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January 07, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

… however. Other weaknesses in the Wolverine lineup are injury hangovers. Capt. Beebe's taped ankle has slowed him up slightly and Danny Smick's ban- daged forehead is still in evidence Mike Sofiak, who took…

… (C) Nisbet Thomas G Wardley Referee: N. E. Kearns (DePaul); Tmpire: John Schommer (Chicago). Lead Wolverines Into Action Tonight Third Straight Win Is Sougjt Danner Is Il; Newsoni Demands Returns E…

… Samuelson and Chuck the end of November. hopes to get in condition to try out Ross will be on hand to replace any Danner, who speaks several lan- for the Olympic squad, of these Wolverine players. Ivan Reid…

… the holidays. There is little doubt as to who will start in the heavyweight class for the Wolverines, for Forrest "Butch" Jor- dan continued the pace which he has set all year by easily pinning Joe…

January 08, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

… of polish, however, in one important depart- ment. While the Wolverines were ready to mix it at all times and dergonstrated plenty: of intestinal fortitude, the team was sadly lacking on good checking…

… hampered by a lame back and Capt. Leo Beebe and Dan Smick also ailing, the Wolverines never had a chance against the speedy forces of Coach Douglas Mills. Rae, assigned to guard the ever iangerous Lewis…

January 11, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

… (Ont.) A.C. took advantage of two penalties to whip three goals past the under-manned Wolverines last night and hand Coach Eddie Lowrey's team its first defeat in five starts this season, 5-3. The first…

…" James. This made the count 4-3 in favor of London, and it never relinquished the lead, The Wolverines opened the game in impressive style, dominating the play completely in the early minutes. Capt. Les…

… Hillberg, who played an excellent all-around game for the full 60 minutes, counted the first goal, taking a pass ffom Evie Doran, and catching goalie Hemphill off guard at 3:55. However, the Wolverine

January 14, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

… been found that instead of breaking the 200- mark by 1.2 seconds and the 250- by 2.4, the Wolverines had I failed by .1 and .2 respectively to smash the records. All three of these relay marks are held…

… powerful In- diana team and an enthusiastic crowd of Wolverine fans that they still reign supreme in Big Ten circles at the Field House by pulling away to a convincing 17 to 11 triumph over the Hoosiers…

… years of competition and definitely stamps the Wolverines as favored to take their second Big Ten championship in a row. Michigan's Jim Mericka, veteran 136-pounder, turned the tide for the Wolverines in…

January 17, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

… . special attention afforded to that arch rivalry of the ice-Michi- gan versus Minnesota. This week finds the Gopher and Wolverine sextets meeting on Thurs- day and Saturday nights at the Coli- seum. Behind…

…, resulting in a Big Ten draw. "Feeling runs high in nearly all these Wolverine-Gopher con- tests;- one notable fight in Ann Arbor some seven years ago found spectators, coaches, managers, and even the highly…

… Indianapolis on Feb. 15, 1936 According to swimming coach Matt Mann, Skinner will enroll at Michi- gan "unless one of those eastern schools snatches him away." P ukien Seelk Gopher Scalp Wolverines To Be At Full…

… Strength For Series i With their 4 to 0 victory over Illi- nois last Saturday evening a thing of the past, Coach Eddie Lowrey and his Wolverine sextet went through a hard 90 minute practice session last…

… night in preparation for their two game stand this week against the Gophers of Minnesota. Despite the fact that the Wolverines took a considerable amount of bounc- ,.,nnvnss , fnt +h 1 1 Tili n-1 1 lp v…

January 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

… team which has finally proved Coach Larry Armstrong's contention that it is 40 per cent better than its predecessor will meet the Wolverines for the 63rd and 64th contests in the historic Big Ten puck…

Wolverines last season are back. Backbone of the colorful Gopher offense is the mercurial Johnny Ma- riucci, veteran defenseman and the squad's leading scorer since he joined the Gopher ranks last season. Al…

January 20, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

Wolverines came from behind after the Nittany Lions had annexed the first two bouts by decisions. Weidig Is Beaten Tom Weidig, inexperienced Michi- gan sophomore, fell a victim to Carl King's clever grappling…

… Mericka, Wolverine 136 pound- er, took the advantage at the outset and with his opponent, Frank Glea- son, having an advantage of head scissors, the Wolverine used this to his own advantage to pin Gleason…

… State ahead 12-10. Morgan gained the advantage at the start, but was unable to hold the ap- parently stronger Bachman in a see- saw struggle. Buckeyes And Wolverines Meet At I-M In Battle Of Champions…

Wolverines may emerge from a year's submerg- ence and rise again to the pinacle. Patnik Should Win The diving, both first and second places, should be conceded to- the in- vaders. Al Patnik, National cham…

… N G II with an In the quarter, Ohio will have to fight for its points. Welsh and Hay- nie can win but Ed Hutchens may swim instead of the Wolverine cap- tain. For Ohio, it will be between Johnson…

January 21, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… Tearn Tonight Cellar Awaits Wolverines If They Lose; Stephens Paces Hawkeye's Attack "Blazing Ben" Stephens, the Big Ten's number one scoring threat, leads his resurgent Iowa teammates against a down…

… optimism is not as high as thestalks however. That's because they know what has happened to the Wolverines -and' that they are liable to bounce back with a vengeance one of these nights. And as they put it…

… broke. The injury jinx hit the team, at the same time, the Wolverine sharpshoot- ers lost their touch and as a result the squad has lost four out of the last five cotnests. So tonight it's either win or…

… Hillberg At Defense Post. In Contest At Coliseum By NEWELL McCABE Once again the Wolverine hockey sextet will have a chance to show the, local fans, on home ice, that they can match the Golden Gophers of…

… Defense Powerful Although this year's Minnesota's hockey team is not as powerful as the previous squads they have sent to the Coliseum, it is the Gopher defensive play which kept the Wolverines score- less…

January 22, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

… unusual amount of class. However when the gun sounded the end of sixty minutes of play, Minnesota had completed-its second, straight shutout over the Wolverines with a 4 to 0 score. Before a capacity crowd…

… of Wolver- ine fans John Mariucci, star defense man of the Gophers, took the cheery and booes that were aimed at him and retaliated by bouncing the Wolverine players off the boards and making one of…

…. Starting things offhMari- ucci received a cut across the eye which resulted in more tape being added to his already bandage-hidden face.d Staving off a Wolverine drive in the second period, Goalie Falk of…

… the Wolverines. The first score of the gene came after 18 minutes of play in the first period. Capt. Ken Anderson took a pass from Rheinberger in front of the Wolverine net and the flipped the puck past…

January 22, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 87) • Page Image 6

… awaiting their coming with open arms. And just so does Wolverine coach Charlie Hoyt welcome sophomores Warren Breidenbach, Phil Balyeat and Jack Leutritz to his squad. But here complications enter in, for…

… when the Wolverines square off against Michigan State in the first meet. Ross, a strong, smooth- striding runner, took down second in the outdoor Conference meet last spring and, although he has been…

…'s Wolverine track squad gave definite indications that they are rounding into top form as they went through the last in a series of pre-season time trials at the Yost Field House yesterday after- noon. "It…

… looks like a pretty well balanced team with quite a few of the second place men almost as good as the leaders," was the Wolverine men- tor's comment. "The boys appear in good physical condition, and if…

…, has done 49 flat and won the Junior AAU quarter-mile championship last! summer. Hoyt is enthusiastic about prospects for a good mile relay team and ex- pects the Wolverines will improve on their fourth…

January 22, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 87) • Page Image 7

… Iowa, dumped in a short one from beneath the bas- ket, butaHarmon evened that a moment later and the Wolverines drew away to a 38 to 27 lead early in the period, Anapol and Tommy Lind forwards…

… throughout the entire game. The Wolverines outplayed Iowa in every department of the game. They capitalized on 21 of their 70 shots at the basket, while Iowa could hit only 12 times in 71 attempts. Sloppy ball…

January 24, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

… be- ore the year is out. The two Wolverine senior linemen will play side-by-side this time in the annual College All-Star-Professional game at Chicago Aug. 30. The contest, which is sponsored by the…

… last inkling of a doubt that the Wolverines are clear- ly superior to whatever the East has to offer. Started Last Year Last year, Coach Cliff Keen's pun- ishing crew amassed no less than 85 points to…

… eastern sports last weekend by whipping Penn State, 16 to 12, and New York A.C., 20 to 8, to make it five in a row since the middle of last season. - More weight can oe lent to the ability of the Wolverine

… going easy in his two victories at Penn State and N.Y.A.C Cagers Lose To Ohio State Quintet_45-31 Pink Injured As Buckeyes Stage Last Half Rally To Rout Wolverines (Continued from Page 1) was a blow to…

January 25, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…- (Continued on Page s) Hockey Sextet Meets Aggies Here Tonighi Wolverine Squad To Seek Comeback After Losses To Minnesota Last Week Michigan's battered but riot dis- heartened hockey sextet will have a chance…

Wolverines brought out the fact that what they lacked in scoring ability they made up with a fighting attitude throughout the game. Stronger Last Year Last year with a much stronger squad than the present team…

January 25, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

… Back, Breast Stroke (Continued from Page 1) Wolverines A nd Charley Pink Click, Bert Stodden, Michigan's hard- fighting defense man will again be in the starting lineup tonight when the Wolverines meet…

… sopho- rT more stars, will probably swim in o both distance events, a Attack Begins Early d Although the meet is scheduled toin begin at 7:30, nine of the Wolverine freshmen and varsity men will start w…

… place in the baseball Hall of Fame. Sisler, who was a first-baseman, played on tle Wolverine nine in the pre-war era. k: r 25% Reduction on MEN'S FURNISHINGS SPORT SHIRTS NECKWEAR BELTS SUSPENDERS…

January 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

… points in 'he 100-yard free-style only because Tom Haynie was the only Wolverine entrant in that event. Johnny Haigh started the breast strokers off in the right direction when he went his 200 yard lap in…

… record for 800-. yards. So Haynie, an all-around swim- mer who holds the record for the 150-yard individual medley, turned in a neat 2:33 to pull the 1939 edi- tion of the Wolverines 21.1 under the old…

…, brought the time Ontario Aggies Rally To -Beat Wolverines, 4-3 Hockey Team Folds Up As Visitors Garner Three Tallies In Last Period By NEWELL McCABE Before a crowd that might well have fitted around one…

… table of an important chess game Ontario Aggies hockey team put on a three point rally in the final period oflast night's contest to hand the Wolverine sex- tet their third straight defeat 4 to 3. Coming…

… onto the ice in the fatal last period Michigan held a safe 3 to 1 margin, and in the previous periods it seemed that when the demand was great enough the Wolverines could garner a tally. As the game…

January 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

… .f ..r . f f:.. .r a ... y. a, _ _T . .x. .,.-.. wi~ onmers Breai Records To I (Continued from Page 1) mier the old mark of 24:04 set by 4e Wolverines in 1935. That made it six records down and…

… record cameup to Haynie in a silver platter. He had but to do :r5 to smash the Olympic Club of an Francisco mark of 7:00.2 for 'P yards. Haynie did 1:44.5 and the wolverines were again on their merry a…

… only Wolverine en- leading only with a light left. rant in this event and so the Spar- Suddenly he leaped forward as the ans captured their only second of crowd of 17,350, who contributed to he meet…

January 29, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 93) • Page Image 7

…A, JAN. 9, 1g THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAS SEVEN Wolverines Will Try To Square Series With Bulldog SwimmersI T h e Yale-Michigan swimming meet at the Intramural Pool Feb. 11 may prove the determinant of…

… balance. The East-West angle is obvious. Yale again is back on top in the East and the Wolverines are one of the West's two best. The rivalry between the two coach- es goes back many years. A decade ago…

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