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January 27, 2009 (vol. 119, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

… who is stretching her legs at an almost impossible angle. The instructor, Jasprit Singh, is a professor of electrical engineer- ing and computer science at the University - and happens to be a fiercely…

….TheMichiganDailyisamemberof TheAssoatedPressand TheAsoated Colleiate Pres. 4 4 4 CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Apple keyboard Man refuses to Free ballroom. Psychology film stolen provide ID to dancing class on screening…

… WHERE: Cyber Lounge, Mich- hospital staff North Campus WHAT: A documentary on. the "bi d-s bsyoa,'nsn deyn"a igan League WHEN: Sundayat about 1:00 p.m. WHAT: An Apple iMac keyboard was stolen, Uni…

January 13, 2009 (vol. 119, iss. 72) • Page Image 6

… Nodded on 2 a 4 s a 1 12 42 Primary trunk line 14 1s 1is 43 Golfers' starting points 17 18 19 45 Dweeb 46 Big Apple paper, initially 23 24 47 Chunk of change 25 28 27 2 29 30 31 32 33 50 Spokane-to- a us a…

… 38.70 4lines 17.20 25.80 3940 43.00 51.60 Classification: 010 - Lost Found 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 4 Policies…

January 08, 2009 (vol. 119, iss. 69) • Page Image 11

… fas-paced Ameri- can lifestyle often leads us tolose touch with proper eating tech- nique, causing us to focus on the television or computer instead of our meal. Learning to cook for yourself also helps…

… in ciate dean of the School of Music, eens of most Apple laptops, Theatre and Dance and supervisor ly-empty dorm room and for Block M Records, "The term 'new music' in 'New Music on the Block' does…

January 07, 2009 (vol. 119, iss. 68) • Page Image 7

… energy in the resi- dence halls, residential computing sites are completely shut down, and the dining services staff were instructed to turn off unnecessary lights and equipment. University Housing…

… Central Services, said computers at ITCS campus com- puting sites were on low-energy consumption sleep mode during FRATERNITY P From Page 1A discovered. He said the repair costs, which are being covered by…

… insurance, haven't been deter- mined. Despite the inconvenience the break. "IT administrators in schools, colleges and departments advise faculty and staff to turn off as much computing equipment, including…

… Setback this year. "Our Energy Command Cen- ter has computer access to adjust the settings for about 3,000 ther- mostats in 75 buildings campus- wide," Roland said in an e-mail interview. "Beginning at noon…

… out books yesterday for LSA sophomore Tricia Shine in preparation for the upcoming semester, which starts today. Apple alters song prices Tech company to use three-tier system for song purchases SAN…

… FRANCISCO (AP) - Apple Inc. is cutting the price of some songs in its market-leading iTunes online store to as little as 69 cents and plans to make every track avail- able without copy protection. In Apple

…'s final appearance at the Macworld trade show, Apple's top marketing executive, Philip Schiller, said yesterday that iTunes song prices will come in three tiers: 69 cents, 99 cents and $1.29. Record…

… companies will choose the prices, which marks a significant change, since Apple previously made all songs sell for 99 cents. Apple gave the record labels that flexibility on pricing as it got them to agree to…

… sell all songs free of"dig- ital rights management," or DRM, technology that limits people's abil- ity to copy songs or move them to multiple computers. Applehad been offering a limited selection of…

…Tunes changes marked the highlights of Schiller's run as a stand-in for CEO Steve Jobs, who used to make Macworld the site for some of Apple's biggest prod- uct unveilings, such as the iPhone. Apple said last…

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