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October 30, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

… his- tory of this technological age, com- puters have taken the fun out of these electoral battles, telling us almost in- stantly on election day who will win and by how much. "Bosh to the computers

… Michigan, choose two: Paul Brown (D) James L. Waters (D) Paul G. Goebel Jr. (R) Jack H. Shuler (R) 10. Parochiaid: yes or no And was a computer needed to fig- ure out that the late Lurleen Wallace would win…

… shall not go for naught, of course. T h a t person making the m o s t correct selections shall receive the wonderful prize of an American Apple Pie from the Cottage Inn Pizza. All entries m u s t be in by…

October 17, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 39) • Page Image 7

… Assembly, the representative body for students in the school, which appointed the two student members of -the Board of Inquiry. Prof. Bernard Galler, of the computer and communication sci- ences department…

… constituted" an d should dissolve itself. Last; week, the Board - of In- quiry recommended that Denton's wieot-ed aas t+tQualiy ao'A p Ace 0ot chec it FRESH APPLE. CIDER 79c a Gallon, WITH THIS COUPON…

October 01, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

… in the early morning blast, which nearly demolished the science building housing the research center and destroyed valuable research data stored on computers. The indictment, returned in U.S. District…

…-weddings SERVICE- Vig Salon heC Every MONDAY: Football night, Color TV, happy hour prices Every TUESDAY: Apple Wine night--reduced prices THURSDAY, Oct. 1: THE LEAVES OF GRASS Ci.7f~ 1 ~ ~ ~.I and salon 761…

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