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January 30, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 86) • Page Image 13

… NOT BE GUARANTEED. Sponsored by the Information Technology Division of The University of Michigan and AppleĀ®Computer, Inc., in cooperation with ComputerLand of Ann Arbor, Inacomp Computer Center…

…-Ann Arbor, and the Learning Center, Ltd. The MacTruck is Coining... 1 ~1985 Apple Computer Inc. Apple and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc. Macintosh and ImageWriter are…

… trademarks licensed to Apple Computer Inc. I 'Ii .PAGr2 , KbWEEKEND/'JANUARY 0, 1987 Plus: Keith Jarrett Interviews: Judd Nelson and Peter Ca …

… With Your Homework Get in on the BEST opportunity ever to get your own: *Macintosn "Plus computer *800K external or SCSI hard drive *ImageWritef mII printer Advance orders now being taken. For more…

… information pick up a supplementary information packet at: *Any Computing Center public facility, such as UNYN, NUBS or the Undergraduate Library; * The Microcomputer Education Center, School of Education…

January 30, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 85) • Page Image 8

… to the myth of the Golden Apple. Who gets the Golden Apple? The myth portrays the God- desses competing on Mount Olympus for status of "the fairest." As in the various competitions, quarrels and…

… alliances among the Goddesses of Mount Olympus, the same symbolic struggles rage within. a womans psyche. The Goddess archetype who gets the apple at any one time is in- dicative of which qualities the woman…

… threaten mankind if not monitored. Citing ordinary people's current familiarity with computers, Deken believes the threat is not far off. Computers will evolve in three steps: automation, representations (ab…

…- stract intellectualization) and autonomy. The first two steps of evolution have already been realized. Rather than viewing computers as a component of robotics, Deken sees all computers of the future as…

… necessary as computers will diagnose ailments and robots will dispense treatment. More often than not, Deken fails as a visionary although his idea of a SportStation is worth considering. Each home would be…

…'ay's computers as dinosaurs. This becomes obsolete. The absolute monotony of his imagery attempts comes to a climax with has discussion of computers: " ... we might even visualize the two shores (the physical and…

January 30, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 99) • Page Image 6

…. $550 + utilities. Furnished, carpeted, 2 bathrooms. Available Sept. 1 for 1 year lease. No pets. David M. Copi 663-5609 cCtc COMPUTER BUSINESS PEOPLE. Share office space on State Street. $75-$250. Call…

… SUSIE'S CASUALS,Briarwood Mall, 663-7921 27H021 Beat the cold... Do your computer programs at home!I COMPUTER TERMINAL 2 RENTALS We also carry a full line of micro-computers, prig.- ters, and…

… peripherals for short and long rentals. RENT-A-BYTE, INC. 761-BYTE Ann Arbor r,* dJ04 WORDPROCESSING Accutype 761-500 Resumes, Papers, Repetitive Letters, Etc. C-119- COMMODORE COMPUTER DAY is Saturday4s…

… 33 Melodies for Ravi 35 Treated superficially 40 "An apple 41 This offers a run for the money 43 Scene 45 Gamin 47 Accessories for a sedan 48 52 53 54 55 56, 57 58 59 62 Let fly Consecrate Sov. press…

January 30, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 86) • Page Image 6

…-leave msg. 995-2456. WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Non-smoking, fun female to share 2 bdn apt. with 3 others. $150/mo. negot. 761-2965. COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE 2 PLUS with 2 disk drives, 64 K, monitor, Epson LFX80…

…, blue stone, name engraved-Steven Spiess. Re- ward! If found call 763-0834. FOR SALE APPLE IMAGEWRITER PRINTER parallel, runs good. Incl. all cords & cables. $75 or best offer. 747-1360 afternoons. Ban…

… Mischievous act 46 Ancient Egyptian king 48 Winter phenomenon 50 Else 51 Jockey 52 Spy 53 Rhymster's work 54 Arrest 55 Do roadwork 57 Repeat 59 Computer fodder 61 Giant great 63 Actor McKellen COME AND…

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