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January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…0 : ARMED SERVICES INTEGRATION See P"e 4 Y L Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom A& :43 a t I CLOUDY, COLDER High--22 Low-S Snow flurries expected tonight. VOL. LXX, No. 73 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX Mediators Settle Steel Dispute Under Government NAB 29: Prof. Haber Authorities Emphasizes Provisions Blough Estimates Cost at $1 Billion Calls New Pact Least Inflationary Of All Steel Con...…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…,GE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1960 GE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 5,1960 YGLISH TEACHERS: Grollman and Thorpe Die over Vacation Two associates of the University English Department died over the holidays. Sarah E. Grollman. lecturer in English, died early Saturday, Dec. 19, at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. Miss Grollman had a heart condi- tion and had been under hospital' care for 'a week. She was 57. She was an ...…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

… Legislature Votes Corp Accepts Fund Use; Tax, Nobel Laureate Camv Dies in Highway Cras orate, Nuisance 40 a Bills Signed Hesitatingly ByWilliams Trust Fund Bonds Quickly Liquidated By PHILIP SHERMAN The state treasury got an $87 million Christmas present last year. Forty million dollars came from liquidation of the Veterans' Trust Fund and $47 million from added "nuisance" taxes and a boost in the corporate franchise fee. The House ...…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…Sev~entieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY .OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Oninions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" __ , _ o + fr' '1' a 0 1I r +r' a_.; _ , :{ ; , - ,, "To Another Year" 7 -- Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be n...…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 5,1960THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,p " ;;,: yr"'l.}""{" ,i'{Jy..,,F"":y":yt %* ," "q '..:..i. r.:ri"=':}:. .."y. "y.,: .___n_ ________ .*-,..X:r.:?.. .AQ . vr,"r: ": S:YW*Y..: " ":"'V::x: .. :.. '"."n a wA.v.. .W W b. .. .... ....r a .. " " {^,}f" . :* .. .........,h. . . . . . . Y.t.{"i". . .N: ..., . ..w.'l.:::1'::"sn L1 C,.:Y3...%:: tM1:.. ,. .L 'C.'.DAILY OFFIC.IAL BULLETIN 'a. yr ^}e...…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

…THE MICIIIG :%' DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 5;1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. JANUARY ~ * V ... JL 0, IV V I gagers Win Two Lose Four in Vacation Action $ iehigan Winless on Coast;. ops Miami Here Saturday Icers Down Canadian Club In Only Two Games Played By DAVE ANDREWS Michigan's basketballers, beaten three times before the holiday break, rebounded slightly over the vacation by winning two of the six contests played in the two week...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 1

…PREVIEW EDITION Stirr Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom tt1 PREVIEW EDITION PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1960 x / - Offers Land )r Theatre Site egents Uncommitted to Financial Ronsorship of Group's Activities Regents offered University land as a site for a new pro- theatre here at their Jan. 22 meeting. resolution expressing their approval of the national reportory iroposed by producers Tyrone Guthrie and Oliver ...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 2

…/ THE MICHIGAN DAILY + +. .v+ss vcRas Yf1 iiJi ' y t/ e am't te ta at Number I Campus Location SERVING BETTER DINNERS FOR LESS Serving Dinner: 5:00-7:15 Daily PROGRAM NOTES: Minneapolis Symphony To Perform Closed Sunday On State Street Advertising want me p ractical e: S. ..The Mic * provides prac in advertising Thhik abou Watch for of tryout mee s 3/ ': MENO.I~ a firms m with xperience .06 :higan Daily tical experience it joining...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 3

… n Arbor Citizens Ask nstitution t Petition Meeting t Year, BRAZER VIEWS SITUATION: Little Change In Michigan T S! I-r- Both Parties' Heads Give Endorsement By PIULIP SHERMAN ann Arborites were the first higan citizens to join the "con-: "chorus line. unior Chamber of Commerce sident Herbert O. Werth re- ted the first copy of the peti- 2 which would start the wheels a 1960 constitutional conven- iwas circulated here this week. 'he peti...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 4

…"Well, Those are Outside the Country" l. Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 AT THE STATE: Captivating Crime Foundation of Gazel hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. ...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 5

…Blt AsY 5,1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY i I I BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$7.95; socks 39c; shorts 69c;.. military, supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. WI BUSINESS PERSONAL WEATHER FORECASTS. Automatic weather on tapes 24 hrs, daily, up- state snow depth, ski resort weather, FREE. NO 5-861 . aWeather Dial! FF97 BIKES and SCOOTERS MOTORSCOOTER - with windshield. Italian made, in excellent running condition. $200. NO 5-7314. Z29 M...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRII (ERINE TRACK NOTES: elay Teams To Fly to California Thinclads Impressive In Annual AAU Rela By TOM WITECKI ack Coach Don Canham an- iced during the semester break Michigan will enter both a and a two mile relay team in Los Angeles Times Charity k Meet on February 12.' he six Wolverines who will e up the two teams are: Cap- Earl peardorff, Marsh Dick- n, Bryan Gibson, Ergas Leps, , Martin and Toy Seth, ps, Seth, Dic...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY liglbilities Hit, Wolverine Athletic Squads ckey Team Hurt Most file Swimmers Gain IM' Gymnasts Travel to OSU In Search of Conference Win By HAL APPLEBAUM The gain and loss of academic gibility at the completion of the it semester has brought several w faces into Michigan athletic nts and at the same time forced 7ers to the sideline for the ing term. The hockey team was the hard- hit, losing four players al- ugh addin...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY U -~ nney Refuses Any Candidacy in '60 ing state politics in meeting the current problems.I The economic interest groups are beginning to assess their own roles in the political fabric, he amplified. Gov. G. Mennen Williams ap- proved the Junior Ciamber of Commerce-League of Women Vot- ers constitutional convention-pe- tition plan over the opposition of the Michigan AFL-CIO organiza- tion. "Williams showed a degree of ind...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 9

…"'iI /'?T i'i-uP 717i@rF I '_~V tTI)JrAVlJ~1 flt2WT$J- Ia U i Succulent Barbecued Chicken Featured at 7h VIA GINMN 4 HOME OF BARBEQUED FOODS m I . p WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE AN OUTSTANDING MODERN RUSSIAN MOTION PICTURE? I I I If you have an ear for Good Music youwill tune in 1290!F [TIE " II UI …

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 10

…_ _ _THE MICHIGAN DAILY ZENS FOR ,t-IHIGAN: Group Aims at Strong Citizen Force .,Used Se George Romney listed the three- Iaims of Citizens for Michigan his Ann Arbor speech: 1) To establish principles and focus attention on current state roblems.. x2) Tocreate a citizen organiza- 3) "To make a citizen force ronger than those economic in- rest groups excessively dominat- g the major parties. Romney said that the first two ials were being achie...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 11

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ollectors Club Show LOST STUDENTS: Orientation Helps 400 U' Regents Accept Fund Donations 11 All Types of POTIONS For Your Prescription Notions Modern Mexican Paintings, Drawings, Prints OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FORSYTHE GALLERY Nickels Arcade Over the Post Office Soft linesa ... I walt Magicale b Be s young in this win with its p touches of and embroi A no-iron 1 batiste of E polyester f cotton and White with blue 'em...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY A'ELCOME STUDENTS We have six expert barbers in our air-conditioned shop to keep your hair neat and we!I-groomed. U. of M. BARBERS 715 North University SPECIAL PROGRAMS: IC Welcomes New Foreign Students By BEATRICE TEODORO About 100 entering foreign stu- dents are expected by the Inter- national Center staff, said Robert B. Klinger, IC Program Director. Studeits from abroad are ad- mitted if they fulfill the academic requ...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 13

…SECTION TO Y Sir Daitii SECT ION TW O AGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1960 TWELVE PM .S. Asks Nations To Lower Postwar Tariffs 4. i k9 T . . .: : . E U R O P E BR D-ulE f DENMARK=- UNIMt WHOM10 ERMlANY . ETIERLA1(US mmlosto1AKiA , AISTRIA I '~ICE ITALY - VEECEM <41 Ir WECUBA DIOMINICAN ZWe E , HAITI . .. Japan has pledged to lift all Marrh 3T, 1961 ASIA +a M JOIN o PAKiST ' ^IiiDtA CET[0 ® IONA ® WAYA tuoo fstt ...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 14

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1060 TUE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1960 SiDE LINEs by Jim Rena gh, Sports Editor I I 11 Michigan Icers Face Rugged Trip By MIKE GILLMAN -j . '1 1 MICHIGAN'S brightest newcomer in the school's colorful hockey history will carry the Maize and Blue and pressure of the big reputation on the Minnesota ice tonight in a long-awaited moment for coach Al Renfrew and Wolverine backers. "I'm not...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 15

…BRUARY 9, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~RTJARY 5,1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ttVF L" li restlers Have Good Chance 'o Take First in Big Ten Meet UNDEFEATED THIS SEASON: Olm Does Well at Important Post By' DAVE LYON Associate Sports Editor Michigan will win this year's Big Ten wrestling championship by a good margin. Provided Michigan State and Iowa don't attend the Conference meet here March 4-5.' Chances are fairly good they'll be here, though, a...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 16

… k. FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUA HIGAN SWIM CAPTAIN: ashnick Out of Action Indefinitely MAY DECIDE NCAA, BIG TEN MEETS: Divers Hold Key to cM' Swun Success By HAL APPLEBAUM Cichigan Swim Captain Tony hnick will be out of action in- nitely with infectious mono- leosis. ashnick, American, NCAA, and Ten record holder in both the -yard butterfly and 200-yard vidual relay, is currently in ,th Service where he will re- n until some ti...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 17

…TH r 311CMIGAN DAILYy YLI , Faces Illini, Boilermakers Next igers Seek First Big Ten in in Two Home Contests Michigan Five Loses Three Games Between Semesters By DAVE ANDREWS Michigan's basketball team will ace Illinois and Purdue this reekend with two objectives in nind. The first will be to snap a five rame conference losing streak ad capture its first Big Ten victory of the campaign, and the second will be to avenge an 83-63 oss han...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 18

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY LUSTRALIA: National, Private Development Push Industry ' ' , . By The Associated Press SYDNEY, Australia-Bounding ional and private development switched Australia from a ba- ally primary producer to a high- industrialized nation in less n two decades. Vew industrial plants, new mm- 1l discoveries, and new develop- nt of naturalnresources have inged the face of the country ce the outbreak of World War kustralia, a country ...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 19

…', 980 TUEluVit INiJDA1ILY . _ cjence Fair 'o Be Held HUMPHREY, LEGION COMMENT: NSA, Universities State Positions on NDEA Oaths rrr. Here in April High school students in this. area will have a chance to dem- onstrate their scientific talent at a science fair to be held April 8-10 at the University. Prof. Kent Leach, Bureau of School Services director, said that the fair will be open to junior and senior high school students in Hillsdale,...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 20

…TME MICHIIGAN DAILY w OR SCHOLARSHIPS, RESEARCH: Regents Accept Gifts and Grants for January Introducing ... i. Gifts, grants and bequests total- ig $452,679 were accepted by the tegents at their Jan. 22 meeting. The largest sum was $157,500 rom the estate of William W. tout to establish the William W. tout Scholarship. Income from he funds will be used for scholar- hlps for worthy students who will eed financial help "in order to et the ...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 21

…5 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ki tate To Face Educational CAhrLllPn PI JIL -AL 1%,,.,, -EL.AL . ,., II (In the January 16 issue of the "Michigan Alumnus," Administra- tive Dean Robert L. Williams ex-t plored the "Current Challenge to '4Igher Education," faced by the State of Michigan. Dean Williams' .rticle is herein reprinted.) The University of Michigan faces the current challenge to ligher education with full conf- dence. This confid...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 22

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY FEBRUARY 5.:1960 THEMIHIG N AIL-F |RAR|||04 .. i'1 1JlYV Fli41 U 17)OU IRVARD ATTAINS GOAL: California Asks Faculty Salary Rise BERKELEY 'The Regents' of the University of Californiathave requested a 10 per cent salary in- crease for all faculty members. The increase would necessitate a state appropriation of $5,555,000 to the nine-campus university, The Daily Californian of Berkeley reports. University President Clark...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 23

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Service Says Clinic Visits Fallin Off University, Health Service re- ports a drop in general clinic vis- its for the first quarter of this school year over last year. General outpatient clinic visits also showed a drop in the report issued by Health Service covering the months of October, November and December. Prescriptions and laboratory procedures, however, showed an increase, as did upper fespiratory infections. Pneumon...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 24

…TIM MICHIGAN DATIN °BIAn 31W MJiJIIIGAN DAILY FEBRU.~ 1960 SPRING SEMESTER S.GC. -CI E A GUILD PROGR S 11 U k Thursday and Friday, 7 and 9 EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. I FEBRUARY 4, 5 7 & 9:25 THE RAZOR'S EDGE (Somerset Maugham),'with Tyrone Power, Gene Tierney, Herbert Marshall, Anne Baxter, Clifton Webb FEBRUARY 6, 7 STAGE COACH (Directed by John Ford), with John Wayne, Claire Trevor, Thomas Mitchell, John Carradine, Andy Devine AC...…

March 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS MUST BE EXPANDED See Page4 Y Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom ii SNOW FLURRIES Hlgh-24) Law-$; Cloudy with cold wind from the northwest. v VOLXXNo. 107 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1960 FIVE CENTS sI I I I *y * * * * * *+ * ' State To Pay Minimum to Co lieges Porter Sees Raises Less than Requested Legislature To Cut Williams' Plan; 'U' Faculty Salary Hike in Doubt By THOMAS K...…

March 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -I 'i I .. PETITIONS Zoologist Bates To Outline Population Problem on TV By MAME JACKSON. NEGRO JUDGE: Letts Scores 'Complacency in GOP for MUSKET CENTRAL COMMITTEE trended until 5 P.M. Tues., March 8 Union Student Offices - Sign up for an interview. HELD OVER -.Mdg I mulmomm- DIAL NO 5-6290 NOMINATED FOR TWO ACADEMY AWARDS AS "BEST ACTRESS" "If population continues to in- crease at its present rate, in six...…

March 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…i Secretary of State Hare In Race for Governorship Pirimary Bid By Swainson Anticipated Morris May Oppose Bagwell for Governor LANSING () - Secretary of State James McNeil Hare, 49 years old, yesterday waded into the Democratic primary for gov- ernor 15 hours after Gov. G. Men- nen Williams announced against seeking another term. He pledged to fight for liberal objectives. Hare moved amid new signs that the expected contest will de- vel...…

March 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…i EhA Mitigan Baly Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD N CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. 0 Phone NO 2-3241 When OpWi Are Free Trluth Will Prevauo EAST GERMANY: Many Flee, Protest Ideological Press ures (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the third in a three-part series of articles discussing the state of education in East Germany.) ...…

March 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 107) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ankers Lead at Halfway Mark CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING t! M' Swimmers Take Four Events; Lead Indiana 93-77 in Title Chase - -- (Continued from Page 1) ahead of the field and held that margin to the wire. His time of :22.0 ties the Big Ten mark of Gary Morris of Iowa and Fred Westphal of Wisconsin and fell only one-tenth of a sec- ond behind the NCAA and Ameri- can record held by Westphal. Woolley's fast finish carried him ...…

March 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 107) • Page Image 6

…HIDE MICRiGAN DAILY Wrestling Squads Lead Big Ten Qualifie M Hockey Team Bowso North Dakota Wins, 4-2 Special to The Daily GRAND FORKS, N.D.-A stub- born Michigan hockey team, fight- ing for its playoff life, dropped a hard fought battle to North Da- kota, 4-2, last night. Michigan coach, Al Renfrew, called the game the best played by the team in the last six games. Michigan outskated North Da-, kota, considered the strongest' skating t...…

April 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…SIT-INS REACH POINT OF NO RETURN See Page 4 Y Silt 43&U Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom :43a4btty PARTLY CLOUDY High-45 LOW-32 Cool with a chance of showers in the late afternoon. FIVE CENTS VOL. LXX. No. 125 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX PAC _ State Colleges To Hire Mediato To Halt Quarrels over Money -Daily-Jerome Starr ELECTION NIGHT TENSION -- Republican Russell J. Burns, retiring fro...…

April 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN Dr1,ILV TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1960 THE MICHIGAN bAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 5.1980 New System ACROSS CAMPUS: Prof. Spengler To Talk on Population The ANN ARBOR THE PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA AT ALL CONCERTS Prof. Joseph Duke University "The Population and Tomorrow,' J. Spengler of will speak on Problem, Today, at 8 p.m. today { in Rm. 101, Economics Bldg. The talk will be sponsored by the economics department. He will also speak to th...…

April 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

… South African Police Use Clubs ri Against x Police Deny Use of Guns Against Mobsf Make Try To Force Resumption of Work CAPE TOWN (M) - Squads of police used clubs, whips and gun- fire yesterday in an effort to drive rebelliously idling Negroes back to work and clear the streets of al- leged troublemakers. Witnesses said hundreds of Ne- groes apparently were beaten. One witness told of police using sjamboks (whips made of strips of rubber) ...…

April 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…"Dear, I Don't Want To Seem Like A Square, But--" 31w S~idpian Baily Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.* ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 4 When Opinions Are Fre Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al...…

April 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 125) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, APRIL 5,1960 THE MICHIAN DAILY .. n..s[".:.v::.:::'r: :,"::Y:::;}.;tP.6:v:"i?:v: .........:.."r:?:.';:i. ...<.,,-?,. .: .,.u :iR":. :224".'titi7C:,.,,? 2". { r.. " D.AILY O*FFICIAL BULLETIN', . , _ .w... ,,.. ..... .. .......................... ............................ ............. _._... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ,;; .. ... .. (Continued on Page 4) view at the Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin. Bldg. Call Ext. 3371 for an ...…

April 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 125) • Page Image 6

…8=x THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUEDAY APM .10-., SIX THE MICHIf~AN DAILY ~TP5~DAV APRIL K 106* & XI i k7"A L1i 14i1.4 U, JL#7V V F, IBaseball, rack Squads Successful in the S 'outh iamondmen Post Good 8-3 Record; ll Regulars Batting over .300 Thinclads Take Quadrangular Meet; Injuries Hinder Texas Relay Efforts By MIKE GILLMAN Michigan's traveling baseball eam found the road to its liking his past vacation as they returned some with eight wi...…

May 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…CLUBS NEGLECT STUDENT INTEREST See Page 4 Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom 7416 tii VOL. LXX, No. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX PA Council Bans Discrimination in Organ izat ion * * * * * * * * * * 1 S * * Sets Up Committee To Monitor Groups Committee To Study Violations, Recommend Disciplinary Action By PHILIP SHERMAN "All recognized student organizations shall select mem- ship and ...…

May 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAIIIV THIMSDAY, MAY 5, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 5,1960 Plan 'Blitz' To Promote Convention The League of Womens Voters and the Junior Chamber of Com- merce have announced that they are planning a "blitz" campaign for signatures on petitions pro- posing a state Constitutional Con- vention. About 400 people are expected to make a house-to-house "Citi- zen's Drive for Con-Con" tonight, Mrs. Algo Henderson and Herbert ...…

May 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…__ ___ President Gives Congress 4Old-Age Health Program' -AP Wirephoto ARMOR GUARD-The opening meeting of the NATO foreign ministers conference was guarded by Turkish troops and tanks against demonstrations in Istanbul, but the city was calm by yesterday's final session. NATO Ministers Ask Soviet Sincerity ISTANBUL (A)-The 15 nationsT of the Atlantic alliance (NATO), in their final conference on sum- mit strategy, challenged the Soviet Uni...…

May 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…"Don't Be Old Fashioned - Everybody Goes Abroad These Days" Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PPBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 heP Opinions Are Free Truth Will 'Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints...…

May 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 151) • Page Image 5

…THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE .r... DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN '!j2' °V'}:". h : : '::: :'.". :" "!.!f:.: :.. Y'. .; :: :ti. ":1":::: :. .T! S. .1.:'} v9"t :" .': :::1..."1:.:{:.} .; .v^^3 :^ ..V?.S1\: . f: 1.5'::V1'': :'1".. .11Y:fVP{ .''. .Yi r".v.{C7fl in AId~::..:........... . .. ..... YVtifliK' iti{ :....... fl+.\W 4A ': , r :N_~.:}. :1 yy y; lt'"""""E."A'::ti .l'."i:i^:vJ:}..v...:i itii' .': n ::11.} ..".v .'?..M. }.. ...…

May 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 151) • Page Image 6

…srx THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 5, gyr THE MTCIHGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 5, MAN in ) lotrn by MIKE GILLMAN The Contenders BEFORE THIS year's spring practice got under way, Bump Elliott said that the search for a quarterback would be his number one problem. In this Saturday's closing scrimmage, Elliott will get a chance to show Michigan football fans how well that problem has been solved in the past four weeks of drill. Or perhaps mor...…

August 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

… WHITE HOUSE CATHOLIC See Page 2 / Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom Ilaii PARTLY CLOUY _gh-8O Low-60 Warmer, clearing, little temperature change. , No. 33S ANN ARBOR, MJCHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5,1960 FIVE CENTS FOUR A FOuR a 16 A shombe Declares Troops Must U.S. Denounces Russiani Fight UN Intends To Move In Their Way into Katanga SCHOOL BOARD CRITICIZED: Houston Integration Ordered Tomorrow Provincial Premier Meets ...…

August 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…/. "I Haven't Got the Other Details Worked Out Yet"' Seventieth Year .. EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will PrevaWl STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AT ...…

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