October 05, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 22) • Page Image 13
…0 0 0 The Change'll Do You Good. Attention, Apple(tm), IBM(tm), and Zenith Data Systems(tm) Computer Kick-Off Customers! If you placed your Computer Kick-Off order before the September 27th…
… Apple Computer Corporation.; IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines, Inc.; Windows 3.0, and Microsoft Mouse are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation; ToolBook is a…
… deadline, you can change your order without penalty. Why Change Your Kick-Off Order? Zenith Data Systems announces new lower prices on its line of desktop computers based on the Intel 80386DX and 80386SX…
… microprocessor. If you ordered a Zenith Data Systems Z-386SX desktop or Z-386/25 computer system through the Computer Kick-Off Sale, you'll be billed at the new lower price. If you ordered any other configuration…
… fill out a new Computer Kick-Off order with the necessary information, and deliver it to the Photo and Campus Services office in the basement of the L. S. & A. Building before October 18th at 5:00 pm…
…. You can mail it or hand deliver it, but it must be received by the 18th at 5:00 pm to be entered for you. The Zenith Data Systems Z-386/25 Personal Computer Put the computing power you want on your…
… average access times of 18 milliseconds, the Z-386/25 delivers! Zenith Data Systems loads your computer with 4 Megabytes of Random Access Memory to make short work of your advanced Graphical User Interface…
… Kick-Off Order I wish to take advantage of the new lower prices offered on Zenith Data Systems 80386-based Computer Kick-Off systems. I understand that I can change my order without penalty. I also…
… understand that the systems listed below will be shipped exactly as described in the Computer Kick-Off booklet published by the University of Michigan. Name: School ID#: Mailing Address: Daytime Phone…
…:00pm! No Exceptions! Not Valid for Placing New Orders. Your Computer Kick-Off Order must have been placed by September 27th. Z-385 SX The quick, expandable and powerful Z-386SX is now even more…