November 08, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 28) • Page Image 6
… of problems. -Provide user support, system backup, data processing and other computer related tasks. -Possible special project assignments. We require: Experience with SQL program- ming and DOS indows…
…. We prefer: Graduation from high school, sup- plemented by college level course work & training or experience in computer programming. Temporary position with a duration of 6 months to one year, full or…
…., heat, H20. $406/mo. Fully fum., appl., & close to campus. Fem. only. 425 Hill St. 995-4762. 1, 2 & 3 BDRM. apts. & hses. Avail. for fall 1996. Call 761-8990. 10-12 BEDROOM HOUSE near campus, parking 663…