January 23, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 81) • Page Image 2
…: Monday at about 2 p.m. WHAT: Someone broke into a student's car and stole a street pilot model GPS sys- tem, DPS reported. Police have no suspects. -Car window Computers broken in C sbmissing from Sqr sd…
…: Mary Markley Residence Hall WHEN: Monday at about 5 p.m. WHAT: Several older Uni- versity computers were reppted missing from from Marky Markley after inven- tory was taken, DPS report- ed. Police have…
… no suspects. WIN $50 OR $100 APPLE STORE GIFT CARDS VOTE FOR THE MICHIGAN DAILY'S BEST OF ANN ARBOR 2008 Vote today! Polls Close January 25th Go to www.michigandaily com/aabest to enter your votes…