September 06, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 142) • Page Image 10
… & small frames. $20-$50. Good condition. 475-3238. CARPET REMNANTS - Stainmaster, plush. Free delivery. 998-1459. COMPUTER: APPLE IIC, with monitor and Imagewriter printer. All software incl. Appleworks for…
…. & Small Appl. Ctr. 761-3677. Bring in this ad for an extra 10% off! ATOMOTIV E CAMARO '82- sharp. P.S., p.b., A/C, cruiese, tilt, cass. rel. 6o mi. CA Car-no rust. Runs great. $2900. 763-2028. CHEVETIE '83…
… 996-1500 0Tat Pearst y 1100 South University H IE LP WANT ED ACADEMIC PUBLISHER NEEDS OCR OPERATOR and proofreader. Part-time, ex- ceptional computer skills a must. Call 677- 3810. ACHIEVE JUSTICE…
…. Flintstone 25 Allen or Martin 26 Spiral 27 Common contraction 28 A.k.a. 29 Mother-of-pearl 30 Veep Barkley 40 41 46 48 50 Commerce Nourishing Withdraw Part of RSVP Lucy's friend 58 Computer fodder * 59…