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February 05, 1960 • Page Image 17

…TH r 311CMIGAN DAILYy YLI , Faces Illini, Boilermakers Next igers Seek First Big Ten in in Two Home Contests Michigan Five Loses Three Games Between Semesters By DAVE ANDREWS Michigan's basketball team will ace Illinois and Purdue this reekend with two objectives in nind. The first will be to snap a five rame conference losing streak ad capture its first Big Ten victory of the campaign, and the second will be to avenge an 83-63 oss han...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 18

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY LUSTRALIA: National, Private Development Push Industry ' ' , . By The Associated Press SYDNEY, Australia-Bounding ional and private development switched Australia from a ba- ally primary producer to a high- industrialized nation in less n two decades. Vew industrial plants, new mm- 1l discoveries, and new develop- nt of naturalnresources have inged the face of the country ce the outbreak of World War kustralia, a country ...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 19

…', 980 TUEluVit INiJDA1ILY . _ cjence Fair 'o Be Held HUMPHREY, LEGION COMMENT: NSA, Universities State Positions on NDEA Oaths rrr. Here in April High school students in this. area will have a chance to dem- onstrate their scientific talent at a science fair to be held April 8-10 at the University. Prof. Kent Leach, Bureau of School Services director, said that the fair will be open to junior and senior high school students in Hillsdale,...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 20

…TME MICHIIGAN DAILY w OR SCHOLARSHIPS, RESEARCH: Regents Accept Gifts and Grants for January Introducing ... i. Gifts, grants and bequests total- ig $452,679 were accepted by the tegents at their Jan. 22 meeting. The largest sum was $157,500 rom the estate of William W. tout to establish the William W. tout Scholarship. Income from he funds will be used for scholar- hlps for worthy students who will eed financial help "in order to et the ...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 21

…5 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ki tate To Face Educational CAhrLllPn PI JIL -AL 1%,,.,, -EL.AL . ,., II (In the January 16 issue of the "Michigan Alumnus," Administra- tive Dean Robert L. Williams ex-t plored the "Current Challenge to '4Igher Education," faced by the State of Michigan. Dean Williams' .rticle is herein reprinted.) The University of Michigan faces the current challenge to ligher education with full conf- dence. This confid...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 22

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY FEBRUARY 5.:1960 THEMIHIG N AIL-F |RAR|||04 .. i'1 1JlYV Fli41 U 17)OU IRVARD ATTAINS GOAL: California Asks Faculty Salary Rise BERKELEY 'The Regents' of the University of Californiathave requested a 10 per cent salary in- crease for all faculty members. The increase would necessitate a state appropriation of $5,555,000 to the nine-campus university, The Daily Californian of Berkeley reports. University President Clark...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 23

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Service Says Clinic Visits Fallin Off University, Health Service re- ports a drop in general clinic vis- its for the first quarter of this school year over last year. General outpatient clinic visits also showed a drop in the report issued by Health Service covering the months of October, November and December. Prescriptions and laboratory procedures, however, showed an increase, as did upper fespiratory infections. Pneumon...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 24

…TIM MICHIGAN DATIN °BIAn 31W MJiJIIIGAN DAILY FEBRU.~ 1960 SPRING SEMESTER S.GC. -CI E A GUILD PROGR S 11 U k Thursday and Friday, 7 and 9 EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. I FEBRUARY 4, 5 7 & 9:25 THE RAZOR'S EDGE (Somerset Maugham),'with Tyrone Power, Gene Tierney, Herbert Marshall, Anne Baxter, Clifton Webb FEBRUARY 6, 7 STAGE COACH (Directed by John Ford), with John Wayne, Claire Trevor, Thomas Mitchell, John Carradine, Andy Devine AC...…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…0 : ARMED SERVICES INTEGRATION See P"e 4 Y L Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom A& :43 a t I CLOUDY, COLDER High--22 Low-S Snow flurries expected tonight. VOL. LXX, No. 73 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX Mediators Settle Steel Dispute Under Government NAB 29: Prof. Haber Authorities Emphasizes Provisions Blough Estimates Cost at $1 Billion Calls New Pact Least Inflationary Of All Steel Con...…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…,GE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1960 GE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 5,1960 YGLISH TEACHERS: Grollman and Thorpe Die over Vacation Two associates of the University English Department died over the holidays. Sarah E. Grollman. lecturer in English, died early Saturday, Dec. 19, at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. Miss Grollman had a heart condi- tion and had been under hospital' care for 'a week. She was 57. She was an ...…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

… Legislature Votes Corp Accepts Fund Use; Tax, Nobel Laureate Camv Dies in Highway Cras orate, Nuisance 40 a Bills Signed Hesitatingly ByWilliams Trust Fund Bonds Quickly Liquidated By PHILIP SHERMAN The state treasury got an $87 million Christmas present last year. Forty million dollars came from liquidation of the Veterans' Trust Fund and $47 million from added "nuisance" taxes and a boost in the corporate franchise fee. The House ...…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…Sev~entieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY .OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Oninions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" __ , _ o + fr' '1' a 0 1I r +r' a_.; _ , :{ ; , - ,, "To Another Year" 7 -- Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be n...…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 5,1960THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,p " ;;,: yr"'l.}""{" ,i'{Jy..,,F"":y":yt %* ," "q '..:..i. r.:ri"=':}:. .."y. "y.,: .___n_ ________ .*-,..X:r.:?.. .AQ . vr,"r: ": S:YW*Y..: " ":"'V::x: .. :.. '"."n a wA.v.. .W W b. .. .... ....r a .. " " {^,}f" . :* .. .........,h. . . . . . . Y.t.{"i". . .N: ..., . ..w.'l.:::1'::"sn L1 C,.:Y3...%:: tM1:.. ,. .L 'C.'.DAILY OFFIC.IAL BULLETIN 'a. yr ^}e...…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

…THE MICIIIG :%' DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 5;1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. JANUARY ~ * V ... JL 0, IV V I gagers Win Two Lose Four in Vacation Action $ iehigan Winless on Coast;. ops Miami Here Saturday Icers Down Canadian Club In Only Two Games Played By DAVE ANDREWS Michigan's basketballers, beaten three times before the holiday break, rebounded slightly over the vacation by winning two of the six contests played in the two week...…

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