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September 07, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 2) • Page Image 10

…, typing, and other clerical tasks. Computer skills desired. $6 per hr., 20 hrs. per week. Apply at U of M Student Employment Office. ADORABLE BABY plus 2 siblings need care, my home, Mon. 12:30-5:30 pm…

… CHILDCARE, 4 EVENINGS/WK. 16 hours, good pay for the right person, 761- 6520. COLLEGE WORK STUDY program students. GREAT PAYi FLEXIBLE HOURSI Provide computer and clerical as- sistance in medical environment…

…Perfect & office machines are a plus. Part-time & full-time positions are available. Appl in person: Ex- ecutive Residence, 710 E. University. An E- qual Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. GRADUATE…

…, computer graphics, proofreading and editing, report and presentation reparation and general of- fice duties. IBM compatible experience necessary. Send resume to Mark Kassof & Co. 527 E. Liberty Suite 204 Ann…

… VGA monitors/ Hard Drives $249 Memory Modules lowest prices-CALL 1 Year Limited Warranty BMOC Computer 583-1895 STUDENT SERVICES , , ROOMMATES ROOMMATE(S) WANTED. Share w/ 3H; males in Geddes Fill apt…

…., apr. $250/mo., ' Contact Rick, Scott, Bobby at 998-0470. WANTED: 2 ROOMATES to share, bedroom in 3 bdrm. apt. (2 baths). Close to MLB. Please call 998-1958. Females preferred. COMPUTERS ABSOLUTELY THE…

… LOW EST PRICES on campus. IBM Compatible Computers. Or- der today, pick-up tomorrow. Call now 747 9400. COMPUTER SALES & technical. Downtown Ann Arbor. Call 747-9400. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE…

… message if interested. -_ . - PERSONAL WEEKEND WAITSTAFf, cooks, and dishwashers. 429-2115. ,. _, WORK STUDY Students with computer/of- fice experience needed for law school front office. Call Rosie…

September 07, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

… VALUE!I OFFER ENDS SEPTEMBER 30 I i 0 0nComputer Kickoff '89 Price List o n 0 Apple Systems: 90 . warranty included U-Mrv Config.# Computer Kickoff A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A…

…-12 Model Apple Mac Plus w/20M Hard Drive Apple Mac Plus w/20M Hard Drivejo Apple Mac Plusw/20M Hard Drive and MacDraw II & Filemaker II Apple Mac Plus w/20M Hard DriveJJ Apple Mac SE w/ 2 Floppies…

Apple Mac SE w/ 2 Floppiesoo Apple Mac SE w/ 20M'Hard Drive Apple Mac SE w/20M Hard Driveco0 Apple Mac SE/30 Apple Mac SE/30D Apple Mac Ilcx List Price * $3,127.00 $3,254.00 $3,853.00 $3,980.00 $4…

… hotline: 763-6181. Orders must be in by Friday, Sept. 22, 1989. 9 Apple Mac llcxoo JJ includes an optional 9 month extended warranty for a total of 1 year warranty. I 7 ff1 IBM Systems: 1- year…

September 07, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 1) • Page Image 56

… finer restaurant that's open late and named for a football series can not be found. J m j . The Univers in cooperation with Apple Computer, IB brings you Compute Michigan Daily ARTS 763-0379 PASS IT…

… AVAILABLE Phone 662-2756 CALL 662-9928 530 W. Stadium Blvd. 1 I r Kickoff '89 Jackets Handbags Bookbags Attaches So that you may have the most convenient access to the power of computing,we are…

… offering a variety of systems at significant savings. r 4 4f R t For more information: " Booklets (including systems and prices) available at: - All Campus Computing Sites - Campus Information Center…

… - Computing Resource Center " Photo & Campus Services " Hands-On Demonstration and Seminar August 21-September 22 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Michigan Union Mall (ground floor) <?,,s Briefcases ' j Coats Alterations…

September 07, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 1) • Page Image 82

…$ MIN.) 668-2744 707 PACKARD NEAR STATE STREET No Mp- "W Apple Macintosh IBM Personal Computers Zenith Data Systems Epson Citizen Rodime Next Have Your Favorite Movies Delivered To Your Door And…

… Your Computer Repaired Right On Ca ILM? VL_ I 10 I 48 hour (in most cases) turn-around repai Factory replacement parts Manufacturer-trained repa, DELIVERS AND PICKS UP FREE MEMBERSHIP ASiA GA…

September 07, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 3) • Page Image 8

… 2000 computer used to supplement regular in- struction. WHILE COLLEGE students curse their computerized drop- and-add system, the students at Clonlara have complete con- trol over their electronic tu…

… FREE school student takes full advantage of the educational potential offered by computerized teaching. 5.4 PERCENT: Jobless totals rise Japanese KARA'r Shotokan Chidokan Dojo, Inc.. 209 N. MAIN…

… children can instruct their teachers, but at the Clon- lara Free school, the students do just that. However, their teacher is not a matronly lady who can be paciifed with apples. Rather, she is a Hazleton…

… flus'ered pupil sembles a television screei con- lost two games, but won the nected to a typewriter keyboard, third, Mountgomery revealed and it is tied in with a master computer in Novi. that the…

computer was progam- To operate the machine, theme student enters an idea ification The most tedious exercise, number, and instructions appear says Mountgomery is plotting. on the screen, giving the child…

… Consuming hours plotting cars, a choice of four drills. boats, and flowers on graph "The most significant exer- paper the student transfers The cise is the 'echo function,' used coordinates to the computer to…

… teach reading," explained r s t m Mountgomery. "When the -s:u- screen. dent types a word or phrase the "In the few kids who can computer duplicates it on the plot, we've seen exceptional screen." growth…

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