September 07, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 2) • Page Image 10
…, typing, and other clerical tasks. Computer skills desired. $6 per hr., 20 hrs. per week. Apply at U of M Student Employment Office. ADORABLE BABY plus 2 siblings need care, my home, Mon. 12:30-5:30 pm…
… CHILDCARE, 4 EVENINGS/WK. 16 hours, good pay for the right person, 761- 6520. COLLEGE WORK STUDY program students. GREAT PAYi FLEXIBLE HOURSI Provide computer and clerical as- sistance in medical environment…
…Perfect & office machines are a plus. Part-time & full-time positions are available. Appl in person: Ex- ecutive Residence, 710 E. University. An E- qual Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. GRADUATE…
…, computer graphics, proofreading and editing, report and presentation reparation and general of- fice duties. IBM compatible experience necessary. Send resume to Mark Kassof & Co. 527 E. Liberty Suite 204 Ann…
… VGA monitors/ Hard Drives $249 Memory Modules lowest prices-CALL 1 Year Limited Warranty BMOC Computer 583-1895 STUDENT SERVICES , , ROOMMATES ROOMMATE(S) WANTED. Share w/ 3H; males in Geddes Fill apt…
…., apr. $250/mo., ' Contact Rick, Scott, Bobby at 998-0470. WANTED: 2 ROOMATES to share, bedroom in 3 bdrm. apt. (2 baths). Close to MLB. Please call 998-1958. Females preferred. COMPUTERS ABSOLUTELY THE…
… LOW EST PRICES on campus. IBM Compatible Computers. Or- der today, pick-up tomorrow. Call now 747 9400. COMPUTER SALES & technical. Downtown Ann Arbor. Call 747-9400. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE…
… message if interested. -_ . - PERSONAL WEEKEND WAITSTAFf, cooks, and dishwashers. 429-2115. ,. _, WORK STUDY Students with computer/of- fice experience needed for law school front office. Call Rosie…