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December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…eThe Rele InWeekenMagazine: The List vancy of Religion 9 John Logie 9 Interview: Rosemary Reuther 1E t:t~:I;1nt:.I Cyrht18,Mcga Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 60 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, December 4, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Cubans vote to terminate prison siege Inmates to sign pact that a s! fi l9..Could free 19 hostages. A room with a view Doily Photo by ANDI SCHREIBER Shielding themselves und...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…E Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 4, 1987 'U' study: American kids lack math skills By JIM PONIEWOZIK American elementary schoolchildren trail their counterparts in China, Japan and Taiwan in math skills, finds a Uni- versity psychology department study. Psychology Prof. Harold Stevenson, who led the research team, faulted parents and the American educational system for students' inability to perform up to their potential. Steven...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

… Committee votes on parking structure By STEVE KNOPPER A citizens' committee on rebuilding Ann Arbor's City Hall - criticized during the last few years for being too small - voted Wednesday to make the n e w structure either a two or three-story buillding. The vote represents a narrowing of the 31-member committee's original seven options for renovating the building. The committee also voted to create an underground parking lot on the east sid...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 - Friday, December 4, 1987 The Michigan Daily Not enough qualified Black applicants Peer By Peter 0. Steiner The Daily editorial of December 1 calling for my apology accuses me of being "particularly offensive," utilizing a "racist argument" and engaging in "victim blaming rather than committing the University to address the real problem" of increasing representation of Blacks at our faculty. There are, I believe, three...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 4, 1987- Page5 Rep. Pursell accepts Baker's lawsuit notice By VICKI BAUER U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell (R- Plymouth) may once again spar with his political opponent, Democrat Dean Baker. But this time, the match will take place in the courtroom. Last Monday, Pursell accepted ser- vice papers, formally notifying him of a lawsuit Baker filed against him in July. Baker alleges that the legislator defamed his charac...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 6

…I Page 6-The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 4, 1987 CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 4 LOST & FOUND FOUND a pair of black wire frame glasses in room 200 Lane Hall. Call764-0351. FOUND: Glasses in W.Engine on Mon. at 11:30. Call Louise at 996-9195. FOUND: Prescription eyeglasses, in black case at Thompson and Packard. 996-0152. HELP! I'm freezing-I lost a yellow Land's End Jacket at Delta Sigma Phi After Hours, Fri. 11120. Chris at 663-4262. LOST BL...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 7

…CLASSIFIED ADS MISCELLANEOUS ROSEHILL- A STABLE specializing m dressage and eventing. Boarding, training, lessons. 437-3903. WANTED: Temporary home for a 9 mo. puppy. Food provided. Call Lisa 764-0791. GIANT FLEA MARKET Household items, furniture, jewelry, vin- tage clothing, new and used, 150 dealers, 10:00 a.m.-O:00 p.m. Sat. -Sun. 214 E. Michi- gan at Park, Downtown Ypsilanti, 487-5890, 971-7676. CM0422 X19 4 4.Q 9QG D.o X0 gQ l o ; : V " ...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 8

…4 Page 8 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 4, 1987 After long process, city code nears completion 4 7 P.M. to MAD MAB SA IN EVERY DE DEC. 4th 1 1 P.M. VINGS ;PARTMENTU! 0 CASSETTES. OLDIES BUT GOODIES! MFG. LIST 5.98 OUR REG. 4.99 EACH GREAT SELECTIONI Qu49 . SALE PRICE EXP. 12-4-87 CASSETTES OLDIES BUT GOODIES! MFG. LIST 6.98 OUR REG. 5.99 EACH GREAT SELECTION! E -A SALE PRICE EXP. 12-4-87 (continued from Page 1) help to elimin...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 9

…ARTS Friday, December 4, 1987 The Michigan Daily Page 9 Ark to By Todd Shanker A variety of Ann Arbor's most prolific performers will be donating their talents at a benefit concert for the homeless at 8 p.m., Sun- day night at the Ark. All proceeds will go to Ann Arbor's Day Drop-In Shelter, which has been temporarily relocated in the old Michigan Na- tional Bank building on South Ashley. Some of the bountiful talent that will be vol- unt...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 10

…4 age 10-The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 4, 1987 Coming Attractions i 4 i i Texas Twister Texas blues guitarist and singer Johnny Copeland will be at Rick's Friday and Saturday night. Copeland's fiery guitar attack and soulful vocals are in tune with the Lone Star state instead of the more recognized style of Chicago blues. Arts Chorale Doily Photo by SCOTT LTUCHY Jonathan Hirsh directs Arts Chorale at St. Andrew's Church in Ann ...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 11

…Hockey vs. Boston College Tonight and Tomorrow, 7:30 p.m. Yost Ice Arena SPORTS Hall of Fame Bowl tickets on sale Michigan Ticket Department The Michigan Daily Friday, December 4, 1987 Page 11 Fired-up Michicrw icers look to shoot down eastern Eagles By DOUGLAS VOLAN It's been a long time since the Wolve have been so ready to play a hockey series. This weekend's home games with Boston College are what the Wolverines have been waiting fo...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 4, 1987 v,. * * * * * * * ; , ex W _ ,.. ice"' . ij z n s ,4 <; ' I.,. , ,' A7 i IN r. .. __..__. __._. _,.--- T _ __.___._._.. _._--.-._ .__ - __-__ T: Friday, D- Shop State Street, South T Main Street Area Mel _1. MIDNIGHT MADNESS I 10 WOMENS CLOTI-I ait BEAT THE CLOCK CONTEMPORAR' EXOTIC ETHNIC FRENCH COUNT VINTAGE REVISIT UPSTAIRS AT KE ANN ARBOR, MI 665-9110 A'{ ALL YOU CAN EAT...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 4, 1987-- Page 13 I Member4 iversity, Kerrytown an,"d chants 'til Midnight * *itt * * * * *nn.'". JEWELRY Kerrytow You Have Asked, "Does It Ever Go On Sale?" SOVrn u Now, for Friday, December 4th MIDNIGHT MADNESS HOSE Save; for Your (ti't Needs 'Open Extended Hours" ;TMAS 3Q , 618 CHURCH STREET DINE IN or CARRY OUT 11 I 995-5095 Al C [ oUTEo irrytou DNIGHT MADNESS. DO p.m.-midnig...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 14

…4 Page 14-The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 4, 1987 f j y 5~t L 1 1AF 1's t sv 4 8 .F . ' * * * * * * * __--- ---"'--- . E . I iz ,'. { ' a ., .:. yi Friday, December 4 Shop State Street, South University, Kerrytown and Main Street Area Merchants 'til Midnight 4 4 IN Big Foreign Selection ALL FILMS $2.87 EVERY MON. & WED.?2 for 1 Films VCR Rental + 1 Free Film only $7.99 H 0H MIDNIGHT MADNESS SALE 4 4 663-3121 20-60% OFF ALL ...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 15

…a1L .LS WIN INVITATIONAL EASIL Y The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 4, 1987- Page 15 Women cagers go 4M7 swimmers open year at EMU By TAYLOR LINCOLN The men's swimming team will have its first opportunity to showcase the entire '87-'88 squad when it travels to Ypsilanti this weekend for the Eastern Michigan University Invitational. The invitational field of Kenyon, Oakland University, and host school Eastern Michigan is not expected to gi...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 16

…4 Page 16-The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 4, 1987 CMU sets sights on Blue By GREG MOLZON It's December in Ann Arbor and that means a couple of different things to the students at the University of Michigan. It's snowing, finals are coming up soon, and the basketball team is hosting a bunch of "creampuffs" at Crisler Arena during the non- conference portion of their schedule. This December is certainly no different than any other. Althoug...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 18

…w w w w w w w w w IRW w w Nw ,qw w qw w qqw qw VOLUME 6, NO. 12 . ir. tt ttt1 C DECEMBER 4, 1987 Lmi uouou IF lrlbqE 3 PERFORMANCES RC SINGERS CONCERT - 6 p.m., RC Auditorium, East Quad Directed by Eric Hannan. THE POUGES - 9 p.m., 13 S. Saginaw, Pontiac A band whose image, appeal, and very existence depend upon the fiery but convival caprices of far too Includes many of the school's top performers HANDEL'S MESSIAH - 8 p.m., Hill ...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 19

…v w v w w w w w w ThP What's happening in Ann Arbor this weekend FIRST-RUN FILMS ANGEL HEART Mickey Rourke, Lisa Bonet and Robert DeNiro star in last year's controversial tale of voodoo and the supernatural. At Briarwood. (Friday and Saturday,12a.m.) BABY BOOM Diane Keaton stars in this Yuppie farce about raising a baby while holding a full-time job. Goo goo, ga ga. At Fox Village. (all week-12, 2:15, 4:20, 7, 9:30; F&S 12a.m.) BLUE ...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 20

…w w w w w w w w w U MMMW MM -- "IW Wr l4w w wr mr w -IMF- -W -W ..s- S ck s GG Allin & The Men You Give Love A Bad Name Homestead Records ounds eminating from the sick puppy INTER VIEW Continued from Page 16 D: Do you think students are becoming less religious? R: Not necessarily, the question is what kind, ofreligion do they find available to them? There are a lot of students who want to ask value questions and questions of deepe...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 21

… v w w V V V w w w W qlw W: lqw qw L INTER VIEW IT LET SOMEONE ELSE PAY FOR YOUR COLLEGE EDUCATION! If you're looking for a way to afford higher education our expertise is in finding the sources to do it. Millions of dollars worth of scholarships, grants and other financial aid go unclaimed every year. Last year alone, $145 million dolars was not used. A student would have to research more books on financial aid then exist in all ...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 22

…w w w w w w w _W w mr w w w FILM You would have to be 'Nuts' to like this one By Scott Collins Occasionally movie titles serve as inspired little self-advertisements. That's the case with Martin Ritt's Nuts , which will surely be punned upon in many a critic's blurb of approval. I can already picture Gene Shalit, or some similarly unimaginative facsimile, deadpanning into the camera, "You'd have to be nuts to miss this!" It's true ...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 23

…V V V V V V V w w w w w v w w w -my _W MICHELLANY BOOKS Bidding a fond farewell Rosemary Reuther Feminist theologian, striving for church reforms, is not afraid to confront the central questions of modern Christianity and society In my four years at the Daily, almost everything has changed. In December of 1983, the Daily cost fifteen cents - as much as The Detroit News. It came out Tuesday through Sunday. We wrote our stories on ...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 24

…I -D m t----- - - r ~0 0 0 0 I o 12 o 0" g A 2 I aru ~8 L1 0wr ( CCOD toI cr n~~ 0 coo © t =rc 3ol = o o . 06 %0 CD P- = -C b C.l ~r 0 .~- 0 CD0 C) Cho i ' O " (Q 1. ° o C b0 4 ' , 'x , f ' 1/, ti~I i * . a:ta iV:trr i/r::w. tr..::. i6.::r i4:iw Is4::. iA::r ir:;.r. A::.w M.=:a i .:;rriis. Milt iiwlil'D wh eila l iit - m m m z v, 0 n, m0 W. I I I rnm 1--3 giDj!4 :iAe . iuA etiiW siC + '.;a9 i1a 4+e . Ias Re;iF ' a' ;Ab 4...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 25

…v w w NEUTROGENA BEAUTY WORKSHOP body t1R ,!1 oil anbath ranathbody ) ann tlotion Neuogena -Ot- Mot1ure _________________________II OII l IIINI Neutrogena, Lquid Conditioner Neutrogena Neutrogena Sha Shampoo Daily 9-6, Closed Sundays and holidays 1112 South University 663-5533 COVER STORY Continued from Page 11 Indeed, some people never find their "norms" in mainstream Western religions. LSA senior Marcus Koenen is a member of the Ann Arbo...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 26

…w w w w w w w w w U W qw w --Iw w w What, if any, direction will religion take today's students? Many people perceive contemporary society to be flounder- ing in an ethical vacuum, where absolute religious values have died, and nothing has risen to take their place. While many students have found alternative means of ful- filling their spiritual needs, other have remained with or re- turned to more traditional forms of religious practic...…

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