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December 03, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

… most major cities to tap into MTS. All of this growth in computerization has led some people to ask if it will result in dehumanization. "Humans are inevitably responsible for what a computer does…

…- Thousands of tons of garbage festooned the streets of the Big Apple yesterday in the second day of a pre-Christmas Holiday strike by private sanitation workers. The city began making emergency pickups of up…

… Advertising. 764-0557; Display advertising. 764-0554: Biling, 764s0550. 0 Computers: They 're all over the place at the 'U' (Continued from Page 1) during the day is so slow he cannot ac- complish much. As…

… the demand for computing facilities grows, the University tries to keep pace by upgrading its machinery (hardware) and its programming, Aupperle said. -The next change will come in April, when the…

…. The new Amdahl 5860 will be the first of its class, Aupperle said. It will be twice as fast, with a larger memory than the computer currently in use, he said. FINERMAN said the new Amdahl will cost…

…, according to Finerman. And it has the potential to grow beyond that. With an eye to the future, the Computing Center is working to establish a network of underground cables on campus, Finerman said. This…

… would provide another way for in- dividuals or departments with small computers to tap into MTS. Finerman said financial constraints are preventing this system, which would extend to University campuses…

… in Dearborn and Flint, from being com- pleted as quickly as most people at the Computing Center would like. BUT THERE are more plans, waiting for realization. The University has been engaged in a joint…

… is planning to acquire a specialized computer, called CYTO, built by Ann Arbor's CYTO Systems, Inc. Dick Volz, an associate director of the computing center, said CYTO is used for image processing, and…

… it will be one of only four in the world. There is little doubt that the influence of computers at the University will grow. Already MTS is part of the MERIT computer network, a joint un- dertaking of…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 5

….537 FOR ARCH t 15 12 0O 339 3.727 366 ART 356 MTL PL-SERIGRAPHY 7 18 O 72 3.233 400 ARCH 400 TUTORIAL STUDIES 13 9 0 29 3.472 A23 ARCH 423 iNTR UR8 PLANNI NG 13 0 0 39 3.207 431 ARCH 43f INTRO COMPUTER

… C 607 INTROD £ED RAD 3 0 0 6 3.566 206 620 ED C 820 APPL GRP DYNAM I 0 0 3 3.700 580 EDOC 680 PERSON IN GROUP I 0 2 0 DIVISION TOTAL 4S6 e1 170 '700' S.3t 2 208 301 E0 0 301 DIRECTED TEACH 73 29 639 0…

April 03, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 149) • Page Image 8

… VARIA6LE 15 9 0 36 3.300 6566 MATH 5666 METH APPL MATH 1 3 3 0 6 .650 428 56!. MATH 561 LI ROOR0M I 4 0 0 12 2.675 .E MAH86.5 THEORY OF GRAPHS 2 0 0 6 3.660 6.01 MATH 861 INTRO MATH LOGIC 9 3 0 24 2…

….000 496 POL SC! 490 SEMl AMER GOVT 16 8 0 56 4.000 497 POL SC! 497 SEM COMPAR GOV 8 0 0 24 3.283 499 P01 SC! 499 METM POL ANAL 20 24 0 88 3.018 514 P0OL SC! 514 SOC SCI COMPUT 7 1 0 8 3.516 585 POL SC! 585…

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