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October 29, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 31) • Page Image 5

… a two-day visit on the campus as a guest of the local Mortar Board chapter. Initiation Is Announced PROF. JEROME KERWIN Wolverine To Dance Class Under Elva Begin Series Pascoe "Glamor Girl' To…

… in modern ballroom dancing will start at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Michigan Wolverine, Elva Pascoe, assistant in the classes, announced yesterday. Joe Eaton who recently joined the staff of the Arthur…

October 26, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

… continues to point out that the in- clusion of articles of common con- sumption in the British ban creates the possibility of unlimited arbitrari- ness on Britain's part. Wolverine Cuts Working Hours (4…

… In order that student workers may better share in the advantages that membership in a cooperative affords, the Wolverine Cooperative Restaur- ant's Board of Directors and repre- sentatives of the…

October 25, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

… placed specially, treated oak leaves of appropriate fall colors. On each table, in fact, oak leaf decora- tions will center about a yellow candle in a blue base. About 165 candles will Wolverine Has Labor…

… Trouble Meeting To Be Held Today On 'Hours' Increase Ten students, and one, faculty member representing workers, the Board of Directors, and membership- at-large of the Wolverine Coopera- tive Restaurant…

October 22, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…, Westfall Each Score 12 (Continued from Page 1) quarter Trosko intercepted Lou Lett's pass on the Michigan 35 and went to. the: Chicago 42 where Miller downed him. The Wolverines were penalized 15 yards to…

… Maroon first string tackle, blocked his see- territory (which -was trampled all nd punt of . the year yesterday day). Joe Rogers traveled to the 18 and put the Wolverines hi a per- on an end-around play…

October 12, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 16) • Page Image 4

…- operatives to be beyond the "interesting experi- ~ nent" stage. In the Wolverine Restaurant and 'the eight cooperative houses Michigan students have found the answer to the need for some eans to lower living…

… expenses, while maintain- ing a high standard of living. Starting with a nucleus of 25 members, the Wolverine has.,grown to the.largest independent student center on campus, with more than 800 members, both…

October 10, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 14) • Page Image 3

…, Economy Bring Women To Wolverine By JEAN SHAPERO permission to sit at their table be- Better food than in the restaur- ants, quicker service, pleasant sur roundings, collegiate atmosphere, and above all…

…, economical meals-all these are given by women students as reasons for their "crashing" the Wolverine Cooperative Restaurant this semester. This unprecedented membership adds up to almost two dozen women…

October 08, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL --,-I Membership Rise Reported At Wolverine i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FASHION DISCOVERY of the Month vaded it. Into that historical frame-work is woven the story of "Alexander…

… sale at the League box office. All seats will be reserved By HELEN CORMAN Michigan Wolverine restaurant business is showing substantial in- crease this year, according to Dragon C. Mitrovich, '40L…

October 25, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

… Michigamua Michigan Anti-WarSociety Michigan Christian Foundation a Guild2 Michigan Dames Club Michigan Sailing Club Michigan Union w Michigan Wolverine a Mimes o Mertarboard n Michigan Movie Makers S Mu Phi…

… leaving for the Yale Bowl ! and a surprising display of Eli cour- age and*pass offense . . . Grantland R ice and Paul Mickelson, major ob- servers, were there, lured by tales of Wolverine prowess, but they…

October 21, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

… drive up to New p Haven, Conn., where the Michigans and Yales meet after 55 years ofE peace. In 1883 the warriors of Old b Eli swamped the Wolverines, and ita must have been a decisive victory, fort an…

… 118 Ha- , ven. Candidates are asked to make s appointments in the History De-a partment Office, 119 Haven Hall. R n Michigan Wolverine: There is an d opening in the personnel competition or a student…

October 13, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…. his aversion to the Fascist drive Attention of Student Chairmen and against Jews. Managers is called particularly to Wolverine Cooperative To Adopt Liberal Provisions For Labor, A liberal labor policy…

… dimisworking is 15 hours a week, certain of wage has been adopted by the Michi- the workers who have shown con- gan Wolverine, student-run eating scientiousness and ability are per- co-operative with relation…

October 05, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

Wolverine restaurant. Civil Service Commission Broadens Exam System LANSING, Oct. 4-P)-The Civil Service Commission broadened its rules today to permit state employees to take promotional examinations during…

… convention will leave I open every possible door of access to et peace and progress in the affairs of WolverineElection organized labor in the United States. "If leaders of organized labor canI P1a Is Approved…

October 23, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

… Michigan's attack, who willt attempt to pace the Wolverines to their first victory of the year, this afternoon. - State Carried' $8,500,000 In PWA Proj eets Ann Arbor Was Granted J $24,951 For Its Plant;j No…

… Daily)-Iowa is ready for the Wolverines. Starting with one of the largest and most enthusiastic pep meetings in the history of the annual dad's day celebration, the whole town has thrown open the doors in…

October 20, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

… particularly of those having of- fices in Haven Hall, or the Western PREPARE FOR WOLVERINES portion of the Natural Science Build- CHAMPAIGN Ill., Oct. 19.-(,P)-. ing, to the fact that parking of cars Although…

…, Coach Bob WANTED Zuppke plunged Illinois' gridiron war- FrCnestansIn riors into heavy work today for the TYPING, neatly and accurately done. battle with the Wolverines. Most of Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St…

October 20, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

… Michigamua Michigan Independents Michigan League *Michigan Union Michigan Wolverine *Mortarboard *Mu Phi Epsilon New Jersey Club Nippon Club Omega Psi Phi *Peace Council Phi Delta Delta *Phi Epsilon Kappa *Phi…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

… Unstoppable Attack Gives Visitors 19 First Downs To 3% Of Wolverines (Continued from Page 1) The placekick sailed wide and Michi- gan led 6 to 0. It took the Gophers only seven plays in the second quarter to…

… a most capable substitute. Matheny's efforts cul- minated in his scoring the final touchdown in the 39-6 rout. WM. B. AMSTUTZ 610 Wolverine Bldg. Ann Arbor Phone 8946 h .A ~lC o 25 ;UPWARDS T.__ _.4…

October 10, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

… vulnerable spot An the third quar- ter to gain a 7 to 0 victory. Outgaining the Wildcats via rush- ing, 125 yards to 106, the improved Wolverines matched the title defend- ers thrust for thrust on their ground…

… pounded through center and fumbled the ball, Wegner recovering for Wildcats. Again in the waning moments the Wolverines refusing to quit, started another march. Bernie Jefferson, colored Wildcat ace, kicked…

… from his own 20, but the ball caromed off two Wolverine chargers and went out of bounds on Northwestern's 36. Trosko again assumed command of Mich- igan's offensive. Siegel Stars In Line He skirted end…

… al- ternately apart, through the melee emerged one Wolverine covered with glory and the praise of the entire 32,- 000 spectators present. He was Don Siegel, Royal Oak tackle, whose (Continued on Pare…

October 16, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

… this way correlated subjiects may CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PROFESSIONAL Beauty Service. Soft water shampoo, wave-50c. Juanita House of Beauty: Juanita Schanz, 410 Wolverine Bldg. Phone, 3023. 55x ROOMS…

… snap band. Reward. Fred Reinheimer. 901~7. 97 TYPEWRITERS Typewriters_ Rentals, Sales and Service Special Rates to Students REMINGTON, RAND, Inc. 406 Wolverine Bldg. Ann Arbor Phone 5888 87x LAUNDRY…

October 04, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…-executed running attack, swept over a Michigan team composed mostly of sophomores yes- terday in the Stadium to make it three straight over the Wolverines. The final score was 21 to 7. -Michigan Daily Photo Bob…

… Cooper ran smack into his own interference on this attempted thrust off tackle midway of the first quarter of yesterday's Spartan- Wolverine game. Art Brandstatter is holding up the play long enough for…

… after the second quar- ter began, and finally marched to a score. Pass Ruled Incomplete With the ball in the possession of the Wolverines on the State 25-yard stripe, Smithers faded back to the 40 and…

… quarter. Kovacich And Pingle After Fred Ziegel had returned Cooper's punt to the State 32, Full- back George Kovacich went through the Wolverine line for a first down on the 42. Two plays later Johnny…

October 29, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

… to meet the strong schedule which the Wolverines will face. The remaining divisions look strong, and by the time the regular season ar- rives Keen expects to put a strong team on the mat. Tiny Wright…

… To Be Moved Over To Tackle Spot Joe Rinaldi Will Be Back At Center; Everhardus May Have Cracked Rib John Viergever, veteran Wolverine tackle who suffered a reoccurence of a leg injury in Saturday…

…, first string forward last year, John Jablonski, Earl Townsend, George Rudness, and a number of sopho- mores will be trying for the forward positions. played resulting in Wolverine victor- ies. Courtright…

…'s estimate of the Penn eleven makes it seem likely that the Wolverines, to win, will have to omit their seemingly customary second half let down, for the Quakers will be here to bear out pre-season predic…

October 26, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

… OgadenTerritory Italians Flying 225 Miles From Capital Tribal Chieftains Reported Joining Invading Ranks After Defeat At Callafo Wolverines Are Favored Over Columbia In First Intersectional Encounmter…

… A r t fLLL " c ur ZJL rLU kTo Sleep) Traditional Rivalry Will Culminate With Annual Events AtFerry Field Plan Cane Spree And Pillow Fight, Wolverine Hopes Rest On His Arm Today Little Shakes Up…

Wolverine running attack. New York fans are pulling for Co- lumbia to stage a comeback from the Lions' disastrous defeat by the heavy Pennsylvania team last Saturday. They remember the 1933 season when…

Wolverine attack will be added when Renner is in the back position, for the Michi- gan captain is capable of doing the team's punting, also, and Kipke had him working at this all week. The quick kick is…

… expected to be a power- ful factor in the Wolverine attack to- morrow. The tricky Columbia offense is not expected to give the Wolverines much trouble after the first few minutes of play when the Michigan…

October 16, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 15) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAiLY PAGE; Kipke Drives Varsity Hard In Preparing For Wisconsin Tilt ---- Six Wolverine Kasley Is Honored Natators Get HonorRating Michigan Men On…

… around Ann Arbor for consist- ently refusing to risk the long string of dual-meet victories his Yale team has piled up by meeting Michigan, Matt Mann, coach of the Wolverine natators and himself a member…

October 06, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 7) • Page Image 8

… 6 yard loss. Warm- bein punted to the Wolverine 37 where Everhardus took the ball and ran it back 5 yards before Zindel hit him Everhardus was stopped after one yard by Sebo and Colina. Wagner stopped…

… tackled Warm - bein for an 8 yard loss, but Michigan was offside on the play and the ball went to the Wolverine's 25 yard line. A pass from Warmbein to Zarza which was followed by a lateral to Colina gained…

October 28, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 31) • Page Image 6

… whole kicked to Jennings who returned to ried it back to the 28. Lindberg kicked geezi head-on and was replaced by 1 Wolverine line rose up on the next his own 38. Regeczi hit the line, but to Jennings…

… berg, going off tackle, was again Sweet gained nothing. Beard re- ball on a plunge off guard for a gain again sliced through the line and went thwarted by the Wolverine line. On placed Hildebrand…

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