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January 31, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…The Michl i Dil ANN ARBOR, MICH., TIWSDAY, JANI.ART 31,i, 95. No. 8 00TJBALL GAME WITH ILLINOIS Champaign Eleven Will Appear on Perry Field Next Fall--Other Fotball D~ates to be An- flounced Soon. w.- " - =mot - .: ,, n s" i PLANS FOR THE JUNIOR HOP Arrangements for 1906 Hop Com- pleted---Lane to Le~ad (irand March A New Frate'rnity Admitted- Suppier Arra ngements. - 11at P ,r id"1t T i1 ) 11)1 jtt11 1 l 't rtC11E j iil~ ill r- ( <,11 \lich i<...…

January 29, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, JANUARY 29. 1905. No. 8 7 TIME TRIALS. STUDENT COMMUNICATIONS' SENDS CONGRATULATIONS. !THE GREEN-EYED MONSTER Atirtuat Preexam Test Held in Gym An Expression of Position in Mich= Michigan Senator Shows His Inter= Comedy a Success-After the Per= yesterday--(iarrels Equals Rec= _ igan Politics and Fancy Dres s est in IDebating by a Letter to formance there was but a Sin- ords for Two Laps. Party as- t...…

January 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1905. No. 86 WISCONSIN DEBATING \l lo I tIGA hOClETY IN -NEWl TEAM CHOSENYRK 'it ~rt til Itotquet otfttoheliclh 'hlrkey, Kenny and Rippel Win Out iat socioety of New York COttoi wa in D~ebate the Michigan Team held at the I itl Astor 'Tltttrsday tighit Chooses Negative Against Coch hoot po~resett d lusres- Wisconsin. iii' tett t, 111000 1. y P, Mic1t __________ oe adecitedtlet it Other...…

January 27, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…The, Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JANU]ARY 27. 190-5. No. 8~ LITS VERSUS LAWS. llllnter department lDebate To night on rimary Reform -True- blood Says -Best in Years." 221 11 1 I ltc ',n1111l11ctt21 1tu l itl old d a l'i , r< lik e H e n n} a nd 1ip -1 1222.111 12,. ca'l stp "'t tcc( ~ ~ ~ ~ .1, le11121 net;td d bttn n sti11 t th1I1,1c11d a e p l 1111 al o I l ( t a c h c l t s tt 1111 t+ tc itt es i g. I tA~t' r TI~eldo d 1ai 21o ...…

January 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, i905 NO. 84 TRACK WORK. Feete Jump.s S F'eet, I I Inclhes - tiarrels to es Fast Lap- First "I~ne Frials of the Year. c];ci tt t]rt u itlr. '1' noc a in {) 'Will"l e1I f ( 'l ; d 1 1 0 1 0 V I_ ' '''' - 1 Y 1' I 't , < ) a tr','1.1', )u 1> I J HOP DECORATIONS, Plans for the 1906 Hop-Innovation in the Shape of a Smilax Roof. ;l° ll)ihd the rtask n'forrthemo. All c ra ca~lllitt~c S II the...…

January 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…mmo w 0 -t 00 'Jv f 1" f' r f r '" 'I ^ .... .f f --' / - 'J -r. .=. ' u f, '_" "'' i f' , r ' % a f. ,. J . .' y y 'r. lr r ri A .-+ 7=, ;r,' r "- i. rf J- r I. r % t. r t r 27- - "1. . ..: "_._ . , n r u 1. ,, , " (^ ._.. fi r t "f. J1 .._. ;, ,. r r. r "'' r r f .-_ !. r r J. . . . 1' r. 'r. r /. f __, l r, ! f. ti f re'_ H , ' Q 1 _' l r r . Y ._.. r _ 1 ' ; r- 1- r 7 . 1 J. '. r ' f r r. _ .. r r " r r: .., '1. tz O, 0. C), )Ii ,0 )r) 0 :...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…C,) w 0 N 0 00 ,f .-. , .-. T / r Jr fv r f. i T .. r " ... ..Y "f. V J" 'I, 1. 'f. r. f^", i. ."' r , f' J=. . 1 J ; ._... "--" ._.. r " '' _ r .. ." r. r J: . w " w T r -' °' _ ,.-,' .i r- r _ f ' ' _' + '/; ._-. ! te r-. ; : ^ r _ . r 77 r _ i- (yI r H -0 , pI i 1 ( r.+. n . " J -' -- r r : _.. r r; r r 'I 'r. , I . r J . . . ,. . r : . J y %. r ' /' ' ' :j r. " : ...... .--. r, ... { -- . ._.. r r: t= r. r i ,_ r^ _ . .- .... . : .: 1 i. r...…

January 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vob.- XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1905 No. Si1 MIAYNARrD AND BOYNTON. Winners in Yesterday's Election- Kusterer and Clark Elected by Acclamation J N \l '22 211 21efete1d221 IB. ID. 11a112for 12a1sit11footbIl malna0ger 'by 21221tionkhel11i1. 1(1221iyll 1y eser- day a 2fteron Fr2inncal 2'r tary Claude .1 1 1 N wi fo . 88~ rllt with111 1111141 1012' to spre. 1122fight for1 t8he foo1tball1manager - ltcaoition212111...…

January 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…The iciaDal ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JANUARY 21. 1905 No. So M~ICHIGAN VICTORIOUS. Northwetr Lost Debate--Victory Gven Michigan by Unanimous ' Decision of Judges.f l can ha 11,111Nd]' taken hi, 1 cat 1 t i1 fior { 'N:t 110 1111 00 td e n im1'k m rI or fl 1101 ;tn t[Il~o 1 I h cii n s m1( 1 1 1 1 1 1 l u r c c a u h u t : if t i 01 1111 li1ll 11 . 1 {1 ~ih dU t 11 i11111111111 cri t 1111110 0 1- d to9 l~t at 111a 1;l1 , 1 NI gtg11o1 loo J1 1...…

January 20, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The M"ichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1905 NO. 79 COUNTY FAIR. Crnva Being Planned for Benefit of Michigan Union and Held Sometime in April. t lle i I t t -1ol i ]ot h - I 10 11 1 o ly a ft1m ni1h Ul irii.' bu1 t at th p iiocs f Wich 0i has 1111 i i t . 44 lil aveth l tirii h\ al1 C ->)'aI0 f t e tt 11 l111 O c~ 11 ctltyf1l all e1 Iliti ob edi h.W iela P 1 1 l 11 " ecIt f hi BIG EBAT TON GHT RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS. Preliminary...…

January 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily V()L.XV ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY i9, 1905 No. 7S1 SCHEDULE ARRANGED. TrCI Team Will Have Eight Indoor Meets This Year-Schenk Shows Well in Sprints. \OI'I'1{11'1 , 'I'l:I:A i l :la. '1'1' '1'? talltll1 rerhate. tl~ ;-r that anyt \lcit at rak ta acc tttrtak aTh reto fo li i t1( Will, deer, all t e a"xi), ien e t c dt tl~ a tr ila ente" a _iat tntin -ataal1, a>toIict i- atid< at h eofvih wilb i taht- a-aataaaa..Pudue...…

January 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…The Mnichigan -kDaily ANN ARBOR, MICH., WI DNESDAY , JANT'ARY iS, 1905. NO. 7 7 PRIOF. IYOOGE HONORED FAIR JOURNALISTS A LECTURE TOUR WARNER WILL PRESIDE be American Archaeological Representatjve to Congress at Athens 11111 010)M 1 ", 0, /t l'~ oll 11 tll 11 elk- t1i 1 11il 10 h't il t lIt "ll t r cc , i ( lt tt tthe Jtl t rtit Is in tt o til N 1111 , 1I(V w l t it li t o e e t c p o a aiIl Ci'ee''tttt it - i-al , o kic~c 111C ii .1(1th itie W...…

January 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUIESDAY, JANUARY 17: 1905 No. 7 6 A LURID TRACK SUIT REGENTS TAKE ACTIONj BASEBALL CANDIDATES! NORTHWESTERN FRIDAY '4"ick" Keeler Says tie Will Run in the F~resh Soph Meet in a Suit of fellow and Blue Trunks. Anti=(irrX Stanud Made by Regents List of Aspirants for Baseball Hionors at lDectn l)Lr -leeting==Prof. Patter- As (iiven Out by Captain Bird=- Representatives From Eivanston vs. Michigan in D~ebate- ...…

January 15, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1905. No. 75 INTERNATIONAL PEACE ERONE HUNDRED OUT1 CROSS COUNTRY WILL MEET AT IIN ENGLAND ANN ARBOR' s.r quad OutFo First Day of ___ Permanent International Peace the Track Work..Fislaleigli Does If0 Letter From Schutt D~escribes Inter- Michlgsn Political Science Assocla- 'treat Social Question--Internation- ft. b in, in Pole Vault, collegiate Race-- After the ___ tion Comes Here in al ...…

January 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SAPU'CRDAVI JANUARY 14, 1905. No. 7 4 'RAKE GETS HESTOiN. richia 'r ga' ireat Hialf has Signed to AT Italch lDrake -Will Meet Mich- HE!A fgan Next Year. B 11n111 clc~ htCp.4 1 11 x1 fti, %:, n td la t 1 -11s tl il 11111 r i ile li'.it{ l ' l l l l 1 1 07 ' a U S f N U - a list ii 1111 liill 1 4 It f11; wI1 tesralii LIBRARY -IMPR( h liiil i tha li 1, 11<1ra li f1b 11 De oraed wittllcne I )llc iln li ia l str...…

January 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daly FRME PITZPATRICK ISXHORTS HIS PROTEGES ~TelsThemto Shut "Their Teeth Wnand Go in and Win"- -Talks by Rebstock, Norcross and Manager Baird. gar I'ithir ir l ad ap O lt Re Ittetthk iait day. e orir Oiv I inU sir ooe11119. Ne r br i n h hs ofJ01 \ lire Nlrerrrrrg Solaka 1*W~ e1 rrsrri rr thertint Ir tlri f thie wt, tire pl(irrri rrrrr bc~ fes tog Peelle if ' riicr-n-or-oi sscd tihe IIWII lnif'r t~rit hr, ol r rO. r hre rc rrii10...…

January 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY I2, 1905 No.; 72 TRACK CANDIDATES OUT. EDWARD BOK SPEAKS. Capain Rebstock Issues Call for all Track len to (jive Up Pie and Don Their Shoes fleet= ig Tonight. Cd' t it . veh tlk te trc httl 1 h c11 Iti tl M c ian s l st til tplacet ti,,Itwhnane Illi ° t ll c i a t c' fi r t r a ci:' h ain p e e n 111 I ll till i ll?? . espec ll til 11} 11 111 iiil on 11l till Il e hn ve lgi It n l t! e i i...…

January 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VO.XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY i 1, 1905 R~OSE IS INELIGIBLE. LIBERAL SUBSCRIPTIONS.I TRACK ATHLETICS. rat Athlete will Never Again Rep- Memorial Hall a Certainty of Near Athletic Outlook Unchanged Pur- esent ilichigan- Board of Con- Future-Ezra Rust Pledges $1 0,- due Promises to Prove a Worthy trol Takes Formal Action 000-Over $50,000 Already Opponent-New Dates for TonightProf. Patten- Subscribed. Baseball Sch...…

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