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November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…INQUESTS See editorial page L LtcPi4wu 1 aug SLURPY High-4 O Low--300 See Today for details ol LXXXVIII, No. 68 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 30, 1977 Ten Cents 10 Pages Pus Supplement Racial tensions jar nursingfaculy By MITCH CANTOR sources said. Racial friction between faculty members has One Psychiatric Nursing student, who asked days, he said.egations of that indracial tensions) ha ble led aused four of ten professors in th...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

… 2-Wednesday, November 30, 1977-The Michigan Daily KCIA's White House spy plan exposed WASHINGTON (AP) - The South Korean intelligence agency planned to install a spy network in the White House and to pay off aides to top U.S. leaders last year in hopes of winning United States support for South Korea, a document released yester- day alleged. The plan apparently was dropped when previous activities by the IKorean Central Intelligence Agen...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…4~ni~1~~t,~ II AFTER ESCAPE TO GERMANY: 0 0 ~tU E Convicted Nazi lives behind wall of police A new chapter Once upon a time, there was a cozy little bookstore in Ann Arbor that many a student held dear to his /her heart. Owned by a slightly eccen- tric, elfish little fellow, the bookstore was known far and wide as a place where a body could go browse about, have a cup of tea, "shoot the breeze and, at times, attend a masquerade ball. Then...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…Page 4--Wednesday, November 30, 1977-The Michigan Daily r v ,T tbr 3itbian atI Eigh oy-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 68 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan PART TWO The sociobiology myth Newest prison deaths in LAfrica must spur inquest A MIDST THE rumblings surround- ing the government's inquest into the death of political detainee...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 30, 1977-.P6ge 5 Dr. Feelgood: Flawed but good Not now, dear' You wouldn't think the famed Danish prince (John Wojda) has nunneries on his mind in this scene from the PTP production of "Hamlet". Wojda and Monique Fowler as Ophelia will grace the stage at Power Center today through Dec. 3 at 8 p.m. and on Sun. Dec. 4 at 2 p.m. only. Tickets range from $4.50 to $2, and are available at the PTP ticket off...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Wednesddy, November 30, 1977-The Michigan Daily Uncontracted Classified Rates Words 0-10 11.15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 INCHES 1 2 3 4 5 I 2 1.15 2.30 1.40 2.80 1.65 3.30 1.90 3.80 2.15 4.30 2.40 4.80 2.65 5.30 2.90 5.80 3.15 6.30 3 4 5 6 3.05 3.80 4.55 5.30 3.70 4.60 5.50 6.40 4.35 5.40 6.45 7.50 5.00 6.20 7.40 8.60 5.65 7.00 8.35 9.70 6.30 7.80 9.30 10.80 6.95 8.60 10.25 11.90 7.60 9.40 11.20 13.00 8.25 10.20 12...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 30, 1977-Page 7 S. AFRICANS GO TO THE POLLS Vorster's white defiance garners votes JOHANNESBURG (AP) - South Africa's general election today may be remembered as the one in which Prime Minister John Vorster ran against U.S. President Carter. Leaders of the National Party, which has ruled this racially divided country of 26 million people for nearly 30 years, have been. preach- ing a simple message to ...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 8

…GYMNASTS DO DAZZLING ROUTINES Soviet show wows Crisler crowd By PETE LEININGER and DIANE 1SILVER Despite the absence of Olga Korbut and Nellie Kim, the Russian Gymnastic team put on an electrifying perform- ance before a near sellout crowd at Crisler arena Monday night. For the second consecutive year the Russian acrobats captivated the crowd by defying the law of gravity with a su- perb mixture of strength and balance. The four men performed...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 30, 1977-Page9 INVADING HURONS ARE 0-2: Cagers favored in home opener By CUB SCHWARTZ The Michigan basketball team last faced Eastern Michigan back in January of 1976. It was a miser- able night, between the snow, the cold and a lack- luster game. Michigan routinely handled the Hurons 94-76 and coach John Orr was compelled to thank the reporters and fans for coming out on such a lousy night. Well, the w...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 10

… e 10-Wednesday, November 30, 1977-The Michigan Daily (ould wood be good as energy source? (continued from Page1) claimed to be non-polluting, inexpen- od was generally discussed at the sive and renewable. He also suggested rence as an industrial and institu- a tax incentive to encourage forest own- resource for heating and genera- ers to grow and harvest wood scientifi- lectricity using direct combustion cally. Rhodesian hits country's raids...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 11

… Page 12-Wednesday, November 30, 1977-The Michigan Daily Victrpp Victories psyche opposition - Orr I1jE Midlt!U (Continued from Page 3) ORR: I think ratings are good. They create interest for fans. I don't think they're accurate. I'm on the UPI rating board and I rate the teams. Maybe I know the two or three top teams, the rest of them are very difficult to rate. You can tell that by the magazines they put out. I don't know how a writer li...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 12

… Page 2-Wednesday, November 30, 1977-The Michigan Daily Hub's unfortunate knee injury needs rest, then rehabilitation The Michigan Daily.-Wednesday, November m By RICK MADDOCK "I anticipate Phil is going to have Phil Hubbard, that slinky 6-7 full recovery since his injury did not center for the Michigan cagers, seem to show to be that serious," never missed a starting assignment O'Connor said. in his first two years as a Wolverine. Hubbard...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 13

… Page 10-Wednesday, November 30, 1977-The Michigan Daily Wolverine cagers Loaded with new talent, offensive spark The Michigan Daily-Wednesday. Nove DEFENSE, REBOUNDING SUSPECT Worried Orr still optimis Dave Baxter 6-3 No. 25 Sr. 165 Detroit G Baxter's Varsity Record: Yr. G FG-FGA Pet. Fr-FTA Pet. Ib M.A't. Avg. Fr. 26 40-108 .370 20-27 .741 39 41 3.8 So. 32 80-164 .488 46-56 .821 45 60 6.4 Jr. 29 94-186 .505 41-57 .719 46 63 7.9 BAXTER: "...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 14

… Page 4-Wednesday-,November 30, 1977-The Michigan Daily PURDUE, MINVESOTA FAVORITES: The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, Novemb EX-SUB NOW CO-CAPTAIN Great freshmen toughen Big Ten By HENRY ENGELHARDT The Big Ten coaches have really turned on the recruiting tap and great talent now fills the conference sink. - In two or three seasons nine Big Ten teams will legitimately call themselves contenders for the NA- TIONAL TITLE. That is an indica- tion...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 15

… Page 8-Wednesday, November 30, 1977-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 30, 1977-Page 5 Big Ten: Chock full of new talent A good year \ " Pizza * Subs " Salads b Stromboli " Cheese Steak' Hoagies Bring in your ticket stubs after any game,. concert, etc. 5OC off any m eal! R u d H u Cafe. 618 Church St. Ann Arbor across from the Blue Frogge (Continued from Page 4) Iowa Hawkeyes thus far. Injuries have depleted the ...…

November 30, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 68) • Page Image 16

… .w Page 6-Wednesday, November 30, 1977-The Michigan Daily Hoop Schedule Dec. 3 Fordham ......................... 1:00 EST Dec. 7 LOUISVILLE......................8:05 EST Dec. 10 DAYTON ......................... 2:05 EST Dee.:14 at Alabama ...................... 8:00 CST Dec. 17 CENTRAL MICHIGAN ........... 2:05 EST Dec. 22 Athletes in Action ............... 6:05 PST Dec. 31 TOLEDO ......................... 7:05 EST Jan. 5 NORTHWESTERN ......…

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