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November 08, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 55) • Page Image 6

computer sciences seeks small apt. or efficiency near campus. Immed. occupancy. 764- 0345 until 5 p.m. 88L008 MALE GRAD student wants room in' house or share apartment. Winter' Term. Reply Box 17 Mich. Daily…

…. Old. Best offer. 769- 3555 or 973-1678. 05B008 BOA CONSTRICTOR for sale. Call Pat- ty. 764-7926 39B010! WINE DRINKERS: delicious potent and unique apple wine. Only $12 per cases 12 bottles). For orders…

November 08, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 55) • Page Image 7

… pay is not so great as it might seem, however, because the base on which each side is computing its percentage is different. FOR EXAMPLE, for a standard half-time two term appointment' with a current…

…. Akadama Red and bitter lemon tonic Akadama Red with apple juice Akadama Plum with ginger ale Akadama Plum and champagne people in touch with others and themselves. Some come hungry for India's beauty. The…

November 08, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 54) • Page Image 9

… sustained one loss on their way to the playoffs. ALL THE PLAYOFF coaches had good words for the complicated three year old computer point system that got them to this stage, although several pointed to "a few…

… Frozen Yogurt Shakes /s Price " BLOODY LARRY yogurt & raspberry juice " SUNBURST yogurt & orange juice " APPLE BLOSSOM * PAPAYA yogurt & apple juice yogurt & papaya juice * PINA COLADA " PROTEIN PLUS…

November 08, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 47) • Page Image 6

… students making reserva- tion in Nov. 769-0404. HAY RIDES- Good old fashioned country atmosphere w/ bonfire & all you can eat hot dogs, apple cider, & marshmallows. See why people like ours the best. Only 14…

…. Full/part time. Apply in person. Little Caesars in the Michigan Union. 665-2034. COLLEGE WORK-STUDY program students. Great pay! Flexible hrs. Provide computer & clerical assistance in medical…

November 08, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 28) • Page Image 6

… of problems. -Provide user support, system backup, data processing and other computer related tasks. -Possible special project assignments. We require: Experience with SQL program- ming and DOS indows…

…. We prefer: Graduation from high school, sup- plemented by college level course work & training or experience in computer programming. Temporary position with a duration of 6 months to one year, full or…

…., heat, H20. $406/mo. Fully fum., appl., & close to campus. Fem. only. 425 Hill St. 995-4762. 1, 2 & 3 BDRM. apts. & hses. Avail. for fall 1996. Call 761-8990. 10-12 BEDROOM HOUSE near campus, parking 663…

November 08, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 28) • Page Image 6

…, exercise & computer facilities, shuttle service, near CCRB. 741-9300. !!! CENTRAL CAMPUS !!! 6/7 bedroom houses, furnished, parking, ethernet, washer/dryer. May to May lease. 734-623-RENT. MGRAD STUDENT…

… with good people skills and computer knowledge. Will train. Contact Carolyn at 668-1100. Leasing agents wanted Great pay, flexible hours, fun working environment. 741-9300. MATH TUTOR NEEDED for a Tappan…

…'s slant 14 Apple throwaway 15 "A Death in the Family" author 16 Hurt by el toro 17 Be that as it may 4 5 6 7 8 9 Barbie's doll "Roseanne" star Seaweed extract Went after Excited about Back 40 One way to…

November 08, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…, exercise & computer 717-6913 or 971-6902. Houses and apartments. House and location. Contact Sarah at spolitizi maintenance. Flexible hours. Excellent pay! facilities, shuttle service near CCRB. Stop by for…

… ARBOR YMCA seeks P/T front desk help. Midnight to 8am. Some wknd. & holidays a required. $8.50, YMCA membership & AATA pass. Fill out appl. @ 350 S. Fifth Ave. or email EOE…

November 08, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 46) • Page Image 6

….995.9200 ( Equal Housing Opportunity. 6/7 BEDROOM TRI-LEVEL 2 bath., cathe- dral ceilings, skylights, new kitchen + carpet 2002, access to exercise + computer facilities, beautifully…

…. townhouse. All appl., own wshr./dryer. Great loc. near med. campus, river, hiking. $800. 734-546-8578 or AVAIL. NOW: HUGE 3 bedroom bi-level penthouse in prime location. Easily fits 5. Heat…

…-769-5778. **COME MAKE MONEY!** Roaming in the Jungle. Call Mary for details 586-264-0676 or email at DR. COMPUTER repair, setup, upgrade, tutor, graphics, virus repair, ref(s) (877) CPU- COMPUTER

…; NECK PAIN OR BACK PAIN? Health care intro. 4 Chiropractic treatments $75. Near U of M 734-994-5966. THESIS EDITING. Language, organization, format. All disciplines 25 years U…

November 08, 2004 (vol. 115, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

… large 2 bdrm. bi-level apts., 1.5 baths., fur- nished & contemporary in every way. Add FREE Internet, FREE satellite TV, exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge w/ comput- ers, great location near CCRB…

…. Furnished, parking, Balconies, dishwashers, wireless And more. 734.668-1100 ABSOLUTELY LARGE 4 bdrm. house in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood…

… - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 093 - Summer Employment 095 - Child Care 1 n - Ticrkot Trovol 3 lines…

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