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December 06, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The Nt~ic' I an Da Vot.. XIX. ANN A 1111 )[. it P1 ( .\ \ 10 X, S ' )A 1>1 NI t (),1 o o )8. No).5. ROBERTSON PLAYERS estte. t pakls t )e ~~~LOGj CAPTU E AU IENCEI purt of Mr. Rohertsonl. 01)tit m1st1)e) I TO CAPTURE AUsaul that im this play his support) I _________less cre(111ab)10thall in th'afterooo Distinguished Actor Praises the 1performance0. PThe'a11i1nce0 bubb11dFinal Dramatic Atmosphere at Mich- 1)1 r 1 10111)1)1 OO)). Mad igan; S...…

December 06, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…q . All A N 1)A I T THE.MICHIGAN DAILY. <<11~IMIls1 vl S i GH. il omanI-: - usic an Zramna G.a idAOfp lua iEg ditor --Acisco F. RTCni. Vbl h=catt opiiipi ll,, Iu DLinessM ogr-JOiN F O. izz: ____________________rehearsIgc for- "The _A,11i,~(i il cs- i t ii i i i t i it ti,,irn t \\ t l 'c" The Largest Stock in EDITORS m th the City News ........ . . Lee A White! lol aC rainnon o A1 I n Inc pi ihe t \ oili tnn[ Athletics .... ...........E. Eld...…

December 06, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…c 1 'L ANbDA T ' i ...,........e,-...._...i ....I"." I RI 'N blII LAY SAVED) Sam. Burchfils Somae peopie taete af FiUC Taloring aways bing tt.arotttthenit s I tatenedr at thte exprtss Trade day afternoon. A member of "La Poudre aux Veutx" tgt a package cotntaitningt for te play, wichl was to I, Can orotateg. "I hetre a package the 71'Ilt? 3e . iig iialt otage ~ oorts t ot.' ropatotl " htaetoe Iartoeost ate I ae l & Co. AST HUON ST.avetvh...…

December 06, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

… ' . s * f A A Anybody who st'clies the styles in nmen 's clothing can easilyuist ingoish the ready-miade from the cxi- tum-nimdce man. The for- nier weairs clotihes liat look as if they xvoi1l fit aiiy- body - the latier o cars clothes that are made (to fit himself only. We are specialists in the latter line, and will niake you a snit or overcoatthat will give yon a moat distinguished appear- ance. J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. A...…

December 06, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…The Miciglan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DE.CEM-NBE R 6, 190. No 59. PROPOSED AMEND- MENT MAY BE MADE 4Athletic Association May Change Its Constitution-Rowe Says That Politics Are Inevitabie. Ant amtendmitent to the constitutiont of the Athletic associatiotn has beett pro- posed. Today at petitiotn calling for a special mreetintg to consider tiis amend- mettt will he circitlated. If twetnty-five signattures of members...…

December 06, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…fN2 R IIUAff19 A? TEMICHIGAN DAILY. IG. H. Wild Cofiny nogarng editor-PAUL.So'~ovEZ I _______________________ Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEA. The Largest Stock in the CityJ of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemien's Wear Everytthing reqirefoiir l Suits, Overcoas ts, Fey \Vestings, and 'Tiouserin,acd of high class fabrics~ and secia~l style. Full Dress Suits al Specialty Go H. Wild Comupany 3t11 South State Street Ai Bit titmaybe o smcio...…

December 06, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…~UI ~i~A!~A*I~A~,~V ________ Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burcihfield. [ o 10 6 & . EAST HURON ST. Do you want $2.7O worth of for $1.00? Call at our store and learn the particulars of the Sanicol Chemical Company's great introductory offer, the greatest offer ever made in toilet preparations. Teni articles for the price of 4 BROWN'S DILVO STOKE 120 E. Iberrty St. ALARnl CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 A11 the bet,t...…

December 06, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…tit*R-411CN1AN fl'AIL COLLEGE S-TYLES Where will you find style at its top-most pitch? In the great universities, to be sure The college youth knows fashion as the small boy knows the farthest corner of the jam closet. "College Clothes' is a phrase which falls trippingly from scores of tongues. Many tailors claim them-mighty few produce them.1 We invite you to "size" us up--your judgment will do the rest. Autumn and Winter woolens ready in th...…

December 06, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga n Daily ANN \RBOR, \Il( 11k \ \ I't YDll}sl V 11 N IIIR 6 , fo6 "oL. X VII. DISTINGUISHED ALUM4NI WILL COUNCIL PLANYS CHANGES DETROIT MANM WILL IN FRESH-SOPH RUSH ADDRESS CIVICS CLUB APPEAR Al PRESENTATION Members of Lower Classes to Confer D. IF. Wilcox, Secretary of the un wihCouncil Committee in Re- icipal League, Will Speak on Con- } vising De tails of Contest. stitutional Convention. Dir. James~ Angell, Jr., and Professor Je...…

December 06, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…THElMICI4IGAtN DAILY I f G. H. WILD CO. ii ItiixS.iiStateiiiSt.i THE MICHIGAN DAI LY. ii xxi ti le [x rf !; lar N(::.ilu . iixxr .c-xxi , lixaxi ' il'i'x ti' x' r.\Nxxxu 'i lx', ,5 .. . ... lail i' . Six4, veaneix iiix xxiIlixixan. x Paul i iiMixNvrer (urge A. Olxlirn J. Earl Ogle. Jr. ii irixlxl C. Sithil lxx ry '.I cSi uh' Glenn ID.lBraidleyi i Villiam A. Mulhern loydi x H. Jonies I. x I i'x x i .. lxi mw 'iiBiox l chiirlii' lexrge 11. Il...…

December 06, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY you'vxe never tried College Brand Clothe-', do so now -- vent]I neN er wxear anil ofleer k itid aftier I ~~Yo've once tries our suits. ox'rcoas, eravc'eies. All the latest shades In plaitnPities and mblacks-- prices $r5 to $25- Cliristnas Gifts for men moderaiely lricedi In (i it liaberdasli- erayIDepartmnttyoil'11lsliinnunierable suggestions ior useful and serxiceablclito.iday giltis for all taste - -;gifts priced -withina...…

December 06, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY AL ARM CLOCKS HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE $1 For You For C hristnias Fens ve will dive0one 1o- lar tto iyb oy dy\it) our1 Pert att the r ir j prce lTev rel neo nd a- All Or Dohlla r louitlti Pfens 'at 7: (ent Iacts EE.CA LKINS Irstqji 1i /324 S.STTE.SR T 0. V. A. A J. R AILWAY t a11 F 1 ' a R U. 301,1Y. St 0 St ANN ARBOR RAILROA ANt)otAllDltNS To.i s 1.' vN 1R0n101i3 zba Chicago Btiatlo tBoso Ne York L tols Iotoo oo 1" ,gt, rai...…

December 06, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…The Mihgn Daily ANN ;\RF-)OR,1MICHITGAN,\ U II)\i 'OAV. 1)I 1 I }aI Ilk (i ii8U V'Ex.. XVI. Nox. 57. ILLINOIS SCHEDULED FOR THANKSGIVING According to Present Arrangements liini Will Play Turkey [Day- Baseball Dates Made. 'The Tihnksgiv xxingcly ga'eincext scix' wxi l be p layed uii iliArhor iin ll arc n tdiielyi se attled, Illioisis ,) andiiChiicago. iichi xiii'i'pclyithe 1ii - thei\ialiiiii play hereI i'''xx weleks' lateri Nxxi xxx mbxxii...…

December 06, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…TtIiMtC IIAN DAILY G. H. Wild Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolons for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special stylc for stu- dents. G. H. Wild Co: 311 S. ytate St. 5 e r r e r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r t r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r, r r r r THE MICHIGAN DAILY. oil ntp0.111011 1of slco'i151vditov o50 Ith ho Osn)lrihlii, hicrceitltlyiben Etered c assecod clasi...…

December 06, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…Tlll M(~~t(A~DATLY SPALDINWiS ."° a OFFICIAL ' - A~tILIJIC ALMANAC 'FOR 1906 [difted by JAMlES E. SULLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS A. G. SPALDINYG en. BROS. Wi.Lo s i a innat i anal llII l i ar~i 'isysFli lo Btaltior PlI i t', 1k , -a. C as s (llo .pallfllls c ltI a llll f all zI tcso s H-JUSTON BROTHERS .Successors to JA -W. RE-lt), 312 S. State STATE SAVINGS BANK WV. J. Booth Ita. V. Sheea-na WmII. Arno~ld lDr. V. C. Vattghan t. . ade EF I. Stills N...…

December 06, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY . Rockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES 1IT 5EXCE+LLENT TRAIN SERVIlCE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Deoto in Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. n _,'-* . I / Magnets that attract l PATRONAGE ARE Quality and Price The quality of our Sutts anid Overcoats is, we think, well enough known to require no comment, but...…

December 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…,.- 0i * - 6f 0 e p a= '~ v o = "' 3 o 4.. C/} 0 o W '' ;° . v,. u 1 " r. r ? 2:, .-' J J U r n f: . h . {T (4'- 0 W C {U\ 0/Y 22I 22 221 0. {j 2^ - 2-- O O Cl) H, v o I . e n c ;r v Ui Q Lv cl PS ..r r of ''' V r . - ti-. f, " . W as .J i. r ". v '- r ._... c v/ F ."^ tel. - " r 77- I ..--J .r ti w ^ _ N :r 'l. '! E u .c r. y-c H 0Y 0 A4± {/3 E-' W W a1 '4 H o v v1D -, _ .r w ' f ^' A …

December 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY NN r o~+r THE flICtlIGAN DAILY.! (Continued front page one.) W E MAE OULD HAVE * lx ii , unxiioii l t the 1Ai n in itnttenance.The se eis xii * U- Ci I'. clxici the thirteen l"M" otto the ViYOU TO KNOW :si llxllii 'n i t enquad. Coachies Yost. Cole f y P~~~~i . it 1 x x iii , , Ida n~~cdcurn h ev ttr i i E, ahliix.oix 'ureet. \Will \\eksh, Traittir Fitzpatrick, * ~ iiii li x.Mlt'iiI. iiiiix 'PhoeI-r boarxi oftlltti dirctor, ...…

December 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…THA MICHIGAN DAIL t There niever %vas made a better, nor a more deserv- edt1v1popular OVERCOAT than HART, SCRAPE- z NL iyx RYTaON; long, loose, comfortable, WVit a '1 let of ts ocx n and a quality look aboot it that makes a mhan think well of himself every time lie xt t iH. Se them ibefore buying. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217' So. Main St. i f... ..-..our.natty... o e of SNECKWEAR Received this week. All the late novelties of } the season are now o...…

December 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…THiE MICHIGIAN DAILY IRANIOG I R.A P H IC K $3.50 ,aw :n $4.00 Walk-Over 9 Shoes gStudy with a Good Light There is no better light than 4 THE WELSBACH RFEAIINGl LAMP ALL STY11S Al All.PRlClS. , The Ann Arbor (Gas Company. a 1stZ rme I Spading's Oficial Intercollegiate Y OOIEALL Used by All Leadig Colletes Foot BallPonts--Laca easot. clips anad kntees padddaith tin eeurled fhair,ad flaiaglas with cae strtip.. s A. G. SPALBING & BROS. Inc. New Y...…

December 06, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, ?MICH., 'SUNDAY, DECEMBER C, 1903. No. 57M SUJCC[SS IS ASSUJRD. Musical Club Concerts Will Be Loyal- ly Patronized By Hundreds of Michigan Alumni and Friends. The itiiiei-s-io le comiing Trip itf the mnicial(cubs o icXlihian ie- ceiveil tip MIniger tJuhn Waiing ldur- ing lth platiwodli ti -iiiattie nii liifac tinh-ialminiindiiil ohers are, eageritoIhe-r ad if ain ricciubs att aiuns maes wheiiiconc111i...…

December 06, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Anlnoullcemuent. The Largest and Most Complete Line of : WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. H. Wild & Co's, 108 East Washington St. Great pains have been taken in the selection of all suitings, trouserings & overoatings for this season. G. H. WILD CO, 108 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White Z Attoreof"Cnjrer's Hese," "The Bised T.rail," etc. ziiiziRuS; sitith ertsinssby Thuo e~u Fogarty 160 NT. Abook full of the c...…

December 06, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ;Ju4t Reeeived ANOTHER LOT of the Famous 11. 54 inches long, u4- Buhck, Iland-Tailored 4 pis4 ~ I #4. They are Swell 6arments ;.< aTheClothie. :~Prices Reasonablec +< 217 SOUTH MAIN 5-I EET f4. 121 L Washington St. .F SeciaI O fferinqts in Mren's I[urnishinqs $6.00 11- 1l oit 5/ yI)aIt. obe.,;, pr tictt(d$3.+98 $1,50 dIt/I tt S/ s/el oti I) de.s lc~, - $1.00 $4.50 Melt's lict (m AssetS l Ove//crc, - $3.00 Boes o/ (> /i...…

December 06, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…11 THDE MICHIGAN DAILY. of Busi ess Jr Gr a4Br ai s Of e ed , + 094a~99o99~t THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. TrainrsleeAnn Aborby Cetr1 al ShOndrl, Ti1m Ilo 1' 101 lt~cobA '0 .110. SOUllTHII NORTli NO 76';0A. l. No.I1400A. Al. No. 2-11:331. A. 0. \NAo 11 Al. No. 4 f '';i 0.1, . N o. 3. : 534201. i 'Irains No.iiuand 6 runbetween AnnlArbor and 'Poledo only. 'rainss1.1,3. 4.5. and li, ldaily except Sunday FreeChai'car1onNos. 1,an14...…

December 06, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…'5, "ni. Kit .. y . i. .ry.w W - u AT, ' _.. r _i m B ~. _,~ la 1 I I i i 1,11. ) 1 M i . ! 1wI 1 : J;11ny M iti Eit{(r 74+tII ian W r NI ! It I 1\' i" 3 1 1 It . lc +1ii, II \l II Ott, w,, il "A FO&''tI3ALhL Rd1'.( In"iL\i NiiI Ili~ ;I. lk, i i\ Il W (1... X 9.. l M \IS1'I )I .I Ii ME. ila SheLostiat T1.:'aKSivl1 Im" lwc Cr .t~w'lsIll w w P C slar" n il 11 II 14 57.1 w I1p lltlI I I 1 w~I tl 1 1,11 11'r~Il 1'ilI e I" I it~ tlif, I. :It~ fIz I...…

December 06, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…f-, c ' :. .-.:r ? . 'i -. .. s - ' r - - K - k 4P", . F. i, r _ . r-.x - . _ tsa ..__ r , ..._. ® J . _... '' J _ _ .% J s u F_ . .. :: ---a y _. _ E . --:1 F _ , _ ..^,..._.r J f F r. ._.. :I. %.+ Y , . f' }--y - " y r t' m _ Yom, 1; 5 t ? 1 x i I r - i 4 \ } r A . Y i ... _- } ^ '_, 1 s 3 - r . , .... ........ ..... -.;. _' 1 rv1 _ , rz' r: ',-1 ._ F t r .-4 r"'; k . 1 1 ,. ., f , tom-" ' , i fi w. Mx n :- :C _ nt r. -y a --_yy ' i"r y - I …

December 06, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…THEl MICHIGANU)AtLT--NtlEWz~ If you want toknow IThis ivohy YOUR ATTENT-ION what smartly dressed 1 ? m~~~nen will wear this ea-j vcai < .. ,i~a t~tC us l [i nbni[& peIEERAII&SOIMPORTERS1 AND Eindnscmit & pfel1EBRBAH SN, IANUFACTURFjRS qlALACE AND PARISIAN The Finest Suits b01Illh111f A'j~llCTy and Overcoats \Irk wtit 5 it h i t e l't '1 tt 1 is 1 111'-r "FUI1I 47ewuuSutLw im ML F, VL1At Than 05;(lii , 12 uiax ard Si. aie lo 'ehadl nt liii- oto...…

December 06, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…'lUE Iltlx(AhIifoxAN DAlLY.- 4Wt6 N 'A ) )n VT I T I'w - 13I'"'l.. .. I ] _ i t, ii iii ti" . t 'Jit 'i=t(.i1t2t .' _ , /IN 4/ i-"... a u s : _ - - I .. .. _ '9. , S1 ii t.. !'A' 1 . N A N .. Iy AX ., N ? () Kee ' '1j ' '. A1 t-1 Matri i 1(1 iSI l(iN V 3i keep utIlil ':tA DeFIRILS'-! t IIi I RA 1 '. K t .. ~ ( r ,}i i t ' i 'At Ctr ' ( A1% t}' 1 ' 1t f t.i :14.5 j t. Nt 'i ' V i' it'S 0 1 (' tt111151. . +s I .1,lt 1)11I. ] i1 '1 !' ' t'1'?) IA...…

December 06, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…r~r QST YAS NEIL SNOW. Il 1S r Veteranof ...Many' Atlt9 c(on- Indto sodHolds Three 'Wissity 1 ) t o 8 1 1 1 1 1' W t h t it u 's 1a1h II 1 irdi "III 111111 10 'III ( 11111he I w .l-sIt l o-I . w llo itI)L '11 S1ll' l t tni 111 1141 ha. h'0, o 111:1 '~j111 'SIN 1 IlS '1111 . the falif1 ! ;Iipa e n n fil WV I a lS15 0 I' 1'l ll cl*1o i 11111 hain l ayed c 1 1 n,11 i' t11 re 111 1 114 n 111)1ot hg 011l1 M an illawk i 11 i ll 11 Ie ti 11111 icI 11...…

December 06, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICIliAN t)AILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suietiiigs and Trouserings in the lates tet rns and color= ings. Thelatrges't assortmenat in the state. iotaLi. Washington St. PACKER'S = 20C TARv SOAPS SPANISH ROOT 15C Grandpa's Wonder 5and lOc DAILEWS The U,Iof'Al. LDAILY, I11 fear. The 'VARSITY NEWSS, Isl MICHtIGAN DAIY-NE...…

December 06, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…THlE MlCIIIGANI:DAILY-INEWS t14. ' " " . -"-"-_ 't t~.LSa.~~s.° ,, .3«s.i. ~t. t+ + . .c.+j+ . +o ea "7 J P++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++4.4 1Th6 MOat 6ovn6inU 1Thing that we couldi do that would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would he to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their lahel be- neath the ...…

December 06, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…TILE MICHIGAN DA.ILY-NEWq,- NOBBY HATS, SWELL SHIRTS, AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES !N NECK DRESSINGS WAGNER & O. St i .tIN ()[: HAWES $3.00 HATS 123 South lain street 707 '(11k111N I LS O 5.0 1 THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. I Tt u irx, --OLEDO-ITO COLUMBUS wt ?c f %r Write J. «'. LAND )IAN, General 'rraveling; Agent, DET1ROIT, MICIGl~AN. f t k I F ' t I r ...aii Up'= ,To = Date TAILORING Fulde's 119 S. MAIN ST. Martin, Washburn, Brandt, Waldo, balljo oti 0...…

December 06, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…be u r So Pail. Vot. X.ANN a tBOR, 1MWH.. THURSDAY , DECEMBER s6. 1900 No. 61 An nouncement "EMANCIPATED" WOMEN Our secial lineA Long-Distance View of the Woman's League Fancy Dress Ball-Novel of of foreign and Costumes domestic fabrics- U' detlxical ait is,, lie further iwa~y For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has you are The usore you can see albout arrived and is arranged for inspec- sae tingttss. 'The University of towa tion. The same ca...…

December 06, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…2 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY i 1 3 t : t 1 c I: i 2. c ; ~~' ~ ~ ~ I zt" ~The Next Faculty Concert.S[I-LO K C THN 'flofaculty oncert this ven'ing wl Pubttishe Daily (Mondays exceptet~lttae encttirely devoted to -te wrkte of. college Ycarat B haven. The program ichlv f1THiNql OBSlER °R NEATE THE UNVERSIT OF MIHIGAN ini full is calculated .to display 'the TslUIESTYO I~ aient etuiraeterisic seof the comupas- This make of lothig s con- ...…

December 06, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…THlE UNIVE1F OF MICHIGAN DALY. For Morning, Afternoon and Evening Wear also for Driving and Out-door sports.---- Correct in fashion and finished pefetly in every detail. $ 1.00 TO $2.50 DS)® PEED}'S P 117 AI T.8 MICHIGAN CENTRAL DON'T BUY SUIT CASES Alarm Clocks $1, -The Niagara Fait Route. Until you see the Special 24 inch 'eae we offer lentil uo .Pn O o$.~. Pn CSENTRIAL STANDARD TIME.; Thanksgiving at U fM hl 0 o$~fFn Traking effect Septembe...…

December 06, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…4 TER :UNIVEBITY O1 MICHIGAN DAILJY NEW BOOKS B&schfield's Fine :Taioring T rade.... WOe CRTidssufHoc READNGv t;ram Our sartorial skill is equal to the bet in the state On the wingatofocainwrne. tac her~rris ie of Michigan, EXCEPTING .NONE. The Hearrs Highway. Msap 1. Wikin The Lane that ha~nT as oitbe,-t sar~ RITCLY":M C'A1AY L W -BO K ¢ Flaore ahinl Asees, eoV AII RIcInfLL tlA IA Alice of Old Vne e, lisThollt tn the Palate of the King,5"V ...…

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