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January 29, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…1z W LLE rI, ... :t r - r :i " x - X ,_~ .. , J _ _ a, . f ._. .- _ .... ._ .j N l _ %: , x r , .- ._ i ..- /. 01 r r'F ^1 / w 1 . + Y _ 7 . ^' M''ry ^' t r^. i Jt .J y I i . u - .. :r t. J WZ~ LCJ ! J =L e -0 °i ,r r _!!. _ _. "' __ !. ._, It ew .-. .-. ry .- , } - i. 'r. - _ :c _ f y .. ._ - -- _ - r ,_ - r. - - - . - i _. _.. i - "r 'I r-) …

January 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…, r. f _ _ t _ _ f I ' t. _ . -' _ __ :f i r, % '- r. -" _ > t ... ,.. , j y_ F.., .r y - : % ,_ _7 7 I- - i, f " .t - .. _ ' ~ f . 1 E =. s l .y C'T'tn- -4 C,, "Tm fz z 7 :v f Cl) # z (I,+ . i -f. ._ T /, .j .r ^/, J - _ - i !. _ . ... , j t m e _ > _ _ I s .n, 1. 'f: =, - , r. ., _. _- r r r; s r ,... r- c r Pr " :r, .. : - c c^ ,, r c " .. …

January 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…4W It F " y1 ., :'_ ~ UNIVERSITY OF MIOHIGAN. I9R4JOND)YEAnR. ASAO DEHTH havles H. Orr, '05 Eng., Dies Very Suddenly Sunday Morning- Oserwork Said to be th Cause ANN Ath l, ICII. T'SDI)Y, JANUAISY 27, 1903 ,r l~fli , ill) i un- 1 itt' '' iiiael y oeiutt~innnii workinig his way 11x 11(ii . i l-ni l i iC1 i10 o No. 89 CO-EDUCATION AT MICHIGAN Statistics Show a Steady Increase 1h Number of Women Students At- tending the University-Some Interestin...…

January 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…t , i .: . , 'r ? f ;, i . UNI IERSITY OFMIOHIGAN.___ ANN Alti3 R, MlC~i . StND)AY,1 \\AUAU 25, 190" N1 O. S t Y , int. -At N LETES AT WORK 1It ;114'1i1, "1'1'111,1. c11 11111 DR, ANDREW 0. WHITE j1'i cc41i ii carc at W ork 1in the il\t i;(I ' \ ;11i;I c 1 11]it\'1i11111 Sk t h o hecii- its e e ch ]'1,iA t ic, \ 1 ate Enithusi- 511 1'S'~l4\114 1:41.c-t1s'4 1);111a~ i plt eit c8 Profe r o li .11a1'4'5 10 ci mp a ts ate a - Hot I and English Lit...…

January 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN A MUO R, Al('/liI."ATURDANY, JA.\ UNIY21. tisidN.v r x> ' max,. c . si INrER-DEPARI MENT DEBATE Eiiginepring convention Tonight to Cfuose Team to Go svviii iOfi his tlhcui~ttsi ini t* i Against WisGcosin in March- lii 5 (1151 i Prd rrtrnl'"" lii i Jt rviulil fiviiii ilatti rt >kii, wherelii' Niv iv Sketeke-' of the Competitors I5e laiil ' li sii.te a1111i clii li vii IrlI tllM c~rtsi lt iciiii C 11;I lii li a" lIIr'...…

January 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…-. !. ._ ... .... ! T- -. Y ,. _ _. _, _f. 1, 7° r. _. "' -+ 1. '-^, _ _.. r r_'. .._. _ _. 7^ ___ := r -- - " J: r '!-. J: .. , r- , is . r . , I. f "' I: /. _ - r "l; . - _ - ' -- f - - .r _- '!." i _. f. _ P _ M ._.. . ®' .r 1., " - ".. J =: I " i --f i _ : - -- 7 C C i. _ t. - J1 "t. ° ^t - _ .: r _ . .. 't : ? ., u Y i a -r v ~ v I . f ./ f w . rf ,.-. ,.. i 1 T .. M i. . - J _ yr .- ?: .1 _ I. .f _ f r ._ _ / ,! Q C w ; t :.r 1 ,, . ,, "...…

January 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Siesoi ' i EA. ANN ARBOR, MICAI. Till TSDA\, JANUA'Xl'Y 2, 1903 No. 85 YOST HERE Glee Club Concet WISCONSIN'S TROUBLES dat-and it' - ii ns-htslit('ti lbs aniual -snser'Sof th 5' 1 sit r-st7«utel syt is- toi is i s in. v,' tifinisi- tament of His Plans- (f Si iils SluAishic:1 (tilt «-s n 1 iKit g is Comig Dow SWith His Dc- ittis ans w,0 r. it iii bus-- Ge-eri-ttiIS Coisedd That He Will i'yel il n 11iti ii11onIif l tilary...…

January 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…' LL 1 r1 FNr , 1k," Cn cc w IL z : :7 M F- . rr - i 1°'r y- + 7 r" n..1 W F1' w F-i Q ' 's , . r 1i S S I r " x I ' t JjOct LLAJ Oct - 1-? LU Gl c f _ f i.r 44 ., W .z cz ... f . C, O _ r C.,z _ 4f '. 1 :- I f. .' 1. ..--. s J - f W v 'J. - r W - O J. _. , t-' "' sj f 7Z 77: 77 - . y i_ : . r. ':1. :r " t. f. ._ -% 1. - -- - , ._ - - _ ii _- .- j- _ .. a _~ - /' f. _. 'f. . A _f 77 _. ,. T i / .7 . - .! ® _ _ -- _ - . rv - . .f - .. _ . - ' -...…

January 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…__ _ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. __ S-tt YA ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, JANUIARlY 20, 1903 No. 83: CHICAGO DEBATE CLOSE tn lii (ottitofthe 1) 1Saw's iFERRY FIELD IMPROVEMENTS ur'tii~ ' c-n a it li ad ews wi~ 1)t i fiv to our ote.The ichianl1e a fittingti ry (i 1iOsin;u- patrit- --alumni N rwht ines e to -at ant r"Ktonfor Ail11 hi n h aSt Ev-enly Fought Debate in dsiit-v~srtt-iI e l~ - feitith the de- To be the Best University Athetic-- hihMichigan H...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN ARB3OR, MICH., SUNDAY, JAXtJ~iY ]Is, 19013 "sit AR. Net. 5k 'BACKBONE" Practice Try-out Meet ROBERTSOELECTED Re 'I'se lfist prelimsiary' iiy- tisit 51t l-bso "tsCh anateristic is Necessary for frtelisrsy rt-iti a' Presdet of Junior Literary Class is sr yot ra afternoon istIthe yms innisAsiisi dung Man Who is to Succeed- ''hrr iwes-ritaisr'-v snitlwrsor'coin Chosen1'Varsity Football Mana- uu ti ftune by Mr. Thomas Di...…

January 17, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. gKEOND YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICI., S .TI THOMAS DIXON TONIGHT School of Music Quarterly -- A mlass (mtng of the stude-nts of Famous Orator and Author of "The 'tile ~ioeroty Scoot of Mnsir has is-onaucal(led for $Saturday aft(-(-to((at Leopard Spots" on the -4 ci -k aoMle Scooltof Musit- to ils- S. L. A. Course Mss the question of estatotsinisoa - osojoal quarterly un(1r1'lhe nlie Ttien iownt Ito-S nor, las ntor -ndotof tihe...…

January 16, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…y' 'VH UNIVERSITY OF MIOHIGAN. ANN A.K1OL RMICII.. FliI)AY, JXkNUX it ' + !, N. 80 NIl ! &HIGA'N-CHICAGO DEBATEI University Committees in Legislature1 SOCIAL. SETTLEMENT WORK( This M sning.-Helfinan, nd Kensy Will Defend He -oner Against nt g Chicago Team T 'l , Ic kt i .t ' i i H. i d' I3i' 1rll at~ l v11 }' Ii] I 4 i r HI...H. 11(4it, TheI',]]] III,(144.II 11411']]the. l o st SI']]I(' -SI 44114. 4II1]I4. I']] 'I 4(1 1140]]] -5(,'Ill]]'444t=1...…

January 15, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN AR~BOR, MICIL., I IlUtS1)NY, JANUA1IX 15, 1903 4JOND YEAR. N o. 79 TRAI Tv O? utdoor Ome Pr Prelir fli iia--r . y ,1 tit N'I~ t'i 0 OK ATHLETICS A Merry Fight -- --- ~Politieso 0 ilt- the ve t f th ibi-a] w eets With Chag- ell-itioit of A1thltit- Asooiatioo ottietro omisi~ Canidate- todividitiy toritit at prroi;nt. imirm r~rll lllr Canidats- no ,in faict, than it ttaisthe o r sft ev- ninlary Try-Ouit on irzit ye-ars...…

January 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. +,',,oNit YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICH.. XWEDNESDAYX, .I \NUTAI 14, 1903 No. 78 WESTERN CLUB =-4yMuntain Students to Organ- iz One-Purpose Social and Political At-at- tti.tent is oitfoot to form Wr1,-i Clurb oa it s :e lines that St. s-na itt-IttClub, now exiting, was ftm .Ther is ,sfeeling among ti s~dnts from t.)v West that -uell a- F-Il will -he -- lising beneit. It. ,s 31 rn-ih ilt 0)11-I~ttaty for -loser tits-i-- irh ai-i...…

January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIH., TUESD)AY, JANUAlRY 13, 1903 No. 77 ATHLETIC ELECTIONS Rumor Concerning May Festival --A r. muory lis sit 5tsrsist(rally sit'- Zandidates are Scarce-Roberts and ;ealated anti studlets antd others Verder ut or Fotbll it the May Fes-tival would not take Terler ut fr Fotbal plao this year. WNhen seen tty thte Kanagership nallyNews last evettittg lrofes sor - .-.- Stanley :;aid positively that...…

January 11, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…___ ~~UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN.__________ eSHOOlt YAR. ANN ARBHOR, MICI., SUNI)AY, JANUARtY 11, 1903 Nu. 761 GYMNASIUJM WORK The "eJ" Hop PROF. W A. DEWEY Good Government (lb Daes ho eto dt eof the J11011 raws --tilt 4 oil ! tt't'ittt 4 elib tto hs Many Studetts re Trin ling for the t er tttos c tittl i ttttt to professor it, Michigan Hmeopathic 11in t tnoutit t, it nette ats for th ^n nitU ee tote 1i4tu ttttii'te to1o ' <it oo rhi . ' ytue' t- ...…

January 10, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…UNII.IF-RSITY OF MICHIGAN. A NN AUiti) flh, MIC(H.. ', A'I I'lItA YI ANU(A H 'Y1, 10 SalnOti) \s Xi. HIGHLY HONORED The Taft LUcture Proessor Lockwood to Play Before iI Xl. ir. I. ii '.O a 11i Q. tile Piesfident 'Hl i'Hr. avel I v r ' 'H 1o n el teIlil e l r, on 11, s rij c ' .. a; ills t c l l rsl i Upn I'm, I''arluIcclo h cclcs t HIM14 HI ~".I o IMlsh, hsb cq licr l i rh ib h a n i)ri ilv LIFE IN JAPAN AI:11 -:1111)1"iii. :i 1 ' . i l 1i I j...…

January 09, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN AM-I}lt. MICLI IFRII)AY, J AUARY .}, 1903 No. 74 t ai rl r of I ack v. Aw T Race Lawt Even- It ,. QV V Itln l 14t'1.r' 1,1.1,,;_ _ "_\"t1 :1:i lliJ11 1 !i; l':{1:4 l" llE;;lli. .111(1 f)Jit I," d ;li;1iwi- , i211"indhig i11t' "Ill 0, 11t;Et i , Il;iin i, fl ill i li1'ir 11;11111's i. lti;tr l'sI t t1i1;1r1 Iii, T m lin er 1' i!r ;t:l ! ir'i: is 11i 111 t'l:ttl'ri tlti 1, iti i11 f l (" ;)[11 1 :1s t ;I1 ...…

January 08, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…. f_ '.. 1. j .." ..- ~ r .--. "+' .+ T' 17 44 t-4 1-4 43 ,yam .'; ° r"= rte. j Y,,,. ',..t"+ Fy e' .;s i"-i A r+1 "' 1 ''' Y:. '' " r i" - -+ X. _ . i ".l ,,.I 4 V "nN-t .--. ,"" w rr " Y ~A' ^ 1 Y 'y,/ ~' '- e f _ .. , , . " .,,. .,,-. :y; ^.. .rte .- .". .., '/, w ... -J+ +3 f, .- -. w Z 0 z: r- C7,,7: Coj 7- W 'C Iw b , r. 't. .-.+ /. "-- .-. J ^- c ! - - J !. t. . f ' f +". of r S ._. V ! - .-. ... e !. 'J. /. f .- . -- _ 1. v 7. cn 77 7 ...…

January 07, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…{fIc Q4, ___ UNIVERSITY OF MIOHIGAN. ANN AR~BOR, MICH., WEI)NESI)AY, JAN11 \PY 7 1903 No. 72 N]) YEAR. EDUCATION AND BUSINESS :Se,-AlIii11t .ilpiar " f II' NUFER'S ELIGIBILITY Those Eastern Critics 744r Relations to be Discussed by i 4iiit' l \\-li iti' X x Ii 1 'II-Matter Still Unsettled-Decision of i'~iix'xx Il 'xxix I(Idih, his xxiii xiii)11 ei: a era at Convention of Mici- 'L II ilv "'i Prof. Waldo Unfavorable-Loss ihixls+'i rttili: gao Po...…

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