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February 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom cl he LIEW 143Iai1u MORE FLURRIES Cloudy and cold today with occastional snow flurries. A high in the upper teens and a low near zero. Vol. XCI, No. 106 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 3, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages Chrysler workers'. *approve wage cut By UPI and AP DETROIT - Chrysler Corp. workers narrowly approved a $46-a-week pay cut followed by a 20-month wag...…

February 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Tuesday, February 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily EDUCA TION SECR ETAR YACTS SWIFTLY Bell cans Carter From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - Education Secretary Terence Bell yesterday scrapped the Carter administration's controversial bilingual education proposals that would have required the nation's schools to teach youngsters in their native language. "Nothing in the law or the Constitution anoints the Department of Edcucation to be National Scho...…

February 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, February 3, 1981-Page 3 Energy woes may hit state hard By MARK GINDIN During times of national energy shortages or economic instability, Michigan could be harder-hit than the rest of the country, University researchers warn in their new book Jobs and Energy in Michigan: The Next 20 years. In times of prolonged energy instability, the researchers predict "we would be faced with virtual economic stagnation in the 199...…

February 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 106) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, February 3, 1981 I The Michigan Daily Saving our tuition dollars-for what? I was talking with a key administrator the other evening at a faculty soiree to which I had been invited. "Excuse me, Mr. Vice President," I greeted the vice president. "I wonder if I might trouble Witticisms By Howard Witt you for a little wine from that bottle you're cradling there." "Why, certainly, young man." The vice president filled ...…

February 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 106) • Page Image 5

…ARTS Tuesday, February 3, 1981 The Michigan Daily Page 5 De Johnette booming success By JERRY BRABENEC Ann Arbor jazz audiences got a look at Miles Davis' fusion legacy Friday night when Jack De Johnette's Special Edition quartet appeared at the League Ballroom. Moving through a wide range of moods, the quartet utilized open-ended, sketchy arrangements of free jazz, and balanced the set with Oterpretations of John Coltrane tunes and a mor...…

February 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 106) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Tuesday, February 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily If you find your name and ad- dress in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies S WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter Just look through today's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their names hidden in this section. If your name and address appear, come to our business office at 420 Maynard St. within 48 hours...…

February 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 106) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, February 3, 1981-Page 7 Falwell fails to halt March Penthouse ti so it w ft F J S si w B t] p p d w n s AP Photo THE REVEREND JERRY Falwell, after attempting to ban publication of the March issue of Penthouse Magazine, speaks to the press outside the Federal Courthouse in Lynchburg, Virginia. The court ruled yesterday against Falwell's efforts to cease distribution of the magazine. Harvard study suggests Y tax o...…

February 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 106) • Page Image 8

…SPORTS Page 8 Tuesday, February 3, 1981 The Michigan Daily FROSH SHOTPUTTER AIMS FOR TOP Uniqu By JOE CHAPELLE Shot-put specialist John Nielson, who has set his sights on the 1984 Olympics, has no. qualms about borrowing from a celebrated predecessor. The freshman Wolverine makes use of an unorthodox discus spin technique used by the unof- ficial world record-holder Brian 01- field. The Oldfield technique might just be Nielson's key to...…

February 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 106) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, February 3, 1981-Page 9 Upstart Denver battles to first place tie By TOM SHAHEEN Move over Minnesota and North Dakota. Denver has arrived. There seems to be a great deal of rdpm at the top these days in the well- balanced WCHA. Only four points searate the top five teams, and coach Marshall Johnston's Pioneers have very quietly forged themselves into a first-place tie with the aforementioned teams. DENVER DID, how...…

February 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 106) • Page Image 10

… Page 10-Tuesday, February 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily Are you tired of fish and chips? Of crackers with horrible dips? Try the League's best treat from soup to sweets-- the best to pass over your lips. T chigan Next to Hill Auditor Located in the heart of the cam it is the heart of the campus ... I 4 Lunch 11:30 to 1:15 Dinner 5:00 to 7:15 Q.R. SPECIAL LOW PRICES FOR STUDENTS, Send your League Limerick to: Manager, Michigan League 227 Sou...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

… N L Ninety-One Yea ofr Editorial Freedc irs 7 9 e~it 43U 1 ItiIQ CLOUDY Partly cloudy today, with a high in the mid-30's. Yol. XCI. No. 122 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 3, 1981 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages ,w h U AL LEAST IWe-RE IN 74#F- ToRt -A, -?, is c I __ ,.., i G f- T7- I tALL 1W~ EA LLs 1 I Ni-U- ~AFTS.I MSU 1, m ) 1,'~fal I,)t _____1 trw..... LIKE. WE, t/o f o M~ /1q,6...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

…I Page 2-Tuesday, March 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily Revolutionary breakthroughs in technology are rare. M ost of today's tec hnolog y is t he result of evolu tion, the application of human ingenuity to the solution of f practical proble ms. At Fluor we apply engineering skills r to achieve evolutionary improvements in the energy industry. We have contributed a number of "firsts" to modern process technology. Our work in the design of refineri...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 3, 1981-Page 3 U.S. increases El Salvador aid WASHINGTON (AP) - The State j partment, declaring that leftist errillas in El Salvador may launch a new offensive, announced yesterday a $Z million increase in military aid and a 28-man increase in U.S. military training experts for that country. Spokesman William Dyess said the aid package will include the delivery of additional helicopters, vehicles, radar ad s...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 It's 1 o'clock Tuesday, March 3, 1981- Time The Michigan Daily for my daily fix I've finally decided to come out of the closet. If Devon can find the inner courage to admit her alcoholism after trying to commit suicide (because she left little Bonnie unattended ;during one of her drunken stupors), then I can admit to my own addiction. I ... I ... Iaman.. . "All My Children" Witticisms By Howard Witt junkie. There-I said i...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 5

…Police didn't get a break Rape leads to wafter hours' a woman on charges of conspiring to violate state liquor laws. Suspect house arrests caught after A 25-year-old Ann Arbor woman was allegedly raped and robbed on the mor- n~n'g of February 21 after she refused to go to the alleged assailant's home, Ann Arbor Police Sgt. Harold Tinsey ,said yesterday. The suspect is still at large. -The woman went to an "after hours" house located on 30...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Tuesday, March 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily MYTH, MAGIC f AND jLE-uGEN International loan of 85 17th century Dutch masterworks. Epic canvases by Rembrandt, Vermeer and others reveal the heroic, savage and lustful themes of legend and classics. Incredible paintings from royalty, Holland's historic town halls and world museums. Students find variety in housing choices (Continued from PageU month per unit for next year are: Ef- ficiency, ...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 7

…54 The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 3, 1981-Page 7 Reagan lashes out at interest groups, explains city aid cuts From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - President Reagan assailed yesterday the special interest groups which stand in the way of his economic recovery program and pleaded with urban leaders to realize that "the only power needed to restore America's strength is will power." In his first formal speech since he ad- vanced his budget and tax-c...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 8

…t rage --Tuesday, March 3, 1981--The Michigan Daily Detective suspended in parade shooting NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - A veteran police detective was suspended yester- day for firing into a Mardi Gras prarde honoring nine Marines held hostage in Iran and wounding a high school drum major and two spectators. The shooting Sunday night during the Bacchus parade, one of the most spec- tacular events leading up to today's Mardi Gras, sent thousands of s...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 9

…ARTS .. . _ Gi o & A)PI rrb, w.r, {. ,. The Michigan Daily Tuesday, March 3, 1981 Page 9 MAR TIN MULL Lounge lizard turned loose Muff krs! Our aOa 1159 w / By DENNIS HARVEY At a time when most comic folk are patting themselves on the back for their "outrageousness," Martin Mull's peculiar faux pas seems to be that he's just too weird for the masses. The Saturday Night Live crew and others have successfully pedalled their more ju...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Tuesday, March 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily 01 If you find your name and ad- dress in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN, TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter Just look through today's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their names hidden in this section. If your name and address appear, come to our business office at 420 Maynard St. within 48 h...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 3, 1981-Page 11 .Very few beer drinkerscan Can you'? \ . Y \7 ' r n.r t La'i' N'. mac \ ti ~*"~N t n. passthis test. If you can taste which beer is which, * you know beer every which way. < F 4>>> 7 .7 y ;:,;;:_ ; '\^ i ., 1 \ IIl o.:. ~ J ' . Q' , v :J '. \ - .m .' The Master Brewer decides. The Master Brewer determines how a beer will taste. Brewers are constantly adjusting, experi- menting, im...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 12

…SPORTS Page 12- Tuesday, March 3, 1981 Wolverine drought reaches six The Michigan Daily By JON MORELAND It has happened against the to p teams of the league as well as the bottom, at home and on the road, on four day's rest or one, in blowouts or barn-burners. No matter what the specifics, the Michigan basketball team has come up short in each of its last six Big Ten games. : The losing skein has left the cagers in a sixth place tie with Ohi...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 13

…'M' playoff picture settled The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 3, 1981-Page 13 By TOM SHAHEEN Another Michigan team is heading vest. Coach John Giordano's icers begin playoff action this weekend-not in sumy Pasadena, but in the serene set- tih$ of the Rocky Mountains-against the Denver Pioneers. THIS WILL BE the second meeting between fourth-place Denver and the fifth-place Wolverines. Michigan swept the first series at Yost Arena, 9-4 and 7...…

March 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 122) • Page Image 14

…Ifor hatever jungle you're in . . . Page 14-Tuesday, March 3,1981-The Michigan Daily MICHIGAN ROUNDUP Streaking hoopsters stop Falcons r Every Monday A iabethru Friday 0tpONEROSA at POND CHOICE 'h By LARRY FREED A sign of a good team is when it starts to peak in time for post-season play. The Michigan women's basketball team is doing just that, as the cagers notched their fourth straight win with a 73-60 victory over Bowling Green. K.D...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…The ABCs of the G.P.A. Gradeflation hits humanities, 'bu seene may be iiine By PAMELA KRAMER of the lower grade point averages, but that "in and LINDA RUECKERT some of these big science courses, the students are Are science courses tougher than the social taking several at once." The Biology Division's sciences and humanities courses? Or are liberal total GPA is 2.961. arts professors grading easier to draw more in- "A STUDENT MAY BE taking B...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…I Page 2-Friday, April 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily FE Senate passes $87 b~llion WASHINGTON (AP)-The Senate handed President Reagan the biggest legislative triumph of his young ad- ministration last night, voting over- whelming approval of a plan to force $87 billion in budget cuts over the next three years. The bill, attacked by outnumbered liberals as a "cruel abandonment" of the nation's needy but hailed by Republicans and most Democrats as...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 3, 1981-Page 3 -HAPPENINGS- FILMS A-V Services - Barry Commoner's Viewpoint, E. F. Schumacher: As If People Mattered, More, 12:10 p.m., SPH II. AAFC - Richard Pryor - Filmed Live in Concert, 7, 10:30 p.m., Silver Streak, 8:30 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud. AAFC/Cinema Guild - Disney on Film, 7 p.m., Angell Hall Aud. A. Alt. Action Films - Start the Revolution Without Me, 7, 9 p.m., MLB 4. Cinema II - That Man From Rio, ...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

… OPINION Pge 4_ Friday, April 3, 1981 The Michigan Daily , , r .. _r «:, A 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan A seige of Midnight guilt Vol. XCI, No. 149 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 You're sitting at your kitchen table sometime after midnight. You sit and con- template all the elements which meticulously arrange themselves into what you're fond of calling your principles. Editorials represent a major...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 5

…(Continued from Page I1) one acquires a gradual facility for literary interpretation," he explained. Bud grade point averages can be Sisleading. For instance, in the residential College all freshmen and sophomores must take classes pass/fail and receive a written evaluation, ac- cording to Carol LaMantia, Coordinator of Academic Counseling for the Residential College. Juniors and seniors are allowed to chose whether they want to receive a grae...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

…Pogoi -Friday, April 3, 1981-Tb. Michigan Daily Page two - Grade- Point Average Statistics *IV Go cmm m aC.IpiI0 6on CE 6"5 I"= EM13AT R2ES E 071 C a" HIGHWAY 7ENMR SEN DivISIoN TOTAL 240 401 LICE 401 LIN SPAC SYS 412 CICE 412 PRW-.STAT 432 0CC432 ANALOG COM64310 _ 434 010£ 44 DIG comN*I6 410 c102 450 FND0 00941SYS 4460 0 CC40 3STAY DIG GNP w- " . w 21.218 P P0P" OW w" "eM 1M6 51 r .20 P3CO/F 0W SPA Div em66 00I Dam"IPTION I v 1 0 ...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 7

…""S MRS MRs ELE FMPEO pip CowX 0 A 2 O 0 8 3.000 DIVI SION TOTAL 5366 1066 23 1466T , 22677 339 101 CHIN 101 BEGINNING 201 CHIN 201 SECOND YR CHINESE 376 CHIN 376 ADV SPOI(EN-CHIN 405 CHIN 405 THIRD-YEAR 451 CHIN 451 LITERARY CHINESE TM 461 CHIN 461 READINGS MlOD CHIN 466 CHIN 468 HIST CHIN THOT 471 CHIN 471 CLAS CHIN LIT TRH 53 75 15 175 20 5 30 65 4 0 0 4 5 0 0 25 5 4 0 16 3 I5 0 0 I 0 0 3 12 12 3 21 2.371 3.192 3.672 3,000 3.500 ...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 8

…I4ogB~-Friday, April 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily Page 4 - Grade= Point Overage SWttstics IIB RS 16 HIRS DIV CBE COURSE DESCRIPTION ELECS PEND P/P COMP G P A 406 POL SCI 408 COI9IUN THOUGHNT $0 60 0 140 3.051 410 POL SCI 410 AMER POL PROC 75 36 0 26.4 2.516 411 POL SC! 411 AMER POL PROC 100 36 4 360 3.184 412 POL SCI 412 LEGAL PROCESS 62 20 4 304 3.003 413 POL SCI 413 AMER CONST POL 66 24 16 224 2.732 4 "m m" HwS ELECS PEWD F/F ° COME' 0P A ...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 9

…Page 5 - Grade- Point Average Statistics DIV 021 COUIRSE OERInPT ION ELECS rEND F/F c059w .'PA =21 FLUTE 221 PERFORMANCE 2 0 0 6 4.000O 2ag FLUTE 239 PERFORMANCE 3 0 0 12 4.000 3301 FLUTE 339 PERFORMANCE 1 0 0 0 4.000 - 423 FLUTE 423 PEFORMNE 1 0 0 2 4.000 428B FUTE 426 PERFORMANCE 1 0 0 2 .000 439 FLUTE 4"9 PERFORMANCE 3 8 0 72 3.00 626 1_00 FRENM ORN 100 PERFORMANCE 13 0_ 0 0 3.440 111 AREN MORN 1 PERFORMANCE 0 3 0 7 3.000 221 FREN HORN 221 ...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Friday, April 3, 1981-The Michigan Doily 33ORDERlS a BOOK SHOP Iou are Cordially Invited. oa Booksigning J" . I Fr. Hash Bash arrests down (313)668-7652 - - r" ~,Id ' & Ir ,-' wf 'I-. .. -a P M M C formal teception m with ~f O AU jCApril 4 2-4 By DAVID SPAK After fewer than 500 people attended the annual Hash Bash Wednesday, some city and University officials are predicting the event is finally coming to an end. The non-Unive...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 11

…r 4. 1 Sy ARTS The Michigan Daily Friday, April 3, 1981 Page 11 *Non-dance majors strut their stuff cI CO sa I By ANNA NISSEN - Give them a tape deck and a har- 4wood' floor and the members of IM- .PACT are ready to leap, spin, and roll. Soon to be established as a UAC com- mittee, IMPACT is a student jazz group whose second annual performance will he held at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on April 3rd and 4th. Company members come from many c...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 12

…*1 Page 12-Friday. April 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily There's a lot going on in town this weekend. The following is a sampling of the best events, according to our critics. Performance Guide MOVIES Disney on Film - A forum on the past, current, and future state of the late alt's'studio, featuring the presence of veteran animator Eric Larson, new- generation animator John Musker, and special effects expert Harrison Ellenshaw. After 15 years of t...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 3, 1981-Pag-1w - i1i1l"P ally cU X) I Chase Listing of movies for a contest sponsored by STATE THEATER MIDNIGHT SHOWS Fri. & Sat. April 2-3 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _V__ _ _ _ _ _ FOUND: ONE ENGINEERING DRAFTING KIT CAMPUS Six bedrooms, living, dining, kitchen, 2 BY S: University bus stop. Describe contents to baths, laundry, 3 parking spaces, nice yard, car- claim. Call Jan 764-5748. dA0404 petin...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 14

…a Page 14-Friday, April 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily (Continued from Page 1) Students fear growth of antd-Jewish groups The NDPC is a right-wing anti- Semitic group backed by Lyndon LaRouche and the U.S. Labor Party, Levy claimed. "WE WANT STUDENTS to realize that there are several groups aiming at campus trying to infest the University community with 'hate," Levy said. "These groups are anti-black, anti-Jew, and anti-gay." But, an NCPCg spok...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 15

…The Michiqon Daily Reagan, Brady moving rapidly From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - President Reagan, making "super" progress, took four walks around his hospital suite yester- day while life support tubes remained fixed in his chest and nose. He told two visiting senators, "I found out it hurts to get shot." After his best night's sleep since an apparent ricochet bullet tore into his left lung in Monday's assassination at- tempt, the president was ...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 16

….. SPORTS Page 16 Friday, April 3, 1981 Ieers awarded at banquet; qBlum, ManM.nin'g share MVP By MARTHA CRALL The Michigan Dekers Club gave their annual awards last night to the 1980-81 Wolverine hockey team. For the first time since 1972, two Most Valuable Players were named, John Blum and Tim Manning, for their outstanding work on the power play. Paul Fricker was given his All-American award; head coach John Giordano was presented wi...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 17

…THIS BUD'S FOR YOU By BUDDY MOOREHOUSE M The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 3, 1981-Page 17 SPOR TS OF THE DAIL Y: Softballers split, 2-6, 81 Bv nDREW HARP ATTENTION ALL RECIPIENTS OF 0 beMittigan Batt Please return your survey response as soon as possible. p in arms.. . j ; Tiger pitching improved? TT SEEMS HIGHLY ILLOGICAL that a team can score more runs than any other group in the Major Leagues and still finish 19 games out of first place...…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 18

…Page 18-Friday, April 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily Women's crisis center in fiscal limbo 0a PERFECT FRERIPTION Kentucky explosion A Kentucky State Police trooper checks through the rubble of a blast that killed at least two people yesterday. The blast destroyed a building and heavily damaged several other buildings and cars in Newport, Ky. Accor- ding to Newport fire chief Ralph Quitter, the explosion was caused by fireworks illegally being...…

June 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…e Micigan ai Vol. XCI, No. 20-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 3, 1981 Sixteen Pages 'U' therapy program targeted for elimination PHYSICAL THERAPY CURRICULUM Director, Richard Darnell, discusses the Medical School dean's recommendation to discontinue the program which supplies 36 of the state's 87 physical therapists each year. ed school prom otes our wit out tenure By ANDREW CHAPMAN The University Medical School has stirred up con...…

June 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…Page 2--Wednesday, June 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily Reagan visits Brady, says 'e's just fine' From AP and UPI WASHINGTON-President Reagan spent an emotional 16 minutes with wounded White House press secretary James Brady at the hospital yesterday and said his spokesman is "coming along great" and is "very happy." It was the president's first visit to his critically wounded aide since they both were shot in an assassination attempt more than ni...…

June 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, June 3, 1981-Page 3 PRISON OFFICIALS SA Y DISTURBANCE QUELLED Inmates riot in Hawaii HONOLULU (AP)-About 300 inmates took over a cellblock of the Oahu Community Correctional Cen- ter yesterday in what had been labeled "a major disturbance," but later agreed to withdraw so riot equipped guards could search for contraband, of- ficials said. No injuries had been reported and no hostages were taken, but the trouble w...…

June 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Wednesday, June 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily Inmate release haltedin Kent County, LANSING (UPI) - A state appeals court yesterday, in a bid to challenge a Kent County early release program to" ease crowding at the county jail, or- dered a stay of the program until the case has been heard. Kent County Prosecutor David Sawyer filed the suit in the Michiganr Court of Appeals last week to protest" the early release plan, which was or- dered b...…

June 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 20) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, June 3; 1981-Page 5 New car being developed MADISON, Wis. (UPI)-Two researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison say they are on the verge of engineering a car capable of traveling 100 miles on a gallon of gasoline. The key to the experiment is a yariable speed tran- smission, a system of belts and pulleys that con- tinuously change their "gear ratio" as driving con- ditions dictate. Andre Frank and Norman...…

June 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Wednesday, June 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily Charms of A2 Ballet Theatre 4 By ELLEN RIESER Saturday night at the Michigan Theatre, Ann Arbor Ballet Theatre preaented a program compoaed ofa story ballet and five miniaturea. The performance, which was the second in the life of Ann Arbor's newest ballet troupe, showed how far the company has improved since its premiere per formance last December. Some rough edges still show, but in general...…

June 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 20) • Page Image 7

…Arts The Michigan Daily Wednesday, June 3, 1981 Page 7 Professional Theatre Program announces beginning of Summer Repertory series By GINA DiM With the pressures o1 is no bettter time than plore cultural tidbits of University community Ann Arbor. The Depar and Drama couldn't ag Professional Theatre embarks once again Summer Repertor something that's be University since the ea Jean Galan, gener PTP, is enthusias program's progress. cited with ...…

June 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 20) • Page Image 8

…Opinion Page 8 Wednesday, June 3, 1981 The Michigan Daily l J 1 1 1 1 Gun control-a ray o hope? the importation of Saturday Night Horseshit. The Second Amendment, not be infringed." By Fred Schill Specials, but not the domestic rarely quoted in its entirety (not by the As any lawyer worth his beans manufacture and sale of them. Hence, NRA, anyway), says: "A well knows, and as the American Law Second of a two-part story. John Hinckley was abl...…

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