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February 07, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

… determining the definition of sub- stantial on a case by case basis. If passed, the revised bill could affect the University of Michigan's sales of Apple computers and acces- sories. The University holds a…

… contract with Apple Computer Inc. which al- lows it to purchase computers wholesale and sell them to students, faculty and staff for the purchase price plus a handling charge. Such a contract allows the Uni…

… "unfair" competition from universities which sell goods such as computers, eye- glasses, hearing aids or make-up. The bill would create a governor- appointed commission -composed of state commerce…

…'Conner said. "If I wanted to get a computer, I could get one," she said. The revised bill defines specific areas in which universities can sell goods. Such areas include: housing food service, goods with…

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