend a Computer Club meeting in 4108…

…, computer training, math and accounting. Also, SUMMER intern program for 2nd year law students. Register in person or by phone 763-4117. Luis Sunuel's 1972 discreet charm of the bourgeoisie A surreal, cutting…

October 21, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

… early January '78. Details and appls. available. Rand Corp., Calif., Wash., D.C.: Graduate student Summer Program, covers broad fields-computer sciences, engr., manage., physical sciences, social sciences…

… Nuclear Engineering Training Program. .y... .. .. . Dai ly Official Bulletirn (Continued from Page 1) Store of Ann Arbor. "For example, a computer could be programmed to pick up the difference between a…

… in some music." Blond envisions a day when "you could have your, heating system made far more energy-efficient with your home computer. It could keep the upstairs of your house at 65 during the day…

… to do all these things already exists. It's known as a microcomputer chip - the guts of an entire computer on a single integrated circuit. As technol- ogy has progressed, these chips have become…

… smaller, doing more and costing less. The cost has now descended to the point that a TV advertising campaign this Christmas will protray the worldts first mass-produced comput- er as an electronic marvel…

… Johnson, "A home computer is too in- expensive to ignore." The PET (and a competitor expect- ed to be coming soon from Radio Shack) can be used to keep complete financial records, balance a check- book…

… games as far beyond the most advanced "Pong" as today's. calculators are beyond the abacus. PET's can also draw pictures, play the popular computer game "Star Trek", and solve puzzles. SUMMER PLACEMENT…

… year students majoring in business, computer training, math and accounting. Also, SUMMER intern program for 2nd year law students, Register in person or by phone763-4117. Friday, October 21, 1977 DAY…

October 22, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

… of computer and com- munications sciences and of Hanna accused by KCIA official philosophy, who has just been awarded the highest honor the University can bestow upon a senior faculty member. Named…

… an electronic digital computer. The research is re- garded as the basic foundation for the entire field. We com- mend you, Dr. Burks. WASHINGTON, (AP)-The former head of South Korea's intelligency…

… student pursuing a degree. Covers wide area of government activities. Closing date early January '78. Details and appls. available. Rand Corp., Calif., Wash., D.C.: Graduate student Summer Program, covers…

… broad fields-computer sciences, engr., manage., physical sciences, social sciences, etc, Apply as early in '78 as possible. Full details available. National Trust Education Services, Washington, D…

….: Will inter-, view Thursday, Oct. 27, 9 to 5. SUMMER intern program for junior year 'students majoring in business, computer training, math and accounting. Also, SUMMER intern program for 2nd year law…

October 23, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…. Details and appls. available. Rand Corp., Calif, Wash., D.C.: Graduate student Summer Program, covers broad fields-computer sciences, engr., manage., physical sciences, social sciences, etc. Apply as early…

… in business, computer training, math and accounting. Also, SUMMER intern program for 2nd year law students. Register in person or by phone 763-4117. WASHINGTON (AP) - Letters with forged signature are…

October 27, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

… began, "they cross a mouse wit a bacteria. When they can cross a mouse wit spoonful cottage cheese, then I'll be impressed.' This theft does not compute There's more than one way to dump a class after the…

… drop-add dead- line - you can settle for a big, black 'W' on your transcript, or you can steal a CRISP computer and cue in the change yourself. Some clever delinquent may be doing just that with his or…

… her latest catch: two Texas instrument portable computers stolen from Old Arch sometime between Oct. 20-24. Police, who were informed of the heist yesterday, have no suspects but did say the thief…

… gained entry with a key. Whoever has the detestable know-it-alls can hook them into a -telephone line and garner in- formation from the University's main computer if they know the entry code. Or they can…

… inconvenience. Thanks for your Support Full Moon Productions. Prince Charles IL On the outside... Isn't it great out? Leaves are the color of pumpkins, the wind carries the scent of apple cider, and there…

October 01, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

….A.B.-763-4117 Experiment in International Living, vermont. Of- fers over 100 group leadership positions in thirty-one countries. Language skills necessary in most cases. Further details abailable. Appl

… Ways to Observe Higgs Particles?," 2038 Randal Lab., 4 p.m. Computing Center: E. Fronczak, "Intro to MTS Part 3," Aud. B, Angell, 7 p.m. Anatomy: "Image Analysis Laboratory and Quan. timet 720 Image…

October 14, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…. Oak Papal prin tout A University of Chicago computer held its own conclave and has picked a new pope - Cardinal Corrado Ursi of Naples. The papal choice was made Thursday under the direction of Jesuit…

… sociologist Rev. Andrew Greeley, who programmed the computer with the cardinals' positions on the 15 issues facing the church, along with their relative power and influence. Greeley said before the last…

… TAXI DRIVER shows his experience with the big bad apple, brings off a 40's revival. SUN: ALAM TANtNR'S LA SALAMAtRE Saturdav ,October 1. 1979 General Notice The University Center for Continuing…

October 20, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 38) • Page Image 11

….Yogurt Shakes " BLOODY LARRY yogurt & raspberry juice * SUNBURST yogurt & orange juice * APPLE BLOSSOM yogurt & apple juice '/zPrice * PINA COLADA yogurt & pina colada juice * PAPAYA yogurt & papaya juice…

… '/zPrice 'ca Good FmrYeaArng All Specials from 6-9 pm Mon.-Fri. 251 E. Liberty 665-7513 U icig Oan Vrw 4WI soonsi Dataproducts Corporation is the leading manufacturer of computer line printers…

… supplying major computer companies worldwide. We are located in Southern California, less than thirty minutes from the Pacific Ocean. In California you can visit the Dataproducts snow during the winter but…

… " MECHANICAL ENGINEERING " INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING " COMPUTER SCIENCE We offer you immediate and significant challenges along with the opportunity to learn from top professionals. Performance at Dataproducts…

October 04, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 25) • Page Image 9

… Pope John Paul II a guitar, a "Big Apple" T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans and a rising, roaring welcome yesterday at a youth celebration that was a combination rock concert and basketball pep rally. They…

… when one of the youth- ful donors handed over the blue jeans that had been bought in Macy's basement and unfurled the T-shirt that proclaimed "The Big Apple Welcomes Pope John Paul II." On the reverse…

… provided for 'U' computer 'bugging (continued from Page3 ) such information, and even if such an incident did occur." According to Galler, some programs, such as IBM programs, are copyrighted, and therefore…

… unethical, but not illegal. Because of widespread concern over illegal and improper computer use, an ethics subcommittee to the University Computer Policy Committee convened in the spring of this year…

…. According to Arch Naylor, professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the com- mittee meetings were "a fantastically glorious waste of time." The subcommittee has not yet taken any action on specific…

… cases of unethical or improper use of the computer system, said Gordon Norby, subcom- mittee chairman and professor of Biological Chemistry. He explained they meet at irregular times and "welcome input…

October 14, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…: Richard Skalak. "Analysis of Capillary Blood Flow," 229 W. Eng., 4p.m. Physics/Astronomy: J. LeVeille, U-Wisconsin, "HiggsBosons Today," 2038 Randall, 4 p.m. OPEN the personal and business COMPUTER

… CONNECTIONS authorized APPLE AND OHIO SCIENTIFIC DEALER 38437 Grand River Farmington Hills, Michigan HOURS: Monday 10-8 Tues.-Thurs. 10-6 Friday 10-8 Saturday 10-6 The Center for South and Southeast Asian…

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