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October 29, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 31) • Page Image 5

… a two-day visit on the campus as a guest of the local Mortar Board chapter. Initiation Is Announced PROF. JEROME KERWIN Wolverine To Dance Class Under Elva Begin Series Pascoe "Glamor Girl' To…

… in modern ballroom dancing will start at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Michigan Wolverine, Elva Pascoe, assistant in the classes, announced yesterday. Joe Eaton who recently joined the staff of the Arthur…

June 29, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

… Black turned in the best per- formance among the Wolverines but was edged out by Lee Ramel of Louisiana State, 2 up and 1 to go, on the tough Wakona course. Lynn Riess, high qualifier for Michigan…

April 29, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

Wolverines did everything wrong. The usually steady infield fell com- pletely apart, the Michigan baserun- ners were caught napping off the sacks, and three Wolverine pitcers combined to walk seven and hit…

… able to bunch their blows enough to make them- count. After the Wolverines gained a 3-0 lead in the opening frame on Charley Pink's safe bunt, a pass to Mike Sofiak, and successive singles by Walt…

…. Kelley made a handsome recovery to take third place. The winning time was :55.1. With Leutritz, Davidson, Jester, and Schwarzkopf running in that order, the Wolverines acquitted them-' (Continued on Page 7…

… University golf course. The first foursome in doubles play will tee off at 8:30 a.m., with singles play beginning at approximately 12:45 p.m. The Wolverines, who defeated Ohio State in their first Conference…

April 29, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN ' DAILY SATURDAY, APRIi,. 29, 1939 THE M-+HI..N:Dt LV SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1939 wolverines Drop Home Opener To Michigan State Nine, 6-3 Seven Errors Help Spartans ScoreVictory r…

… seventh and again the eighth be- fore he was removed for a pinch- hitter. Veigel's wildness and another bad throw cost the Wolverines an- other run in the ninth. The Spartans were able tc, break into the…

… Kreuzinger took 9-7, 7-5. incidental. Big Elmer Gedeon, veteran Wolverine first-baseman, is shown rap- ping out the second of his three singles in yesterday's home opener with the Michigan State Spartans…

…) nessee by a larger score than did the Wolverines. In addition to this, the I Purple cohorts walloped the Indiana linksmen in their opening Big Ten meet by the score of 14 to 4. All of which indicatesa…

January 29, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 93) • Page Image 7

…A, JAN. 9, 1g THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAS SEVEN Wolverines Will Try To Square Series With Bulldog SwimmersI T h e Yale-Michigan swimming meet at the Intramural Pool Feb. 11 may prove the determinant of…

… balance. The East-West angle is obvious. Yale again is back on top in the East and the Wolverines are one of the West's two best. The rivalry between the two coach- es goes back many years. A decade ago…

June 29, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

… made early in July, he said. Other fpodstuffs con- sist of : Wheat flour, 17,640,000 pounds; graham flour, 7,644,0004 pounds; i t T 1 5 t: Wolverine Eating Cooperative, Offers First Summer Service…

…. The Michigan Wolverine, student cooperative dining club, will offer its services to summer school students for the first time since its origin in 1932, John Sheibe, president, stated yesterday. He said…

May 29, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

… night, with Capt. Merle "Butch" Kremer on base in the tenth inning put the game on ice af- ter the Wolverines had rallied in the eighth to tie the score at 4-4. Smith Goes Route Burt Smith went the route…

March 29, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 130) • Page Image 6

Wolverine Bldg. 201-203 S. FOURTH AVE., Phone 4000 R.W. Horn; Mgr. I1 Final Exams Take Their Tons 1 Of Flesh, Education Report Finds' (Continued from Page 1) portant final examination.{ Prof. Howard Y. Mc…

June 29, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…-Intervention Committee, called to meet at London. Great Britain and France hoped Wolverines Trail Leaders for Italian and German agreement on their proposal for British and French By 12 Points In Battle ships to fill the…

… Berlin and cial to The Daily)-Little Jack Emery, Rome said, however, that Germany junior clubster from Detroit, was the and Rome would reject that plan. only Wolverine to break 80 here to- 3 t ) t ', ,I t…

May 29, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

… for the double defeat of year. he Wolverines are still exper- ing hitting trouble although all of the pitchers that Fisher has cted for the trip look ready tc the mound today. All of this k's drills…

… season, definite causal factors become ap- parent as reasons for the team's flop -factors which discard inevitability in favor of more concrete reasoning. Conference Crown Contenders When the Wolverines

April 29, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

Wolverine pitchers that fanned 12 opposing batters, walked 10 and blew a 7-0 lead. Burt Smith crowned the freakish mound performance by hit- ting Bill Mattison, Toledo catcher, on the head with a fast ball in…

September 29, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 2) • Page Image 11

… practice. His work in scrim- mages this past week, however, have established him as the Wolverine's, second triple-threat man. He is a natural ballplayer, having an instinc- tive drive to every possible…

… string while another would consist of Levine at quarter, Curren at full, Ed Phillips at wingback and either Hook or Ritchie carrying the ball. The Wolverine line this year will see at least three and…

September 29, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 2) • Page Image 20

…. PLANS ANNOUNCED Wolverine Expects Rise In Membership The Wolverine, the non-profit eat- .to 300. ing club in Lane Hall, opened its The membership will soon be open doors Monday morning with 60 mem- to…

… those on the waiting list. This berships retained from last year and year's expansion will help to further oy Monday night the memberships the Wolverine's original aims of pro- stood at 200 and was open…

May 29, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 173) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r m - Wolverines Meet Spartans Today For Mythical State Title F Toledo Downed Johnstone 6To3As Gee Strikes Out 11 _.ichiga Uricek Is Only Consistent Hitter As Team…

… Michigan, the Spartans of Michigan State and Ray Fisher's own "gas house gang," clash in the first of a two game series, the finale to be staged tomorrow in East Lansing. The Wolverines added their 17th win…

… the East. They will play here today in the first of a home and home series that will take the Wolverine team t c Lansing for a game on Memorial Day. The mythical State championship will be decided in…

… the two-game series, the Spartans having a perfect record in Michigan compeition this year while the Wolverines have dropped one out of three tilts. Coach John Kobs, shown standing at the extreme left…

…; Hamberger, D. D.'s, second base; Johnson, Jazzhounds, third base; Wilcox, D. D.'s, shortstop; Maier, All-Americans, left field; Meyer, Wolverines, center field; Shul- ler, J. O. E.'s, right field; Nelson…

Wolverines in their triumph over ; the Hilltoppers. Coach John Kol-s took notes on the Michigan hitters throughout the game and was particularly impressed by Steve Uricek, and he doesn't think he can hit a…

…, Waseda University's club from Tckio, meets Michigan at 4 p.m. on Ferry Field. In 1929 the Wolverines toured Japan and lost a close one to Waseda; the incident was repeated in 1932 and Fisher, as a result…

…,000 Malloy Renews' Rivalry Today On State Links Woody Malloy will renew an early season rivalry today when he meets Tom Brand in the feature match of the Wolverine-Michigan state golf meet which will be held…

May 29, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 173) • Page Image 4

… in the final capital city conference base- ball game of the season for the Wol- verines at 4:05 p.m. today at Ferry field. The Wolverines will be Con- ference champions regardless of the outcome of the…

March 29, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

… records and one American record in the breast-stroke to lead the Wolverines to a 'national championship. Union To Hold Its Open House Tuesday Ni0ght1 Free Dancing In Ballroom To Be Special Feature Of…

…I the bakeries, the committee rooms Medica Wins Third Title; Iowa And Yale Finish Second And Third Fehsenfell Takes figh-Board Diving Wolverine Divers Score 15 Points For Varsity's Margin OfVictory NEW…

… ten years in the National Collegiate swimming meet, concluded here tonight. The Wolverines sdored 30 points, followed by Iowa with 21 and Yale with 17. Michigan won four titles, by Kasley in the 200…

February 29, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

… natatorium. The victory over the slightly fa- vored Hawkeye team enabled Coach Matt Mann's Wolverines to keep clear' a collegiate dual-meet record that has not been marred since Northwes- tern won 37 to 32 on…

… Iowa ahead 31 to 26 at the conclusion of six of the meet's nine events, Capt. Frank Fehsenfeld start- ed the Wolverines off to victory with a decisive and impressive win in the diving event over the…

October 29, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

… to meet the strong schedule which the Wolverines will face. The remaining divisions look strong, and by the time the regular season ar- rives Keen expects to put a strong team on the mat. Tiny Wright…

… To Be Moved Over To Tackle Spot Joe Rinaldi Will Be Back At Center; Everhardus May Have Cracked Rib John Viergever, veteran Wolverine tackle who suffered a reoccurence of a leg injury in Saturday…

…, first string forward last year, John Jablonski, Earl Townsend, George Rudness, and a number of sopho- mores will be trying for the forward positions. played resulting in Wolverine victor- ies. Courtright…

…'s estimate of the Penn eleven makes it seem likely that the Wolverines, to win, will have to omit their seemingly customary second half let down, for the Quakers will be here to bear out pre-season predic…

June 29, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…' playing that brought about the Wolverine's de- feat. Johnny had no less than seven three-putt greens. Haas, nineteen-year-old lad who won the Southern Amateur and Wes- tern Junior last su nmer, was trap…

May 29, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…Thursday at East Lansing is yet to be decided. If there is a double header, Coach Ray Fisher indicated that Art Patchin and Berger Larson would pitch for the Wolverines. Which of these two would hurl if only…

… draw from, the Wolverines will be Country Club will be the scene of the favored to defend their title success- National Intercollegiates, June 24-29. fully, and even the man who played As defending…

March 29, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

… in running behind Jesse Owens of Ohio State, in the National Interscholastic meet of 1933 as Owens was timed in :09.4. Anderson this year has done :09.5 outdoors, but none of the Wolverine sprinters…

… run the event in individual competition but is being primed by Coach Charlie Hoyt as a possible entry. Another Wolverine,. capable of better than :22, may be taken on the trip. Pollock has been credited…

April 29, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, APRIL29, 1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Michigan Golfers Trounce Wildcats To Open Wildcats Fail To Win A Match In 15/2 - 21/2 Defeat Kocsis And Dayton Lead Wolverines With 75's; Meet Illini…

…Saturday First Big Ten Meet Captain Flynn And Saeilli, With 82's Are Medalists For Northwestern The Wolverine golfers opened their defense of Conference honors yester- day on the University golf course…

Wolverine sophomore came from behind to win the last nine and halve the match. Chuck Kocsis, Michigan's number one sophomore playing in his second Varsity meet, again led the Wolver- ines, sweeping his…

… afternoon round to defeat Curtis, 3 to 0. The Wolverines will attempt to chalk up their third dual meet win next Saturday on the University course, and their second Conference win, when they meet the Illinois…

… State nine Friday, 17-2. The Buck- eyes were probably wearing the Mich- igan uniforms, for they turned around today and handed the Wolverines a 16-2 beating. Such a retaliation is amazing for two reasons…

…. First, the Wolverines knocked the two sup- posedly best pitchers on the Ohio State staff out of the box, and scored 17 runs yesterday, and today they could only get two runs. Secondly, Art Patchin…

May 29, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

… Grey end will close the 1932 season for Che Wolverines. In the first two-game series here earlier in the month, the teams qplit, with Ohio winning the first, 6 to 4, through the hitting and pitching…

… efforts of their star hurler, Lowell Wrigley. In the second, splendid relief hurling by Whitey Wistert enabled the Wolverines to win, 7 to 5. In the last two games against Michigan State and Chicago, Coach…

January 29, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

… throughout the rest of the game. The Buckeyes kept trying to hit the basket but their shots were limited by the stout de- fense that Williamson and Weiss kept up. At the half the Wolverines led, 21 to 14. Ohio…

November 29, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 54) • Page Image 7

… the Fs (Continued From Page r ) time and time again, raced down the field to down Evehardus' long punts before the Badgr safety mazy, Rebholz, could run them back against the Wolverines. After a…

… comparatively slow first half, the Wolverines came back in powerful fashion to make toe fina appearance of their graduating seniors a complete success. Hudson, Hewitt, Samuels, Auer, LaJeunesse, Hozer, Douglass…

April 29, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 147) • Page Image 6

…THE MI HI 3 .AIL.Y WrDN-ESDAY, APPTL 29, IMI THFI MTCI-1IGKf~ DATLY WUNESDA~, A~IL ~, 1~aI ine Run Rally in Fifth Brings Wolverine Victory HOllES RSON L 0 ALZSJpk . ......._._..m GLASS…

… plate in the efifth inning o'f ystrday's game with Hosei University of Japan, Michi-f gan took its second home game of the season 12-5. Coming into the fifth frame, the Wolverine Varsity was trailing its…

March 29, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…-yard breast stroke in 2:34.6. Carl Dougovito, star Wolverine wrestler, lost the national 175- pound championship to Conrad Caldwell of Oklahoma A. and M., Complete Sports on Pages 6 & 7 HOUSE COMMITTEE RECEIVES…

November 29, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 53) • Page Image 6

…. fi DameaquadwasritiesbunhsUveri of DtasinAduniaka- Bdman....noisRT Wolverine Puck Chasrs to Pay Fler )ho Sate an a-that next Wednes- havivgrplayedfseentooithe stiffst RE'WesterntOnarioadnlmnitia er, N…

…^. in, <;nt, frmer Wolverine tank star, on th gridron his yar -fter cneday vcatin Coar ha-J(' ic~apicke asldardwim foruldsthefoinvadersder whenn toeneahmaesndepndbeet nthariconthsyermatrn nede isaio a…

… the evening of Decem- Farsthat willrarc the Iih ber 3, will be free to all those wish- Prc usadn iea. Wolverines were defeated mainly S's~ cnmg.Wihi spandt lyhJ halves; and Ientner, North- igt ted…

… become fitted into the Wolverine Iatre- expected to start coming out ready to clash with some of the operation and the backs have not the 3-yard mark. Hie then ; lunged in tis ieriod. 'The second team…

… Not rne a caks Pint To Win. cellent opportunity to score in t'1" cit center, and Bayerie and Miller at Lagen n Cutsreuntote ek and ten they will continue end should push the Wolverines ing On the other…

May 29, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

… never had a chance, the Wolverines bunching their hits well, and taking advan- tage of the six costly Cincinnati errors to take the lead by five runs in the first inning and never being headed during the…

May 29, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 173) • Page Image 7

…,' temshathaveacanctoakegy and under the circumstances their the title. In the dual meet against was safe on Myrons low throw to M on.Mcorn c went in orionht play was all that could be expect-' BROWNS GAIN 4 '2 the Wolverines

… place w iart and Ferrell. mr Beal, and Brace are the chief Cincinnati. Rogoff and Cochrane United States Army stationed at! in the first annual Huron League: ; threats for the Wolverines, both walked…

January 29, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

… thai is e°.vpeted to solve the Detroiter'. effective defense which was too strong for the Wolverines in their first game during the ChristmasI holidays. The Detroit quintet has had only a mediocre season…

… and recently lost a game to the Kalamazoo cagers. who split a two game series withI the Wolverines. On the other hand, the game tonight will be the elev- enth for the Maize and Blue Jun-I for varsity…

… will start tonight although it is likely that only one Wolverine cagerl who competed in the first game be- tween Detroit and Michigan will=1 start the game. Lindsay, who1 played with the Varsity reserves…

… Midway school plays host to theinthBgcaesrhosla- ingtheBibNine basketball scorers only five occasions did these dashes Wolverines. Friday night, Coach' in 'rolling up points in Coi'4erence. materialize in…

… which the i o-a ih'sbsebl a Sappears that they have but this Wolverines ran u-p. against a weak between Michigan and Minnesota, - Gopher aggregation Monday night:W'hich terminated in a 26-13 winr Wreslin…

… Tea Drllswas far from impressive, thec Var - for the Wolverines, was put on the sity playseting working wellscrand' air over. Station WJBK at Ypsilanti, for Purdue Encounter the e eegtigit crn hog h…

… Town Stork for ihi n n en as the Wolverines' best showing of the present camxpaign. In- this ecr,~ nlre o hs meet, which Michigan won by ai An enoe, gnle e-fo h score of 24-6, the Wolverines ouarT e…

… Ithe Wolverine regulars beig class- Con3ference with a margin: of 10 ed among this select group. Trus- Rune La~ost~e Mgkcs Statement pons oerhisneaes oponetkotivski, with 37 points, leads thec That He…

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