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December 08, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Datl Vol-. XX. .,N ARBOR, IMICI-IGAN, NViFiJiF SiAAY.iDIfh'EMBER8, i() No. ,3, CLASS BASKETBALL AFTERCHRISTMAS Schedules for Practice in Gym to be Announced---Good Material in Many Departments. Interclass 1ashetlall twil soo take its pacis the 'leaslig oleg-e ,por. for the text few monsthst No atie arrange- mets sill le iale uttttl after ie Cristas Itlislas,Mientetsch edltetlof iterlass gpnsoocwtill lhe drtawn n ap. Al- tltoo...…

December 08, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…_________ PTHE MICIG AN DAILY 0. H. Wild Company MERCHANT 'TAILORS :. We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- it gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Full Drss Suits a Specialty CALL AND SEE US 311 S. STATE STREET - A the Ne' Stoe G. H. Wild Comfpally jOne of the most popular shapes at peset " "" F1 COLL AR S & CUFF2 WAGNR & OR W.015AGDNR &BCO. T e Sa St d ing of t e l ghestmshoe The ~ UIH6fenesi h ...…

December 08, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…T E M C I A A [)CLA SSIFW rD A D V ERT ISIN G TI'his Space FORRENT. rMUSKit) Drama R For PRct--Mo~jern flat, furnished; fur-.--- --. " tare scat, tight and gas. No other roomers. Second house fross State T ef 1,(igpwrm \ilh Wl FOR street, 003 E. \\astosngtois street. atth p--icpuil' e il4at teho lo . P~hone 249-J. t 1)f iMusic s t ss0r t ica }:; )'l)k S m B r F T ei-'ic susite of rcri sislsat 7i18 Ito i iso- Is cis : ;1lii- (leine Sam 13..irci...…

December 08, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…rtE MICHIGAN DAILYi In praise of our $20,00 Over- coais. You can't imagine what swell cloth we are show- ing at $20.00 and You hear loud talk they've got the wool in them too. They're simply the best for $20.00. 118 East Liberty JI KARL MALCOLM I 2 1\1 d ommmm"Iwr® LEARN TO DANCE GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING Classes ftoaLadies-,andito leIe 'Teaytatnd iltota veigst;t S ao cloc I.athildrn'sclass 'rite -dat Afternoon 3:30to (.I-k oti any ta...…

December 08, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dal y \hot.. XIX. tio 5th. ALLERDICE WILL LEAD 109 ELEVEN Star Kicker Chosen to Succeed F Schulz as Varsity Football Captain-Jack Loell Returns. Into ofooh 00laettoo ugh cilos-i~o csteecton whchhascr attoindied the selection (of a o o-sicaopai,. Half- hack Da~oteolrdicoe oxa ochttosnS tittoat ns aptano t he tc too) toottootal l t -t. tub \h X a toooo, te )tro it laiot hast Ot hei ildgnrl of t tamot frthet kept ,vctre t, Oi t t...…

December 08, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…G. H.L Wild Comlpally The Largest Sto(k iri the City of' Exciusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear It ery thinig retuire(; for Sits,. Overcoats, Faney I 'tAing~s, and Trousring-. and of high clfs fabrics and speciafl"ith1 ft Full Dress Suits a Specialty ITHE MICH-IGAN DAILY. (Cl0F~ ('1Xll SII0Ch I 3f ,Ilana,;inOBditor-ARCHE F.SRITCHIE fi nig I sfn-Asn RF. I~eeIF Tie followilie lheneof ihi giciclbi Bus~iness Manager--JoHN F. WURZ. will ...…

December 08, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…I 4E MT0,ilA.: el Ix Xmas Toilet Articles AT l, '1noa,.i')i1.t' S (loin1india,{otna.1t11k it blefoea large 0audience at Neirhere this'monti.T IT Malli in the afternoont.lHe emphliasized twin mortti i T.81::, th lgeat teed lit' Univiersity tuilents 'lhe 1. liii it 'I~> t to take IthelIndtaii"onarvttwork. [eerOwlat N "1t 'C iai eieeillades T e altr'o te>tl kOc)it- ricnt,'' iimnediatejliy'ti She ilr r e "iit \M lhi;i,, ras a n ii lt it 'l e of...…

December 08, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i THE ART11TI1:DEC0RATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THlE LATEST AND MOST UP-To DAlE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior W all-tinting, IKalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We emp~loy only skilled workmen and gnarantee onr work. Goods Delivered to all...…

December 08, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…_heMich iganDa ily A\N ARBOR. MICHTGV\:N.SUNDAY,..DECEMBER 8,197. Vol'. XVIII. POLITICAL METHODS MUST BE CHANGED Athletic Association Situatfon Begins to Clear Up--Agitation of Principles, Not Personalities. The poliiial a tmtophere oft Ath- '15 ioabeplial mt ods inC olcam-t~g figpoitics, acmiItteeCCto cosidr' Iotmtdingti revCCfising te, cIotittito 'u1ders1and(1gCofot((ltis andpurpole iitoi n0 the1 so-calle -opposing~ 1 ac :t 1111101 tttof ...…

December 08, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…fW'R NTC!IUIAW OATL Y THE MlICH-IG.>AN DAILY. G. H. Wild COffpall aagn dtr-ALSc o DBITORS The Largest Stock . . .A. F. Ritchsie in tte City ts. .. . . . . . . .. of Athletics ..... David F. Stevenson t '.cltattgc .......1.jolts Wambotd M 'sc and Dranta . R..oy D. Welcit Exclusive Styles ill ttstcnt I Editor. . .. Louise Vat Voorhis WOOLENS For Gentlemenl's Wer F',verythtng requtred for Soitts, )\eots , ~aaney Vesttngoso d Issssectp so d of h...…

December 08, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…THE, IIDAN1ATLY yy/XYLY.HMYY =WUN IM4 '+Y-R 'k% .'. +' . w_' n6'w.OC'cww+ s- 'Y+wW Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifield ['06 & CO. EASTHURON ST. Do you want $2.70 worth of Y Call at our store and learn the particulars of the Sanitol Chemical Company's great introductory affer, tile great(est offer ever made in toilet pt pooh ns. Ten artiefrth y oe price of 4 BROWN'S DRUGC STORE 120 U. Libety St. ALARMI ...…

December 08, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…CO LL E GE S T YLE S CALENDAR, HENRY CO. D~cc y- ss basl~ndl givies sixth S. Where will you find style at its top-most L,. A. entertainment. T IOLSHg ls pitch' In the great universities, to he sure Dec. 9-Dr. James IR. Moore, proles- FURNISHERS Toliw Cl Merchandise The college youtth knows-fashion as the sor of sugryiteUildersit o Iin-B TTERSI i I Popular Prices . / n~~~~iesgta,ne meia bulig 8p. . small bioy knows the farthest corner of thetDe...…

December 08, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga Daily VOL,. XVII. fi}, fx THIRD ANNUAL BANQUET OF MICHIGAN UNION HELD TONIGHT FORMAL PRESENTATION CORNELL MAN SPEAKS OCCURS THIS AFTERNOON ON TRUST PROBLEM Angell Portrait to be Received hy Professor Jenks Lectures Be fore the Regent Knappen Prof. Jenks to iconomic Class _Says Money # he the Principal Speaker. Kioxs Are Uns crupuous. One Hundred and Ninety Tickets Still to be Soid-Gymnasiurn Suitably Decorated for the Oc- cas...…

December 08, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY fall Tailoring 3 p~tit as" IlI There's Nothing Beyond Us 'in (Oarnment Matking. r)11 II, } XX 1, r111 1 " i ll Ii at fif ii :t I'" i l 'i l I . I!'I I !! i .' I "'liP ii 11,1'ilif 1 W 1 iL., 11D CI. 31 .State St. 'THE. MICHIGAN DAILY. ffI t i I";nteed w, t'conI class nilttti' at the .n 'K t~1 j rbor PoI'istoflot 1'1 ill fH.:1,',i if ly i(Monfays excefteli I idiuiig I fi I i the icolleKe year, at 117lFast XWahingtifti NI ...…

December 08, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…F MICHIGAN DAILY F you've tnevertrie~d College .Brand Clothe:,do so now - scit 11nev er It F an thoer kind tter Wltk =-O vtb rJS htes you've onice tiedioutr suits overcoats iravenets All the latest shades, i plain blues andII aV I blacks--prces i 5 to$2j. C hristuas Giftfs for mieni imoderately picted. In out Hae rdzsh- _____________________________________________ ry Departmient yo'fnitdtiin uunerablesggestions for us'eful and serviesbie holi...…

December 08, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…14 i CIA DAILY $1For You For C hristmnas 1o clwse out our Fountain P'ens we will give onie dol- lar to anybOdy who pur- ciases a Parker Fountain 'eni at the r ralar prico- $2.5() $1.00). $1.00 or $5.00 'the5y are all new and a' )good( as the best. All Our Dollar Fountain Penus at 7:1(Cunts Each ALARM CLOCKS HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE Chapman's Jewelry Store AI 204 South State Street l"C1 f7' 't p t. . r ) and0 l 3 0 in' he } c. 1011ors of 111 ...…

December 08, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…T The Mlichigan Daily A\\ ARIBORMIHIGA\NFRIDAI) \ I;Ct I II S t9K, o. Vol,. XVI. No. 59- MASS MEETING WILLI FAVORS PROPOSED GIVE TEAM OVATION --LM~I RFR __________________ ead of University Endorses Agitation werenotfl~n~ld wth ny urps o + F-or Improvement of American At University Hall Tonight- Ex- nefr iht hebusinessiof i lliil - Diplomatic System. Senator Murfin, James Keena and ---i er,, butlirather v, itttithe purtosetof .iW- Clem Hol...…

December 08, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…TIlE MICIAIOAN' tAT1 GOH. Wild Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The lrgest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of highcdas farics and special tyle for s- dents. G. IH. Wild Co. Ou s Stock Of Popular Novels is being constantly added to and nowhere else in town will you findan assortment so complete and thoroughly op-to-date as f Sbeehan & Co. Students' Bookstore Get Your Room Decorations PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET WASTE...…

December 08, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…'' I MICHIQAN AILY SPA[DIN'S OFFICIAL ALMANAC Edte FOR 1906 PRICE 10 CENTS A. G. SPALDING C. BROS. 'a aN'eal, taChicc - laeph lner Srae ne at olis lRaston liasas Ct an raaCisacc tialtimlac Ptittlsharg '-in ce Nec Urlecs Mntreal, tan. I, la. Eng. Sjaldiaa's calalagac' ofall atlletc ric' maialdcfreetoaany adrss. TO0B A C COS H-USTON BROTHERS S uccesaora Fe JA -W. REED. 312 S. State STATE SAVINGS BANK WI. J. tBath J. V. Shehan Wi. Arld tDr. V C....…

December 08, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…llockillg Valley Ry.' Ill v.i N SER.VICE 'Youswill dIti Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in 'Toledo and Co- lumnbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. I Magnets that attract jwy IS -' , PATRONAGE ARE Quality and Price The quality of our Swits aid Overcoats RLCENTLWIY is, we think, well enough known to require no comment, 25,000 Now V\or but do you know, that...…

December 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ,ivOI. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBE2R 8, 1904. No. 5S8 FALL ROUND-UP. TEST THE DRUG GINSENG. HAZING STORY A FAKE.I Far Westerners to Come Together; Members of the Alpha Sigma Fra-, Louis K. H'awks, a Freshman, Was j< to Smoke ,'Lone Jack" aid Swap! ternity Take Their Annual Dose of: Uninjured When He Left Ann Ar, Tales of the Plains and the Hills. Poison. bor-Tells Wild Tale in (oshen, Ind. vacttt et al Nih l itli...…

December 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…THE MtICHIGAN DAILY THE L J1CHIGAN -DAILY.I ' F RETORT coIw'RTous. " Arbor a iiefendir right in tiht heart if the 'YOU T O KN W ipo it iite.~ ye <mtyMd IPL OK 0~ t ei fi~vat itlidFr ait i 11 i'iaarattir c ti. or the i monthattis f (bse e t or ide 2 t a t t tr e i r t t. i, n r thu p ite i iii ilr That we are doing hbusinesas Ma wg. ditt,-ithdelicate roslariaroas ts be- hotBuinessMan.agerCLAUDE A.THiOMPSON. iii~*aittttttli : OUR NEW STORE ...…

December 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…THR MICHIGAN DAILY IfhtiOn account of the late sason you get OUR PROFIT lOTIIU[ on all OVJ RCO.ATS. This inciudies Hart, Schaffner Nl ark make. long, loose, stylish garments. All $24.00 an~d $23.00 OVERCOATS no $20.00 All $2o.00 mL~d $22.00 OVERCOATS rsow' $17.00 All $18.00 OVERCOATS riow, $13.00 All $15.00 OVERCOATS n~ow $12.00 All $12.00 OVERLCOATS nsow $10.00 D~ON'T WAIT!I COME NOW!I LUTZ, the Clothier, 217' So. Main St. 'I F ~ Sce our na...…

December 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…t THE MICHo LAN DAILY fr Ni p+ N iNN N ft A N dNH J I RANDALL I P PHO TO G RAPH ERI 4 4 4 '4 4f 4 4f i4 Study with a Good Light Thbere is no better light than THE WELSBACM READING LAMP~ New Shipmentc proof Shoes Heights bllios'stonlgue, rat (I1e sole. iliiu Igil 111sy of FatoryI 111 South M\ S3op FrMen 4i~l S and Women s Walk- Over Shoes Formerly soid as Purian Shoes. of Water- s--AII : double soale, lyoileds. Store 111i1 lain St. 3 ALL ST'YLE...…

December 08, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The Mchig al VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, DECEMBER ;~, 1903. No. 58 PRESIDEiNT[lIOT. TIF RESHMfAN SPR[AD. Will Lecture in S. L. A. Course-Stu- %Supssenior PeiosFucioso dent of Labor and Capital Que- /a Sno Character-Large Num tions-His Life and Writints. bers in Attendance and Beauti. ful Costumes Worn Pres. Charles William Elio, of Har,-- v n nvest il dss h t tast Sat ru ay night at 12 oschic it at oilsthis eveninig in t iersita ii Ir...…

December 08, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Annlouncelnont.. The Largest and Most Complete Line of.. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. H. Wild & C's, 108 East Washington St. Great pains have been taken in the selection of all suitings, trouserings & overotings for this season. G. H. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White I Athr f "Conjur'er'sHouse," -The lazecdTrail" c THE FOREST I listreeit wibIS fu1.pass iiaiee al with etsssestosso y 4 I Tho a,...…

December 08, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ,k\LCHI6AN CE NTIAt y. ... tre igara Fatts out: Pr-Holiday Overcoat THE SHORT LINE-51 Pre ANN ARBOR to and Si Sale CHICAGO; BUFFALO444 NEW YORK } Every Overcoat and Soil (except black .4 AND BOSTON . suits) marked dowvn for The Greatest .4 0 i Sae everiniaugcorated in AAnti.Atbor. lwitsirc connetio. s t'i 1 1 t jofrft ae e e ,~ Mak yourselections earle-First come taui KnasCiy s.t111 In heWFir Ma s erved. C F New Brluswic...…

December 08, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…THE MILCHIGAN DAILY. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ' i w r--- Fo, lla1 K Prntan ioi [Oil nn Arbor Story Factory-Brol Shoes From r r E i f . ' Gjrok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. 'MOGUL SMOKEL MAKES LGYPTIAN SMSOKLRS Cor.k Tip or Phin. Sv hCopons. _. I "_ F Oil I MONEY LOANED ON ry A. A ('In'...-v ([Wo llIfloh1 : u i _ LUi ,StISINSESS STRICTLY CONFIDENOTIAL. E~, 111 . lkl in~f. W. J. LOURIVL. 44togoon) ;. .e...…

December 08, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…t'hn.ANN ARBORU~, MICH., SUNDAY. DECi'; M 'd5, 1901. No. al HARRISON S, Wz ,(, 'ARSITY PRACTIC, SARA RAND.0ISHPEMING CHAMP IONS. S t he 1 Best Quaterbacki the Ys. sWhoirwind Blan Uda iv A s- Wdil le911 uidrS. L A. Auspcs Th Sped Lttfl Team I tom the p- Slet. Seaon) Practice Yesterday fore bmo ow Evening. 1170 PinsuOXlaO Won a fiard an10 If1.,,1the Stanford Ganme. -Eto alttoo. 11.i Cii 1 t rli Illil al ll til- 11lh I i1( 10 110 \1l. ,i11 ., l1....…

December 08, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICIIItiAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60 LEADIG MECHAN Tf1IL0R OU FALLN is te bst w hae evr sown containin ALL T~r lk~ anBu StylNG EsAN and ver fie lie o Fancy uiting and iouseirig TARSFALLPN conta in in li -l- Black and Bluc: CapstDrugstor LnheslaAret patternTan Ever; tding. Te-arestso rtmentS, the statSttee. t F IT IS AxcLawn or Me aloak 5HAV IT.c iLuncs AreBAttrThanLLve ThenU, of Al. DAILY, ICti Yeair. The 'VARSITY NEWS, 1st Year-. , ~ iiil Enerd...…

December 08, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…THE lIaCfH IGAN"I)AIEY-NEWS IThe Mot4 GouvinGinO Ihingi thtwe could do that would tend to induce you to buy j STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES+ would be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. + We cannot commsand the language with wlich to tell you how good Ilsese clothes are, The makers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, and they are sanproudlof their reputation, that not the slighstest defect either of aslyle, fabrics or t...…

December 08, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…THE AIIGIIIGAN 1)ATLYSNENiS - . i a TAILO'RS pocig e-o. Ifyou xxare'xcosiering ansy- I1z3 South Main Street thing for'men'swa, letxustakit over wi'thyoui. rI ~WW~WWWW~A~ sl 'V 1 s li n o BETTER THI:N EVER? 1= 707 (l il L IX Lx."o ~ iThe SC! EEDE I TEMPOIURY BIND iE TH E HOOKII,°1:"_ VALLE Y RYfr/1c! V""" r rtlxrlrx.llt 'ixl, tr,:ttt 1ra i c:'iyti;1 5 ~t1';' x ii,> 'iix t NT I l )AXIii)1 ;) faer ~pr l Wte J.A'.sLANLSIAN, (lenerai Traveling Agen...…

December 08, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…VOL X1, ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1900. No, 63 An ou ce ene GOOD SHOWING Cmmunicatin. Athletic Party a Success The Hospital Circle oi King's Dugh- (The Daily is glad to receive and print Vh icett athletic pary of the season Our special line tesAdsed aiiignd comnonicaIns, but is no t given, by the Atheti Association a icaossAbde fureany iunent .s abhe at rman Gym. last enig, was pFo oein adrcssed therein), a big succes No soix' si...…

December 08, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

… THE UNI EKi1l'Y OF MIGHM&N l)ki_1 Y w H 'tE~tYOFMCIA )4, Pubtlished Dailly (Monays excepteddisrig Colegeeare, at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN MAIN OFFRICE -B RANCH OFFICE Argg's Bldg, Main St. 33S. State'Sete t. B tk 'Phnes 3. euw State 'Phone 182. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HANS. 'a1 BUSINESS MANAGER, F'. E EoLHARO 'OZi, EDITORS: ATHLEJTICS, - G. D. I~uD5IUTT, 'a1TN A. H.MPOUO)Q ALL-,'O E- YW.A. IKNIGHT, '811L liss I.,,. SAUINE 'W3CE'sS. DVORAK ...…

December 08, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…TBE UNIVERSITY J~OF: AII 1GAI. JDAILY. Th AT MAN IWELL Dressed A remtark frequently made when the wearer of G odspeed's clothbes pastes Ily-:Tiat's thie harm of omr clotjes- There's no one featre that attracts at- tention, but e very .little detail is fasion~ied }erfectly to make an article whole-Our clothes do nit 8show exag- geratiotis of: cut, but each curve is modeled, according, to the prevailitig mode, and the., g.arment harinottizes ...…

December 08, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY NI3W'BOOKS WORT~f READING The Card in ti's snuff .box, Henry Harland On the W ing of Otstions. rdfart ieler Harris Thes HeartsHighway. MaryJ9. Wdiiiis The Lane that had no T~unlf Gilbert Parker ?lore Fables, GmmeAdle Atice of Old incen nes, AfaurieeVwmpsc n In the Palaetol the. King~ F. Marit Orafarel Songs ofthe flornng. Fr Eh~c~elpott The isle of Unrest, Jionry SetonMerrimnl A Bey cia ofCaCthaft tlb'ankI...…

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