January 19, 1984
(vol. 94, iss. 90)
• Page Image 6
…, white face. Lost on Jan. 9, between engineering arch and diag. LARGE REWARD. If found, please call Leslie at 769-3227. dA0122 THORENS 126-I turntable, $375, Revox B-77 open- reel $1250.00, Dual…
… September. Year leases. No pets. 663-5609. cCtc 526 PACKARD Large two bedroom apartment near Business/Law School/Diag. Call Modern Management 668-6906 or 663-3641. 43C0120 PARKING SPACES available on S…
… .I 41 Protector for a sunny day 43 Celestial ennead 44 Hebrides island 45 Maine or Dolly 46 Food for a x squirrel 47 Imprecation 48 Instruments of note 50 Connecticut's "New" city 9 10 11 12 13 18…