January 31, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 68) • Page Image 6
…, automatic, V-6 ,AM/FM cassette, power locks and windows. $3300. Call Amanda at 741-1897. COMPUTER:IBM COMPATIBLE (XT, Monochrome Monitor, Two FD, 40M lHD), IBM Color Monitor, Printer, Modem, Sft re.; All…
…. apt. on Thayer & Kingsley. Newly furn., carpeted, & Appl. heat & water inc. Iris, 995-3503. 1, 2, 3, 4 BEDROOM APTS. on campus. Excellent furnishings. Stop at our office for friendly selection, economy…
…. 2 1/2 baths, entrl. air, beautiful modern furniture, hardwood floors, re-done ( aths & ktchn. w/all appl., Free wshr./dryer, Pff-st. pkng. Avail. May. Must see to ~.appreciate. $2100/mo. 930…
…-9999. *FABULOUS STUDIO directly across from law & business schools. Great kitchen w/all appl., wshr./dryer, built-in king size bed. study area and dining area. Must see! $695/ mo. 930-9999. POST REALTY SPACIOUS 1…