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January 31, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 94) • Page Image 6

… First Big Ten Opponent By Sheldon C. Fullerton Although the Michigan basketball team will devote its time during most of the next two weeks to final examinations, the Wolverines will have two hard games…

… home and home series on Feb. 13. On the niight of Monday, Feb. 15, the opening (lay of the second semester, Iowa's H1awkeve cagers will meet the Wolverines here at lost Field House. While Michigan…

…-6 victory. Svin at that, the Wolverine play Wolverines to Make Last Home' w : far below par. State Has Improved. Appearance in Big Ten Once that time, however, the Opener, Feb. 15. Spdrtans have taken a new…

… mats tryt has enough potential power to this year and will inaugurate the1 give many of the stronger Big Ten second semester activities for the, teims a real fight. , Wolverines. Other features of thej…

…. Gueldner Krumbholz, tion. Last season the Wolverines a ast shooting forward on the same managed to take the measure ofj type as Moffitt, if eligible should the Evanston grapplers, 21 to .13.s considerably…

… which they have built up in the step Hinto uniform, it is doubtful as past two weeks of intensive train- to ftist what the lineup of the ing.-J Wolves would' be, but it is at least Wolverine Heavies…

January 29, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

… throughout the rest of the game. The Buckeyes kept trying to hit the basket but their shots were limited by the stout de- fense that Williamson and Weiss kept up. At the half the Wolverines led, 21 to 14. Ohio…

January 28, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

… LI 'ml Captain 'Norm Daniels, stellar forward and scoring ace of the Wolverine basketball squad will lead his cagers against the strong Ohio State five at Columbus, to- night in Michigan's sixth game…

… with the Main Street of five practice shots before start- Wolverine leader over the entire ing. 441 yard route. We thank you for the interest and attentidn U …

January 26, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…AY, JANUARY 26, 1932 _ T MICIGA TL -'- agers CommencePractice for Strong Ohio 11E9LB AFTER LOSS NGOPHER(CURT JIlness of Hank Weiss Puts Him off Form, Weakening Defense of Wolverine Team…

… took them down, 30 to 26, the Wolverines went1 through a rigorous scrimmage ses- ssion yesterday in preparation for their invasion of the Buckeye state an Thursday. The reverse at Minnesota evened the…

… series between the two teams as the Wolverines annexed the first ' game in Ann Arbor. The Gophers had. a smooth working defensive machine on the floor Saturday which held the Michigan basket jshooters in…

Wolverines will be meeting one of the strongest quintets in the conference when' theyedgo n the floor Thursday night in Columbus. R q Ohio State has dropped only one ga'me in four Big Ten starts and tht as by…

… fact that tank stars of Detroit Yacht Club forced an even division of honors as far as first places in the individual events were concerned, with three each, the Wolverine natators were able to chalk up…

January 24, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

… 2 score. The match was held in the Intra - mural building before a large crowd. Varsity Finishes Ahead. Michigan, however, may have the c6nsolation of a moral victory since the Wolverine varsity won…

…. Paul last Thursday night, defeat was writ- ten on the wall for the Wolverine pucksters. He was skating at top speed when he crashed into a Go- pher defenseman. Both fell to the ice but Keith had a hockey…

January 23, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

… Have New Strength. By Wilbur J. Myers. Just how the Wolverine conting ent of swimmers compares wi that which ran off with nation championship honors last year hi thus far been mostly a matterc…

… Make Trip. Twelve men are scheduled to make the trip to make up the local entry list. These men have shown their mettle in the brilliant record of the Wolverine natators thus far this season. Capt. Bob…

… past weekends. Coach Merrill's squad of Maroons will be a tough nut to crack for they come,in full strength and with the express purpose of duplicating their victory over the Wolverines of last year…

… on the basis of their past per- formances should acount for sever- al of the points the Wolverines hope to get. While Capt. Stonex of the State squad took the measure of both De- Stefano and Lovell…

January 17, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

Wolverines. EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 16.-(P)-Michigan's court team down to its first defeat of the Conference season here tonig Northwestern's victorious forces chalked 'up their fourth str victory, 21 to 2o, in…

… Daniel. Wolverine captain, in the. fo position. Garner of Michigan ed a capable game in the pivot THE LINEUPS Michigan (20) FGl Eveland, f........ Daniels, f .... .. Garner, c......... Weiss, g…

January 16, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

… while teammates at Oklahoma A. and M. Put on Finishing Touches. The Wolverine grapplers put on the finishing touches for the State engagement with a light workout yesterday afternoon. Coach Keen and his…

…, the Hawaiian Wolverine, will be matched with the Spartan veteran, Austin, in the fl-poulI class. The little Maize and Blue wrestler has displayed a great amount of mat ability and knowlet ge in his…

January 14, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

… Independent students on the These two matcnes will conclude campus who would be willing to the pre-conference .schedule with compete in the Intramural meets if the Wolverines swinging into ac- they could get on…

January 10, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…,Michigan cut down the gap with a rush, Garner,' Eveland, and Daniels, who s'ub- stituted fdr the lanky center at this point, accounting for five goals between them. As soon as the Wolverines gained 41-,oir…

… injury to the Toronto grappler caused him to concede the bout to Stoddard. The Wolverines scored two falls in the six matches and the other four bouts were won with big time advantages. In the evening…

…'s opener Texiera, the Hawaiian Wolverine, threw Phillips after holding the advantage throughout the five min- utes and. eighteen seconds of the 118-pound bout. Wilson scored the other fall, throwing Zachanko…

January 09, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 75) • Page Image 1


… toughest foes that the Wolverines will be called upon to meet throughout the entire sea- son. Already the Badgers have given a scare. to the champion Northiestern, aggregation, drop- ping a 31-30 decision to…

… necessary later if the lanky Badger tip-off man, Roy Oakes, succeeds in gain- ing the tip from the Michlgan lead- er. In that even~t it is likely that OGrner, giant Wolverine substitute, will try his luck at…

… teams, Michi- gan holding the advantage with nine victories as against Wiscon- sin's seven. The Wolverines also lead in total points scored, 362 to 343, but a margin of only 19 points is not any great…

January 05, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 71) • Page Image 6

… the meet.. Johnny Schmeiler, the Big Ten breast stroke cha'mp, added to the. Wolverine laurels by setting a new mark for the 100-yard distance in this event while competing in the Cleveland meet Dec. 18…

… 12 Wolverine stars annexed every first place in Intent on the removal of surplus the meet to win 64-20. It was a poundage and regaining their pre- flashy showing for Coach Matt holiday wrestling form…

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