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January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten years ofediorfreedom w ,, ',' A ;, , 1 NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Thursday January 4, 2001 * $, f.o9r; ~W.4."" ~ I .Mich. Sen. A fruitful finish asked to join Bush's Cabinet tLoie Melzish Daily Staff Reporter A day before his Democratic succes- sor was sworn in as Michigan's junior senator yesterday, Republican Spencer Abraham accepted President-elect George W. Bush's nomination to head ...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…2A -The Michigan Daily -Thursday, January 4, 2001 N ATI NWOL Arafat responds to Clinton's plane WASH INGTON (AP) -- President Clinton's drive for an Israel i-Palestin- ian accord gained new life yesterday with word from Yasser Arafat that he was willinig to negotiate with Israel based oni his interprctat ion of Clinton's formula for a settlement. Israel responded by agreeing to send negotiator Giilead Slier to Washington to confer today wit...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 4, 2000 - 3A 'U, By Jen Fish Daily Staff Reporter reports significant financial growth Use of tobacco products declines among teenagers According to a survey conducted by the Institute for Social Research, titled Monitoring the Future, the use of several drugs has decreased sub- stantially over the last few years. The surveys used 45,000 students in grades eight, 10 and 12, and showed tha...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 4, 2001 -,., abe Etirigtn &ailyg . ,. 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MIKE SPAHN Editor in Chief EMILY ACHENBAUM Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessa...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…IV LOCAL/S TATE The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 4, 2001- 5A Winter commencement marks last event of 2000 By Lisa Hoffman Daily StaffReporter As she stood among 2,000 graduate can- didates during winter commencement, School of Education graduate April Slater said as a freshman she marveled at the size f the University; "I remember being in awe my first days, and, yes, it is still big," Slater said. Crisler Arena filled with excited ...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…A - The Michigan Daily --- Thursday, January 4, 2001 Players discuss th m future with the team f' L- I or sale IP L- APT. FURNITURE Small Fridge - $75. Apartment stove, electric - $100. Solid oak desk and matching chair $425. 997-0677. THE FISH Doctors Aquarium Showroom. .verything that you need for your fish tanks. - __ 434-1030. automotive 9MERCURY TRACER. Silver. 5 spd. 37k mi. Exel. cond. $6920 neg 734-663-8538 CARS FROM $500 Polic...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 7

… Yah! Yeah! Yeah! p ck out the Beatles rockumenmary "A rd Days Night" at Thc Michigan 2h",ter, newly remastered and contain- unI extra foOtage of underage girls screaming for sex. 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. /arts A~Ux O WN= Oa RTS 7A THURSDAY JANUARY 4, 2001 SEE ANY GOOD MOVIES OVER BREAK? DAILY ARTS DID. Van Sant scores high marks again with 'Finding Forrester' "*Jim Schiff ly hne/lerlbrming Some movies tr from their opening...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 8

…8A -- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 4, 2001 -----ARTS Best albums of last year highlighted by expenmentation, soul By C.D. Hoard Daily Arts Writer Perhaps the most striking thing about 2000 was its incredible length - a total of 365 days, during which time many, many things happened: We laughed, we cried, we read a lot of books and drank a lot of alcohol. We also listened to a lot of music, and since we here at the Daily have pride...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 9

…THE MICHIGAN CA REER RUECHING RECORD Anthony Toa theg Lgan h r Sports desk: 647-3336 PORTS TSECTIONB r-' - Ohio State's ooper fired AD cites 'climate' of program; coach was 2-10-1 against 'M' COLUMBUS (AP) - As John Cooper made his farewell speech after being fired as Ohio State's coach, the reasons for his dis- missal could be seen just over his shoulder. A sign on the wall behind Cooper read: "Program Goals: 1, Earn...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 10

…B - The Micnigan Daily --- Sportslhursaay -- January 4, 2001 CLUBSPORTSWEEKLY lacrosse club has high hopes for upcoming 2001 campaign SOUND OFF! Your chance to speak out on issues in Michigan sports Comment on Anthony Thomas, Michigan's career rushing leader. Tell us which game was the best of this year's bowl season. * Be creative! Daily Sports wants Michigan sports feedback! Select fanfares will be printedi n SportsMonday every week. This...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - SportsThursday - January 4, 2001- 3B Dec. 16: MICHIGAN 77, TOLEDO 71 1 Dec. 28: MICH Toledo's one-two punch of Kahli Carter (29 points) Mieftigan opened its B and Melantha Herron (19) was not enough to overcome road. Three low-post pla the more balanced Wolverines by freshman Jennifer Sm Senior guard Anne Thorius scored all 14 of her points The game had four lea in the second half, including a 3-pointer with 1:57 left to...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 12

…4 -The Michigan Daily - SportsThursday - January 4, 2UU.t GAME STATISTICS Team Stats First Downs Rushes/Yards Passing Yards Offensive Plays Total Offense Return Yards Comp/Att/Int Punts/Avg Fumbles/Lost Penalties/Yards ime of Poss AUB .23 35/92 394 72 486 91 28/37/2 3/42.7 2/1 7/60 30:03 MICH 21 42/159 294 63 453 39 , 15/21/0 4/43.5 2/1 2/20 29:57 A U B U R N PASSING, Player eard Totals RUSHING Player R. Johnson Evans C. Robinson Carter...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - SportsThursday - January 4, 2001 - 5B CITRUS BOWL VISUALS r _ F P,1005' D'VDAZD ABOVE: Auburn quarterback Ben Leard is crushed by Michigan defenders. Leard returned the favor by penetrating the Michigan defense for 394 yards. BELOW: Defensive lineman Eric Wilson (94) and linebacker Victor Hobson are pumped after a crucial stop. I,, ; / ' Z ,< ar *o / :.,,, - p [law~ GAME PROGRESSION FIRST QUARTER: Auburn won the t...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 14

…h - i ne Michigan Daily - bportsi nursoay - January 4, 2001 ____ Nlouts trrm the point "I don't think we've played that poorly in three years." -Alicl uancouchi Red Berenzson, after the J4o/v('~eror vlot to Atlichigan Th bfor ishe first htime5since?1984 and neveut on to , ,lost twice in t/he (rout Luas Invitational. SATURAY' AME K'Michigan 3 7 ~Boston College 5 Krey play Saturday, 12:16 of first period Rob Scuderi ufedel l'i s Aolanzos f...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - SportsIhursday -Thursday, January 4, 2001- 76 Fun in the sun for Blue swimmers, Hawaii-style MICHIGAN TRACK HOSTS JACK HARVEY INVITATIONAL SATURDAY, MICHIGAN INDOOR TRACK BUILDING e 'M' running into start of track season ByNaweed Sikora Daily Sports Writer Not many Michigan students can say they 4ke up at 6 a.m. every morning during their winter break and went surfing. But sophornore Erin Abbey of the Michigan women...…

January 04, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 54) • Page Image 16

…January 4, 2001 Sports h6r-sday STne Michigan Daiy .-- 8E '> . :I Quote of the weekend "Purdue played a lot harder than us. They had a lot more heart." - Michigan sophomore shooting guard Gavin Groninger after the Ilblverines'80-60 loss at the hands of Purdue. Player of the game Michigan guard Avery Queen Michigan 60 C( uc r n -c vd his ibest,! ACOi~rjfl" a (aivLT"r-71 1 ' i)rs irrtO cIi~sl, 17 i p ivems sss Purdue 80 Bilock part...…

January 05, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten yearsfede iarfreeom *ri. NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 www michigandaily. cam Friday January 5, 2001 I 6.~ I Profs. to use, Hubble to study Jupiter. PSusan Luth Daily Staff Reporter Four University professors are getting a "once-in-a- lifetime chance" to use new technology and the Hubble Telescope to explore Jupiter in a way it has never been seen before. This rare opportunity was provided when Cassini, NASA's larg...…

January 05, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 5, 2001 NATION/WORLD Arab leaders criticize peace proposal Arafat looks to reach deal before end of Clinton's term CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Arab for- eign ministers criticized key points of President Clinton's peace proposal yesterday, insisting Palestinians have a "sacred" right to return to Israel, a position flatly rejected by Israel. But Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said he still hoped a peace dea...…

January 05, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/S TATE The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 5, 2001 - 3 C R I ME Coupons in the cold Reed pleads guilty to assault Stolen projector found in ceiling f Angell Hall A video projector was reported stolen Wednesday afternoon from a room in Angell Hall, according to DPS reports. The projector was later found in the ceiling. Girl returns from break, finds mold A student residing in East Quad Res- idence Hall found mold on the interior *h...…

January 05, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 5, 2001 e Nticbt-UU tia I went to the Bermuda Triangle but I'm still a square 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MIKE SPAHN Editor in Chief EMILY ACHENBAUM Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles...…

January 05, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 55) • Page Image 5

… Get punched where it hurts! you know what a Donkey Punch is. That's right, it's a horn-powered rock amd that's having a CD release party ,tovight at the Blind Pig! Doors at 9:30. The Articles and Remainder open. /arts ARTS FRIDAY JANUARY 5, 2001 5 MVore proof that good music died with Cobain:' By C.D. Hoard aly Arts Writer Some albums are so popular or well- espected that they'll never be forgot- ten, some simply fade...…

January 05, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 55) • Page Image 6

…6- The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 5, 2001 Rising gasoline costs force US. Postal Service to raise prices for sale APT. FURNITURE Small Fridge - $75. Apartment stove, electric - $100. Solid oak desk andmatching chair - $425.997-0677. THE FISH Doctors Aquarium Showroom. Anything you need for your fish! Create the best eye candy in your dorm! 10% off with student I.D. 434-1030. 1993 SATURN SL1- 89K highway mi, A/C, green, great cond. $36...…

January 05, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 55) • Page Image 7

… NATION/WORLD The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 5, 2001- 7 '107th Congress convenes, appoints new leaders WASHINGTON (AP) - house Republi- cans installed new chairmen yesterday at com- mittees that will handle the high-profile legislation on President-elect Bush's agenda, including Rep. Bill Thomas of California at the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee. *Thomas, sworn in Wednesday for his 12th term in the House, will take over the hel...…

January 05, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 55) • Page Image 8

… ...but who s No. 2? lly witcatitt;, III(- (),:ttt;,c l7tnc 1, ( )kl,,ltt>tct;c i., tltc ctu c rt tt4 wtii(imd t l):titllait i. ( it+ (mliru" to scc" Ihc" 11111 Al' '14)p 45-. 'mic"1xigaildcti[y.c"om /Sports atw Aman m TdtI SPORTS FijDAY~ JANUARY 5, 2001 8 leers out for revenge against Lakers By Arun Gopal ( 'oining offI of a decidecliv tjihapp v hol idav, thleIMichigan hockey teaml rest otl the season when I .ake Sutpenor (0-9 ( ( 'AI1...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten years ofeditoraifreedom Un NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 wwwmichigandally corn Monday January 8, 2002. 1,111 'I M 1, 1 Rapper' s delight Systems diffler in 'U' lawsuits By Jen Fish Daily Staff Reporter When attorneys in the lawsuits challenging the University's use of race as a factor in admissions in the Law School meet on Jan. 16, they will be arguing many of the same points brought up in the case challenging ...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…2A -The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 8, 2001 NATION WORLD Clinton: Divide Israel into 2 states NEW YORK (AP) - President Clinton told the people of Israel yesterday that their land is also the Palestinians' homeland and "there is no choice but for you to divide this land into two states for two people." Clinton also urged the Palestinians in a major address to find the courage to accept his framework for a negotiated settlement and "n...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/S TATE The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 8, 2001- 3A CA~MPUS Student parents encouraged to attend panel !Both undergraduate and graduate student parents and their children are encouraged to attend a panel discus- sion about child care at the University. Members of the Rackham Student Government and the Graduate Employees Organization will hold the Town Hall Meeting Thursday at Rack- ham Assembly Hall from 3:30 p.m. to ' p.m. and is...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 8, 2001 ale SCii an iIg Cancer sticks: I'll take a French fly instead 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MIKE SPAHN Editor in Chief EMILY ACHENBAUM Editorial Page Editor -- Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, l...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 5

…. *It's out there, man... Check out University Dance Dept. music director Steve Rush as be leads an avant- garde jazz ensemble at The Firefly Club tonight at 8 p.m. $5 IS'I'S /arts MONDAY JANUARY 8, 2001 5 MONDAY MOVIE MAYHEM Tangled plot leaves .'Pretty Horses' stranded in the dust 'Count' finds intimacy through simplicity By Christopher Cousino Daily Arts Writer In "All the Pretty Horses," direc- tor Billy Bob Tho...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 6

…6A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 8, 2001 , --JL *!PARKING** 665-8825. APT. FURNITURE Small Fridge - $75. Apartment stove, electric - $100. Solid oak desk and matching chair - $425. 997-0677. COATS-SWEATERS-70's Gear. Platforms. Jeans that fit! Retro Threads, 215 S. State. THE FISH Doctors Aquarium Showroom. 10 % discount for all Students with I.D. 434-1030. 1993 SATURN SLi- 89K highway mi, A/C, green, great cond. $3600. 734-6...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 7

… NATION/WORLD The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 8, 2001-- 7A -Asia welcomes U.S. rate cut; unsure about lasting impact . ;,i , t , F , li. ^ 'G' v r }°3bFi L h/sk £ 3 f r 'yh ti'' gn 3 t S 1ddf .: ,; . f' Air ~. ' .' '" _.. ' , c fiY l +R..; 5 .,' k .. _ .. .. .. ::.. :.v .. x ,..: . . ...: _. ... . . . . .. 0 Fed's surprise cut brings promising ripple effects to suffering Asian economies TOKYO (AP) - The interest rate cut in the United...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 8

…8A -The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 8, 2001 ARTS Not much 'Mysterious' about X-Files clone. By Ryan Blay Daily Staff Writer "X-Files" fans rejoice. If you can't tolerate the wait from Sunday to Sunday, at least one show should temporarily quench your thirst for spooky activities and miracles. "Mysterious Ways" doesn't have Chris Carter's name in the credits, but it might as well with the glaring similarities. This, MysteriOUS however, ...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 9

…"" y c sp.4 Sports desk: 647-3336 SECTION B 4 SECTIONiB FRIDAY: MICHIGAN 2, LAKE SUPERIOR 0. YESTERDAY: MICHIGAN 5, LAKE SUPERIOR 0 Icers reverse fortune, .1 shutout Lakers twice Back in blue By Ryan C. Moloney Daily Sports Writer Talk about a 180. In what was possibly its most impressive weekend showing at Yost Arena this season, * Michigan hockey team followed a 2-0 Fri- day night shutout against Lake Superior wit...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 10

…2B - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - January 8, 2001 CLUBSPORTSWEEKLY Women's ice hockey continues unbeaten streak against Oakland SOUND OFF! Your chance to speak out on issues in Michigan sports ® Comment on the basketball team's con- ference-season-opening loss at Purdue. * Comment on the Baltimore Ravens' sur- prising run in the NFL playoffs. Be creative! Daily Sports wants Michigan sports feedback! Select fanfares will be printed in...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - January 8, 2001- 3B . Men's basketball drops ticket prices DAVID DEN HERDER By Seth Klempner Daily Sports Writer Last week the Michigan Ticket Office announced it will lower the price of 700 tickets behind the bas- ket in the upper bowl of Crisler Arena for the upcoming Big Ten schedule. % The tickets were valued at $14 apiece at the start of the season, an increase of 16 percent from last year. They wil...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 12

…4B - TheMichiganDaily-SportsMonday-_January_8,_2001 Shouts from the point FRIDAY'S GAME YESTERDAY S GAME Key play "It stuck in my mind. I thought about it a lot I Lake Superior 0 ?v Lake Superior Q 20:00 of the first period Sunday going into the weekend. I wanted to punish - Mike Cammalleri, Andy Hilbert and Mike Komisarek that team." step onto the Yost Arena ice after missing the last three Michigan 2 Michigan 5 games while playing in the Wor...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 13

…SportsMonday - January 8, 2001- The Michigan Daily - 5B Quote of the game YESTEb AYS : Player of the game "Right now, we are just a struggling basketball team offensively. I have got to get some scorers, that's the bottom line." - Michigan coach Sue Guevara, on her team's poor offensive output WI Michigan Iowa 58 79 Iowa guard Cara Consuegra torched the Michigan defense for 19 points on 9-of-13 shooting. She also dished out eight assist...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 14

…6B - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - January 8, 2001 Urappler's victorious in Keystone excursion The 'Cobwebs' fall away for Blue track y Nate Unsley _nd Jeb Singer Daily Sports Writers A 10th-place finish at the Cliff 'Keen Invitational on Dec. 2 might asvwell have happened in a different iMson. Right now, the Wolverines we a team on a mission. -By defeating No. 7 Lehigh and 20 Pennsylvania this past week- nd, the Wolverines' dual mee...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - January 8, 2001- 7B THE FRESHMAN VIEW- MEN'S BASKETBALL PHOTOS BY MARJORIE MARSHALL FAR LEFT: Michigan freshman Bernard Robinson soars to the basket , foul against Eastern Michigan's Ben Ramano. LEFT: Michigan freshman point guard Avery Queen draws a charge in Michigan's 90.73 win over Eastern. ABOVE: Freshman center Josh Moore posts up against Marvin Jefferson of Wagner. t - ! Bernard Robinson...…

January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 16

…8B The Michigan Daily-_SportsMonday - January 8, 2001 Opposites attract: roommates give each other a needed lift R emember the "The Odd Couple"? It's the old television show that told the story of two ivorced men - a neat freak named Felix and Oscar, a compulsive slob, both living in the same apartment. Two leaders of the Michigan men's gymnastics team, Scott Vetere and Kevin Roulston, relate their roommate experience to that of "The Odd Cou...…

January 09, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten years ofeditordfreedom a'l NEWS: 76-DAILY ,CLASSIFIED:,764,557 ww micigandaIly. cam Tuesday January 9, 2001 I 1 11 I Robbery suspects By Kristen Beaumont Daily Staff Reporter Ann Arbor Police arrested four sus- pects this weekend in connection with a string of robberies that targeted business- es and pedestrians near Central Campus. In a little more than a week, several seemingly connected robberies occurred within c...…

January 09, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…2 The Michigan Daily -- Tuesday, January 9, 2001 - ------ ATION wORLD Israelis fight proposal to divide Jerusalem ACROSS THE NATION JERUSALEM (AP) -- Tens of thousands of Israelis and Jews from around the world rallied outside the stone walls of the Old City yester- day, saying Jerusalem must not be divided. Police estimated that as many as 100,000 people - many of them bused from towns across Israel and settlements in the West Bank and G...…

January 09, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/S TATE The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 9, 2001-- 3 R CIM E - i, Visitor attacked, robbed close to Church street I A visitor to the University wa attacked from behind and robbed Sat urday evening in an alley next to the Church street carport, Department o Public Safety spokeswoman Diant Brown said. Three men, described to be in their 20s, over six feet tall and wearing black leather jackets jumped the victim, punching him s...…

January 09, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 9, 2001 (rfe rbigrtn Daig I trusted Nader and now I've got ... John Ashcroft? 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MIKE SPAHN Editor in Chief EMILY ACHENBAUM Editorial Page Editor 'm arrogant, perhaps even egotistical. I'm not quick to admit that I'm wrong about anything, so the following confession is go...…

January 09, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 57) • Page Image 5

… Looking for Breaking Records? D-akAing Records is still on vacation. ome lack next Wednesday for all of 'he latest in music. TRT TUESDAY JANUARY 9, 2001 5 sisters three, plot zero in new comedy Bullock pulls off ugly duckling routine in 'Miss Congeniality' By Wilhelmina Mauritz Darl, Arts WVriter -, By Ryan Bay lDath'=arts itcr Have you ever wondered what it woWld be like if someone threw *harma and Greg" and "...…

January 09, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 57) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 9, 2001 :.::. f o r s a le *PARKING** 665-8825. APT. FURNITURE Small Fridge - $75. Apartment stove, electric - $100. Solid oak desk and matching chair - $425. 997-0677. COATS-SWEATERS-70's Gear. Platforms ;Jeans that fit! Retro Threads, 215 S. State. FOR SALE Lamar Snowboard. 147 cm. With bindings. $200 OBO. 663-4733. THE FISH Doctors Aquarium Showroom. $1 off every purchase of $5 or more. 434-1...…

January 09, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 57) • Page Image 7

…ol'on up The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 9, 2001- 7 Sec. of Labor nominatioi brngs rticimo uh AP PHOTO 4vMover Scott Cuccaro works to load a moving van with personal items belonging to President- elect George W. Bush and his family, from the Governor's mansion in Texas. AUSTIN, Texas (AP)-- President-elect had abided Bush stuck by his embattled labor secretary coming. Th nomination yesterday, declaring "I've got dence ofav confidence ...…

January 09, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 57) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 9, 2001 - As a leading global investor, we invest in the BEST around the world. man a" r0 COME MANAGE THE WEALTH OF ONE OF THE WORLDS MOST SUCCESSFUL ECONOMIES YOU ARE FACING THE CROSSROADS IN YOUR LIFE. Graduating from college is an exciting time, when you are all set to make a mark for yourself. You want a job that gives you great exposure and challenge, a job that offers prestige and financial rewar...…

January 09, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 57) • Page Image 9

… Sittin' still _ After shutting out Lake Superior twice this weekend, the Michigan hockey earn remained No. 8 in the USCHO oll. Read the entire poll online. PiORTS TUESDAY JANUARY 9, 2001 9 .rr. .CHRIS DUPREY New-life Hoosiers to test sluggish Blue at Cnsler Hawkeye eaven ziz two seasons" B elieve it or not, Iowa City is an ideal setting for success in Big Ten basketball. The city is four hours from Chicago, dro...…

January 09, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 57) • Page Image 10

…Y MV All4W ~ E c. QIS~~a 0 XF~se.. ~s: k a e; 3 B CS x j C f @ b ?x x ,a SC SNCSC'C<'CrCNX'C <<CSy-C# 3 1® $ Fn tC S,;.ii eC e . 't''''-av C"SCC ' 'C 1 °,C [ 0q"^L,.. C '<NC 5vCt' *aV+jC a '~ 're 1 C Cr a e 4 b t a -if " C', 'C~ C ~ ' NNCS~ ¢ s a C9 3/ C8<' z pp KC<<NC3Cr r r k C' C,) SC' ' c. 5C " <SSC" -e, C C C p y .. , g F"'N 9 ~< e r >4 rNC 9a t r 4 +' ,(a SEC <C C' v t C'70.[' /t aNC N v grS< g C C'T ^i". N a'y¢ <Ce k 4 a F , a"2C4v 3 , ...…

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