October 05, 1990
(vol. 101, iss. 22)
• Page Image 3
… Michigan Union started rent- ing Apple MacIntosh Plus and MacIntosh SE-equivalent personal computers Aug. 20. Computers can rented by phone with a VISA or MasterCard by the week, month or semester.' Rented…
… to uy a computer and are tired of fight- ing lines at the computing center now have a new option. Campus Computer Rentals, a Boston-based business operating out of the Barnes and Noble Bookstore in the…
… for an SE equivalent. Along with computers, dot ma- trix printers, WriteNow word pro- cessing software, 800K floppy drives, and 20 megabyte external hard drives are also available. The software costs…
… $39 and the printer $119 per semester. "You don't have to spend big bucks on buying and students can split costs with roommates," said Paul Martecchini, president and co- founder of Campus Computer…
… Rentals. "Apple is discontinuing the MacIntosh Plus and a new low-cost Mac with higher capability is due out (on the market) in January. A lot (of people) are renting now and buy- ing in the spring." 'You…
…L Thiese, a sophomore majoring in political science, is one of the first 25 renters on campus. He raved about the MacPlus he's renting until the Oct. 23 delivery of his $4,700 computer package pur- chased at…
… the University's Kick-Off Computer Sale. Over the years, especially as I have worked with women tobuild alliances across the barriers of race, class,and culture, my Jewish identity,as well as my Pagan…
….......s .. .. wwwwww ~~~ :w' '=w' President, Campus When his dot matrix printer Computer Rentals didn't work right he called the toll- froe number and got a replacement a The Union Bookstore has a small few days later…
…'s computer cluster convenient. However, dorm rules can irritate some individuals. First-year engi- neering student Doug Schubert said that "quiet hours are annoying. When your R.A. comes into your room at 12…