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September 09, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 7) • Page Image 5

…, THE TWADDLER COMETH. F29 BORED? Dating by computer is a national rage. 482-4898. Bok 441, Ypsilanti, Mich. P30 BOARD-Memberships for men, NAKA- MURA CO-OP, $12/wk and 3 hrs. work. Hill and State Sts…

… Scrambler, less than 1000 miles, still under war- ranty. Perfect cond., never scratched. Grunt, 800 Lincoln, 761-1628. ZE 8 OUT OF 10 again at Daytona this year. Yamaha '66, 2500c, kandy apple red, tuned…

September 09, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 2) • Page Image 6

…. Apple Cider (1/2 gal.) ..... .1.15 M&M's (Plain, Peanut). 1 .09//2 lb. .65 /lb (cans).35 By GEORGEA KOVANIS After nearly a year of investigations the fate of a tenured University professor accused of…

…. COMMODORE ViC-20 6 97- PC1250-EFC Advanced pocket computer has VIC20-CRX Reg. $99.84 built-in BASIC, 24K ROM, 24 character dis- 5K RAM with 4 programmable function keys. play. 16 color graphics and 5 octave…

… sound. 2. SHARP CE125 1 ,997 4. COMMODORER64 92 P RINTE R CA SSET TE U HOME COMPUTER 19 8 CE125EFC Integrated printer/microcassette C64CRX 64K RAM with built-in BASIC, 9 oc- recorder for Sharp PC1250…

September 09, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 2) • Page Image 14

… you've got a valid UM student I.D., we've got a special deal for you! If you're a currently enrolled UM student, Computer Mart will give you an automatic student discount when you buy any IBM, Apple, or…

… Osborne computer system. Also, check out our fantastic selection of software, peripherals, computer books and magazines, and accessories. We're just one mile east of North Campus in the Plymouth Road Mall…

September 09, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

… Press and subscribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times I Apples has two ways to make sure the competition eats your dust. Just take part in a five minute demonstration of the Macintosh…

…" personal computer., You'll see how Macintosh can History Biology And whatever else you maybe studying. Macintosh and aTrek bike. Both will do more than help you get ahead. Both will take you anywhere you…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Friday, September 9, 1988 The Michigan Daily i1 te mbsrt a nerichigan Edited and managed by students at The Un iversity of Michigan Ignore the 'U' computer 'kickoff' \ / i Vol…

… advancement puts more and more information and computing power in the hands of everyone. For instance, the ability to learn arithmetic calculations is certainly less essential now due to the calculator. The…

…, the "Computer Kickoff '88 Information Booklet" argues the opposite of social re- sponsibility. Hornback is .a Prof. of English in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Your "Kickoff '88…

…" pamphlet urges you to buy a personal computer. I'm not sure why the University of Michigan is en- gaged in the business of selling comput- ers, but it is. We didn't try to sell your predecessors pencil…

… of a hard-sell confidence person to buy a personal computer. "Some professors on campus require that students use microcomputers to com- plete assignments," according to Mr. Van Houweling. If that is…

… true, and you run into such a requirement, you should call your family's lawyer, or the Michigan Consumers Council, or the local Legal Aid Society. Don't put up with such non- sense. The Computer Czar…

… also advises you that, "regardless of how many Campus Computer sites are built, they are still likely to be crowded with people waiting in queues during the final weeks of each term." President…

… Duderstadt has spent three years - and a great deal of taxpayer's and students' money - building computer ac- cess sites around campus for those who want to use computers. The Chief Tech* nocrat, using the…

… sleaziest of advertising techniques, says that even if the President gives you 20,000 computer terminals, you'll still have to stand in line. If you. want to get ahead he argues, invest in a personal computer

…. That's perverse, to start with. It contra- dicts University policy and practice as well. And either the Personal Computer Pusher is wrong or President Duderstadt is wrong - and I'll bet that the…

September 09, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

… BICYCLES - All speeds, big & small frames. $20-$50. Good condition. 475-3238. CARPET REMNANTS - Stainmaster, plush. Free delivery. 998-1459. COMPUTER: APPLE IIC, with monitor and Imagewriter printer…

… MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING. Excellent condition, $75. Call 769-8986. VACUUMS- New & Used! 1226 Packard, Arbor Vac. & Small Appl. Ctr. 761-3677. Bring in this ad for an extra 10% off! REPOSSESSED & IRS FORE…

… Practice Professional Instruction - Affordable Tuition EJ(EL 996-1500 Tat Preparation 1100 South University ACADEMIC PUBLISHER NEEDS OCR OPERATOR and proofreader. Part-time, ex- ceptional computer skills a…

…, cooking, computer workababysitting, etc. Flexible hours, own car. Call 663-7977. SAFEWALK/NORTHWALK (U-M'-x nighttime team walking service) NEEDS male and female volunteers. Help make cam- pus feel safer…

September 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 118) • Page Image 52

… looks more like a neon Burger King. Lots of room, several televisions, and occasionally live music. They too have food specials and this really fun computer-trivia game. I haven't been there in a while…

… "townies" - Ann Arbor residents - usually buy the specialty items while students stick with standards like yogurt and apples. W,\F-I [TYE MARKE U In her 13 years as head cashier at White Market, Head Cashier…

September 09, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 120) • Page Image 9

Apple 9 Computer Loan, you can own a Macintosh for less than a dollar a dayt It's the power every student needs. The power to be your best [p 4 k …

… limited time, it comes bun from Apple. It's all the softw takes you through every asp created for your student lifest The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 9, 1994-- 9 acks America's 'poverty of…

September 09, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 124) • Page Image 6

….! Now hiring for Fall/Winter posi- tions that are avail. throughout the school yr. Flex. eve. hrs.-create own sched. Obtain valuable computer & comm. skills while im- proving stud. programs. Pd. Training…

…. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER entry level position approximately 15-25 hrs./wk. Must know a high level programming language. Familiarity w/ Windows & related database a plus. Submit application @ 3011 Student Ac…

….m. 761-4026. 0 I' APPLE LCII. system 7.0, 80MB, 13.5." color monitor, HP printer + spare cartridges, Microsoft Word 5. Asking $1100 or best. Call Tomas, 313/480-9875. BRAND NEW 486 SYSTEM w/SBGA color…

… monitor. All still in box. Only $650. 313/563-8814. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems, monitors, printers and accessories) 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199…

September 09, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 122) • Page Image 14

…/12.1" TFT display Etheret/33.6modem Now $3.674 (or $69/month)* BEFORE REBATE Now is the right time to get an Apple Power Macintosh or PowerBook. Because in addition to getting the computer that lets you do…

… more than you can imagine, you can save big time. For a limited time, students are eligible for special cash rebates. *This is a limited time rebate coupon offer. See your Apple campus reseller today for…

September 09, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 120) • Page Image 6

… 6 bdrm. penthouse. Your own cable, phone & computer modem lines. Beautiful marble baths, state-of-the-art security system. High ceilings, completely new building with soundproof walls & walk- in…

… your own schedule, gain valuable computer & communication skills. Paid training, fun atmosphere. Up to $8/hr. Bonuses galore! For application & info stop by 611 Church #304 or call 998-7420. BANQUET SET…

…-UP Staff Needed: Work Study Available. Apply in Person at Rm. 1310 Michigan Union. Fun people. Flexible hours. Ask for Donna. LAPTOP- APPLE POWERBOOK 540c; 12 RAM/500MB hard drive. Color active matrix…

… Catering. Must be outgoing, reliable, and have excellent communication skills. Part time and full time available. Flexible hours. Computer knowledge desirable. Call 764-2142. EXPERIENCED STAFF NEEDED for the…

…, Idry., 2 bath, cats welcome. Best offer. Call Chris @ 332-6067 or Mark @ 761-9192 or contact cguibert @miediaone .net Looking for a variety of work exp. Flex. hrs. Computer skills (word processing, data…

September 09, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 138) • Page Image 6

… a computer too. Work from home. Choose own hours. Info call 332-9076. ***NOW HIRING. Bussing staff, dishwasher, hostess or hostesses. Hex. hrs. Great pay. Exc. working environment. Apply in person at…

…Jwk. Call 665-0702. ACCEPTING APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for upbeat, & service-oriented indiv(s). Apply at Eastern Accents. 214 S. 4th Ave. (Near Liberty). ALPHA EPSILON PHI needs…

… Disabilities. Must type 80 words per min. $12/hr. Contact Joan E. Smith at 763-1083 or COMPUTER TECHNICIAN Requires basic knowledge of PC, components & windows. Troubleshooting exp. a plus. Call…

…, friendly and outgoing, familiar with campus and A2 area, basic computer skills. Apply in person at Executive Residence, 710 E. University. NEED STUDENT W/ strong math & chemistry skills to tutor our 3…

… children w/ their homework. 6, 7 & 11 th graders. Hrs. are flex. Great opportunity for Educ. majors. Call 662-0849, ask for Sandy or Peggy. NEEDED-a person that can type, is familiar with computers, is…

September 09, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 138) • Page Image 22

… student ID, offer expires september 30, 1999 SKR/MUSIC STORES are just West of the Michigan Theater on Liberty Street UNIVERIKY Learning at your fingertips Log into the campus computer network. Write term…

… papers. Find information on the ' Internet. Stay in touch with the famiily by e-mail. Oh yeah, maybe play a game or two. Notebook computers starting at $199 - all systems include a free carrying case…

…. Desktop systems, with monitors, startingat $300.Every system comes with a warran9 0 Apple 0 Compaq 0 Dell 0 Gateway O MP E) IBM o NECq1 0 Toshiba 877-864-8632* I *4 A …

September 09, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

… Leasing begins Sept. 16. AN IDEAL 2 BDRM. apt. for the discriminating Renter. Located on Church and S. Univer- sity. Large Apt. w/ gourmet kitch. w/ dwshr. FREE central A/C. Computer/study area. Call 668…

…-1100 for an appointment. APPROX. 1400SQFT HOME has been reno- vated & updated. All appl. are new & incld. hrdwood firs, valuted ceilings, corian tops, close to expressway, downtown '& hospital. $1600/mo…

… extensions $65-155+ Sheila 483-5425. DR. COMPUTER repair, setup, upgrade, tutor, graphics, virus repair,ref(s) 214-5599. MEDITATION. FREE INTRODUCTORY courses Mon Sept16 -Oct77-9pm Call 994-7114. Fraternities…

… RESEARCH LAB: Responsible, eager work-study students needed to assist with tis- sue culture, general lab maintenance, experi- ments, and/or computer graphics. Flex. hours. Will train. 763-6869. ASSISTANT…

September 09, 2004 (vol. 113, iss. 157) • Page Image 6

…., Idry., pets neg., garage, $1600/mo. Call 734-651-1593. 4 BDRM., 2 baths, living, dining, new car- pet, appls., prkg., very clean. $2000/mo., close to central campus 734-377-9685. AAHH! START W…

…/ UNBELIEVABLE large 2 bdrm. bi-level apts., 1 1/2 baths., and con- temporary in every way. Add free internet, free satellite TV, exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge w/ computers, great location near CCRB…

… w O t 1&/ae, /fe&, 21 distinctive campus locations, studios to seven bedrooms. Contemporary in every way * Ask about the Free Internet and Free Direct TV " Exercise Facility * Study Lounge w/computers

… - Lost Found 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 03 - Summer Fmninutment 1 2 3 4 5 6…

September 09, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

… are not necessarily on campus safe," she said. Primack also said he's noticed an increase in police presence in his neighborhood. Primack's house was visited WANT TO JOI Visit www.michiga for appl by…

computer and his cell phone. - NPR join the conversation on Twitter:#2011rosenthal …

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