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December 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-five Years of :Editorial Freedom C I be Lit an if ail Shiver Variable cloudiness, breezy, and cold. Twenty percent chance of snow showers. Expected high near 20. Vol. XCV, No. 75 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, December 6, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages U___ ___ ____ ___ India death toll from poison gas tops From AP and UPI BHOPAL, India - The death toll from a poison gas cloud climbed pa...…

December 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, December 6, 1984 Emigre speaks 0 ,0 about feminism in Soviet Union By AMY MINDELL Her blue t-shirt said it all: "Inter- national Sisterhood" and at the bottom "The Rise of Feminism in the Soviet Union." Tatyana Mamonova spoke yesterday in the University's Lane Hall about her role as a leader in the Russian Feminist movement. About 40 people attended each of her two lectures. Mamonova first became involv...…

December 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily -Thursday, December 6. 1984- Page 3 Hijackers insist on release of prisoners From AP and UPI KUWAIT - Five gunmen who hijacked a Kuwaiti airliner to Tehran threatened yesterday to blow up the plane with all 95 people aboard unless Kuwait freed 21 people imprisoned for tbombing U.S. and French facilities. Kuwait refused. Iran's official news agency said the hijackers disclosed that a hostage they phot to death and dumped on ...…

December 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Thursday, December 6, 1984 The Michigan Daily n1ie " 4iiltu jai1 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan l '- Holiday Bowl: Bad timing 4 By Steve Shindler Vol. XCV, No.75 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 1' Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Miles don't guarantee diversity I've always been under the impression that the University is one of the finest a...…

December 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 75) • Page Image 5

…ARTS Thursday, December 6, 1984 The Michigan Daily Page 5 A unique and delicate approach By Richard Campbell EOPLE expect an awful lot from movies. When Steve Martin or Bill Murray 1urns up in a cinematic turkey, or when the latest Bond or Star -Trek flick doesn't live up to previous versions, not only do we feel disappointed, we feel downright bitter and betrayed. Expectations may not always generate such feeling. But since almost every...…

December 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 75) • Page Image 6

…4 41 19" COLOR PORTABLE TV, EC, $150.769-5723. 74B1207 FOR SALE: IBM Executive typewriter. Good con- dition. Call 764-4833 after 7p.m. 58B1208 FOR SALE: IBM Executive typewriter. Good con- dition. Call 764-4833 after 7 pm. 58B1209 GOV'T SURPLUS Cars & Trucks under $100. Now available in your area. Call 1-(619)-569-0241, Ext. 1137-A. 24 hrs. 96B1204 WINTER LEASE FOR SALE CONVERTED APARTMENT in Couzens Hall. Quiet, spacious. Private Bathroom. ...…

December 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 75) • Page Image 7

…Gymnastics Wolverine Invitational Saturday and Sunday Crisler Arena The Michigan Daily SPORTS Hockey vs. Western Michigan Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Yost Ice Arena Thursday, December 6, 1984 Page 7 Walk-on McE By BARB McQUADE He's young and he's raw, but Brad McCaughey has the talent to be a dominant force in the CCHA. The freshman icer has racked up 14 points in 15 games this season and is Michigan's third-leading scorer. His nine goals includ...…

December 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 75) • Page Image 8

…4 Page 8 -The Michigan Daily- Thursday, December 6, 1984 "" Wolverines drown Peguns By JEFF BERGIDA WHILE RICH Reliford broke out of "GRANT played great defense," ad- ponent which allowed Michigan to score better than a practice,' his slump and led all scorers with 20 ded Michigan coach Bill Frieder. "He 100D oints for the first time since 1980 after the Wolverines rais 103-73 eder said Coach Rice and his club may sleep eir record better ton...…

November 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…ote. Polls open until 8 p.m. U7: Ninety-five Years L t4EU I aD OE f LrearsElection day is finally here and it Editorial Freedom will be a beautiful day to walk to _______________________the polls with sunny skies and highs in the mid-40s Vol. XCV, No. 53 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 6, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages Election protestor livens debate By STEPHANIE DEGROOTE At least one memb...…

November 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…0 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 6, 1984 Important Announcement for Students in LSA, Business, Public Policy, Law, Engineering ... You Have an Opportunity to Hear WILLIAM WEISS CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AMERITECH CORPORATION Discuss and Comment on, The Roles Business, Education and Government Should Play - in Creating More Economic Opportunities and Jobs. Thursday, November 8 2:00 P.M. Modern Language Building Auditorium 4 AMER...…

November 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…Page 3 India's police allow mobs to pummel press Council postpones parking ticket vote From AP and UPI NEW DELHI - Three photographers working for foreign news organizations iwere attacked and beaten by a mob yesterday as about 60 policemen wat- ched and did nothing, the photographers and witnesses said. One of the photographers, Dieter Ludwig of the Paris-based Sipa Press photo agency, said a police inspector pushed him back into the mob o...…

November 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…E OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, November 6, 1984 The Michigan Daily Goldsmith sees new hope for women First of two parts Judy Goldsmith, president of the 250,000-member National Organization for Women (NOW), became the center of national attention last summer when NO W's annual membership conference passed a resolution favoring a woman vice president and hinted that NO W delegates and supporters at the Democratic Conven- tion would nominate a wom...…

November 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 53) • Page Image 5

…Page 5 Party reviews Reagan promises From AP and UPI WASHINGTON-By his own party's count, President Reagan made 117 campaign promises and kept more than 100 during his first year in office. This time around he has hardly made any, giving voters few clues to what he will do if he wins re-election. FOR MONTHS Reagan's only campaign pledge was to simplify the federal income tax system, and he has yet to tell anyone how he would do that. Then, du...…

November 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 53) • Page Image 6

…4 ARTS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, November 6, 1984 Page 6 The Purple Rain Revue has begun 4 i. By John Logie A month ago you probably knew the last three places that the Victory Tour had played, but do you know where Michael is now? Is he posing as a Jehovah's Witness with a fake beard, selling copies of the Watchtower door- to-door? Is he writing songs for an up- coming album? Is he yachting in the Bahamas? No. The Victory Tour is ...…

November 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 53) • Page Image 7

…Page 7 A birthday party for Sippie at the Ark By Andy Weine If you haven't heard of Sippie Wallace, your grandparents might have. In the twenties Sippie Wallace launched her blues on Okeh Records with tunes such as "Underground Blues," "Shorty George Blues,"and "Up the Country Blues." After around two decades of public silence, Wallace returned to singing her women-be-wise blues, and on Sunday at the Ark, she celebrated her 86th birth- day. ...…

November 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 53) • Page Image 8

…Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 6, 1984 I CLASSIFIED 420 Maynard St. ADS 7640557. 4 XXXX Features ALL NIGHT LONG ADULT MOVIE MARATHON THIS isjoo4jy' THE FUNNIEST ~ .,ffPARODY EVER! EMBASSY PICT~URE S 11 ;: "_ _ l i 1 If you find your name in today's MICHIGAN DAILY Classified Page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE1 -2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES "TERMINATOR"I 6TH YEAR =mHis Hangups "Are Hilarious Ma de } : A A ...…

November 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 53) • Page Image 9

…Volleyball vs. EMU Tonight, 7:00 p.m. CCRB SPORTS Women's swimming vs. Pittsburgh Friday, 6:00 p.m. Matt Mann Pool Th Michigan Doily Tuesday, November 6, 1984 Page9 opherQ By DOUGLAS B. LEVY "'If they (Minnesota) can beat Wisconsin in Madison, they can beat Michigan in Ann Arbor," said a blunt Bo Schembechler yesterday at his weekly press luncheon. Those are uncharacteristic words coming from a competitor who was once considered so ornery...…

November 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 53) • Page Image 10

…Page 10- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 6, 1984 4 4 THE AT&T CALL ME CARD. THE EASY WAY TO CALL HOME AND SHARE THE RIGORS OF COLLEGE LIFE. 4 g 7 College can be rough on a kid. Especially when the refreshments and cash run out at the same time. What to do about the cash flow problem? Call home with the AT&T CA LL ME Card. With it, you can get in touch with your family quickly and con- veniently. Without the hassle of calling collec...…

October 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

… Ninety-five Years of Editorial Freedom E Lit i~t9wu i~ai1Q Punt Cloudy, with chance of rain toward the evening. Highs between 65 and 68 degrees. t " Vol. XCV, 'No. 27 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, October 6, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages University life Lisa Birnbach style By CHERYL BAACKE "Watch this," said Lisa Birnbach just before she spit her gum into a hot chocolate container which sh...…

October 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…41 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, October 6, 1984 NATO strengthens nuaclear missile sites WASHINGTON (Ap) - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is in- stalling improved protection around missile bases and other nuclear sites to thwart possible terrorist attacks in Western Europe, a senior defense of- ficial said yesterday. "Devices are being installed that are responsive to what we think we have learned about how the sites might...…

October 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…Mondale gets chance to fae WASHINGTON (AP) - Nothing in the U.S. Constitution, nothing in the platforms of either the Republican or , Democratic. parties, and nothing in any political rules of engagement says the presidential candidate of one party must debate the candidate of the other. Still, a modern practice so new that it doesn't yet qualify as a tradition made it almost mandatory that President Reagan take on Walter Mondale before a nat...…

October 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Saturday, October 6, 1984 The Michigan Daily John I Some of his readers are horrified by the depiction of a society permeated by sen- seless violence and unjust suffering. Other readers cherish his characters' absurdly comical mishaps as they try to figure out what it's all about. John Irving says he just tells it like it is. Whatever the case may be, it is difficult to deny Irving's ability to elicit response from his read...…

October 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 27) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Saturday, October 6, 1984 Page 5 Records Talk Talk - It's My Life EMI America Hail to the next great songwriter of the generation, a British lad named Mark Hollis who looks as if he'd be checked for identification at any bar he walks into, but who possesses enough songwriting and vocal talent to challenge anybody else on the music scene today. Mark has been in two dif- ferent groups in the last three years, the f...…

October 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…4 I I TOSHIBA RECEIVER with Fisher speakers. Ex- cellent condition. $300. Call Dee 764-7974. 78B1007 IS IT TRUE you can buy jeeps for $44 through the U.S. government? Get the facts today? Call 1-312-742- 1142 Ext. 1137-A. . 71B1009 DISCOUNT SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, Macintosh, etc. Call 996-0001 Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc USED TIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup, light truck, odd sizes. Largest supply in area. Wh...…

October 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 27) • Page Image 7

…4 Michigan vs Michigan St. Tug-of-war Mudbowl, 9:00 a.m. The Michigan Daily SPORTS IM table tennis sign up Thur. Oct.11 IM Building Saturday, October 6, 1984 Page 7 '3 is key as Blue clashes with MSU By DOUGLAS B. LEVY This is crunch time for George Perles and his Michigan State football team. Although only the fifth game of this till young 1984 campaign, this could be State's , make-or-break Saturday. Perles has seen his Spartans dr...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…FREE ISSUE C, bt Nine ty-fine rears of .Editorial Freedom 1!Ial1 FREE ISSUE Vol. XVC, No. 1 j Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 6, 1984 Free Issue 76 Pages Students invade dormitories, city By THOMAS HRACH Ann Arbor shifted into high gear this week, as the invasion began. Last week it was a sleepy, mid- western college town languidly basking in the final days of summer. A FEW residents ...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 To our readers Welcome to the 95th year of the Michigan Daily and our premier issue, the New Student Edition. The purpose of this much-larger- than-usual issue of the Daily is two-fold: To introduce newcomers to the University and environs; and to bring veteran students and faculty and staff members up to date on what's been happening around the campus. In many of our stories, we've tr...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 - Page 3 THE NEW E- EASY WAYS TO CHARGE in 1 1 7. 306-12 S. Main, Ann Arbor FLCM D Il /- /- LEVIĀ® AND _._T- a. THE FIRST BOAT SHOE DESIGNED TO PERFORM AS WELL ON LAND AS IT DOES AT SEA. The Timberland boat shoe is made of oil- impregnated leathers that won't dry out or-crack. The eyelets are only solid brass. The laces are thick rawhide. But, most important, the sole is long-lasting, ...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 'U' saves phys. ed. By GEORGEA KOVANIS The physical education program has been saved from the University's budget axe. After two years of uncertainty, the department will now become the Division of Physical Education and will be partially funded by the athletic department. THE FUTURE OF the program was jeopardized two years ago when it was targeted for review-and possible elimination...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 - Page 5 Harassment reports increase By DAVID VANKER S In October 1982, the University's tenure committee began a series of hearings to determine whether or not a tenured psychology professor who had been at the University since 1954 was guilty of sexually harassing his female students. In October 1983, the professor resigned just a few weeks before University ,prsident Shapiro was to recommen...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…0 OPINION Page 6 Thursday, September 6, 1984 The Michigan Daily 461 . . Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board A word to freshpersons: A rotten idea goes national Fight th CONGRATULATIONS. You've made it through high school. You've become an adult. You moved away from home and you're about to attend one of th...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…MSA works on behalf The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 - page 7 o students By Scott Page What will MSA do for you this year? We will provide legal services, income tax assistance, information and assistance with landlord- tenant problems and ADVICE, a statistical course evaluation, all at absolutely no further cost. In addition, we provide low cost property gpd health insurance plans that we believe are the finest available f...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6,;1984 STATE S REET - welcome see the Best RICHARDSON'S OPTICAL specializes in personal service and fitting of fine designer and fashion frames RAY BAN " CHRISTIAN DIOR " TURA - STUDENT DISCOUNT AVAILABLE - 320 S. State 662-1945 (Below Richardson's Drugs) Craig L. Blogin DDS 625 E. Liberty, Suite 202 (Corner of State St.) -General Dental Care for Adults and Children -New Patients ...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 - Page 9 students! )f Ann Arbor! STATE 74at twat, RSE Zvi WELCOME FRESHMAN CLASS OF 1984 ui 'Frar1k''Retau FEA TURING: " Large Breakfast Menu Anytime " Hot & Cold Sandwiches " Omelettes * Everyday Luncheon Specials " Deluxe Greek Menu trues &Thurs. " Sunday Special Dinner-- $4.75 Open lam to 9pm 334 Maynard-Ann Arbor, Michiga U arjt G 761 5699 an o~~ We're your center for Back-To-Schoo...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…4 Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 Computer depts. merge to boost progran By ANDREW ERIKSEN In an effort to step into the world of high tech and to strengthen computer programs at the University, ad- ministrators have merged two depar- tments. The computer and communication sciences department in LSA and the Department of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering in the College of Engineering officially merged July 1. T...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

…STUDENTS WANT DEFENSE RESEARCH OFF CAMPUS Milita By PETE WILLIAMS Yes, Virginia, the University does do research for the Department of Defen- se. And the University does pocket millions of dollars a year for perfor- ming experiments ranging from microwave research to radar technology . The research is controversial and opinions and attitudes have clashed more than once. Some oppose the 'research because it can be used to wage wars. Others, ho...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

…0 Page 12 -The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September6, 1984 ALCOHOL TOPS LIST OF CAMPUS DRUGS Substance abuse grows M irror, m irror Daily Photo by CAROL L.FRANCAVILLA The Power Center presents a strange reflection of the world in addition to presenting various theatrical and musical events on the inside. By ERIC MATTSON "People like to drink these days - it's the new drug," said Ann Arbor resident Derrick Pinnix, an employee of a local par...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-- Thursday, September 6, 1984 - Page 13 00 Business students to pay $100 fee for computers By THOMAS HRACH Business students will enter the computer age this term with a new computer network for the business school, similar to the one already in use by the engineering school. But new technology doesn't come cheap, so the aspiring businessmen will be charged an additional $100 per term. "You just can't turn around without ha...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…4 Page 14 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 Museums display art, artifacts By JEFF FROOMAN This fall when you're looking for an escape from your textbooks and lec- ture notes, check out the Univesity's museums. The museums offer a wide range of exhibits to help you get your mind off your homework. All the museums are free and are open to students, faculty, and the public. The art museum Over the years the art museum has as...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984- Page 15 New ruling affects football telecasts By PAUL HELGREN It's a whole new ball game for college foot- ball - at least on television. When the Supreme Court last July ruled in favor of a lower court decision that said the National Collegiate Athletic Association's monopoly over the rights to televise college football was a violation of federal anti-trust laws, it put the NCAA out of the f...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…6 Page 16 --The Michigan Daily -Thursday, September 6, 1984 I a q Go University Cellar for the best in Maize'n' Blue University of Michigan emblem clothing, gifts and souvenirs - wide selection & competitively priced. IWITH THIS COUPON I I $2.OO OFF on any Michigan emblem 1 sweater, jacket, i sweatshirt or sweatpants I I LIMIT ONE ITEM PER COUPON. EXPIRES SEPT. 30-84 q vv v v I i ... .. "r,:">rn<a:::: _.......:'t ..a:S:":1......::.::"::...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 17

…P Etrtigan 4r 413 Vol. XCV, No. 1 Page A-1 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 6, 1984 Eight Pages DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS MA Y CHANGE Panel studi By ANDREW ERIKSEN Fears that an anticipated decline in the num- ber of high school graduates will cause enrollment in the University's largest college - the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts - to bottom out have prompted an inten- sive examination of the school's quality. Now...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 18

…4 ?age A-2- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 Studentse good educa cultures. S Forei nfrom foreigr the Univers assets-div Foreign s cent of the U last year, b s graduate p WHILE N the Univers vironment, enormousd struge any higher native land: "Mostc dergraduat tor of the' "Once yous to s is veyou need a celerator, people in a1 the richest schools," he By DAVID VANKER come to Ann Arbor not only to get a ation but to experience...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 19

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 -Page A-3 MUG, MINI-MALL MOVE INTO GROUND FLOOR Union gets new look By THOMAS HRACH Anyone who has been away from Ann Arbor for the past year will scarcely recognize the current Michigan Union. Renovations in the 1916 structure have so radically changed its interior ap- .pearence and purpose that only ragments of the pre-1980 decor remain. Previously the Union was merely a place where students...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 20

…6 Page A-A- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 s f7rj 0 I STO RE-W IDE SALE! TT OPNSAE OPNSAECUO ........... 4 MAXELL UDXLI or 11 BLANK CASSETTES P49 2-Pack 180 Min. Recording Time LIMIT 1 EXP. 9-12-84 5 504 FF UR EVERYDAY 5~~~ O~OF~LOW PRICE CHOICE OF ANY VIAMN lection LIMIT 2 EXP. 9-12-84 WET N' WILD " NAIL POLISH " LIPSTICK tourral'c" LIMIT 2 EXP. 9-12-84 COSMETICS 791 CIGARETTES TUBE HANGERS KLEENEX FaciaL TISS...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 21

…The Michigan Dily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 -page A-5 Ofi1 I Il1 11 Y P77rj II I I t THE ABSOLUTELY 0*PAP LO EST PRICES E ERYD ~YIII Glues punk Rhythmt Classical -r Rock ON ALL ALBUMS and CASSEflES IN TOWN ELON mm NS GREATEST HITS r : G FL i . I'.: '' tN sa/ ' i il,;' " Original motion Picture Soundtrackr >YaW*atinL iWIWL uioutw ...w-i s A.- t steely d Gaut; xU ho mCA ELVIS COSTELLO AND THE ATTRACTIONS IMPERIAL BED...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 22

…0 Page A-6- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 Ann Arbor Civi TheatIre cordially invites you to attend an OPEN OUSE Sunda September 23rd from Campus joins election bandwagon. By NEIL CHASE So much for student apathy. Last fall, 500 students jammed into a room at the Michigan Union to hear Gary Hart, a darkhorse presidential candidate. ANOTHER 450 students came out to listen to George McGovern and several hundred greeted Jesse ...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 23

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 -Page A-7 Student fights :to get degree back from 'U' lb/' *, "Gimmea D Gimme an A Gimmean I...L...Y Givethe MICHIGAN DAILY that old college try. CALL 764-0558 to order your subscription By ERIC MATTSON For most students, receiving a degree from the University signals the end of a long, arduous journey. But for W one student it was only the beginning. -In 1980, Wilson Crook had his 1977 Ma...…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 24

…I Page A-8 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984 0 r /" I 4 Money Management 101 Fall- 1984 University Offices - First of America Read each statement and place a .fin the box if First of America Bank - Ann Arbor can help you with these situations: Yes No 1. You get the late night munchies, but the pizza place won't take checks and you have no cash. Can First of America help you? Q Q 2. Your roommate is the wrong sex. Can F...…

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