October 08, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 28) • Page Image 8
…/I.D. pictures. Reasonably priced. 320 S. State above Richardson's Pharmacy. (10-5 M-F; 10-1 Sat.) cFtc AMITY LSAT/GMAT/MCAT GRE SEMINARS: 800-243-4767 91F1112 WIN AN APPLE le COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN…
…-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19J1021 RESUMES that get interviews-Cover Letters-Career Decisions-Job Finding…
… Ask about our editing services. QUICK QUILL 665-6157 COMPUTERS & SUPPLI BYMB Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. - A A - Call 996-094 This Week…