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December 03, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…Blacks By CARLA RAPOPORT Second of two parts At an all-black Detroit high school, one student explains, "It's not that I'm terribly excited about the University of Michigan. I'd probably get a lot more from Fisk or Howard. But if we're going to change things in this society what better place is there to start than with the white university?" He slouches down in his jacket a little more. "Besides, my parents have been paying taxes to support th...…

December 03, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, December 3, 1971 BIG DOUBLE FEATURE! i 1 _.__._ . _ _ _ ._ _ _ II I dM .o J By BRUCE SHLAIN In the previews for Kotch that appeared on television, di- rector Jack Lemmon sits com- fortably in his cloth-back di- rectorial chair and proceeds to inform us smugly that this mo- vie was one that "had to be nyde." It is by no, means a bad> film, and, judged in the genre, of sentimental soft-comedy, does not ...…

December 03, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

… EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY PLAYERS SERIES presents YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU QUIRK AUDITORIUM TUES. thru Sun., Dec. 7-12 8:00 P.M. $2.00 For reservations dial QUIRK BOX OFFICE~ 487-1221 between 12:45 and 4:30 p.m. ALL SEATS RESERVED NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE:' 764-0554 ( I h 4111tP i!xFtYl fly page three Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, December 3, 1971 TAX BILL CONCESSION Campaign financing pla _ -7 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Gi...…

December 03, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

… ig £rihian aikj Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan ClrCLs maXimuS Behind the closed doors of a Regents reeting by lndisay hcNaey 420 Maynard St,.Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT SCHRE...…

December 03, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

…Friday, December 3, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Friday, December 3, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY f °a 4 n Q Dggt job dop j E USED CARS ROOMMATES WANTED 1965 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY. Excel- 1 or 2 MALE ROOMMATES wanted. - lent condition, best offer. 761-6083. Modern two-bedroom apt. Jan.-Aug. 56N74 lease. 665-7124. 38Y69 64 IMPALA SS. Auto, V-8, FM. Good OWN ROOM in 3-man aprtment. $70 cond. $350 or best offer. Call Richard, a month. Call 7...…

December 03, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 69) • Page Image 6

… Pq " '' P~g$i~THE MICHIGAN [DAILY rid w: _ i+rti ? T 971' r e~vaYrW44-l~nL71i 10717 I I .T Minority services now inadequa*te? Continued fr'om page 1} can at least put a damper on patience. "It seems like a big Angell Fall, the OP office, withI these problems." hoax sometinmes, they work so one full-timre and a few part-time! Among other projects. out>sr hard to get you up here and then academic counselors, serves as a sponsors variou...…

December 03, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 69) • Page Image 7

…t=ricjgy, Qe4 corm or 3, 1 7 l THE MICHIGAN DAILY rgge $oven Fri ~oy, W~cember 3, 1911 THE MICHiGAN DAILY Page Seven - Supporting more black students - (Continued from Page 6) Waters added that he didn"t likei things "scattered all over like3t that," but said he would not want{t to start in-fighting between blacks presently heading each office. According to President'Flem- ing, "Maddox was calling for a kind of separatism which we1 thou...…

December 03, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 69) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, December 3, 1971 PaeEgtTE IHGNDIL rdy ecme ,17 Local women file second sex bias complaint; cite 'bad faith' of 'U' (Continued from page 1) working actively in that direction. Office of Civil Rights in Chicago, wages to women victimized by sex But Virginia Nordin, Chairwo- said recently that HEW's pros- discrimination, despite the fact man of the University's Commis- pects for the immediate future are...…

December 03, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 69) • Page Image 9

…x Fridc-y, December 3;: 1971 THE MICHIGAN DA[LY Page Nine FrdyDcebr , 191HEMCHGN ALYPgeNn * ROSE BOWL. STAY AT THE HACIENDA IN L.A. * r per. day I + per dap - [per day 5g per person $ J3 per person1 $ A per person l i 0 +4 to a room J3to a room 2 to a room per da private room RATES VALID FROM DEC. 26; 1971 THRU JAN. 6, 1972. For the student body: FLARES by Levi Farah t Wright SLee SMale CIIECKMATE State Street at liberty Do you pre...…

December 03, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 69) • Page Image 10

… Page Ten Q APPEARING NOW-Return Engagement SGRANT GREEN Albums: "Visitors" and Green Is Beautiful" Fine Food, Cocktails, Dinner Open Seven Days M ondcayr-.rilay 11 to 2 a . Saturday and Sunda, 319 S. FOURTH AVE. 5 p m. to 2 a. 761-3548 '" ~ jy J .g,; ,y.. ,py. ,p. :.[' 7.y V jy; -"y ' L. [f ry J L4 C t} ^C' } () ~i g C;Jil4.1 uJW["k.JL .t . R.1.> ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fririnv npramhPr :; 1 q7 i I Juuy, v .cc JIL'eI D, i 7!/ LEVI'S Fo...…

December 03, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 69) • Page Image 11

…Friday, December 3, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven Friday, December 3, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven Dodgers grab Robinson, scrap Allen PHOENIX, Ariz. P)-Baseball's trading marketplace broke loose yesterday with Los Angeles head- lining a steady stream of deals as separate transactions brought su- perstar Frank Robinson to the Dodgers and sent power hitter Richie Allen to the Chicago White' Sox. The Baltimore Orioles sent t...…

December 03, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 69) • Page Image 12

…Page Twel e ,,. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, December 3, 1971 Page Twelye... THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, December 3, 1971 Youth voter cnference Id oens tod ay Ai. 3niergency Conference of NeW ters opens today at Loyola Unive in Chicago. Planned by the °.ociation of Student Govern- mentsi over 1,500 students from all oven country will heart speech- es andattend workshops: Te purpose of .the .convention is to acquaint newly enfranchised voter...…

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