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December 08, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…VOL X1, ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1900. No, 63 An ou ce ene GOOD SHOWING Cmmunicatin. Athletic Party a Success The Hospital Circle oi King's Dugh- (The Daily is glad to receive and print Vh icett athletic pary of the season Our special line tesAdsed aiiignd comnonicaIns, but is no t given, by the Atheti Association a icaossAbde fureany iunent .s abhe at rman Gym. last enig, was pFo oein adrcssed therein), a big succes No soix' si...…

December 08, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…t'hn.ANN ARBORU~, MICH., SUNDAY. DECi'; M 'd5, 1901. No. al HARRISON S, Wz ,(, 'ARSITY PRACTIC, SARA RAND.0ISHPEMING CHAMP IONS. S t he 1 Best Quaterbacki the Ys. sWhoirwind Blan Uda iv A s- Wdil le911 uidrS. L A. Auspcs Th Sped Lttfl Team I tom the p- Slet. Seaon) Practice Yesterday fore bmo ow Evening. 1170 PinsuOXlaO Won a fiard an10 If1.,,1the Stanford Ganme. -Eto alttoo. 11.i Cii 1 t rli Illil al ll til- 11lh I i1( 10 110 \1l. ,i11 ., l1....…

December 08, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The Mchig al VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, DECEMBER ;~, 1903. No. 58 PRESIDEiNT[lIOT. TIF RESHMfAN SPR[AD. Will Lecture in S. L. A. Course-Stu- %Supssenior PeiosFucioso dent of Labor and Capital Que- /a Sno Character-Large Num tions-His Life and Writints. bers in Attendance and Beauti. ful Costumes Worn Pres. Charles William Elio, of Har,-- v n nvest il dss h t tast Sat ru ay night at 12 oschic it at oilsthis eveninig in t iersita ii Ir...…

December 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ,ivOI. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBE2R 8, 1904. No. 5S8 FALL ROUND-UP. TEST THE DRUG GINSENG. HAZING STORY A FAKE.I Far Westerners to Come Together; Members of the Alpha Sigma Fra-, Louis K. H'awks, a Freshman, Was j< to Smoke ,'Lone Jack" aid Swap! ternity Take Their Annual Dose of: Uninjured When He Left Ann Ar, Tales of the Plains and the Hills. Poison. bor-Tells Wild Tale in (oshen, Ind. vacttt et al Nih l itli...…

December 08, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…T The Mlichigan Daily A\\ ARIBORMIHIGA\NFRIDAI) \ I;Ct I II S t9K, o. Vol,. XVI. No. 59- MASS MEETING WILLI FAVORS PROPOSED GIVE TEAM OVATION --LM~I RFR __________________ ead of University Endorses Agitation werenotfl~n~ld wth ny urps o + F-or Improvement of American At University Hall Tonight- Ex- nefr iht hebusinessiof i lliil - Diplomatic System. Senator Murfin, James Keena and ---i er,, butlirather v, itttithe purtosetof .iW- Clem Hol...…

December 08, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga Daily VOL,. XVII. fi}, fx THIRD ANNUAL BANQUET OF MICHIGAN UNION HELD TONIGHT FORMAL PRESENTATION CORNELL MAN SPEAKS OCCURS THIS AFTERNOON ON TRUST PROBLEM Angell Portrait to be Received hy Professor Jenks Lectures Be fore the Regent Knappen Prof. Jenks to iconomic Class _Says Money # he the Principal Speaker. Kioxs Are Uns crupuous. One Hundred and Ninety Tickets Still to be Soid-Gymnasiurn Suitably Decorated for the Oc- cas...…

December 08, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…_heMich iganDa ily A\N ARBOR. MICHTGV\:N.SUNDAY,..DECEMBER 8,197. Vol'. XVIII. POLITICAL METHODS MUST BE CHANGED Athletic Association Situatfon Begins to Clear Up--Agitation of Principles, Not Personalities. The poliiial a tmtophere oft Ath- '15 ioabeplial mt ods inC olcam-t~g figpoitics, acmiItteeCCto cosidr' Iotmtdingti revCCfising te, cIotittito 'u1ders1and(1gCofot((ltis andpurpole iitoi n0 the1 so-calle -opposing~ 1 ac :t 1111101 tttof ...…

December 08, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dal y \hot.. XIX. tio 5th. ALLERDICE WILL LEAD 109 ELEVEN Star Kicker Chosen to Succeed F Schulz as Varsity Football Captain-Jack Loell Returns. Into ofooh 00laettoo ugh cilos-i~o csteecton whchhascr attoindied the selection (of a o o-sicaopai,. Half- hack Da~oteolrdicoe oxa ochttosnS tittoat ns aptano t he tc too) toottootal l t -t. tub \h X a toooo, te )tro it laiot hast Ot hei ildgnrl of t tamot frthet kept ,vctre t, Oi t t...…

December 08, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Datl Vol-. XX. .,N ARBOR, IMICI-IGAN, NViFiJiF SiAAY.iDIfh'EMBER8, i() No. ,3, CLASS BASKETBALL AFTERCHRISTMAS Schedules for Practice in Gym to be Announced---Good Material in Many Departments. Interclass 1ashetlall twil soo take its pacis the 'leaslig oleg-e ,por. for the text few monsthst No atie arrange- mets sill le iale uttttl after ie Cristas Itlislas,Mientetsch edltetlof iterlass gpnsoocwtill lhe drtawn n ap. Al- tltoo...…

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