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October 24, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…. psychic, lay-therapist, ."Bio-Energetics Aud., 7:30 pm. & Its Integration with Astrology, Magic, Computing Ctr.: J. Henriksen, "Intro- Yoga, & Psychology in Wholistic Heal- duction to SIMSCRIPT-II," Seminar…

… ing," Aud. A, Angell Hall, 3 pm. Rm., Computing Ctr., 7:30 pm. Botany: A, Smith, "North American Music School: H. Hamilton, "Japa- Species of Lactarus," 1139 Nat. Sci.,4neseNoh-Dramna," lecture…

… MONTVERDI MENDELSSOHN CIANTI GIORDANI Thurs., Oct. 25-8 p.m. E. Quad Greene Lounge EVERYONE INVITED! No musical knowledge needed. ADMISSION:5c HOMEMADE APPLE PUDDING CAKE served afterward. Further info.: 761…

October 12, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 32) • Page Image 6

… STICKERS custom printed PROFESSIONAL motorcycle mech. will WANTED: Senior Computer Science/ 665-0592. 77H38 while-U-wait! $2. MBL Press, 1217 tune-up your motorcycle at your Business student to do…

… Oaks' predessors. 23 Exclamation Clutch. 56 Start. 25 Sic. Pouch. 58 Clog. 26 Weapon. B.C. neighbor. 59 Antiseptic. 27 Expensive, Subsequently. 61 Whitman. 30 Way of sha Port of Guam. 63 Tree of apple

October 03, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…," Rackham Lect. Hall, 4:10 pm. Chemical Engineering: "The FOR- TRAN IV Programming Language II," Nat. Sci. And., 7:30 pm. Computing Center: T. Schriber, "Ba- sic Concepts of Discrete Event Sidiula- tion…

… 26. carrots 27. green onions 28. crab apples 29. red peppers 30. radishes 31. corn salad 32. sliced cucumbers with sour cream 33. sliced tomatoes with fresh dill 34. red bean salad 35. greek bean salad…

…. greek feta cheese 87. swiss cheese 88. ceddar cheese 89. bread pudding 90. rice pudding 91. creme caramel 92. baked apples 93. house cake 94. peaches 95. maunarin oranges 96. orange sliced candies I…

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