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October 06, 2014 (vol. 125, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

…'t a good show. If Shonda of apple Rhimes's other series have spice and ALEC STERN proven anything (chiefly hope in the "Grey's Anatomy" and "Scan- air as you dal," though at times "Private walk down…

… worker 8 Boys Esth. 59 Lowin fat 14 Traditional 9 Has a talk with 48 Break bread 60 Soldier's group, a Pennsylvania 10 Nearsighted 49 Computer on an member of which barn raisers toon airplane tray might be…

… Wold Series 51 '2001'computer 17 16 1s 52 Mums neighbor 2w a1 a2 as 553Traveled around 52-Across, say 24 on 2 57 Matesfor mas 58 Chicken- king 5 26i2 30 31 61 Fight-or-flight emotion 32 33 34a s5 62…

October 06, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

… founder and former CEO who invented and masterfully marketed ever- sleeker gadgets that transformed everyday technology, from the personal computer to the iPod and ighone, died yesterday. He was 56. Apple

… incident entertaining and "a great way to procrasti- nate." PAUL SAKUMA/AP Apple CEO Steve Jobs at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco on June 7, 2010. Jobs passed away yesterday at…

… age 56. Apple co-founder eve Jobs dies at age 56 Republicans request change in state electoral vote system Changes likely to hurt Obama's re-election chances HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - Republicans in…

… Democratic cities in both states, to more conservative rural and suburban areas that tend to favor Republicans. Innovator revolutionized world of technology CUPERTINO, California (AP) - Steve Jobs, the Apple

… count- less innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives," Apple's board said in a statement. "The world is immeasurably better because of Steve" Jobs had battled cancer in 2004 and underwent a…

… in August. He took another leave of absence in January - his third since his health problems began - before resigning as CEO six weeks ago. Jobs became Apple's chairman and handed the CEO job over to…

… his hand-picked suc- cessor, Tim Cook. Outside Apple's Cupertino headquarters, three flags - an American flag, a California state flag and an Apple flag - were fly- ing at half-staff late yesterday…

…. "Those of us viho have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring men- tor." Cook wrote in an email to Apple's employees. "Steve leaves behind a company that…

… only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple." The news Apple fans and shareholders had been dread- ing came the day after Apple unveiled its latest version of the…

… Phone, just one in a procession of devices that shaped technol- ogy and society while Jobs was running the company. Jobs started Apple with a high school friend in a Silicon Valley garage in 1976, was…

December 06, 2010 (vol. 121, iss. 61) • Page Image 7

… . any MacBook Air - $75 off select Apple computers . e. $92 Apple TV $29 Apple iLife 11 Payroll Deduction available for eligible U-M faculty & staff U-M Computer Showcase located in'the Michigan Union…

…& Pierpont Commons http://showcase While supplies last. Valid only at the U-M Computer Showcase, Selection may vary by store. This promotion is not valid on prior purchases. Ernie Kovacs is my…

December 06, 2007 (vol. 118, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

… Staff, take advantage of your education discount on Macs and Apple software at the U-M Computer Showcase. U-M Computer Showcase Michigan Union - Lower Level /Authorized (734…

… sn i To play: Complete the grid so that every row, column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. MacBook Pro Enjoy the power of a desktop computer in the one-inch-thin profile of MacBook Pro…

November 06, 2007 (vol. 118, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

… board. T he University recently announced a plan to warn stu- dents who are uploading files on their comput- ers that they couldw unwittingly be breaking the law. , Be Aware You're Uploading is an…

…'s apple, I have sto- len it, because my friend no longer has access to the apple when it is in my pos- session. If I download a song from the Internet, I have not prevented anyone else from having access…

September 06, 2007 (vol. 118, iss. 3) • Page Image 8

… shares were led down by Apple, which cut the price of its new iPhone by $200 and stopped selling a lower-end version of the device just two months after introducing it. Shares of Apple fell 5.2 percent and…

… yesterday, police officers raided 41 houses and apartments across Ger- many, seizing computers and other evidence. But some politicians warned that the danger remained high. "The arrests yesterday are just…

… stricter anti-terror- ism measures. He said he would like the police to be able to conduct surreptitious searches of comput- ers belonging to people suspected of being terrorists. In the past, some critics…

February 06, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 92) • Page Image 7

…, moved to ensure that the computer company did not use the apple logo in the music business. TheApple Corpslogo is a Granny Smith apple. The logo for Apple Inc. is an apple with a bite taken out of it. But…

… things changed in 2003 when Apple Computer, as it was known until it dropped "Computer" from its name last month, began signing deals with record labels to distribute music online through iTunes. Apple

…- by children's hospital. "Everyone is a winner," the emcees said in their clos- ing speech. "But most of all, Dominique. She's the biggest winner of all." Tuesday, February 6, 2007 - 7 Two Apples end…

… trademark spat By LAURIE J. FLYNN The New York Times --------- The long and winding road has come to an end for the Beatles, at least as far as the dispute over their Apple logo is concerned. Apple Inc., the…

… maker of the iPod, and Apple Corps, the guardian of the Beatles' music interests, announced yester- day that they had settled their dispute over the technology company's name and its use of an apple logo…

…. Under the new agreement, Apple Inc. now owns all the trademarks related to "Apple" and will license certain trade- marks back to Apple Corps Ltd., the London company founded by the Beatles in the late…

… 1960s. The agreement immedi- ately raised speculation that the Beatles' music, which has been unavailable on legitimate digital music services, might soon be licensed for down- loads from the Apple i…

… these trade- marks," said Steven P. Jobs, chief executive of Apple Inc., who is widely known as a huge fan of the Beatles' music. The companies declined to provide further details of the settle- ment. The…

… new agreement replac- es one signed by the com- panies in 1991, when Apple Corps, which represents Paul McCartney; Ringo Starr; the estate of George Harrison; and Yoko Ono, the widow of John Lennon…

April 06, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

… Mac the most versa- tile computer on the market," said Tim Bajarin, a tech industry consultant at Creative Strategies. Apple's new "Boot Camp" software, a "beta" test version available as a free…

… their favorite Windows programs on an Apple-based computer." When Apple introduced its first computer based on Intel Corp. chips in January, the company said it had no intention of selling or supporting…

… from the player's Duke e-mail account just before 2 a.m. on March 14. Software runs Windows on Macs Wall Street reacts kindly to move aimed at upping market share SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - Shares in Apple

January 06, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…Friday, January 6, 2006 News 3 LSA prepares for theme semester on evolution WOMEN'S HOOPS FALLS TO HAWKEYE ..SPORTS, PAGE 8 i g a u i a i , Opinion 4 Emily Beam hates Red Delicious apples Arts 5…

…. The burglaries took place at 11 locations between Dec. 16 and Jan. 3. A total of $10,500 was reported stolen, mostly computer equipment, DVD players and other electronics. Ann Arbor Police Chief Greg O…

January 06, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

… WITH unbelievable large 2 bdrm. bi-level apts. 1.5 baths, fumished and contemporary in every way. Add FREE inter- net, FREE satellite TV, exercise facility, recreation room, study lounge with comput- ers…

… kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin- ished bath, wshrdryer, ample prkg. A steal at $1600. Avail. Aug. '05. 310 Berkley. Call Dave at 734-395-6953. I, 734…

… - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 093 - Summer Employment J 1 ll'2 .1day 2 lines 7.90 3 lines 11.85 2…

December 06, 2004 (vol. 115, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

… Extreme Wireless Internet Card 3-year Apple Care Warranty $1588 40GB :10,000 songs $375 20GB: 5,000 songs $275 0 4GB :1,000 songs 5 colors to choose from $249 U-M Computer Showcase Michigan Union, ground…

….5 GHz 15" PowerBook 512MB RAM 80GB Hard Drive DVD-R/CD-RW Airport Extreme Wireless Internet Card 3-year Apple Care Warranty $2338 1.33 GHz 12" PowerBook 256MB RAM 60GB Hard Drive DVD-ROM/CD-RW Airport…

… level (734)647-2537 wae ends pecembpr 22/s2004 s ± …

December 06, 2004 (vol. 115, iss. 46) • Page Image 7

… - Study Lounge w/computers - Recreation Room - Complimentary Resident shuttle around Central and North Campus i d 741-9300 L( L (Extended Hours) A FEW APTS. are still avail for…

… Geddes Hill. Avail. May & Fall. 741-9300. ABSOLUTELY LARGE 4 bdrm. house in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin- ished bath…

…. Bar managers only hire those with hands-on exp. Go to local state approved hands-on school, Mix Masters School of Bar- tending. 734-513-3600. COMPUTER JOBS! THE UM Medical School is…

… hiring students to work in the Learning Resource Center Computer Sites. Basic knowledge of Macintosh and Windows computers is essential. Customer service skills needed. E-mail LRCJOBS usumich.edus DRIVERS…

October 06, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 25) • Page Image 6

…, cathedral ceilings, skylights, remod- eled kitchen, beautifully furnished, and ac- cess to exercise facility and study lounge w/ computers. Near CCRB. Private shuttle to North Campus. Avail. Fall. Call 741…

… free intemet, free satellite TV, exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge w/ computers, great location near CCRB, and fee resident shuttle and you have Geddes Hill. May and Fall leases avail. 741…

… Cities & Areas. 1-877-FOR RENT. WWW.SUBLE.COM ACROSS 1 Pirate's liquor 4 Big Apple ballpark 8 Entertain sump- tuously 14 Freudian concern 15 Football gear 16 Escapee, at times 17 Airport touchdowns 19…

… - Lost Found 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent I day 2 days 3 days ,34 3 GJ I GY " GO 31 33 37 CONVENIENCE Located on…

December 06, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 63) • Page Image 6

…. Call Varsity Mgmt. at 668-1100. 6 BDRM. 2 full bath., wshrldryer, charming hardwood firs., lg. living rm., prkg., intemet- ready, dwshr., 531 N. Main, $2250,994-5284. * SKY-TECH COMPUTERS* A TWO DAY…

… chance to win a $1400 computer system! Great main- board/cpu combo deals! Low memory prices! Ann Arbor (734) 975-6932 at Carpenter & Ellsworth. *sky-techcomputers com* !!!!!GREAT STUDENT LIVING 1507 White…

…. Contemporary in every way -Resident shuttle -Exercise room-featuring stairmasters & treadmill, life-cycles & aerobics -Study Lounge w/computers 'Recreation Rooms Lo .Management (Extended Hours) 741-9300 www…

… kitchen + carpet 2002, access to exercise + computer facilities, beautifully furnished, near CCRB! 741-9300, AAHH! START WITH UNBELIEVABLE large 2 bdrn. bi-level apts., 1 1/2 bath…

… bath. new kitch. & appl., lg. airy rooms, neutral decor, pool, tennis court & club house, easy access to ex- press ways and shopping, Avail. Dec. 1, $950/mo.734-480-8285. FALL 2003 CAMPUS AREA…

September 06, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

… college students. For more information, please call (734)761-2576 or'email ghjoblineja l.comn FULL-TIME, EXPERIENCED SYSTEMS administrator/computer programmer with math background needed. Salary…

…. Located on Church and S. Univer- sity. Large Apt. w/ gourmet kitch. w/ dwshr. FREE central A/C. Computer/study area Call 668-11(X) for an appointment ATTRACTIVE RM. IN charming hse, near Geddes & Hill…

…. kitch., ldrv.. phone, fax, DSL, storage. $5(X). Call 332-86(X)Thomas APPROX. 1400SQFIT HOME has been reno- vated & updated. All appl. are new & incld. hrdwood firs, valuted ceilings. corian tops, close to…

… assist with tis- sue culture, general lab maintenance, experi- ments, and/or computer graphics. Flex. hours. Will train. 763-6869. ASSISTANT TEACHER FOR PRESCHOOL. 2 or 3 afternoons, 2-6 p.m. starting in…

…-(")85 ext 1445. BARTENDERS NEEDED. No experience necessary Earn up to $3()day. Call 1-866- 291-1884 ext U183. CREATIVE BRAIDS! Micro latch conrows dreads extensions $65-155+ Sheila 483-5425. DR COMPUTER

… Symbol 52 Feel sorry about 54 Bust makers 55 Where el6ves congregate 57 Antenna type 58 Hudscar subject 60 2002 skating bronze medalist 61 Bush battler 62 Eye-catching Apple 63 Rap on the head 65 Afore…

September 06, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

… y 16 feeling bad for Apple- tury Fox by more than her cuck- olded character. Ben's friends are no more than weak cari- catures of high school kids. Appar- ently two of the. friends are fighting since…

… hospital. But then again, in a film partially set at a school where nobody actually attends a class, where a kid can look at nude pictures of a teenaged girl on a school library's computer, implausi- bility…

September 06, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

… cigarettes. Some- times they're not 18 years and they're surprised when we ask for ID." See POLICE, Page 7A New computers, software at computing sites By Shannon Pettypiece Daily Staff Reporter While…

… construction has created an eyesore out- side many University buildings, inside, the sight is much more appealing thanks to the newest additions to campus computing sites, including flat-screened monitors, new…

computers and new software. While upgrades can be found in several loca- tions, the most visible changes are in the Fish- bowl where the older model iMacs and Dell computers have been replaced with black Dell…

… Pentium IVs and flat panel display Macintosh computers. "The aesthetic appeal alone makes for a brighter Fishbowl," said LSA senior Will Ster- burg. "I have to be honest with you, it is taking a little…

…- intosh computers. Additionally, 30 new comput- ers were replaced in Rescomp sites, 20 at the School of Education Building and 77 at the School of Social Work, said Gregory Dumont, interim manager of Campus…

Computing Sites. These new computers are used to replace older computers that have reached their warranty peri- od of three years, Dumont added. "We're on a cycle, we try and do a third over a three…

…-year period," said Dumont. "We only try to keep a computer in the site during its warranty period, which is three-years. All of them worked, but they were out of warranty." The University worked with account…

… represen- tatives from Apple and Dell to select the perfect …

August 06, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

… chalkboard were all an instructor needed to teach reading, writing and arithmetic are long gone. The University's School of Education has teamed up with Apple Computer, Inc. to give K-12 teachers an…

… that option open to scientists is important. A IS FOR APPLE School of Ed. hosts technology conference for K-12 teachers By Elizabeth Kassab Daily News Editor The days when a piece of chalk and a…

… introduction on how to inc.rporate the Internet and iMacs into their curriculums to help students learn. "Apple's real goal ... is to reach out to teachers and to show them what is possible with tcchnology in…

… their classrooms and to provide hem (with) the training that they so despesrtety need," said Cyndy Everest- Bouch, Apple's training and development manager. The fi- day Teacher's Institute, held at the…

… Schoot of Education as part of a group of confere-c across the continent this sum- mer, brings norc than 100 teachers to Ann rbor. E ach pat icipant is loaned an Apple ook, which is ronnected to a wireless…

… Andrew Shirvell, an LSA senior, See STEM CELLS, Page 2 Lack of ! " _ minority coaches n offer on about how the pro- a the classroom. he Apple team is a Stan- e ent who offers a unique the use of technology…

… Division I-A. Twelve of those a COMPUTERS, Page 2 went to black coaches. Currently five blacks are head coaches in Division I-A. The Rev. Jesse Jackson recently met with NCAA officials to discuss ways to…

August 06, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…'s really caving into pressure. He's following the politi- cal winds." COMPUTERS Continued from Page 1 tury skills they will need," she added. In addition to providing the physical space for the event, the…

… School of Edu- cation's faculty will present their per- spectives on technology in education. Ron Miller, the school's computer systems consultant, said the Universi- ty and School of Education Dean Karen…

… leave tomorrow they will relinquish their iBooks, but Apple hopes they will retain the infor- mation they learned as well as the partnerships they forged with other educators. Nebraska resident Jerry…

… Jones, who works in Apple's marketing division. The University of California-Los Angeles, the University of British Columbia, the University of South Florida, the University of Texas, Les- ley University…

March 06, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 91) • Page Image 11

… it almost always does. I can see it now: The Crispins do the Big Apple. Brilliant. REF BLUNDERS: It might have slipped by the students that left town early for Spring Break, but the Michigan hockey…

… Asselin and the Wolverines know that the Big Ten Tournament means a second chance at the postseason. .. LAW, POLICY AND THE CONVERGENCE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES A UNIVERSITY OF…

November 06, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 27) • Page Image 8

… might think up. His experiments included a six-legged machine whose movements were controlled by computerized impulses sent by the movements in his fingers, a hydraulic third arm on the right side, which…

… gigaflop performance. Power Mac G4 Cube and Apple Studio Display 17 $1999.00 * Power Mac G4 Cube and Apple Studio Display Flat 15 $2499.00 U-M Computer Showcase Michigan Union Ground Level 647-2537 wwwitd…

…. . pa. Now the world's most attractive desktop supercomputer is even more attractive A Power Mac G4 Cube with a matching 15" or 17" Apple Studio Displayis a tightly integrated desktop system offering…

… 'Now through December 31, 2000. Offer isvalidwhilesupplieslast. d i " …

October 06, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

… person with good people skills and computer knowledge. Will train. Contact Carolyn at 668-1100. LOOKING FOR responsible, committed person to fill part-time position with flexible hours and good pay. 668…

…, data coding, data entry, mass mailings, and general office duties. If you are interested in hands on learning of the social research process and are computer literate please call 763-5890. eeo. employer…

…. with little kids is a plus. Loc. on Scio Church Rd., a 10 min. drive west of UM Stadium. To obtain an appl. call 734- 665-5175 or write ASST. IN HOME STUDIO: organize, file, clean…

… 24 26 27 29 33 36 38 39 40 42 ACROSS Kind of round Pinch together Enjoy the beach New Deal dog Ham medium "Do - others..." Computer insert Check mate? Hardwood tree Part of UCLA Predetermine String…

October 06, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 6) • Page Image 9

… be ample opportu- nity for questions, and friends and colleagues are welcome. RZeference Managerx EndN .p; ProCite Join us at University of Michigan Friday, October 6 U of MI Computer Showcase Vendor…

… simpler and more grounded, earthier than their previ- ous albums, Silver Apples of the Moon and Sounds of the Satellites. Yet it retains their complexity and space-fascination in a music that is more than…

September 06, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 135) • Page Image 50

… 1990 with the support of Hillel and Apple Computers. The organizations presented Nolta with a trophy, a framed poster and a check for S1,000. "This is our opportunity to honor and celebrate professors at…

… all students can take advantage of the library's hours and numerous computers. "The Media Union Library has the largest concentration of publicly available computers on campus. We're also the only…

… library building open 24 hours a day, seven days a week during the school year, so regardless of whether you want to do some research, use a computer or take a break and read something in our popular…

…. Nolta, this year's recipient of the Golden Apple Award, gave a lecture titled "Of Students & Teachers and Apples & Arrows" to an enthusiastic group of students and faculty members at Rackham Auditorium in…

… ceremony. "To be MAtRIE MARsHALL/Daily Chemistry Prof. Kathleen Nolta (right) receives the Golden Apple award from Students Honoring Outstanding University Teaching co-Chairwoman Beth Bernstein. known as a…

… superb teacher is the high- teaching has meant to her in the four est of accomplishments," Neuman said. years she has taught organic chemistry "The Golden Apple Award is for those and biochemistry at the…

April 06, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 113) • Page Image 21

… the Farmers Mar Sun. 12-9 0 Mon., Wed., Thurs. 11-9:30 Apple Education Store 1-800-780-5009 U-M Computer Showcase Michigan Union ground level www…

… Specialized in barbecue for over 30 years! Catering Available 64-Sales ®1999 Apple Computer Inc. All rights reserved. The Apple logo is a registered trademark and iook is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc…

…- oriented in stack after stack of them. The Grad's the happenin' place. Word. Angell Hall (Best Computing Center) Chalk up two awards this year for the stately-looking building on State Street. Check your e…

…-mail, print that paper, chat with your compadres and pace the aisles endlessly ... wait- ing for a computer. It all goes down in the Fishbowl, day in and daysout. Winning the Game (Best Thing About Football…

October 06, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

… lease. S31 15/mo. Call 741-9622. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service. Powermac Blowout" Complete 180 Mhz systems from $599. While supplies last. 1775 Washtenaw. Ypsilanti 734 482…

… $8/hr., plus bonuses. Make your own schedule, gain computer & communication skills, enhance your resume. Fun student atmosphere! For application & info., stop at Michigan Telefund - 611 Church, suite 4…

… weekly. Call 761-6467. GRIZZI.Y PEAK- Now hiring host staff. food servers, line cooks. Part time, am/pm Appl in person at 120 W. Washington. GUEST SERVICES University of Michigan Students needed for a fun…

… skills, friendly and outeoim-. fanuliar with campus and A2 area. . base computer skills. Apply in person at Execunse Residence. 710 E. University. HELP NIONI: CLEAN, misc. jobs. 2 hr/day, 3-5 dav/wk. S8/hr…

… PHOTO LAB and Studio seeking bright, kind person for P/T-F/T help. Apply in person @ Ivory Photo 606 S. Main. Call 668- 8413. PSYCHOLOGIST, WRITER, Consultant seeks assistant. Needs computer

February 06, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 69) • Page Image 6

…. Sept. lease $695 plus elect. Call 741-9622 for apps. MAY LEASES avail. Huge 2 bdrm. bi-level apt. beautiful - must see! 741-9300. NEAR CENTRAL OR MEDICAL-Eff. 1 & 2 brdrm. semi-fum. w/ appl. & prkg…

…/sec. buzzer, ldry., storage. Gallatin Reality Co. 994-0624. GREAT LOCATION Spacious unfurnished 1 bedroom apt. close to U-M campus. Hardwood floors, French doors. oarkin2. fall. 944-2405. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE…

… We buy, sell, & trade quality used and new computers. Incredible deals! 486s and Macs as low as $350. Printers starting at $29, 17" monitors as low as $499. Notebooks as low as $399. We warranty what…

…./person + elec. Ileat, water provided. No pets or smoking. Avail. Sept. '97. 12 month lease. Call Bill at 995-6723. HSES. FOR RENT near Central Campus. Newly constructed duplex, 3 bdrms, 1.5 baths, & new appl

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 9

Apple's Holiday Savings. Power MacintoshB 7200 Right now Apple Computer is offering a $150 rebate when you purchase your 120 "dis'p Iayv/keyboard very own Macintosh personal computer and an Apple

… great. And you pocket $150. So rub the sleep from your eyes, peel yourself off the couch and hit your campus computer store today. And leave your poor friend alone. I i I …

September 06, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 123) • Page Image 6

… 662- 7260. EAGLE TALON TSI 1991 AWD all ionsCD, excellent cond. $7,200. 761- 239. Fflcoputrs APPLE LCII. system 7.0, 80MB, 13.5" color monitor, HP printer + spare cartridges, Microsoft Word 5. Asking…

… $1100 or best. Call Tomas, 313/480-9875. BRAND NEW 486 SYSTEM w/SBGA color monitor. All still in box. Only $650. 313/563-8814. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems…

… hiring for FallWinter posi- tions that are avail, throughout the school yr. Flex. eve. hrs.-create own sched. Obtain valuable computer & comm. skills while im- proving stud. programs. Pd. Training. For…

… library research & general assistance. Computer skills helpful. 10-15 hrs./wk. $10-12/hr. Weekend interviews possible. 764-5448. BUSMEN TO WORK in exchange for meals at the Martha Cook Building, 906 S…

…. Commitment for I academic yr. Hrs. must include MWF afternoons. 995-5399. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER entry level position approximately 15-25 hrs./wk. Must know a high level programming language. Familiarity w…

…/ Windows & related database a plus. Submit application @ 3011 Student Ac- tivities Building or call 764-6413. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER entry level position approximately 15-25 hrs./wk. Must know a high level…

… programming language. Familiarity w/ Windows & related database a plus. Submit application @ 3011 Student Ac- tivities Building or call 764-6413. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER/ HARDWARE Technician part-time work- study…

September 06, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 117) • Page Image 15

Apple Computer Loan Application fl. Macintosh Performd 636 w/CD 8MB RAM/500MB hard drive, CD-ROM drive, 15"color monitor keyboard, mouse and all the software you're likely to need. PowerBook' 520 8MB…

… RAM/240MB hard drive. Sure, there' more than one way to get the money you need to buy own a Mac"for a buck or two a day That's right, for the price a Macintoshf computer. But none is as painless as…

… this. Because of a daily latte, you can get a Mac and have money left over for all you have to do is visit the authorized Apple reseller listed below, software and a printer. It's easy No groveling for…

… funds on the robbing the bank.You wont even have to make a payment for 90 days: Just call 1-800-Apple-LN to apply, and the power of Macintosh could soon A nnln i L I -/ T T, -AL %-/ …

September 06, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 117) • Page Image 17

… easier will come along. "The only solution is to get rid of passwords," said Donald Norman, vice president for advanced technology at Apple Computer and author of "Things That Make Us Smart." "The very…

… jani- tor collects keys. There now are passwords for office equipment, passwords for cellular tele- phones and, of course, passwords for computer networks. Some people even have passwords to electronic…

… Bowman, chief financial officer for First Virginia Banks Inc. He has at least six computer passwords, in addition to codes for the doors of his Mercury Sable, his home security system and several credit…

… almost as easily as they crack their kns;c kIcs. They use computer pro- grams that can test millions of number or word ermutations to unlock ac- cont s. "On most computer systems, about three-quarters of…

… coding num- bers and text, We're very bad at it." The need for passwords is real. As people continue to flock to the Internet and other computer services, security and privacy issues have become more…

… complicated than ever. In the last five years, for instance, the number of intru- sions into computer systems has ex- ploded. At Carnegie Mellon's Computer Emergency Response Team in Pitts; burgh, one of…

April 06, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 107) • Page Image 6

… to campus and town. Incl. heat & water. $915. Phone 994-4359. APPLE POWERBOOK, 540C, 12/500 in- temal fax/modem. Like new, retail $5200, sacrifice $3200 or best. Call 913-4874 or 408-8399. BIKE…

…. May - Aug. & very negotiable. Please call collect 810/932-2161. 0 ' *POWERBOOK 540C for sale! Color monitor, Wordperfect & other software. No manuals. Price neg. Call Jay 913-8204. COMPUTER

… RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting…

… at $69. We warranty-what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. MAC LC 4/40 w/ color 12" monitor & hp printer new logic bd. $920/ best 764-9801. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including…

March 06, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…*1 rL C irA f The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 6, 1995 - 3 C A M.'WIS * :CAMiu Coffer wins Golden Apple The group Students Honoring Out- *standing University Teaching last week announced…

… History Prof. Tho- mas Collier as this year's recipient of the Golden Apple Award. Collier, who was chosen from hundreds of nominees, will deliver his "ideal" last lecture in April. Kim Dillon, a first…

….m. Session," sponsored by Career Q ECB Peer Tutorial, Angell Hall Planning and Placement, Michigan Computing Site, 747-4526, 7- Union, Room 1209, 7-9 p.m. 11 p.m. J "Surfacing and Escalating COnflict Q Campus…

March 06, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 84) • Page Image 6

… unfurn., prkg., ldry. Fein. preferred. 913-5385. ONWI Burnham Associates 543 Church Street COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your…

computer w ent! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 4 as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. HEWLETT PACKARD Laser Jet…

… page external monitor. 25 Mhz, 030 accel. board, math coproc. Extended keyboard, trackball, 9600 modem, Stylewriter. $900. 313/513-5392. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including printer only $599…

…-shaped bdrm. makes ideal triple. Closets to die for! New furm., carpet, & appl. Prkg., ldry., security, storage lockers, heat and water paid. Great ,oc. for Medical Campus & close to North Camps bus stops…

February 06, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…. (1000 square feet). L-shaped bdrm. makes ideal triple. Closets to die for! New fum., carpet, & appl. Prkg., Idry., security, storage lockers, heat and water paid. Great loc. for Medical Campus & close to…

… steal at $2050. Your Cats are Welcome. Call Judy or Amy at Oppenheimer Properties for an appointment, 995-5575. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We…

… pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994…

…-1030. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including printer only $599. Call Chris at 8001289-5685. 663-5609 612 CHURCH ST. 1 & 2 bdrm. bi-level apts. for 2-4 people. 1 blk. to B-School & Engin. Fall. 995-0865 Mon…

… & 3 bdrm. (1600 Packard) Sept. lease. 769-7025.1-8 p.m. NEAR CENTRAL OR MEDICAL- eff. I & 2 bdrm. semi-fum., w/ appl. & prkg. avail. $475-$775/mo., util. incl. 747-6895. NEAR UNION large contemporary…

February 06, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 68) • Page Image 14

…. More s pace. Great price. mo H~ . d z .t' S l4 H I I - tt ,} r x ,g If you need a computer that means business, look to Apple' Power Macintosh" We've taken our most powerful computers and made them…

…Bus" slots Power Macintosh 8100/100 One of Apple's highest performing computers. * 100-MHz PowerPC 601 microprocessor *8MB or 16MB RAM, expandable to 264MB " ThOMB or 1 gigabyte hard drive * Nine built…

…. Best of all, the new Power Macintosh computers offer workstation performance at low PC prices. Stop in today and get more value for your money. Get the Power Macintosh that's right for you! Power…

April 06, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

… furniture in the tri-county area with free delivery. 475-1130. PLYMOUTH COLT '89 56K miles, red, 5- speed, cassette, $3500. 769-7848. SPECIALIZED Sirrus racing bike. Like new w/cycle computer. $300. 761…

….M. Fabulous 2 bdrm., 1.5 baths apts. for Fall '94. Big enough for 5. 1700 Geddes. 741-9300. NEAR CENTRAL & Hospital w/appl. eff 1&2 bdrm. $385-$775 prkg. avail. 747-6895. OLD WEST SIDE Fantastic 2 bdrms. for…

April 06, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 111) • Page Image 8

…&shm 6100/6081160, Apple Color Plus 14" Dplay, Apple lendedkyboard 11and mouse. only $2A95.00. S Right now, you could take home one of the country's best-selling personal notebook computer. They're all…

… Out macaroni ucoulde an ceese. fur 01 kS Madntosh' LC 475 81160, Apple" Color Plus 14"Dlay, Apple kended Keyboardll and mouse. Only $1,48702 PowerBook* 165 4160. Only $1,919.00. Power Madnt…

January 06, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 53) • Page Image 8

… band lately due to their over- produced, keyboard-dominated re- leases. For those who've never been fans, don't be persuaded by the mis- leading singles. It's still Rush. - Gianluca Montalti Green Apple

… Quick Step Wonderful Virus The Medicine Label As far as hard rock from Seattle Rock City goes, Green Apple-Quick Step hasjumped the bandwagon pretty late. Two years after Nirvana enabled record companies…

… MULE! An easy-to-use computer that will search out the hardest- to-find's in the House! e PHllAURPHIA cUSK FROM THE MOTION PCTURE SOUNDTRA Featuring songs by Bruce Springsteen, Neil…

May 06, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

… effort to ROOMMATE. stimulate thinking about how all as- ROM AENEEDED for Fall:6 bdrns.abuho al GRADUATE NURSES hse., new appls., 2 kits.,furn.1-313-363-2536 pects of curricula should take account NEW BSN…

… (when available) _ _ _ with AIRHITCI(r)! (Reported in Let's Go! - ready them Daily & NY Times.) AIRHITCH(r) 212-864-2000. -re izationsaidElectricalEngineeringand Computer Science Professor Anthony…

May 06, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

… KMS Fusion, Inc. I P I. Assets Of An Optics & Physics Research Lab Division, Featuring: * Large Quantities of Apple Macs and DEC VAX workstation 3100's with color and mono monitors & VAX server…

…. Plus Personal Computers and Peripherals! * Oscilloscopes, Microscopes & Test Equipment " CHA Vacuum Coater, Vacuum Pumps & More! * Lasers & Spectrophotometers. * Photo Lab & Graphic Equipment. * Over 200…

March 06, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 87) • Page Image 7

… from $39, chairs from $5, computer furniture from $29, desks from $19, bookcases from $19, IBM reconditioned Selectrics II from $159, & much, much more. Free delivery. Call 313/ 475-1130. TYPING: Resumes…

…, cover letters, & applications. A2 Typing. Call 994-5515. YOUR CHANNEL TO THE SECON- DARY COMPUTER MARKET. We match buyers and sellers of used computer hardware. Local broker licensed with inter- national…

…-0373. ADMISSION TO MICHIGAN Vs. MICHIGAN STATE WITH YOUR STUDENT I.D. FRIDAY AT CRISLER ARENA 7:30 PM Join the BLUE SPIRITS in supporting Michigan's Women's Varsity Basketball team COMPUTERS IBM 386-33MHz…

…. LASER PRINTER '91 APPLE II NT. $2500 or best. Call Todd 995-5575. ANNOUNCEMENTS MEN! HELP STOP RAPE: UM Sexual As- sault Prevention and Awareness Center needs men to lead workshops on acquaintance rape…

March 06, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 87) • Page Image 12

… laun or find you a date, but it can help you find more time for both. The new Apples Macintosh® Classics II computer makes it easier for you to juggle classes, activities, projects, and term papers- and…

… about the 2,200 person voting panel's selection process. "It's like picking between apples and oranges," Barrowman said of choosing a winner from the ten finalists. "But the Wheaties cover. Arsenio. You…

… powerful 68030 micro- processor, which means you can run even the most sophisticated applications with ease. And its internal Apple SuperDriveTM disk drive reads from and writes to Macintosh and MS…

…-DOS formatted disks-allowing you to exchange information easily with / almost any other kind of computer. In addition to its built-in capabilities, the Macintosh Classic II can be equipped with up to 10…

September 06, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 142) • Page Image 10

… & small frames. $20-$50. Good condition. 475-3238. CARPET REMNANTS - Stainmaster, plush. Free delivery. 998-1459. COMPUTER: APPLE IIC, with monitor and Imagewriter printer. All software incl. Appleworks for…

…. & Small Appl. Ctr. 761-3677. Bring in this ad for an extra 10% off! ATOMOTIV E CAMARO '82- sharp. P.S., p.b., A/C, cruiese, tilt, cass. rel. 6o mi. CA Car-no rust. Runs great. $2900. 763-2028. CHEVETIE '83…

… 996-1500 0Tat Pearst y 1100 South University H IE LP WANT ED ACADEMIC PUBLISHER NEEDS OCR OPERATOR and proofreader. Part-time, ex- ceptional computer skills a must. Call 677- 3810. ACHIEVE JUSTICE…

…. Flintstone 25 Allen or Martin 26 Spiral 27 Common contraction 28 A.k.a. 29 Mother-of-pearl 30 Veep Barkley 40 41 46 48 50 Commerce Nourishing Withdraw Part of RSVP Lucy's friend 58 Computer fodder * 59…

September 06, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 142) • Page Image 27

….," .0 0 0 9. IMsAnnual omuerSale Great deals on computers, printers, and software from Aldus, Apple, ClarisIBM, Microsoft, NeXT, and Zenith. Don't miss U-M's annual computer sale-KickOff'91…

… Showcase through September 20. U-M Computer Showcase. Come Down And SeeUs! Michigan Union Ground Level …

September 06, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 142) • Page Image 32

… will stay intact at that See 4 DEFENSE, Page 8 Here's the deal: We've paired some of the most popular Apple* Macintosh* computers with some of the most popular Apple print- ers. Buy one of these…

… LCcomputer-our computer with either most affordable color an Apple StvleWriter system-u-ith either an or an Apple Personal Apple StvieWriter or an LaserWriters L$ Apple Personal Laser- printer.' ,U-n Witer IS…

… printer." Save the n You bil'a mance .1k computer an Apple 1 Laser Wnt Apple Per Wtriter.\T, Apple Stilell rter 4Apple itvleQ riter 4pple Personal Laser'lriter.LS We complete the puzzle. GREAT FOR…

… sold separately. For information on the Computer Kickoff '91 Sale stop by the U of M Computer Showcase, Michigan Union Ground Level Monday-Friday,10am-5pm 1991 Apple Compter.IncApple. the'Apple logo.s i…

… i .te~ tend'hpowertobe\ourbest are registeredtrademarksofAppleComputer..Inc Classi i areiteedtrdmark licensed toApple Computer. Inc. The Remnant Room 6885 Jackson Rd - 668-7030 . 1 1/2 miles west of…

… Auburn1-0 ... .-. T 'a 2v. kr. Y 7he.Apple Stv'lel'nter is apt ink jet printer that deiwers laser- quality print- ing t-360 dots per nchi Its ntot much larger than all average textbook. and :t ueiglis…

… combinations, and save big bucks. Got it? Good. Now get going. This offer is available only for a limited time. See your authorized Apple campus reseller today for details. And discover the power of Macin- tosh…

… YOUR Dorm Rooms, Apartments, Homes FREE DELIVERY WITH STUDENT I.D. Friday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday, 12 noon - 5 p.m. Apple Pernonal LaserWrrter ILS Classes Forming Now. Come…

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