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December 09, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…The Mich ,o,... XX. N o. . STAPLES FORCED TO LEAVE OPERA Sickness Compels him to Retir -Al" Weeks Makes Good a) ' "Buck." "Chlt' staples, whoiNNa cst .,Bick ii t\ ii xc iiill heiii Is' ake the roe. The hoooo itas let) chasig Staple toetweeks itd tetrdyiisi 5 ica fobd itt toetinlue work Wiltli h opera. Etrlt ite fol tie)t)Sndereii a slight ortoriton;itbloo oisoing titd it5 ppersc his facoe; thentciai- ttestili. eetwaos aos upt Iteill, oeeit...…

November 09, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…r ' r 77 77-~ J '' y_ n l oLT _ I.l r. C M n 10 ~ l _ CTS ~. CD 'R T ~- O C'" cm H dl n1 Hv .d J. 2. Pl s v . I^ G _ J r -C _. __ 2 cJ-. - - l If I j . I I ; I+ I. l I ' t i i r t I t j II al i r j l P k Z7- lq i^ ! f ,f .-. - . J. _. ! . !i. .J /, . ! _ " i s : l :. '!: , ri lam, ,i -.-i ..--.. a J. i r ' . r r .W. . ' J.. f . i rT f) t blg i, . 2, - - - cx s ry_ I J. - ;.) . 1 J ~ -. J 0 J , ' - 0 trl _. f f i; -'; f. ^, ...…

May 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…-7 -' -C1 - -'-r-5- - r. ..-v - - . . ._ . . .- . I - _ - . 1 -_ - . .,_ 7" .. C f ... d4 m m v, MA 0 , w c ~ o m .a+ M F.r Q rA M O r. 7 S to t J 1 --- ~"J'd i O i " -S"' . O - d - H .% n.-5 Kr n .. c . - .. -.- 'Jt _. s :, , i , V "' 5 T J: t^^ .r.. o r- 1 t _ l v J 'J ~ f r . r , .. ^' .J J ~ _ . "" - r f J' n f" .-. r . v .... n ._. .. . ^' ._. r r, r __.. tJ n r^ ._ ,_ , :- ! '' _ r .., J. . r ^ -t ... ,= it ^' . - " J ~. r...…

April 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily \\\ bI(), I U \l Clfl( \N FRIDA\Y, \PRILI, 9 19No VOL.. Xi'X. No. i,;ca. VARSITY LEAVES FOR SOUTHLAND Prospects Good for Championship Team; Barr, Blanding and Dean Will Pitch. ta1 liemanedb Coaich MlcAllis- tci' iAsisiaiit Directori Ritcic i andI Main- ager(Aldidge, will leaicc liver thicAiii Arbr1 iroad filr the south. lromi Attn Arbior they1-will cgo direct Io Ciuciuuali, V u-here thll waaill changiiei cars for Lexiog...…

March 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…TheMiia Dal NV )\ , \ j .l (K NI( t_-A\ I N I . N NI (IsP:"?1.).1T,.Y!,7.1 l'tx. BAIRD ANNOUNCES I HIS RESIGNATION P~redicts Bright Days For Ath- letics--Basketball (Jets An- other Chance. _ nn10l i'twill h ra1c. L s t t>h , ftt the (n t 111c, r. Lird de--it 'fte1>ts i cd mc e rh 1 - tti ( lc ' n rit itte inns< te di r.ta~ i to c lin c ll he of ice 1i1oc id M r. R il-( "1 ave ried t() c°-unt f unil JUt W l l p 1c lk inithe a,;cciat()n nd m...…

February 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…i 'e A zanDazi1ly \iit XIX. X MINNESOTA GAME FILLS SCHEDULE1,cfk ttr lifi Resumption of Relations With ~ Old Conference Rival Arouses ttctiri.iii Y ww., Interest--BaseballStarts Soon. jK~i ilIrh t' 1 SUCCESSFUL EDITOR hi1 APPEARS TONYIGH T truc n1 tt S.S McClure Is Well Qualifie i rr Fo ell of the Makingofa prt i3 O?3 Magazine. lr Ir ; lc Mc~livc(I<<i :M i~~hi"11 C3- lc RWT~i tiloarI( 5sti lacietIi, in ia po ic- i e ine] IUM ~ B ino ti fr]t...…

January 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…1in heh ,1.9 Daily Xis. XIX. VARSITY OPENS i SEASON TONIGHT , Farmers Cash Wih Corneal' Men in Michigan's initial Bas- ketball diame.y 1u io %"II Ih 1 a(1 ilii C. If tlt I :Im. Tlit li\-i IM, ii n . in 1 in 1 1 1 14 )II r a l \0 : 1 i l, noise) lo k d llc;iu ch )iIs+)A < nw ic c m lialha X I %% I,;,- itii S ~eai~ l:ts u( a lIt n :c nc rin11°~In lcilc t ;h liu ;1:'ii~ an rc:l nc1;t ni, I1 II i c) cr, hi ncmxIn >f th" 1 ,tIl nIl ihi nullcgc mil...…

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