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July 08, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…'S Weather Thundershowers and cooler today; toniorrow generally fair <L G Official Publication Of The Summer Session ttt Editorial Summertime At The University.. .... ... ...,r XLIX. No. )1 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS I U i i Comes Secretary Swanson Dies To Swanson After Illness Secretary Of Navy Known For His Long Service In Congress And Cabinet Edison Is Expected To Assume Position WASH...…

July 08, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1939 ___________________________________ I ________________________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________________ IE MICHIGAN DAILY :71 A' I I x } dited and managed by students of the University of bigan under the authority of the Board in Control of zblished every morning except Monday during the versityyear and Sumxl Session,- Member of the Asso...…

July 08, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…JULY 8, 1939 THE MICTHIGAN DAILY PAGE THEl _... More Than 85 At Open House Of Observatory Clouds Prevent Good View Of Skies; Moon, Planet To Be Seen On July 21 Vfore than 85 students, faculty and townspeople attended the first vis- itors night at the Student Observa- tory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall last night. Albert Hiltner and Harry Bandler, student assistants doing graduate work in the astronomy department were in charge of the...…

July 08, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GA~TV~AY, $IYY 8, 1939 I Pairings Golf Pros Hint At Strike Over Barring of Shute NEW YORK, July 7. -()- The peeve a number of leading golf pro- fessionals have had against their own ruling body, the Professional Golfers' Association, led to a "strike" threat today as most of the 120 en- tries in the annual P.G.A. tourna- - ment played practice rounds over the Pomonok Country Club. Hinting darkly that they would re- fuse t...…

July 08, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…5 .. .x. .The Weather Showers and local thunder- Eo storms, not so warm in south He Nei today; tomorrow local showers. The4 W tg **,IThe Co Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVIII. No 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1938 Ford Loses Fight Exile Parley Hu Shih Tells English Rush Roosevelt S Hears Nations Story Of Rise Men To Quell AgRefuse Shelter Of New China Jewish-Arab Bargainin Order For Ref ugees Vol.ntary Choice Of...…

July 08, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHII GAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 8, THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~~-1. Il i Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Publishec every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise...…

July 08, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…TE1 MICHIGAN DAILY PAGe T: Carr Reports Opinions Held At NEA Meet Convention Of Educators Favors Government Aid For Public Education Dr. William G. Carr of the Na- tional Education Association reported yesterday on the resolutions passed by the NEA in its annual convention, held last week in New York City. He spoke at 4 p.m. in the auditorium of the University High School. ,.More than 25,000 educators attend- ed the convention, according to D...…

July 08, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY all Tams German Government Inaugurates 'Special Delivery' System For Air Forces Nazi's special delivery system for aerial troops calls for a parachute leap from planes, with a machine gun carried along. In this drill near Berlin, one jumper has already started the downward pull while another prepares to leap from the plane. UpJlig-IuyI to tip off rival coaches to his team's strength so he hinted to officials that penalti...…

July 08, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…The Weathier Fair today and tomorrow; somewhat cooler in north to- day and warmer tomorrow. 4,trigacn mm-iusa itj I Editorials Electronics Institute .. . Wasting Time ... Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVI No. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Summer Session Enrollment Hits A Peak Of 5,026 Aimerk Hitting Swamps Nat's Pitchers, 8-3 'Dizzy' With Dean Is Charged Loss As Hubbell First Time...…

July 08, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 8,:1937 .11" I I & l Illic : I 111 , 11 11, pointedly, it might be said that in the American system of representative democracy, the majority of the people's designated spokesmen in Congress are accorded full power to act for them. It might prove embarrassing to the Senators proposing a filibuster should someone point out1 that the Constitution, which sacred document they are so bent on defending to their ...…

July 08, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, JULY 8, 193' THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THAVt PAGE TUREE NEWS Of The DAYB A Scene From Last Year's Gilbert And Sullivan Operetta (By The Associated Press) Diamond Lil Finally Tells All LOS ANGELES, July 7.-(P)--Mae West, screen star, admitted her mar- riage to Frank Wallace, vaudeville actor, many years ago, in an answeI filed late today to Wallace's suit seek- ing court compulsion that the actress recognize him as her husband. ...…

July 08, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1937 FOUR THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1937 Frankensteen, Reuther Heard Before NLRB Eight, Most Of Them Ford Employes, Are Arraigned On Assault Charges Union Men Testify DETROIT, July 7. - (P) - Two union officials who led handbill dis- tributors to gates of the Ford Motor Company's Dearborn plant May 26 told a N.ational Labor Relations Board examiner today they were slugged and kicked down a concrete stairw...…

July 08, 1934 (vol. 15, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…- ----.w The Weather Fair and somewhat warmer today; tomorrow unsettled, pos- sibly local showers. CYl rr Ii~r gait ~Iait Editorials A Tribute To A University President ...* Education And Reform ... Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XV No. 12 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 8, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Convention Of Educators Will Be Held Here Tennessee Valley S o c i a l And Personnel Director To Give Lecture' Five Meet...…

July 08, 1934 (vol. 15, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN'DAILY THEMI MHIGAN DAILY, Official Publication of tht Summer Session r- I fitted for this work, for he had served as a member of the state board of education of Massachusetts, pnd while serving as a state senator in Massachu- setts he had framed a law establishing Massachu- setts Agricultural college, which law also strength- ened greatly the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. He was the author of the plan whereby the Mi...…

July 08, 1934 (vol. 15, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

….THE M IH.I.G4N.DAIILY 67 Students Make Fourth Of Excursions Large Party Inspects The Schools Of Cranbrook Foundation Hitler and Von Hindenburg; Power and Prestige (Continued from Page 1) girls' school, was not completed until 1931. At 10:45 the group reached Christ Church Cranbrook, where Mr. Andrew Williams, verger of the Church, took charge of the party. The first thing to be examined was a large stained glass window at one end of the C...…

July 08, 1934 (vol. 15, iss. 12) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 8, THEMICIGA DALYSUNAYJUL_8 Pairings For Tennis Mat ch Are Announced Scenes Of Activity At University Fresh Air .Camp I Where To Go | iI Men's Singles - Preliminary Round Aubrey 2-1456 vs. Straiton; Harvey 7142 vs. R.D. Mindlin 8717; Stimson 4151 vs. Kurrelmeier; Overton 2-2102 vs. Weil 4151; Peterson 3248 vs. Cole- man 2-1817; A. Smith 6464 vs. D. Sutta 2-2084; Carry 7796 vs. Uchenko 2-3582; Archer 8...…

July 08, 1933 (vol. 14, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Local showers and not quite Grn partly cloudy. Labo: Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XIV No. 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1933 Babe Does His Stuff In Game Of Century Jimmie Mattern Is Safe In Siberian Village Bus Company Scoref s Default Halts Passed Upon Wo Niagara Trip By Coinstock Dra C m t c *** :ra ~.*:::::~**5. Editorhils and Opera And The Corn- Man; The Complaint Of r, PRICE FIVE CENTS ST Raise ...…

July 08, 1933 (vol. 14, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session -- . Published every morning except Monday during the Vn versity year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of -Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Thle Associated Press is exclusively, entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credite...…

July 08, 1933 (vol. 14, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY nds That P! ysicians Discuss Policies For Hospital Here Three St1 Harry Newman Leads Midwest Squad In Game At World's Fair 0 nas erve iu sevea ways tou arou criticism, in some quarters quite i tense, and active protest on the pa of the medical profession. At t same time it has been heartily a cepted by various governmental uni for the treatment of indigent cas and by many citizens who felt th could not pay for the servic...…

July 08, 1933 (vol. 14, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…,THE M.I.CHIGAN DAILY ' SATURDAY, .T. A. Roster- Totals 22,000 Local Groups The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures Bay City Educator Talks On Organization As An Instructional Aid By JOHN C. HEALEY Parent-teacher associations have developed to such an extent that at present there are 49 state organiza- tions divided into 22,000 local units. with an aggregate membership o more than 1,500,000 parents - and teachers...…

July 08, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…{ I The Weather Generally fair Friday, little change in temperature, fresh southwest to west winds. LY. it iait Iait Editorials Borah Side-Steps A Presi- dential Boom; Smith Takes His Only (Course. Official Publication of The Summer Session t MMM VOL. XII, No. 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1932 PRICE FIVE CENTS -.f_________ i Final jSunr er Enrollment Is 3,791, 12 Per Cent Decrease 2,444 Men, 1,347 Women Registered fo...…

July 08, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TWA - ., _______________________________________________________________________________ The M1ichigan Daily Establishedl1890 . Published every morning except Monday during the TgxlVerlty year and ummer Session by the Board in 1rpvol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- ton and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the Associated Press is exclusively entitled to ...…

July 08, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

… T11 j' I MCHIGAN,,DIAT Speaker -Garner is -congratulated By His Colleagues t4 / A sou~~~ttdVe~Ih Speaer ohnN Grne, Dmocrticnomneefoivic preidet, s sownher r .civng he ongatu atteSho f Mc wltppa S lofsal hlreiwllb d Principals SoReeali'a eil t8olckTedymtdwItFuca. hsat nih. nHiladtoim i a-tniigae Setd t Aes c Of Frm n Cnqurin copanment wil b plyedliyOflLun W. r L.rPct. and :.has .appearednr ecitasund rf Faculty.........2 01.000 te mt r liticl a...…

July 08, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…w THE MICHIGAN DAILY )AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ublication in.the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the 3rity. Copy received at the office of the Dean of the Summer Session 3:30. excepting Sundays. 1130 a. m. Saturday. ,UME XIII FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1932 NUMBER 10 I Notice to Heads of Departments and All Others Interested: Some. ing can be made by disconnecting telephones and havying them recon- ted in ample time for the openin...…

July 08, 1931 (vol. 11, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

… P 'ummr ESTABLISHED 1920 ~J~frhi4a Il itJ MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS . XI, NO. 8. FOUR PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1931 WEATHER: Fair, Cooler. PRICE FIVE CENTS r i HANLlEY TO PLAY LAD IN MOIR Has Title Role in 'Don Juan;' Becker Will Play Sganarelle. STEVENS DIRECTS Carnegie Drama School Founder Will Stage Production. Alan Handley will recreate the role of Don Juan in the Repertory players' production o...…

July 08, 1931 (vol. 11, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…. THE SUMMER MICI YGAN DAIL3 ' WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1931 Published every morning esept Monday ring the University Summer session by the ard in Control o Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled the use for republication of all news dis- tehes credited to it or not otherwise credited this paper and, the local news published rein. All rights of republication of special spatches herein are also reserved. Entered at the ...…

July 08, 1931 (vol. 11, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…u GAx n Y 1'A+ L T' iFtEE BLTC~HIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE YERTISINE BOARD-First class, by the week, $5.50 for 3 meals per day; $4.75 for two meals. - Slightly higher rates by the single meal. One half block from the Campus at 213 South Thayer. Phone 5156. WANTED - Student laundry. All work guaranteed. Reasonbale prices. Socks darned and buttons replaced free. Will call for and deliver. Call 23365. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 FOR RENT-Cool, attractive r...…

July 08, 1931 (vol. 11, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…T8E SU11+1'M'ER 1VII HiGAN DAILY YMCi . f li+7J.ld1 . rt7 Vi.ti " 1 k71.. TH SMERMIHGA AI_ EN .,,UL 1~ Dally Official Bulletin Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members :f the University. Copy received at the office of the Dean of the Bummer Session until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 aim. Saturday. XI WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1931 NUMBER 8 - Excursion No. 3-Niagara Falls and Vicinity: The Department of; Geology will ...…

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