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October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…it I ti One hundred four years of editorial freedom -'U'may decriminalize 10 offenses, increase parking fines By RONNIE GLASSBERG Daily Staff Reporter Ten University criminal offenses - cluding disorderly conduct alcohol pc sion or consumption on campus - c become civil offenses under a proposed cl to a regents' ordinance. At the same tin Jniversity would double the cost for parking violations. The proposal needs the approval c University B...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 31, 1994 DEBATE Continued from page 1. sible. We all know what happened with, 'Read my lips."' Abraham said he would pledge to never raise taxes. "It's people like Bob Carr who have been down in Washington raising taxes," he said. Abraham also pointed out how much money taxpayers send to Washing- ton. "In 1950, $1 for every $50 went toward taxes. Today, it's $1 for every $4," he said. Carr also claimed...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…The MichiganDaily - Monday, October 31, 1994 - 3 Jfrotestors upstage CIA rep. talking to students BY KELLY FEENEY Daily Staff Reporter Protestors drowned out a CIA rep- resentative who attempted to tell Law students about the agency's intern- ship program Friday afternoon. About 20 members and support- ers of the Latin American Solidarity Committee sponsored the protest at the Law school. Michael Vega, a CIA representa- tive, attempted to p...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 31, 1994 (ibe £tdci grn :Bulg ML a APRL muo m 'a a 0 Alw I I IL~I ) i aii* !T :1 I I v r-wa.w rr.v w r wi. I 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Jessie Halladay Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein Flint Wainess Editorial Page Editors 'We all know those types - critical of everything, impossible to please, indifferent to nuance, inca- pable...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 5

… A 's Daniels' By JENN MCKEE "Biting satire" doesn't even begin to describe Jeff Daniels' new play, "Thy Kingdom's Coming." Intense Roxanne Kring washed that man right outta her hair as Nellie in "South Pacific" last weekend. 'Pacific' on rocky water, docks strongly By J. DAVID BERRY Let me begin by saying that I am the biggest community theater fan around, and that I will consistently defend its virtues. It plays an indispensable role in ...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…6-The Michigan Daily -Monday, October 31, 1994 01 lost & found I Bad Credit? No Credit? INSTANT CREDIT! Auto loans with no tumdowns. First Time Buyers. Loans available for bankruptcies. If you Work - You Ride Your Job Is Your Credit NOW LEASING Fall '95 Furnished houses + Apartments Stop by for brochure. Campus Rentals 1335 South University at Washtenaw 665-8825. F- L LOST-MOSTLY black 1 yr. old cat. White on paws, chest and belly. Gone ...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 31, 1994 - 7 eMAIDA Continued from page 1 had an unbroken chain of cardinal archbishops since Edward Cardinal Mooney in 1946." Maida is one of 30 men the pope named to the College of Cardinals when he spoke from his window over St. eter's Square. The other American is altimore Archbishop William Keeler. Maida was appointed archbishop of the 1.5 million Catholics in the Archdiocese of Detroit in 1990. He wa...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 8

… Fresh from "The Crying Game" controversy, Jaye Davidson appears as himself - though an alien - in "Stargate." 'Stargate' spins into another world. By FRED RICE Ah, "Stargate." If you are curious as to whether or not the Egyptians built the pyramids, forget about reading Stargate Directed by Roland Emmerich; with Kurt - Russell, James Spader Time-Life Books. "Stargate" is Hollywood's de- finitive answer, one that should add, beside itsPG- ...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 9

… Amtfill How many times did Bo Schembechler lose a homecoming game while at Michigan ? (Answer, page 2) 1 14 4mw M' Sports Calender AP Top 25 Griddes Athlete of the Week Men's Soccer Forrest Fires Women's Volleyball Field Hockey Football Hockey Men's Basketball 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4-5 6-7 8 Home coming apart for Wolverines .The 'Big House' becomes big joke T estands are empty. The only sounds filling Michigan Stadium following a game are tho...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 10

…2 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, October 31, 1994 teams in college football. First-place votes WHY: Sullivan won the Big Ten championship for the second consecutive year BACKGROUND: 1993 Big Ten Freshman of the Year finished fourth in the nation at last year's NCAA champi- onships. Only the fifth North American to ever break a four-minute mile. Holds Canadian record for 1500 meters. Men's soccer closes out regular season By...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, October 31, 1994 - 3 .Women's volleyball losing streak reaches nine games By RODERICK BEARD Daily Sports Writer If it is true that finders are keepers and losers are weepers, the Michigan women's volleyball team may be both ,nders and losers. The Wolverines ay have found something that they have desperately needed in the midst of a long losing streak. No, Michigan did not win either of its road mat...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 12

…4 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, October 31, 1994 GAME STATISTICS w I S C ON S Poor efort against Badgers shocks Blue By BRETT FORREST pion. Also, the Badgers had Daily Football Writer game at Michigan Stadium si PASSING Player C-A Bevell 18-26 Totals 18-26 Yds TD 161 3 161 3 Int 0 0 RUSHING Player Att Moss 26 Fletcher 14 Bevell 2 Totals 42 Yds Avg LgTD 106 4.1 18 1 39 2.811 0 (-)3(-)1.5 0 0 142 3.3181 Fletcher RECEI...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, October 31, 1994 - 5 I C H I 0 A N 19 SE Wolverines appear to be on way to repeat of last season GAME STATISTICS PASSING Player C-A Yds TD Collins 14-25172 1 J. Carr 1-3 8 0 Totals 15-28 180 1 Int 2 1 3 By RACHEL BACHMAN Daily Football Writer Walter Smith's exuberant entrance onto the Michigan Stadium turf was largely ironic. The injured captain pumped his fists and bobbed his head as...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 14

…6- The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, October 31, 1994 HOCKEY NOTEBOOK: Special teams depleted by injuries Becoming a bad habit: By MELANIE SCHUMAN Daily Hockey Writer BIG RAPIDS - Mike Knuble will undergo tests at 4 p.m. today and he is 99 percent sure that the results will clear him to play in this weekend's homestand with Ohio State and Lake Superior State. Knuble practiced with the team Thursday, then rode the bicycle for 45 mi...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, October 31, 1994 - 7 HOCKEY Continued from page . Turco matures in weekend series against Ferris injury and missed Saturday's contest. Muckalt's first score broke a 1-1 tie 13:38 into the game when he put back his own miss on a breakaway. The fulldogs nevergotevenagain asMichi- gan scored the game's last five goals. A critical sequence midway through the second period sealed the victory for the...…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 16

…8 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, October 31, 1994 MEN Continued from page 1 'This win was more satisfactory than last year's win," Sullivan said. "The field of runners was more com- petitive than last year's.' Ironically, this was also Sullivan's first first-place finish in a major cross country meet this year. "It was a great win for Kevin, since he hasn't won yet this year," Michigan coach Ron Warhurst said. Other top finishe...…

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