December 08, 1995
(vol. 106, iss. 49)
• Page Image 15
… or modem and its PowerPC upgradable. Great for students who need an all-around computer. wPerforma 61/D $,70 with 15" Apple Color Monitor. 8 MB RAM, 1 GB Hard Drive1 The Performa 6214 includes all the…
… or .3 pages per minute in color, when you purchase any Comes with everything you need to print: interface cable, ink cartridges, ink tanks, Apple computer! and sample media kit. wQPersonal Laser…
…Writer 300 $510 Quality laser printer. Prints 4 pages per minute when you purchase any Apple computer! :4: .: " ' : v ! _ ;r .v - i w:q : } . \, U rA! All computers come with ClarisWorks and RAM…
…, makes a great stocking stuffer! To order, call 747-6888. Save an extra $150 if you purchase any Apple printer with $ "the Performa 636! with 15" Apple Color Monitor. 8 MB RAM, 500 MB Hard Drive One of…
… Apple's most affordable and flexible multimedia systems. Comes with a dual-speed CD-ROM player and lots of useful education and personal productivity software. There's a communications slot for Ethernet…
… advanced multimedia features of the 636 but with a PowerPC 603 processor, 1 gigabyte hard drive and quad-speed CD. zPower Macintosh 7200/75 $2,O with 15" Apple Color Monitor. 8 MB RAM, 500 MB Hard Drive…
… compression software that effectively doubles the amount of available RAM. Take advantage of AppleLoan! Call 1-800-APPLE-LN (1-800-277-5356) for loan details and prequalification. These special sale prices end…