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December 05, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…I/A Of WWI r VOL. II.-No. 4. FOR THE THIRD TIME. Ninety-three Lits Win the Rugby Banner, Defeating the '93 Laws 12 to O. The decisive game is the aninual alte-class series ofi Roue, ganses swas psilayd aturd i)aylateinoontl 1 thi tleiildIetwiein the sen01io ;is ndsiortivilassthe lformcr beiiig N a torsoisus by[2to o0 Xniotie r 1ostooueil gamie eiiiis to1" i 1ad acrisisg'to the 'a Iedllie, ;;ti p ll it inoafet this t'Cstl rai Ic lie'ld iwsas...…

November 05, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…Aid 42M ltl* VOL. III.---No. <>u. VOL. 11-No do. UNIVERSITY OF MICtIIGAN, SATUR5DAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1892. PRE.Te:EN. PRICE, TaitEm LENTS. Theofoheors for this seme ster are: THE GAME THIS AFTERNOON. A ROPE OU OCET , .L eber, president; T ____ tll icepreidot 1 1 sylrAll Signs Point to a (;ooa Game. How the Men Wili Line Up.- 0V"&U. IS That of the Engineers of the tieasurir; A. 'Sa-ser Secretary; Condition of the Players, QT T.ii. bli...…

October 05, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…ti Voi,. VOL. lL-N. 4. UNIVERSITY OF MIC1ILGAIN, WEDiNESD)AY, OCTOBER 5 -, 1892. sco.iiii Ci'. PRIOE, Tij IZEE CENTS. P INTS AND DRO~P KICKSt A, Few Words on the Foot Ball Situation. Rapid Progress Being Maade.-New Candidates Showing Up Well in Practice. - Barbour's Efficient Woark as oacri.-A Numbeor of Goo UamesPromised. and tie macagenment does weli in fuircishincall pssible cooveicitites. AI ma-er Griffin is buye irepairiis' tte ialh...…

May 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…~tI$ , of , n. ma n. VOL. I-No. 151. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TIIIIRSDAY, MAY 5 1892. PRICE, THEE CENTS. THE FRESHMEN DEFEA'TED! French's home r-un. The Sopho- mores were one run ahead. The A Close and Exciting Game Yester-Ieximntwsnesth ylig day Afternoon. ectmn tsitne h eln _______antI guying- worse. McKihhin and lie proverbuiat hostility hetween Mv~errill strurk out. Hol~t hit a Frestimans and Sophomore always single, hut seas caught ...…

April 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…Ijc U. of' , n. Wla~Ijj. VOL. 1I.-No. 1=83. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 5,1192. THE REPUBLICAN CLUB. cans; J. H. Adams, NV, I). Meals, together with three (3) oembers E . . rfae,J. R.. Atrneil, F.C. eected by the societs- shall consti1 Large and Enthusiastic Meeting anF.onestiete-3etieIorl01C Last Night. hlnadF obs ueteEeuieBad - ___Press Committee: W.I). Mieats, Tis Ioardt shall hate general It is stile to say nio larger norlmre1...…

March 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…liekh tO~fA . alj VOL. 1I.-No. 109. UNIVERSITY OF.MICIGAN, SAT-RDAY, MARCHIL5, 1892.-PsI'Ec, Tnrisi CENTS. Excursion to Detroit te theis being nmostly those alleged slightest little silk skull cap tat ittad r O .F YOUR 20 ietaoth fhunorous selections whiiih a'te al-hium lie a bald head bt over his bos { dearlyzostdnsabu$o£j this wili and storms-tossed bag boiletl Qpp SOCETY BADGE iwhich were '"co-eds'"a suosnpder0 o nthdese.Iup in the most iwo...…

February 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…do AMAR Vor.. II.-No. (m). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIID)AY, FEBIRUARY >, 1892. THE MICHIGAN LAW JOURNAL.. adopted in \Michigman1) tiit \lieer discsi Sionlof tielega~iilpoints in Ielectorl lawovof selecting ~preslient-lollved in tiie recet prinlted leiturte Will Make Its First Appearance i( ?j Next Wednesday. il eltctotils by distris. NIir( Cutch-i' conitir0otier s illittiract un11 ivesal () eo0n iias given tis quetitonll ciiisid-in terest...…

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