November 08, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 28) • Page Image 6
…, exercise & computer facilities, shuttle service, near CCRB. 741-9300. !!! CENTRAL CAMPUS !!! 6/7 bedroom houses, furnished, parking, ethernet, washer/dryer. May to May lease. 734-623-RENT. MGRAD STUDENT…
… with good people skills and computer knowledge. Will train. Contact Carolyn at 668-1100. Leasing agents wanted Great pay, flexible hours, fun working environment. 741-9300. MATH TUTOR NEEDED for a Tappan…
…'s slant 14 Apple throwaway 15 "A Death in the Family" author 16 Hurt by el toro 17 Be that as it may 4 5 6 7 8 9 Barbie's doll "Roseanne" star Seaweed extract Went after Excited about Back 40 One way to…