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September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… freeze was a positive See IN-STATE, Page 11 r Apple deal sours local r By DAVID VANKER Looking for a cheap way to join the 1computer age? A deal between the University and Apple computers to provide…

…'s Microcom- puter Education Center, an office in the education school where potential pur- chasers can try out the Apples and learn how they work. To discourage resale of the bargain computers outside the…

….' - Nancy Reding Apple computer dealer etailers Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Yale and the University of Chicago. "They're the trend-setters," Dixon remarked. "They're the universities that will be…

… developing a lot of the sof- tware (for the introduced Macintosh)," she said. Consequently students, staff mem- bers, and faculty get a good deal on computers. And Apple sets up ties in a good market. The plan…

… seemed to benefit everyones- except for private computer dealers. THE UNIVERSITY'S arrangement with Apple has not met with much ap- proval in Ann Arbor's private sector. Many retailers charge that the…

… never intended to destroy retail outlets with its offer to the universities. On the contrary, she said, "By getting the computers out to colleges we ac- tually thought it would enhance See APPLE, Page 13…

Apple Computers, Inc. Under the plan, the University is allowed to offer four computer models - the Apple Macin- tosh, Lisa, Hie, and III - at a generous discount. Faculty, staff, and students can get a…

…, manager of Inacomp, the retailer that won the right to serve as the official distributor of the Apple systems sold by the University, said Apple is simply trying to condition computer-users to its products…

… to Ed Fleckenstein, president of Technavest Corp., a local computer retailer, Apple needs to secure a larger share of the market. And, he said, "They'll give (the com- puters) away to get it." AMONG…

computers to students, staff, and faculty at generous discounts has made everyone happy - except the retailers who seem to have lost their market. OVER 1,000 orders have been received at the University…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

… be similar to the Computer Aided Engineering Network developed by the engineering college in conjunction with Apple computers. Students in that school have also paid a $100 surcharge added to tuition…

… BOOKSTORE Apple deal sours local computer business Main Store: 549 East University Electronics Showroom: 1110 South University Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (313)662-3201 s (Continued from Page 1) lbusiness…

… Fadden, wider use and ownership of computer benefits retailers as well as the Apple company. "It's a very wise move to get com- puters into everybody's hands," he said. "I think it's good for everybody…

…The Michigan Daily-- Thursday, September 6, 1984 - Page 13 00 Business students to pay $100 fee for computers By THOMAS HRACH Business students will enter the computer age this term with a new…

computer network for the business school, similar to the one already in use by the engineering school. But new technology doesn't come cheap, so the aspiring businessmen will be charged an additional $100…

September 06, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

… said. THE COMPUTING Center has already used the Apple and Zenith machines as workstations in the Union computing center and at NUBS. "We don't want to end up with a broad mixture of terminals," Emery…

… (Continued from Page 1) and faculty could only access one .computer at the University, the UM :system. The new computer, UB, will include all the new request accounts. The UB computer, an Amdahl 470 V/8-B, is…

… not quite as sophisticated as the UM computer, an Amdahl 5860-M, abut Marks stressed that $50 of com- puter access on the UB system is equal to $50 on the UM system. At this time, the new request ac…

computer access on campus. et computer accounts EMERY SAID the Computing Cen- ter is going to increase the number of terminals available to help cope with the expected boost in users. New terminal stations…

… number at this time. To receive the account, a student must bring a valid student I.D. and a second I.D. bearing a photo to special tables set up at the Computing Center, on North Campus and the Union Com…

November 06, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 44) • Page Image 18

…. Presenting The Macintosh Sale. Through January 31, you can save hundreds of dollars on a variety of Apple*Macintosh computers and peripherals. So now there's no reason to settle for an ordinary PC. With The…

… lockerroom after Friday night's hockey game, holding his Mott's Apple Juice container in one hand and a hockey puck in the other. Actually, he looked a lot like an excited 10 or 11-year-old on his way home…

… Bowling Green broke a six-game losing streak on PASS regualar season broadcasts. 0 New 1 S you can even . ot Macintosh computers have always been easy to use. But theyve never been this easy to own…

… Macintosh Sale, you can wind up with much more of a computer. Without spending a lot more money Ngo Open... Close ~~. . .......m~uuauuuuuau m . muu.......................... Save A s... F t t t t t i ii…

December 06, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 64) • Page Image 10

Apple'Macintosh computers and peripherals. So now there's no reason to settle for an ordinary PC. With The Macintosh Sale, you can wind up with much more of a computer. Without spending a lot more money…

…-7749 Sharples S " Macintosh®computers have always been easy to use. But they've never been this easy to own. Presenting The Macintosh Sale. Through January 31, you can save hundreds of dollars on a variety of…

February 06, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 91) • Page Image 5

… purchasers. DEALERS WILL NOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS. Questions? Call 936-7832 beginning Saturday morning. .0 Sponsored by the Information Technology Division of The University of Michigan and Apple*Computer

… Sunday February' February 7, 8, 9:00am to 9:00pm 9:00am to 6:00pm Get your own: *MacintosliM Plus computer *800K external or SCSI hard drive .ImageWriter-MJJprinter . Limited number of systems still…

… available at MacTruck prices. Order by noon on Friday, February 6 at Photo and Campus Services, 542 LS&A Bldg., or during Computer Weekend at Old Main Hospital. Bring your University ID, driver's license, and…

…, Inc., in cooperation with ComputerLand of Ann Arbor, Inacomp Computer Center-Ann Arbor, and the Learning Center, Ltd. Fuller Road …

April 06, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 127) • Page Image 8

…I Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, AprilI6, 1987 Books The Propheteers By Max Apple Harper & Row $7.95 What do Howard Johnson, Margery Merriweather Post, and Walt Disney have in common…

…? They are all characters in Hopwood ,winner Max Apple's latest novel, The Propheteers - a continuation of his parody of American popular culture begun in an earlier novel, The Oranging of America. Both…

… Swedish Approach," 6 pm, Vandenburg Rm, Mich Union, 763-7110. Women's Okinawan Karate & Self-Defense Club--Beg class, 7:15-8 pm, Martial Arts Rm, IM Bldg. 763-3562. . Computing Ctr--Course, "Monday…

…, 603 E Madison. 662-5529. Stdts of Objectivism--Bus mtg, 8 pm, 1215/1220 Bus Sch. 663-5589. Computing Ctr--Courses: "Writing & Customizing Textedit Macros," 3-5 pm, & "The Operation of Secondary…

… pm, Recital Hall, Recitals: S Davis, bass trombone, 6 pm, & R Breault, voice, 8 pm, McIntosh Theatre. Symposium, "Computers in the Performing Arts: Music Videos," 2 pm, MLB 4. Pre-concert lec, R…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 18

… NEED A IBM * APPLE * COMPAQ COMPUTER? RENT NOW WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! We rent and sell several kinds of terminals, printers, modems, and personal computers. Come and visit our office at 749 Airport Blvd…

… graduate schools, computer center, an atomic ac- a research library. Instead of 500 lecture you have six per class. Only t countries can afford graduate e said. In the United States however, Heise said…

April 06, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 149) • Page Image 2



October 06, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 26) • Page Image 8

… students. For details con- tact Scholarship Research Services at 668-8060. cF1004 WIN AN APPLE Ile COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE HOMECOMING RAFFLE FOR STUDENT FINAN- CIAL AID. Tickets…

… OLDS 98 LS 1975 - Mechanic Special. All weather radials, cooling system leaks. Best offer. Call 996- 9069. 63 B1009 WOMAN'S CCRB POOL LOCKER Price Negotiable #761-2333 dBloO9 DECwriter/modem Apple II…

… WORD PROCESSING PAPERS, THESES, DISSERTATIONS Done Quickly, Accurately, Inexpensively Ask about our editing services. QUICK QUILL 665-6157 80J0109 COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES BY MBLSystems featuring Radio Shack…

…-3579 ON THE CWSP but could never find a job? C 1686. TYPING Papers, Resumes, all typing jobs, word pro Reasonable! 662-0072. COMPUTER TERMINALS including mode maintenance - printing $80/month. - $70/month…

June 06, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 13) • Page Image 4

… House and a majority of the American Senate virtually ensured final ap- voted yesterday to ban bank loans and people," said House Speaker Thomas proval of some form of trade penalties computer sales to…

…-127, also would "Opposing apartheid in South Africa ministration official said. The com- ban new investments by U.S. firms in is as American as apple pie," Rep. puters are used by South African their South…

October 06, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 23) • Page Image 8

… Club-Speaker, C Zand, "Handi- capped Scouts: Myth or Reality, " open to all, 7:45 pm, W Conf Rm, Rackham. Bot Gardens-Leaf walk, 4-5:30 pm. 763-7060. Computing Ctr-Courses, "Text Formatting with TeX," 3…

…Base III, Pt I, 1-5 pm; dBase III Plus, Pt I, all in 3001 Sch of Ed Bldg. Intro to Micro- computer, 10:30 am-12:30 pm; PC System Selection, 1-3 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. 747-2424. f T ESDAY Computing Ctr…

…, Pt I," & Pre- prof lec, "Applying to Law School," 4:10 pm, 3200 SAB. 764-7460. Hillel Fdn-Jewish Social Workers Org, "Celebrate Rosh Hashana with Apples & Honey," noon, 4070 Frieze. 663-3336. *HRD…

…?/Update on Halley's Comet," 7:30-10 pm, Chrysler Ctr Aud. Chem-Sem, J Moore, "Project SERAPHIM: Achiev- ing the Computer's Potential in the Chemistry Cur- riculum, "4 pm, 1200 Chem. Microcomputer Educ Ctr…

…:30 pm, ROC. Sch Art-Video, Art/New York, interview with Hans Namuth, Cindy Sherman & Robert Rauschenberg, Photography Exhibitions, 5:30 pm, 2216-19 Sch Art Aud. Computing Ctr-Course, "Phototypesetting…

…:30 pm, Hill. Mich Gay Union-Mtg, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Mon- roe. 763-4186. Mach Engr & Appl Mech-Sem, S Braun, "Identifica- tion of Structural Parameters by Overdetermina- tion,"4 pm, 1017 Dow. Russ & E…

… Schoenfeld, "Observations on Self as Artist, "7:30 pm,-Art & Arch'Aud. Computing Ctr-Course, "Using Program Function Keys," 7-9 on, 1013 NUBS. 747-2424. Ethics & Rel/Res Coll-Lec/disc, A Guerrero, "Nues- tra…

… Ultraviolet Continuum, "4 pm, 1200 Chem. Microcomputer Educ Ctr-Workshops: Intro to Micro- computers, 1-3 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. Learning to Use the Macintosh with MacWrite & MacPaint, 1-4 pm; Microsoft Word…

… for IBM-Compatible Micro- computers, Pt I, 1-5 pm; Microsoft Word for the Macintosh, Pt I, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; dBase III PLUS, Pt II, 8:30 am-12:30 pm, 3001 Sch of Ed Bldg. 747-2424. Biophysics-Lec, D…

November 06, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 44) • Page Image 6

…. Michigan Book & Supply, comer of State and N. University. FOR SAE '87 HONDA HURRICANE Must sell black/red. Excellent condition. $3000 994- 8937. Apple Ic AND APPLE He, 2 disk drives for each, printer, B…

…/V Plus color monitor, exten- sive software; computer stand. 769-0145. BALLOONS! BALLOONS! BALLOONS! Call BALLOONEY TOONS for all occas- sions. 996-4526. 415 Church. Free delivery. CAMPUS CONDO. 2 bedrooms…

… good money. Call Terry 1-800-448-6058. SALESPERSON NEEDED-Sell computers. Part-time/full-time. Send resume to:P.O. Box 15241 Ann Arbor, MI 48107 SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es- tablished infertility…

February 06, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 91) • Page Image 6

… SERVICE - neat, accurate, and on time. $1.50/page. 662-7965. LSAT The Stanley Kaplan Educational Center has early-bird classes for the June LSATexam forming now. Computerized di ostic exam available for all…

… pus with 3 other females. Reasonable rent. 763-3897. COMPUTER MDSE. COMPUTERS printers, modems. Specials this monthon1200B Mod em only $1 29. Call Automation Link, 747-9000. FOR SALE: Apple II Super…

…. $150. 971-2771. FOR RENT FOR SALE 1979 HONDA HAWK 400-Mint condition. Extras. $725. Call 747-6426,' APPLE-MAC, 128K and Printer and Soft- ware. $1000 or best offer, call 663-1360. Ask for George…

October 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…-312-742- 1142 Ext. 1137-A. . 71B1009 DISCOUNT SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, Macintosh, etc. Call 996-0001 Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc USED TIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup, light truck…

… Drums, 2 Zilgian Cymbols, 1 high hat, 12 yrs. $550.663-6477. Leave message. 99B1010 MIYATA 15 Speed bike, Blue 19" frame w/computer $250. 663-6477 leave message. 001B1010 FOR RENT CAMPUS AREA…

October 06, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

… filter with 3 discs, $125 or best. Ron, 747-6738 FOR SALE Apple Scribe Dot Matrix Printer $175 Call 663-5854 evenings. FOR SALE- Commodore 64 with color monitor, modem, 1541 disk drive. Excellent for word…

… sales t-shirt featured on MTV. Call 812-333-6066 before THURSDAY, Oct. 8 at 5 PM. EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS- TANT. Must be organized & articulate. Communication, typing & computer skills a plus. 663…

…. Personal 160. Tickets W 80. Cupid's Helper 170.Roommates Z 4 7.32 9.96 12.44 14.88 17.32 90. Student Services 180. Computer Mdse. 5 9.15 12.45 15.55 18.60 21.65 I understand that this advertising request…

April 06, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 126) • Page Image 9

…-CLINICAL RESEARCH CTR. to wo rk weekends. Must be eligeable for col- ' work/study s r./sum. 5.25/hr. Call Chris wlis at 936-809G. COMPUTER SALES POSITION with Au- tomation Link. Call 747-9400, Rafiq. CONLIN BRIDE…

… publication design skills, keyline experience, and good communication skills. Macintosh computer experience is helpful. Send resume, salary exctations and availability date to Box 5 205-28th t., S.E., Grand…

… for moti- vated individuals. Appl y at: TERRA IJA, INC. 3780 E. Morgan Road. Ypsilanti, 48197 MACINTOSH TECHNICAL ASSISTANT- Growing electronic publishing firm in Grand Rapids, MI is seeking a person to…

April 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 148) • Page Image 6

… Camp. Information call 764-2401. 00H430 Computer People We're helping many companies in the area fill a variety of permanent, shorter-term and consulting, positions, and we want to talk to people looking…

… SERVICES, Creative, Technica Research. Experienced Professional:995- literary CAMPUS EDITING Efficient * Reasonable * Fast-769-2 ic Design LARGE 2 BDRM. May-August sublet. New furni- ture, carpeting, appl

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