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December 03, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

… will only be available See JOBLESS, Page 2 Officials fear recalls will hurt 'U' At a press conference in the Chrysler Center yesterday, Steve Jobs (right) founder and president of Apple Computer Inc…

… doesn't mean that See OFFICIALS, Page 7 4'U, deal worth millions By NANCY GOTTESMAN Top executives from two major com- puter firms - including Steven Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Computer, Inc…

…. - came to North Campus yester- day to announce ah agreement to sell $8 million worth of computer equipment to the College of Engineering. The University will purchase some 800 computers from Apple and…

…., says students will soon use computers as routinely as they now use calculators. Engineering Dean James Duder- stadt sits to his right, and Apollo Computer Chairman William Poduska is pictured at the far…

… left. Computer firms kick of By JACKIE YOUNG As two Democratic state senators clean out their desks in Lansing and an- ti-tax group celebrate their victories in recent recall elections, University of…

… Apollo Computer, Inc. at what college officials say are "substantially reduced prices." Earlier this week, college officials said the purchase price would be somewhere between $4 million and $7 million…

… provided with a personal computer workstation, all integrated into a sophisticated communications net- work." Jobs said that the University's wide- scale use of the computer system will give his company a…

… chance to witness the interaction of a "large community of computer users" with the company's technology and that a great deal of computer software will be produced from the venture. "Individuals can do…

… gret things if you give them great tools," Jobs said. Among the advantages of the new computer system, Duderstadt said, is the opportunity for students to use elaborate computer graphics rather than…

… committing designs to paper first. He also said that "the companies' new state-of-the-art computer equipment will be incorporated into ongoing in- structional and research programs ranging from robotics and…

February 03, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

… civilian life during a speech at the sixth annual Student Veterans of America dinner at the Union Friday. Former C rctotalks vet eran support, fitness Winners to launch "WorkFlow" in Apple Store later this…

… team, said the group-was inspired by the ability of computers to manage multiple programs and wanted to bringthat functionality to tab- lets. Ari Weinstein, a freshman at the Massachusetts Institute of…

December 03, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

… of reliability in storing grades and Qwizdom's incompatibility with Apple computers and Win- dows Vista. The set-up of the system also does not allow professors to navi- gate away from the Qwizdom…

…, netting just 9 of 34 three-point shots. For more on the game, see Sports, Pages 5A and 8A. CAMPUS COMPUTING Officials: CTools won't shut down again neartermsend are combining resources to forge a stronger…

… and other computing sites across campus. After administrators went paperless with course evaluations, and made them only accessible on CTools, the website crashed and students couldn't access their lec…

December 03, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

… Thanksgiving break, the computer system shut down for just under five hours, upgrading the e-mail for the University. Students, faculty and staff can now store twice the amount of e-mail in their accounts. The…

… is an added benefit at no additional cost," Griffiths said. ResComp also plans to help pro- tect their computers by turning them off before the millennium's dawn to lessen the electrical load in case…

… Callen, a salesperson at the Safe Sex Store on South University Avenue, said that college students don't seem embarrassed when buying methods of pro- Chem. lecturer wins Golden Apple By Lindsey Alpert…

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