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June 05, 1987 (vol. 96, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…SUMMtER 1 WEEnLY Ninety-even y/r oI edtr'aLfr/d Vol. XCVI- No. 5S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, June 5, 1987 U delays Undergraduate Initiative disclosure until fall 'U' challenges divestment bill By EDWARD KLEINE and MARTHA SEVETSON Special to the Daily LANSING - A law which would force state colleges and uni - versities to divest stock from companies doing business in South Africa is unconstitutional and "in - trudes" on their rights, an at...…

June 05, 1987 (vol. 96, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 5, 1987 New tax bill wouldmake local institute exempt By ELIZABETH ATKINS The bill, which still must pass are local dollars," she said. "Some- and EDWARD KLEINE the House, would exempt the one is going to have to pay those Special to the Daily Industrial Technology Institute taxes, either the homeowners or the LANSING - A bill to give (ITI), and three other research insti- businesses." property tax exemp...…

June 05, 1987 (vol. 96, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 5, 1987- Page 3 Students, faculty join presidential search By MARTHA SEVETSO This week the Senate Ad' Committee on University Affairs a Michigan Student Assembly officiall ed the members of the faculty and si advisory committees to the presid selection process, and according to A Association President Geraldine For alumni committee will be selecte weekend. All three committees will work w Board of Regents, acti...…

June 05, 1987 (vol. 96, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…New bookstore opens n place of U-Cellar 4 By GRACE HILL The Michigan Book and Supply Store which opened last Monday where the old University Cellar once stood has received mixed reactions from the community - some people think the prices may not be low enough to merit the walk. Although Michigan Book and Supply is not a non-profit organization like U-Cellar, the store plans to maintain fair prices to remain competitive with both Barnes and N...…

June 05, 1987 (vol. 96, iss. 5) • Page Image 5

…Greenpeace protests By RYAN TUTAK as sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide - More C "We're willing to put our lives on the will be emitted from the incinerator every incinera line because people conducting business as hour. This figure represents a cancer risk 19 Bruc usual are killing all of us - the Detroit inc- times higher than the DNR has ever per- method inerator is a perfect example," said Bruce mitted in the past. banners Young, canvassin...…

June 05, 1987 (vol. 96, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

…OPINION Page 6 Friday, June 5, 1987 The Michigan Daily 4 97 Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. XCVI - No. 5S Unsigned editorials represent the majority views of the Daily's Editorial Board. Cartoons and signed editorials do not necessarily reflect the Daily's opinion. Congratulations to teams, fans Dare to succeed DETROIT'S WINTER SPORTS teams and their fans should be proud of their accomplishments this past season. Under new coach Jacques D...…

June 05, 1987 (vol. 96, iss. 5) • Page Image 7

…PERSPECTIVES The Michigan Daily Friday, June , 1987 Page 7 Economics come to Ann Arbor and the people The Daily interviewed Pam need the weapons for defense, but D: Who face O'Leary, co-director and adminis - that we needs the weapons to keep conference? trative coordinator of the the economy going, for a few 0: There are two Conferencefor Popular Economics. people to be able to have money. A from out east, Elair Daily: What is the lot of peo...…

June 05, 1987 (vol. 96, iss. 5) • Page Image 8

…Page 8 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 5, 1987 'U' Council to meet after five-week lapse By MARTHA SEVETSON wide call for the rules to regulate The University Council - a student behavior outside the class - nine-member panel of students, room intensified last term after faculty members, and administrators several racist incidents. established to develop rules moni - But both regents and adminis - toring student behavior - will trators said t...…

June 05, 1987 (vol. 96, iss. 5) • Page Image 9

…ARTS Page 9 Touch a By Brian Bonet "We're not a children's museum as everyone thinks we are," said Melissa Pletcher, coordinator of public programs at Ann Arbor's Hands on Museum. "We're a museum for people of all ages." Right. Then why do I feel like I'm at recess? I was a skeptical college student immersed in a sea of shrimps running around, lots of them, all antsy and excited. But it didn't take long before I realized that these kids weren...…

June 05, 1987 (vol. 96, iss. 5) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 5, 1987 'Arts Update I The Ark, 6371/2 Main, presents an evening of fine topical music, featuring John McCutcheon, Si Kahn, and signer/singer Susan Freundlich tonight. There's two shows, at 7:30 and 10, and with the recent wealth of government mis - haps, these pointed social critics have plenty to aim their barbs at...That old standby Steve Nardella and his rock and roll trio shake the Blind Pig ton...…

June 05, 1987 (vol. 96, iss. 5) • Page Image 11

…South Africans visit Ann Arbor The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 5, 1987 -- Page11 By JON EIN In an attempt to raise local awareness about the conditions of Black women and children living under South Africa's Apartheid regime, two women, one from the African National Congress and the other from the SouthWest African Peoples Organization, visited Ann Arbor this week to voice their concerns. the Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid. Th...…

June 05, 1987 (vol. 96, iss. 5) • Page Image 12

…SPORTS The Michigan Daily Friday, June 5, 1987 Hoge 12 Pistons' remarks scrutinized 4 This situation is all black and white, and that's the problem. After the Detroit Pistons fell to the Boston Celtics in the seventh game of the NBA conference finals, rookie Dennis Rodman, who is Black, commented on the playing ability of Larry Bird, who is white. Said Rodman, "(Bird) ain't God, he ain't the best player in the NBA. Not to me...." Asked why B...…

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