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December 03, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…4J OL. I. No. 51. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. 0 TrHE ROMAN HOUSE life like and real. Collections, il- Which Prof. Kelsey Will Reproduce lustrative of ancient art and life, for the World's Fair.:: could be placed here both during and after the Fair. 11 accordance with his character- A house reproduced timn the isticzeal and enthusiasm in the de- plan which Prof. Kelsey has pro- Partient of classical studi...…

December 03, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. .0f '; c x faculty for a common recreatio STUDENTS' BOO KS- of ~ hour. Wie see iio reason whly BUY TOUR COLLEGE 'Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during laie antb aes htalTETBoOKs,, Ln T.ND MEDICfAL. BOO]l thme College year,.by important recitations shall close at~ WhE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT AbSOCIAT1ON. 4 p. mn, or 4:30 at the latest. If NOTE B OO~itS, AT THE the change cansnot be made all at STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE ST...…

December 03, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY Of old U7. of If. sbould have a )VERt C OI1A 'T'S. University of Michigan Guitar _ Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Yioin md nitr Srins, 0 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, THE W O b - A b~e' 5 cts. Everything in proportion. .i8 S Mai StL.IS. lem ALLE1ThINGEE PI A1NO & ORGAITO This Line of OVERCOATS is Sperior to any ever offered in thecit.._IXB A'IRG' S O R ST T HIE T WV\O0 S A IMIS CORN ER...…

December 03, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…CLOTHING 171,173, 175 Woodward Avenue lien's, 1 Jlo0y's, CLOT ING v ' LatesLNovelties A NEW BOOK HO0USEA I STS/AND kAFS _ STORES, 6 South Mairl Street. 44 South State Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS) T- h.~G .WILD, Medical Books, Law Booku, BIiO ll oobs, ALe. FINDS, * 4 A, A13xk sdi iySchools. Students, Note Books and Pads, Draft- Is showing the Laet StcofulDrsSiinsnthmak. AlokuedtCiyAll h aetaae adnvlisi ruaeringa and C'omplete Line of Sporting...…

December 03, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…VOL. 1.-No. 51. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIJGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1891. PaidE, THREE, CENTS. School of Applied Ethics. sentatives of different professions in England and America, in which r(OF YOUR s li hsatcew ieabifvarions parts of the country. At special attention was given to the OUJ Ithsatcewgieabifthe next convention of the Ethical gradnal rise of those practical prob-O f 00 1.JUL sketcti of the School of Applied Eth- Societies, held in New...…

December 03, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…THE U. ,OF M. DAILY. Pablished Daily (Sundays excepted) dring the Collieeyar, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subcription price 2.50 pe year, invariably inedanse inge cos 3 cets. O sale at dsnersa's and Post tOie ews stand at 12 o'clock, nbo. Subsriptios may be cift at the ofihce at the DI~aL, Opera Hue blck, at Sheeha's, at Soltet's, or with ay of the editors. Coainatiois hold reach the office by 7 o'clochi..Mali thy are to apprs the...…

December 03, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY .AT~ ~7 ~NEW 8,DS J EW GOODS, NEW GOODS* SEE THE NEW LINE OF N 'The J. T. Jacobs Co., -fverco ate The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. ...4.W' jT -0 N. B-W'e still have a nice assortment of Light Weight'Overcoats I HITZ" to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. Al ANYorSteamfiLgiuty,' CO0.AL. GEORGE L. M OORE,(Sccss )+Mor + WR ALLDFRadDLVRD O ADADSF OL A Full Line of all Colleg...…

December 03, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. VWE ARE THE PEOPLE. " i = ANN' ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, T Formerly Ailrnend ger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroonis, - - . - - - - - Corner of/ Main and Libec ly Streets. I will 4 Open the Ball", by placing a ine stock of Guitars, Baunjos, etc. PR ICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find ~I~~yM~Taec Sz = 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. Str A NtEW LINE (OF - ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 151. )C mCOt'lSE, one year. 'Three full t...…

December 03, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…. 4 . 1ai . VOL. III.-NO. 48. Voc. 11.-N. 45. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAiN, SATURDOAY, DECEMBER e3, 1592. PsoTtss:C:cs PRICE, TffHp ia, CENTS. ATHLETIC BOARD MEETS. the crowd that cottectest in the _______main halt to protest the action of Financial Condition Reviewed-$550 the S. t,. A. bsoard was verv decidect Net From Tnankisgiving Game- , Protest Considered. in its denmands. T he tsoardl was DECIDED TO ORGANIZE. I The U. of M. Will Have a ...…

December 03, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OFM. DAILY. 'Cc. of f. $1it" Published Dtiily (6minliy n excee d) during plan tor those who are at the head of our dehating societies to propboe soch a mneetiog between the t'. of \Ii. atndl SOIc otour western ens er- cities . A ilebiate arrangeud swih JTHEU, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION 'northwestern, Iiniveersity of Wis- uIs'I)tot'rice Irev yer, innnariuly rouse1, tMinnsotn, ior f^ iicago,E in acleancfr ingl'eo niv.ire Iits...…

December 03, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLE ALL V- DXL'(D\ S ATl'_() )TiE-IING S L lX SIVE IIAkTTILS AND E1I'ENISIIEIIS. . YOULtn'fs, Knox'S, Silvrmanz Hats. ITS XT 01,711 Smioking I arkets, lPaamas,-Nig}t Robes, Frriis 1 __________ IDre'ss zall]AN ll.8 ti (71loses. LLL SINGLE P;NTh "AT ()-IO IIOD E-AiN 'S IAV M ACK I NTO SIIFS xch tv- ~trr , Earl & Wfit (tlson o 11 ( ( an C ils. ALL S U X Qa - n -%Qr WADHAMS. KENNEDY REULE. _____________ .-qR jr OM4...…

December 03, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…THAT GILyou left GOOD Sl I L i lii h 11111ii a CALKINS' FINE CHOCO- LATES Wlieo oavo le ouse for IChlristmoas. Syringed Instrument. WILS5Y'S 1' " lte'arc owx.l j34 S. State Street. Frwi tho ii~o liiitgamides- to the bst tiiiifltiirlll <i;. EXTRA VALUE INI NATURAL WOOL Also the WelI-KnOSIWn I WAR'NER'S HEALTH ['UNDERWEAR 1and( W RIGHT'S UN\DERW EAR. MOORE&WETMOIRE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ADCRE )- TT N VIAMSRES liri 1T1vext-Bool...…

December 03, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…"1IJE ii. of ftl- Vol,. V. No. 5 1. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1894. Paicj t-TsiiKECENTS. MICHIGAN 6, CHICAGO 4. Chicago Knew Our Signals and was Underestimated.- That Ac- counts for the Score. Tie diefeit of (Cicago Ii ity,11V i-I, ccoilihinkgiving day losied ilby fiar the flet sutcesfl footblell :c r- s011the i' iorsit oily icOihigan ever 1ha1(. A 1110 ii of mie vcorie,oe of 248 poillte to 0111oploe' , is ilreordI Av'e...…

December 03, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Publuishedl laily (Snday except d durtn the Coleg year, ly THE H.ODE MINEPENEN ASSOCIATION oFIrrC'to Times building N. Main t.. oppotl pol. office. Sbsocripion pic $2.50 pe ye, inarlal: in advance. single Copsien (Ct. sbcrp lion may be' left at the ofice of the D~AL at Stoiletos, at State st. new stand, with an of the editorsorocathorzed soicitors. ('ommniationshould reacl the office b: 7 o'clock p. m. if they ar to appea ...…

December 03, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. /r 7 rr 7 MICHIGAN 6, CHICAGO 4. in the first.t art of the gatme. atit the reformed.01n(1 to' fear of getting les. IGHG R C NT Afrestutitn were 11111lin for oe he is at tile deot a halflor' in a- Time Table (Revsedt'or i1814 OTNE RMFRT U. touhtotown inthe seonothialf. vateiof the depart reftin roip. SAS~ ~ krk ~ 'Te noni kein itthe trillbeisito BUSINESS LOCALS. ,Walland Ea---3~,0 Mai -- 844Itmissedite go. etter got d40011 O...…

December 03, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…TilE U. OF M 'DAILY. TIHZE1 F. C. STEBBINS, THME NEW CRANDALL TYPEWRITERfl'' E IA Bokte BilBEI IVMAN U U I L IM Formerly with George Wahir, 19 LCI ,rtIe EI B Washington st. Headquarters for ,;a <YPSJL ANTI, MICH. everything a Student needs in the Is Yelinig oup~oll1Ia o~~ pc(1 ____line of Text-Books, Stationery and ii fr $ fo $2 50 SUDAY INNRS T 5DOLOK.Miscellaneous Stock in general. tl-' _ MARTIN SCHALLER, 'ierdectcedndtitizesshould make tthi...…

December 03, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…, e . of VOL VI. No. 52. U'NI\ ERiS TV OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. a MADAME E {E-SAPI() ONE GUITAR 4 CHARMED THREE THOUSAND Oil PEOPLE LAST NIGHT. Q Is enough for one person to 11 til ployono at one time. One Successes Also Scored by Our 0#1 gtuitar i3 not 0enough, 1ow- tl Own Artists, Herman Zeitz, Vio- fli ever, to supply 3,000 stu- tit linist, and Miss Jaffe, Pianist- At denfts. Thlatos why we have 11 P...…

December 03, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…THE U. 01F M. DAILY a ; PEN NSY CLAIMVS IT. Gl al Themselves Champions-Yale Published Daly (Sunday excepted during Says Nothing the Col lege year, at Pennisylvaniai laiis te iierol- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN legiats' fooiall ealauoislsit this o rriE:. Times uilding N. Main st., opposite year. iHer caimis ress oii the folow- est ofice. ifg coisnrissl: Ye iplayeti a tii EDITORS. game witi Brow, (orel sdefelte J. A. Litoy,', iMlanagint Editor. ...…

December 03, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DILY. me T~abl (eisd)My 9,84, L SENIOR SOCIAL. The University of Moscow.U 'TAL TieTal Reie) a_0,e~ Ninety-S~x Will Give Its First Fri- Ti110 tiliverosily of Moscow, iii EAST. . , WEST . H day Night. Itn aia lisover 44,1))00 tu ts initit Malad a_-_3 50 Mall._ 5_ _843 tnace l e h tdnsilT 0&C y .&X N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Specal-:. 7 31 Thie irt Senilor social of 11e year lllli.tlik (ielolii il K &MKY Eastern Ex----1 12N. S. Lim...…

December 03, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. CUSTOM MADE PANTS $3.50. Jdos. W. Kollauf, Merchiant Tailor, 'bus on hand the Latest Styles in Goods to select from. Call and examine the same. 10 E. Washington St., UP STAttNS. '- ss7ieVoui0, / ~ i~en to d~trlhto t in part pcyntcnt for a higb graed Aciec ,>y-'onesutle bicytclariead poove tsi tilt-n tttil h emicy oyedio theo~~ Young Ladies sam the5 'f "er g~ils apply thy rutbe wel rcoas-f 4,e.ouedWrite for partaclais. ACEC...…

December 03, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. : No . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1896. FoVE PAGES-3 CENTS. (i)f'i. Z,~ CHICAGO CONFERENCE. the timue limit of m toh lt ot ___I_____D toceosetito ole' yeoi. '. l110 ls otte Rules Proposed for the Reo-ula- for the reasoni o t he roteroti 1eaPQ1 ail or Iiin~ it) d to sns'ort'aifstsu. ' Lion of Colleoe Athletics. cthti tit( :(,A'ND IDM PORTER 0.Le )ot~silotittit'tilrt i :liclil''toittite FULL U HESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. ...…

December 03, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pueblis.hed Daily (Sunday., seeepledt during the college vear, at 1 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Dreit(E:Timeet building, It S. AtinleSt. be- tweeLiberty'and NWilliam its. MANAGING IEDITORI J.IF. TeOAS, 97. LS E 3NAGB 0. l.IIIDv 'lt E. L. GmSEtttt, '9y 1.. F.oS.atett , '9t. I B B. IIteETHAN,'li. 11. It. aeteet cc,'015L. C. At. Gaw;v, It. Athletic Edlitor. Ii Among the Colleges. IA l' 'lil-I e tl't liii it l i...…

December 03, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…THIE.UNIVERSITY O01' MICIIGAN DAILY. ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Blac tiull 'Underwear, Ypilanti Uni'on Suits for Mer Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Axbor. Call acid exainioo before buying. 28 and 30 South Main st, M.I GHIGN Time.T bles toovied) 4ott.2, 1t6 P.4 A EassternJE--1017 N. S. Limied,. .- 4 2 AtlasticE x----- 'r'435 PacificE x - --1. ; fON.Expes- ia Ototee to_-- 25: G, R.Express. AI117 1204Ch. 07x4---o1( 0. XW. 111(4(4s142 H11...…

December 03, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…ITTlE UNIVERSITY OF MR.IHIGAN DAILY, sw ww®c aasaeaa oa®'svaEO nae 1 ..sue -v- -- f9RE AT H AT SALAE! ITS COMON jTHIS WEEK ONLY, 01 OCCURRENCE.......[ ot: s tO ltoelot's Hale,,sew --- --- ---- $.5 fos 2tots tilt tats,no- - - - - - $.9 glasts of our soda water, g $4.00 Fedo)ra11oos, now - - - - - - - - $3 lool, pleased, saud then say, 0 1$3.00) Fed oera Ilot-, iniow ------ ------$1.98 0 "Glive e canother glass." 81$1-50 Feedora 1Slats, siowv...…

December 03, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

… VOL. VIII. No. 53. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1897. i PacE-3 CENTF. .......... I WI LD Has'received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO, 1OB E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN All egretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60e a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY. THOSE NOBBY SUITS! MILWIARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. r r c J r WASHINGTON GLADDEN....…

December 03, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIV'ER'SI'T'Y OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 TH UNIERSIY OFMICHGAN AIL Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Gl lg year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIAN OrriEo: Times building, 32 9. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William St. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. TnOMAS,'511 L. BUSINESS MANAGER . IH.tHAS, '0 0. EDITORS H, S. SanIauA, '50 L, Athletics. E. L. GEsMEen'050L. - - - Monday BUTLeRoLAMB, '0, - Tueday G. D. Hnnvv. '0, - Wednesday T. R. WiOnoDOw, '0...…

December 03, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHiGAN DAILY. 3 THESTORE.- SPECIAL OFFER IN OUR SHOE D[PARTM'ENT For One Day Only r. cr FREE! FRLEE! FREE! On Saturday, Dlec. 4th we will give away free a Pair of Good- yzs o year glove fitting Rubbers (Low or Storm) or a beautiful College Pin (the Block XY) enameled io Yellow and Blue on Sterling Silver =- - worth 75e with every Pair of our Ladies Fine Shoes from $2.50 upwards. See Ou...…

December 03, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W. J. BOOTH. Pre. W. AROLD, 1t ViCe-pes 3.V.SOO tA . VCepres The St re Asc t TiesJOHN C Wa J. V.11, Cashier, TheStreAsot ie ~Sains- Bahik. NEW SHAPES, ff CENTS _sae-Svns-,ak LATEST PATEIIES. worth Tnescs a general Banking hus- - ~Will regret it you ~I $1.25,Hes Z ~miss it. UU.5 {- ~~and $2. 'f~ m ~aIIFl GOOID 8 P iE ED's. or. Maiand Huron street. r Capital, $5,0. Surplus. $W0,005 Transact a MAIN STREET. , ...…

December 03, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 58. ANN ARBOR, A11CRH., SATURDIAY, TCEMBER 3 1898. THlRE CENTS. V V JjX § T J FRESHMAN SPREAD. Final Class Game Toda. Another Prize Secured For Debat- In spie of the snow and wintry ing Winners. Annual Sophomore Pary Held Last weather, the Senior lawn andlseniorIO) ii aditionl to the testinonials 7Eening. ]its will line oip against eah oiler wiceh have been reglarly given by T1t T h'le annual dance given b the this afterniooni for...…

December 03, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…2 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pubished Daily (Sndays ecepted dring the Coleg ya, at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN 'reta: 'Te ielad Pree, Heaing Blck. Bth Phaea 147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENoELHAR, 'I1 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. . H. eans, 'to L. EDITORS. Athletic Editr, T. It. Wcanaan, '0 L. P. W. JaNa, '9, A. H. MDaliAL, '01 F, F.D. Nenrea '1 L; C. H. LN, '0M, GD.HUDNiUTT. '1tE. Theahbcripticntprice an ae DItY i .11 Ir he calee year. with a re...…

December 03, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 GYM SUIT ND OUTFIS. MAIN ST.&0N Students' Laundry Association Was. VOUGHOT-Win. R. FOX, agents for TiEE GRAND LAUNDRY, of DETROIT The best high geade laundry in the State. The onty nmachine donmestic finish in the West. Glove finish also given. All work peomptly, neatly and careflly done. office 202 S. Statests. Residence tin Lawrence at. New Slate Phnne. 44ns. MIGHlIGRN 6ENTRIL " The Niagara Falls Route....…

December 03, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. t THE 1A1 W 0 R no S. MAIN ST., and W. 1 Tm 342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St., CARRIES UNIVERSIT'Y 4EXJ BOOKS, Second-hand and New, h'in Pnnl/oU nf. i 4n ~tcllta Jni n i o il \leinrk I5Ia-,DOK nONMLSO.PP d1US11MM Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. IeoterMCFolICUGO tBura oa01f loaMo~iG Gostuano. 61 ir pep . GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALBANY, N. Y. Gas, Gowns, and floods ...…

December 03, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…l", AF 4 ° ° , .- , , -L R , 1 Z r -; r' ''' ' y t t y 'J F 6 ;1 s j i +. r mi ", , 'ibd ' .., . : .'; . Lti__ I$sT YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3 1901. No.5 16 COACH YOST, Te Great Football Instructor Will be With Us Three Years More-Man- a1er Baird Scored a Victory. Yo Ist.wto is icnowldge t be o.2t ofthLe gOetstt etilhe ill ilIe c't tc llh h e el] '''iodto intut t h e ~ i l li g ~ t Y o I a ; u t e a m f o r t h net treyar-Te u...…

December 03, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…WILD 60.l LEADING MERCHANT If1IL0R8 OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouseri n g in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD 69. ioS Ei. Washington St TAR SOAPS PACKER'S - 20C SPANISH ROOT IB5C excelentt fsamito Grandpa's Wonder 5 and IOc QUARRY'S Campus Drug Store R. E. JOLLY'S Lunches Are Better Than Ever z...…

December 03, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…THlE MiCHIGAN,'DAILY-NEWS I In oor wosndr theo take a look insidle the store and Son will see the largest and beet ThK[ A LUIOKI\ 1eted stock of New Fall Suits and Overcoats between Detroit and Chicago Thoe most coinplete line of Men's Furnishings and Hats in the city. The sole ig Olts in Ann Arbor for to. celerateiid YPSILANTII UNDERWEAR, MANHATTAN SHIRTS aod HOWVARD HATS. _1* +r 2-22S. Main Street. WfIDIIIMS, iIYFN & IILL "+'z"T " i ""}"eTs"...…

December 03, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…THlE -MICIII(C'AN DAILY-NEWS IHUODN VTS PERFUMES, 4 We have just added a full line of these fine perfumes and toilet articles. "Toilet + Hints" is a book that tells all about them and their use. Ask for one. .. .. .. . ~CALKLNS'PHAB-MACY 324 SO. STATE ST. PIGkwiGK Billiard rarlors and BoWlioU 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!I1 ThmL moosthoe boot of everything: OEVIC1JEQU05'1IPENT anOll)ADBlED1. wihPrlrC TOLJ{ ~/'\1ED,, 1 O T...…

December 03, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…TRE MIC11144V4 trouers DAIL-I WS Crouscrs ITY EWS,1313 Year 1'Ss tl ii3tlAi N4jl"j1)1 ~ i't°110'), lt~gi-1l S li1 3u -.i1 1 1 -. S5 tth ITNii r i, t M c 31311 3-33lp3 .33 I n), i 1U N .' AT (iNEA~LN~iEW>~z RO.1WO'7 . H SO ,'- i3 I > D[TI~i4- 33'l 13Ii -ti- \\"i 5111 i11 1 t { il I3 Arbor c 11 33. iii ' 1 '1 11 1 ' !"l)3 I+ i } 1 it i '+ 1 t 11 11' ' ll1 1 V+ ''{ 1 + v11 u1 - !-3' 11 'l1 1 ++i1 KARL EDWIN HARRIMAN. 11111:I11 r 1 I~ r lr ;i ' : ...…

December 03, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…THlE MtCilIGMAfJAILY--NEWS Extract from tihe Laws of the >FU R N ESSIA; Srate of New York. .2li n iiiont t haes f ie ll-i 1 o _______-s ttr cuffsim rked II ii lit+'iior ibrand- fi cl with iie w rk .ine , ii iuiip i in , r' Y 7i t~nl~t.Ci t ('uiiiii ii I nn, 11oI, 11linn .t'} i at~~~llclt: " ~~int n Ill1,"II ev tt ;l I I=1u ti t heiiiiti i l w ichiihi RACKET BRANDhBarker'scCllrsare tan1tlp ett"LieCn" twins ni least t & (0., I'op or. 1r I hich h...…

December 03, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…]N WOMEN PURTA SOE A MN 350& :1 NOTHING BETTER AT ANY PRICE. a° 1If you are particular and hard to fit come to us IRubber Goods, "Gym Shoes," 11S AN S R~T Fine Shoe Repairing.1S M I TR E . 77 a - , w (ILOVES CLEANED I iIIIZ lIiiY'ibiil 0. M. MARTIN. AT I iItitJT (It.% I'll El . l5T1 11C1 EICF1.F NERAL Lov'el's aCornc r to o t r.ieit . I IIU< i t sDIRECTOR 11t2.?' 511:3 . it It I 1 'r ' K I F P~~~~~N k"1O -IIH3 , ~ t ~ t .. .. . , ,. . . ..Iait...…

December 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. QIRID[VS' CHOLA Conditions of the Scholar vided By Cecil Rhodes-T igan Men to Be Selec The late Cecil John Rhod ed by his will for the est for male students of schol the yearly value of $1,500 any college in the Univers ford for three consecutIvea years. Two students from may be appointed to thes ships, one in the spring o one a year later. President Angell, of theI of Michigan, President Spe vet College, and Pres...…

December 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Vl'nl THE MCIGNDAILY Publsed da y Monday exceted) durinig the All oll eei ent eR 1ANAOI1N( DI 1 OIL: II JSINf:SS SMANAGLER: 10)551011 I. 11El 1) The Largest and Most Complete Line oi f (I'RSIT:d Athetics - .)rt~lc . 'VALTr A 'so, - - - - - . .5.(a r ASSOCIA'TE(S: A. G ound. A. Ii. (Littueyer. (wo.A. (slron. tan'd Cd St.50 llWOOLENS. ndr%%s in Ann Arbtror ill1)befoud Editur Tuday-GEO. A. OSBORN. at G. fl. Wild & Cos, 108...…

December 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…TEE MICHIGAN DAILY. N.agaara Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE-' ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago fo St. .Lens, Kansas Coy St. Paul and tier west. For information ad tisogtickes cal nter write to W. W. CASE, Aent. Ann Aro. New Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S IBILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tbacos JAS. W. REID, Pop. 312 Sae S., S Ihave nse received the largest and fiest ine or Turkish Cigarettes and...…

December 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 'T s - - - Pritan Shoes " . r .. 4 M"'OGuL,, PCIQARL1TLS G;rolvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. "MOCIJL SMOKE. MAKE.S G'rTIAN SM'OKLMS a Cok Tp orPlai. Save the Coupons. For 1011 andr 11101 R _. ' . -;= :- « '. ,,. ,_: :,aao ~ i p0s :.o ". ."p ,y O From tor Yol The W. C. Keril Co. 8 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. 'ICaps and Gowens made to or- der and rented. Pen...…

December 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Daly AVOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1904. No. 54 Y. M. C. A. BANQUET. , A UNIQUE PARTY !SCHOOL OF MUSIC RECORD ENCORES GALORE Eighth Annual Banquet Successful- (iven by Woman's League Yester.. The Best Ever Issued by the nstitu- Marked Last Night's Band Concert- Pres. Jas. B. Angell and Others of Gday Afternoon-Result Very rat- tion-Managing Editor to Resign. Sou ta Given a Hearty Welcome- Note Answer to Toasts. ...…

December 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ...+ TIHE M~CHIGOAN DAILY. plin ongmn ne if tlnvt r p i c t<) i _________ f"-- - - Oer innre lieal 1i11) I l W EWOULD HAVE E.utc ani-lasintte atth Ann tatsthaitistdet atthe aoui We Guarantee Our New W O O*N W chosare atare ef the in idtittini, YOU TO KNOW Mnaye~ope~d rngte e-'sting and that h nmatteriit lee .Ari 1aindr. * ebasernttheo. sideentrance Iohone88'2-3 _ anteng the iundier ilIailtaii-i Ie ai That we are doing bsines...…

December 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 04 ~ OA S. There nev er was made a better, nor a more deserv- edly popular OVERCOAT than HART, SCHAFF- NER & MIARx Rx rONs'; long, loose, comfortable, with a style of its own and a quality look about it that miakes a man think well of himself every time be puts it oni. See them before buying. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217 So. Main St. i Sce out natty N i eof SN EC K WE AR Received this week. All the late novelties of the season ar...…

December 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…THrSMICHIGOAN DAILY N NN ON Ir Mf Rr l1 * and ^4i fWomen ' RAN D ALLI PH O T O G A P H E K IStudy with a Good Light., ftThere is no better light thanc, THE WEL.SBACH READING LAMP ALL STYLES AT ALL PICIES.% The Ann Arbor Gas Company. aa iJa. v5 .a a u J.J J.HI.+.* ,+ aI a. J+JJrrJS JJ~iaJ. .,aJ" ac J+ar New Shipment proof Shoes Heights Helavv tar tares, Ibellows tongue, ras (lie sole, thotroughl Hod' of Factory sa'lve m~oney. I 111 South MV $ O...…

December 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 0) • Page Image 1

…UNION BANQUET NUMBER. The Michigan Daily A\ f ).NARO ,MIC llI\\I \l A \. M B; 1 )1 l, %"Of,. XVII. 1 4 AlliRA. THE MICHIGAN UNION PLAYS ACTIVE PART! NiN~-i-NII N)DI11NNER3kCOMMITTEE 77 . t~r c ti rnll~(, 11,wckPROM ISES BI 0i BANQUET In All Student Activities- -Annual'" Banquet Is aMeans of Promoting, t-ll -clijccir-nil College Spirit. flit i<till tti t, lUt t, rt I it, allw, l;. .1ll t 11 ill lu i.>rlltlll p "'c im'tl I, 1111:Itlt < t-...…

December 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 0) • Page Image 2

… C's',) () Z w "+-- Cam r i. L w~ z: " - 2 6- :f 3 7 Q. i cn v cv N y C. r Liz Cam/ t "\ y / L f t _ -tie .17 V ,/ f w n, 77 ~ I I: . 1, r J. --- " m j Wit. t l S t> 1, ^ tz '"G , ,F. .-. l f: ; U °% : 4 e- v . n N o 77 tr.S n = 0o = o = r- Z H 202 S G ' L1 ^Id__" M Ul . W y aw r Q0 'ft Ci 1 y . * r es 0 CI = C3 z" .=. U 41, be et5 a " a c «. .. sf 4 s o?' oC~Cc it U f M' +t"' M r. > tV (3a y 4 " G. w :> =. oc_ -4 -4 H ~' - p...…

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