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January 23, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…: Monday at about 2 p.m. WHAT: Someone broke into a student's car and stole a street pilot model GPS sys- tem, DPS reported. Police have no suspects. -Car window Computers broken in C sbmissing from Sqr sd…

…: Mary Markley Residence Hall WHEN: Monday at about 5 p.m. WHAT: Several older Uni- versity computers were reppted missing from from Marky Markley after inven- tory was taken, DPS report- ed. Police have…

… no suspects. WIN $50 OR $100 APPLE STORE GIFT CARDS VOTE FOR THE MICHIGAN DAILY'S BEST OF ANN ARBOR 2008 Vote today! Polls Close January 25th Go to www.michigandaily com/aabest to enter your votes…

January 18, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

… were no dead service members identified yesterday. LAPTOPS From Page 1 receives one report of a stolen lap- top per week. The real number of stolen computers could be much higher. The last two incoming…

… security officer, said the Universi- ty recommends that students pur- chase recovery software for their computers. The software, which usually ROBERTS From Page 1 Roberts spoke at length about how important…

… downloaded directly from a company's website, purchased with a new laptop or bought in stores that carry computer mer- chandise. LoJack, one companythatcoffers computer recovery software, also offers tracers…

computer's serial number and avoid leaving laptops unattended. Howell said students should store sensitive information like bank accounts and social secu- hate and fear. "It was a dangerous thing to teach…

… Ladens,especiallythesonsofOsama - are all terrorists. This is not the truth," Omar told the AP last week at a cafe ina Cairo shopping mall. VOTE NOW FOR A CHANCE TO WIN' $50 OR $100 APPLE STORE GIFT…

January 17, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 78) • Page Image 11

computer technology for artis- tic purposes. He made drawing machines, and other artists tin- kered with randomly generated paintings and the like. The ques- tion then was how to incorpo- rate the burgeoning…

… meets function": "Heck No." It's no surprise the exhibit is rife with cynicism. After all, Google and Amazon are figuring out what you're going to click on before you do, Apple is creating a lifestyle out…

January 31, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 87) • Page Image 12

… BIRD) It's not that the computer-gen- erated animation is astonishingly good - though it is. And it's not that "Ratatouille" is perfectly sweet, perfectly funny and per- fectly charming - though, yes, it…

… Pine- apple Express," already famous for a brief preview that blazed the Web late last year - and there's every reason to be hopeful that his brand becomes a new conven- tion. feeling quite so joyous…

January 30, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 86) • Page Image 7

Apple iPods and Nike sneakers. In China, the New Year holiday, which begins Feb. 7, is as important as Christmas is in the West. For most migrant workers, it's the only time of the year when they can…

….8 high school GPA, age 18 or older, job experience(s) extra-curricular activi- ties, computer skills. Very flexible hours. $12/hour. Part-tune position. Send resume to For Wednesday…

January 23, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 81) • Page Image 6

… the 9 Decide rooms say ground 10 Sticks with 50 Snick-or-__ 62 IRS into 16 Advantage 11 Trash can 53 1970s-'86s John 64 Apple forthe 17 Not-so-great emanation candy vehicle, teacher? explanation 12…

… valid student ID (non-organizational, non- 040- Computers Is must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges 045 Technology We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, 050-TFumilug " For Classified…

January 16, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 77) • Page Image 6

… terms to suit youl Call row for correntprices and specials 734.663.8463 *AWESOME HOUSE - 441 Hamilton Pl. 5-6 bdrms. May-May '08 ($2950/mo.) or Jan.-May '08 ($2000/hse. or $500/rm.) Major appl., cent. A…

…-organizational; non- 040 - Computers ds must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, 045 -Technology < For Classified Display advertising, please call one es 060 - For…

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