October 09, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 27) • Page Image 6
…. Only minutes from cam- pus. Great 2 bdrm. apts. Furnished or Unfur- nished. 668-1100 for appL SPACE AVAILABLE NOW in student co- op houses. Very close to campus. $425/month includes food, utilities…
…-5284. !!617 BEDROOM TRI-LEVEL!! Impressive Cathedral ceilings, skylights, de- signer kitchen + 2 baths, exercise + computer facilities, shuttle service, across from the "Arb". 741-9300 www…
…. AA 0 move in cost. 3 bdrm 2 bath. $1150/mo 734-487-7753 DR. COMPUTER repair, setup, upgrade, . tutor, graphics, virus repair, ref(s) 214-5599. HAIRBRAIDING- FREE Transportation! 1-877-BRAIDS8 or www…
… " Beautifully furnished * Close to CCRB * Complimentary Resident Shuttle to Class " Exercise Room, Aerobics Room * Recreation Room " Study Lounge w/Computers 741-9300 (EXTENDED HOURS) www…