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January 08, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 71) • Page Image 7

… dealing with it for at least a year," he said. "That's one of the things the Computer Showcase is for." Fortunately for Apple owners, the technological malfunction doesn't affect Macintosh com- puters…

…. Tishhouse said Intel had already corrected the problem by the time Apple started using Intel processors in its computers last summer. Musbach's dilemma was never completely resolved. After visiting the…

…- ported the cause. "I tend to agree with the ladies in lavender," she said. -Dan Feldman contributed to this report WIRELESS From page LA afflicted computers to the show- case to be fixed. "We've been…

… showcase twice and installing two different drivers, her laptop still won't work. Computer Show- case employees said her computer might not be compatible with the University's wireless network, Musbach said…

…. Musbach said she thought the University should bear some responsibility for the compatibility problem. "Can't this be cut two ways?" she asked. Some computer owners have Monday, January 8, 2007 - 7A had…

… Under- graduate Library and the Graduate Library, so she decided to take her Dell laptop to the Computer Show- case. After installing the new drivers, she was able to use the wireless net- work. "It was…

January 10, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…Pod-phone hybrid, changes name Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs announced yesterday the iPod maker's long-awaited leap into the mobile phone business and renamed the company to just "Apple Inc.," reflecting its…

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 3A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 3A NEWS BRIEFS SAN FRANCISCO Apple unveils new i…

… increased focus on consumer electronics. The iPhone, which will start at $499 when it launches in June, is controlled by touch, plays music, surfs the Internet and runs the Macintosh computer operating system…

January 10, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

… Gaucho's lasso 43 't0nmprotetgp. 44 Campaigner's itinerary item 46 Time abbr. 47 Apple player 48 Haughty 51 -Loompa: Roal Dahl dwarf 54 Hill builder 57 Multicultural places 59 'The Matrix" hero 60 S…

… contracts are available- 025 - Parking aff for details * Students may receive a 20% discount when 030- Automotive I in person with a valid student ID (non-organizational, non- 040 - Computers Inly) a All ads…

January 11, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

… reports water-logged computer WHERE: East Quad Resi- dence Hall WHEN: Monday at about 4 p.m. WHAT: A male student re- ported water damage to his computer, DPS reported. Key, two bucks stolen WHERE: North…

… after being taunted with anti-gay slurs and savagely beaten at a New Year's Eve party in San Francisco, The Associated Press reported. One member of the group suffereda brokenjaw. Apple CEO Steve Jobs…

January 11, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 74) • Page Image 10

…2B - Thursday, January 11, 2007 {the b-sidel The Michigan Daily - TECH NOTEBOOK Apple unveils Jesus Phone 0 By CAITLIN COWAN DailyArts Editor If you have an iPod, chances are…

… you carry it around along with your keys, wallet and cellphone. You might even have a digital camera or Palm Pilot in addition to all that. And at the Macworld 2007 key- note speech, Apple CEO Steve…

… Mangum - who's currently front- ing Apples in Stereo - and guitarist Robert Schneider, Rick Benjamin and Lisa Janssen entered a Denver recordingstudio in.1996. The result was an earthquake that jostled to…

…. $ dissected by anyor be obsessed withn iPod starting at $79 Return the sweater from Grandma, grab that extra holiday cash, and take advantage of your student discount. U-M Computer Showcase, Michigan Union 64…

…-SALES 01 …

January 19, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…Book Pro starting at $1799 Return the sweater from Grandma, grab that extra holiday cash, and take advantage of your student discount. U-M Computer Showcase, Michigan Union 64-SALES www…

… } ,, …

January 22, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

… 8 8 93 5 iPod starting at $79 MacBook starting at $1049 Return the sweater from Grandma, grab that extra holiday cash, and take advantage of your student discount. U-M Computer Showcase, Michigan…

… Union 64-SALES Degrees, in Fahrenheit, that temperatures are projected to rise duringthis century, accordingto an Oxford University study. This tem…

January 23, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 81) • Page Image 5

… a computer in the hands onto the screen: of everyday people," Steve "On January24th, r Jobs told Time Magazine, Apple Computer will "and we succeeded beyond introduce the Macin- our wildest dreams…

… representing followers, that isn't changing any- individualistic expression is too time soon. From computers and rich to ignore. Hidden beneath music players, to webcams and cell layers of artful advertisingApple

… beautiful box it is. separate digital world locked away Yesterday marked the 23rd anni- in my HP desktop, Macs make versary of Apple's famous launch sense to me. Over the past two commercial, where a sea of…

… futuris- decades, Apple has evolved from a tic drones stare blankly at a screen technological minority group into a of Big Brother's face professing cultural phenomenon. his apocalyptic manifesto. That is…

… Don't argue. We've become an until a sexed up woman iPod nation, and Apple isn't hurls a sledgehammer going to let you forget it. through the air and the "We started out to get corporate slogan scrolls…

… phones, Apple has become the Stan- pressures its pliable audience into dard oil of the new millennium. believing that technological inno- They're almost as bad as Comcast, vation is paramount. Remember who…

… Television is one of the few forms and Ghandi among them - became of media that Apple hasn't nabbed more than just profitable endorse- from Sony or Samsung, but iTunes ments, they were Information-Age happily…

… fills in the gap with current icons. I can vividly recall the maga- shows on sale for download. zine tear sheets taped to my sister's Jobs, Apple co-founder and CEO, bedroom wall for inspiration. once…

… said he "wants to put a ding in And really, who's going to say no the universe." Jobs has been fired to Ghandi? once and charged with multiple Apple might appear innocent, lawsuits, but thathasn…

…"-style. simple boundaries for us to follow: But Apple's runaway success There are Mac users, and then hasn't left much damage in its there's everyone else, stuffed into a wake, save our delicate egos that junk…

January 25, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

… issue. On the market side, Apple e dominating in the computer, multimedia ne media service sectors, but such develop- have come without Apple's partnership with gy-based companies. In the past, Apple had…

… to Death," Neil Postman compared two pos- Apple would n' sible futures: "George Orwell feared those who would without Toshil deprive us of information. Aldous Huxley feared those hard drives. who would…

… give us so much that we would be reduced We see ApI to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth should Apple tf would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth change of strat would be…

… equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy and the cen- Apple's rivals trifugal bumblepuppy." ucts are simply Although Postman's book was written about televi- sion, it applies just as easily to today's digital…

… devices. Daniel Shin Apple versus IBM is a minor issue. Much more impor- LSAfreshman deal with the deluge of stock prices, song :rts scores that are being IV-ed into our ve the convenience and information…

… Pod nation of pod people. nnot take all the r iPod's success Y: o Caroline Hartmann's column (An iPod ons 01/23/2007), I agree that Apple has tum in the past few years, but I have a dif- tive on the…

… the company to produce supe- that everyone wants. But we should note essful Apple products are a technological 'ious companies (some that are considered in other markets), and today's Apple prod- not…


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