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January 07, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 80) • Page Image 8

…-clad messengers. SAY IT WITH BALLOONS. 995-1972. cJtc TYPING, EDITING, TECHNICAL DRAWING: IBM Selectric, reasonable rates, Patty Brennan, 995-0524, MIDWEST COMPUTER SUPPLY INC. 3M 5Y in. SS-DD RH $2.50. Epsom MX…

… 70/80 Cartridge ribbon $6.95 NEC8023 (Apple matrix) $8.95. 973-0015 Ask for Bill 10-6. 720112 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED-$230/month in- cludes all food and utilities. Large house, friendly co- operative…

January 08, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 81) • Page Image 6

… them up! dQ0108 MIDWEST COMPUTER SUPPLY INC. 3M 5% /in. SS-DD RH $2.50. Epsom MX 70/80 Cartridge ribbon $6.95 NEC8023 (Apple matrix) $8.95. 973-0015 Ask for Bill 10-6. 720112 THE U-M ARTS CHORALE has…

… carriers to deliver newspapers. Just call 764-0558 to apply. dHtc SERVICES. COMPUTERS&SUPPLIES by MBL SYSTEMS featuring New & Used Radio Shack TRS-80 1217 Prospect Ave. - A.A. - Call 996-0942 THE BEST PRICES…

January 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 82) • Page Image 8

…., Thurs., 3-5 p.m. in Angell Hall, Aud. A. 89M0111. MIDWEST COMPUTER SUPPLY INC. 3M 5% in. SS-DD RH $2.50. Epsom MX 70/80 Cartridge ribbon $6.95 NEC8023 (Apple matrix) $8.95. 973-0015 Ask for Bill 10…

…, Resumes, all typing jobs, word processing. Reasonable! 662-0072. cJtc COMPUTERS&SUPPLIES by MBL SYSTEMS featuring New & Used Radio Shack TRS-80 1217 Prospect Ave. - A.A. - Call 996-0942 THE BEST PRICES IN…

January 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 82) • Page Image 9

… Daily - Tuesday, January 10, 1984 --Page 9 PH PHandheld Computers for the uuu aom uL~8K RAM standard Features: The PC-1500A incorporates 16K bytes of system ROM and 8K bytes of user available RAM…

… 13 times. WANTED Students with comprehensive understanding of microcomputers (Apple, IBM, Atari, Commodore) PART-TIME TELEMARKETING Flexible Hours High Pay Walking Distance from Campus Send replys to…

January 11, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

… education, one semester of computer science 'and two years of foreign language, fine arts, vocational education or practical arts. ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada (AP) - Medical students evacuated during the U…

…), Andrew Ewing, "Analytical Applications of Micro-Voltametric Electrodes," 4 p.m., 1200 Chem. Computing Center - Forrest Hartman, "Welcome to MTS," 7 p.m., 130 BSAD. Chem. Eng. - Brice Carnahan, "Intro to…

… Digigal Computing & MTS, I," 7 r p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud. Russian & East European Studies - Brown bag, William Rosenberg, "The Comparative History of Labor Protest - Report on the Paris Colloquium," noon, Lane…

… disasters and to try to head off armed international conflicts. ANTED Students with cotiprehensive understanding of microcomputers (Apple, IBM, Atari, Commodore) PART-TIME TELEMARKETING Flexible Hours High…

January 11, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 83) • Page Image 6

… WANTED 1 973-6328 WA N, E D MEN'S WINTER SOFTBALL "Snoball" tour- nament, January 14 and 15, Belleville, call 699-5587 or 697-2693. 08M0113 MIDWEST COMPUTER SUPPLY INC. 3M 5 in. SS-DD RH $2.50. Epsom MX…

… 70/80 Cartridge ribbon $6.95 NEC8023 (Apple matrix) $8.95. 973-0015 Ask for Bill 10-6. 720112 THE U-M ARTS CHORALE has openings for all voices. It meets Tues., Thurs., 3-5 p.m. in Angell H , A. d A ud…

January 12, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 84) • Page Image 6

…. SAY IT WITH BALLOONS. 995-1972. cJtc REALM'S LSAT PREP COURSE Feb. 7-- March 1 Reasonable rates 665-3579 12J0204 M.I. tM.C ELLANEOUS * MIDWEST COMPUTER SUPPLY INC. 3M 5% in. SS-DD RH $2.50. Epsom MX 70…

…/80 Cartridge ribbon $6.95 NEC8023 (Apple matrix) $8.95. 973-0015 Ask for Bill 10-6. 720112 MEN'S WINTER SOFTBALL "Snoball" tour- nament, January 14 and 15, Belleville, call 699-5587 or 697-2693. 08M0113 SCOTT E…

… Farrar and Trude Jaffe ©1984 Los Angeles Times Sypdicate 1 6 10. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 27 311 35 36 38 ACROSS Etchers' needs Painter.Chagall Apple part Water wheel Mountain: Comb. form Fixed…

… Students with comprehensive understanding of microcomputers (Apple, IBM, Atari, Commodore) PART-TIME TELEMARKETING Flexible Hours High Pay :11 37 d a I i I L-- I t 1 1 J I 1 …

January 21, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

… professoriate, and to present the, salary of the missing professor to the state as part of its budgeted An apple for the teacher WHEN SECRETARY of Education Terrance Bell sang the virtues of an education…

… stressing basic skills such as writing and mathematics and criticized over-emphasizing computer learning programs he reminded. us of, the Crosby, Stills, and Nash tune, "Teach Your Children Well." His ver…

… strategies have failed to use the computer as a creative reinforcement of the student's l-earning process. Bell described the trend toward school purchase of com- puters as "almost a fad." He noted, E' "Most…

… of the computer software we have now is electronic page-turning"" and "it hasn't been designed to do a A good job of interacting with the mind of &- the student.." F. Bell's evaluation points out the…

… misguided application of the computer in our nation's schools. Administrators impressed by flashy sales talk and community pressure to "modernize" M )s b . a 4 a" 4l j often miss the point. The computer as…

… sophisticated and effective.ways of thinking. To be able to operate a computer is certainly a desirable skill in our society, but even more impor- tant is an individual's ability to com- municqte with other…

… about computer-illiterate children, but it produces more well-rounded and adap- table people. The latest popular tune might be more popular, but "Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmatic" is the oldie but goodie…

January 25, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

… Under a deal with Apple Computers He als Inc., the sales of four types of Apple systems c computers, including the Macintosh "We jus model unveiled in New York yesterday, going. tos may begin by early…

… prices, afraid they will invite competitors able to offer bargains because their parts and labor are cheap compared to that purchased with the strong dollar. 'U' to sell computers to students, By…

…. purchase 800 computers from the com- The Ma pany for substantially reduced prices. price of$ University officials are hoping close percent d ties with the company will make it which re easier for students…

… and professors to $5,500, de purchase and use computers, while Ap- discounte ple is using the deals to. tap a large The Ap student market. close to th Although the University is hoping to "THEl begin…

… taking orders for the computers Macintosh by next week, officials are unsure of ple is notz how much the computers will cost and the HIe to how long the company will take to high scho deliver. Marks GREG…

… MARKS, a University com-S staff ystems manager and chief of the program, said the rg for the computers arrived y and the University will an- he prices next week. o said that delivery of the could take…

… some time. st don't know how fast Apple is ship," Marks said. "We still ave any models to even te with." NIVERSITY will sell four dif- mputers: the Macintosh, the Apple Ile, and the Apple III. acintosh…

January 25, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

… the importance of establishing import quotas on shoes made abroad in a Washington news conference yesterday. Apple, 'U' make deal; computer sales blossom (Continued from Page 1) By GEOFF JOHNSON Circe…

… to use the computers. The center also will be available to train students who purchase computers from somewhere other than the University, Marks said. Most students reacted positively to the Apple deal…

… the computer retail business, thus competing with local merchants for a large segment of Ann Arbor's high-tech market," Lochner said. "We support Apple products being used internally, but question the…

… the Huron River where they held him under the water until he drowned. COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MAJORS THE MOVE IS ONTO nM I ... A REMARKABLE COMPUTER COMPANY with locations…

… throughout the U.S. and Canada. ROLM's breadth and diversity are apparent in its expanding divisions: TELECOMMUNICATIONS designs and manufactures digital computer-controlled business communication systems for…

…. MIL-SPEC COMPUTER develops, manufactures and sells ruggedized computer systems. MOVE ON TO THE FREEDOM OF ROLM, where high value is placed on personal intitiative, creativity and rapid career movement…

… with a high'degree of initiative, strong communication skills and demonstrated leadership abilities. For this recruiting season, we are primar- ily seeking computer science and electrical engineering…

… sharing and stock pur- chase plan. 3-month paid sabbatical after 6 continuous years of employ- ment. Active housing program for all new hires. will only be allowed to purchase one computer each, and will…

Computer Center and the School of Education are teaming up to provide technical and educational training to buyers. The two units will form a Microcom- puter Education Center to show studen- ts and staff how…

… long." Paula Johnson, another sophomore computer science major, said the plan 'sounds like a good idea." Local computer dealers who sell Ap- ple computers were considerably less enthused. Anita Lochner…

January 29, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

… students are going to be getting Apples from the University-the kind you punch, not the'kind you munch. In a deal with Apple Computers Inc., Univer- sity students and staff will be able to purchase…

… for that first computer. break. Sure, Apple will be able to tap a huge market and the University will ease pressure on its overtaxed terminal facilities, but what's wrong with everyone being a winner…

computers will. be sold by the University: the brand new Macintosh, the Lisa, the Apple Hie, and the Apple III. The juiciest deals will be available on the Macin- tosh and the Lisa. The Macintosh retails for…

… teaming upto provide technical and educational training. Apple and the University have been getting along very well lately-the College of Engineering picked up 800 computers from Steve Job's company last…

… is selling Apple Computers at discount prices. _4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan UTOPIA Vol. XCIV-No. 99 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent…

…OPINION Page 4 Sunday; January 29, 1984 The Michigan Daily I The 'U, tries a hard sell for software T RADITIONS TOPPLE. It used to be that the students gave the teacher an apple, but now…

…. Officials are unsure at present of how much the computers will cost and how long it will take the company to deliver. It is expected, though, that a price list will be available in a few days. Four different…

… $2,495 and will be sold for roughly half that. The Lisa which retails for between $3,500 and $5,500 will be discounted by 40 percent. Greg Marks, a University computer systems manager and chief…

… organizer of the program, explained that "the rationale is to help the Macintosh and the Lisa. Apple is not nearly as interested in selling the HIe to colleges. They consider it a high school machine…

…. Unfortunately it will be pretty difficult to pass the savings along to friends and family members since customers are limited to one computer each. On the other hand, an enter- prising few might try scalping them…

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