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November 29, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…_ o o VOL. III.--No.4. I' fERlhTY OF ATICHIGAIN, ESDAX OX 4 MD 1129, 159f2. I'r ics Tea. im iNTS. T UJ UP TO THE MARK. nlmelited conmcendationi last mionth,j BASEBALL PROSPECTS, ________and his echings in the cooming ntars- The November Inlander Will Con- tier are as b~righttas usual. Many Old Players Remnain.-"Phe- - taln a Fine Array of Timely and I n01 S" Are Expected-A Win- Interesting Articles. AlL rep ml ta ig T-mF ihgn - very f2ineit...…

November 29, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF, M. DAILY. 1 a Publiahed Daily (lu~ndaya excepted) dui the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION BOARD MEETING. There will be an important meet- ing of the DIstsIv Wednesday even- ing, at 7:30. Several vacancies are to be filled and other important bus- iness will be up for discussion. A UNIVERSITY JOURNAL LUB. rihe writer of the communication in today's paper wyill(doubtess be pleased to learn that the ideas hie ad...…

November 29, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GR EAT CLOTHING SALES XLSV HTESAD UNSES ALOVERiCOATS AT 1 OFF. Youman's, AK nox's, Silverman's Hats, - ~Exquisite (Gent's Furnishings, Bath Robes, House Robes. ALL SUITS AT OFF. Smoking Jackets, Pajamas, Night Robes, Perrin's Dress and Walking Gloves. ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFFr. HOIDGEMAiN'9S - M CKITOHE See these bargains before buying.Eal&WsosCoaiaidiit WA DHA MS. KENNED Y & R ULE. THE TWO SFNMS. -M_ STA.E=ER:- I1. Ann...…

November 29, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…THE TU. OF M . DAILY THAT GIRL you left'Q;)J STRINQ UD$V~Z FR behind you -______, Laist week. srsaitd likeoa )()lof Strinued -Instrument. CALKIN'S FINE CH-oGo- - A - Front the nmediumi grades to the best manufactured, at E1XTRZA VALI-E IN NATURAL WOOL, Also the Well-Kinown WAI'NER'S HEALTH UNDERWEAR and J WRIGHT'S UNDERWEAR LATES W ILS EY'S, A n- the Pirs134 S tt tet W1hen t''in gohome for liristms. ite Loiw. S taeStet MOOREC&WETMOR, BOO...…

October 29, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…11 ,._ ,I 5 r r II VId Von.. II.-No. 24-. VOL. 11.-N. 94. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATU RDAY, OCTOBER 29, 192. PitTmoCsr. PjacE, Tm-n,;F: CI+ N':I'S. CO-EDS IAKE ERRYS 1Great Welcome and a Merry Feast." The Storm Gave Way for the Mler- ry Co-Ecs-One of the Moat Brill-O iaot Spreads Ever Given-The Favored Gentlemen Woulo not go anO their Esoorts went Alone. Asevtn o'c0lockitlist evening the storm fiend(1re11ne(1supreme, ad tn11ovast 1o-tdsw...…

October 29, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Ptaisiisht' italiy (ata jaysaexceptelid)aring ('assCollegetyar, sty THE U. OF M. iNDIEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sbsitionl pricea .:222peraSar, isara s Sy iasisalwo 't' gl oss sa. ls. Subscrip- iosss ay5 baelt at *ta ic al eoft he IttItY, at Stsfttttt's, awit ass ' the1s 'sitors or athorized'soltaicitors. o'cocj. iifthey are toa sppeartnex ct ,fyAd -sls :s.1 satt''ttertddfrpbi 'ass toshesitrfrisat saIditor'..Ai it Ssas THE LT. of...…

October 29, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. UNDERWEAR. _ATHTE TWO ;CAI IS. Elegant linte of I'toerweoar :11FIF lTY We wish 1to ll50000' particuoloo-artteotion to the Ifactli htharaeoaurE ENTterV CCENTS. .1 1 . etrgrd atS V T -IVSto(-ck. A s ool l onclude 0s aogeneral andi compjle'te lineof lohi - ass cltti4. 101o1unglAtr" All gr'ades of lodei'Iweoin in1e1 Silk,\Vy , NW 01 l'rin l tiotBal- ma1cde sip )withIi all the oletail , onao'and skill wbichi...…

October 29, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…TH E U,. OF M. -D-AILY PERE'i S'? YJC oiinill hi11 illthe finelci CALKINS' <MUSICAa IGOODS,}% TRY THE NEW SCOLLAR. I' l ISEASE, COME1ORT iABE TYKE MU1BITED, w"'l' OL BY iO BILE. To buv s nilore.11 34 S. State Street. 4ve CaSins'ii ugsti e, i I A M O E& E M RE BOOK: STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, A _ 5N (li-RN R I-. ' .511 Xii) i[,I 1 01 5 l1E T . [ 1i~ri 'tet-~ )k , 11ii .15 Books. . Law I c~l U D )ciitll oiortls, Stiidenits Nte Ibooks...…

April 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…Iif AT . a . Vo. II.-No. 146. THE NEW CALENDAR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FI.)AY-, APRIIL 21.r, lk9. IPRICE, THER I: ENTSa. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. '95 Glee and Banlo Clubs. A Radical Departure from Formeri A Full Report of Last Night'a Meet- ixe first joint bulsiiness meeting" ofj Issues. iisx i lii'9cn'r 1c l Iini the S. (.xA.ieiheiirsai 100ms, 1lii. clndriiri'ai0 ppers Tile aihleiciboaridi 1e1t1lst 11 d M r(1dill textforIt10 is 1p...…

April 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. I ~ -i1)[EugenD'let I opues IAIiaen is the tuianist Published Daily (s tays eeptest) dturing whlomt all l-utropeefinites in (cailing the ottas C~t.tsrhe reatest lislag exponent of piano THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION mtusic andI the worthy successor of TIansig, L iszt, Ruibinstei n and Von uSnteetptist ptiee 55 pet- .sear-, invariably Bu low. No ptayer has attained sos-l iiSeehan' tleenpes 3lsenets. staat esuper-emti...…

April 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. BOYS ! We have rnobby thlings for you ini Negligee Shirts, Neckvwear, Hats--tliiivs tihat y lwant. Spring SuitingJs. L'AE('xE LINE Latest Styles of Hats. OF TRUNKS ANID VALISES. Coe andlii!See 111(111 N I 11' Ii NI: of NIE IKVWE IAR, I I THE J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, ~-.~iTHE TWO SAMS. A1NN ARBd-OR. 27 ai{I 29 MIAIN STREET. TO TII2 Td TY0IJIO N_ TENNIS GOOLS 1AT MOO1I' s E00oI7or THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. I(}0)--1{...…

April 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…THE UT. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE- THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. Nescw I~loolill'. Cot 1(1 of Alailt anldLibertiteet rcs. I wvill ''Opeti the Itll' by pladigf a ine stock of Guiitars, Banijos. etc."" -- - pig llPRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.$ tng$it Final 72nssm-y'sM v =c oSTORE,A Z5 South Fourth Avenue, City. I- YOUR GIRL Woultd ztppreciutt 1ta1)ox o1'Ithuse AlayLaw 8chool iStAttLISt-it )18t51. (0o 1151 .one yeri t'three full luerns treq...…

March 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…c I ' i i* AL T Voi- .-- O. 129. Porter on the Census. This secouui if the Political Sci- Mice ser'ies of lectures seas (lelir- ercal last evensing ins silsersi tV Halt 17y' II us Robert 1'. orter, supersin - tenient of the renuis bureau, ini a iii >5t pleasing and ledlifyinig audress us' "Sisise Resuilts of the last Ccci- '1} Thereirere abousit twselve _ 11111:sl ecupeopltete reset asdithtiuri;t his susbjectuwas "dul , cteadl i - 1 si " .'...…

March 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,!U.0f W, L .$a i [v ti.lie 5 n Ivar,t- 7H[ U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION r atsri~inl ric'nt a ).creya rsta riald .1scrn Sinvcoivsti2 cnaltc ) aleitat 'ihn aottn' lt the HA It.LY,1(ila H(ce lock, at "keelan's. itt StofTltt't,aorathlwl y ofthe 'clok. . it thyae tappear'the next lay. Adidresall imatter latendtedtfoa pablica- ion t ie Managing Editar. All busanesn cones (~h'ai ti i s1(1 iis ho1pedI 1) ea-) sliicislingcla ...…

March 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY, NEW GODS! NEW GOODS! See our line of oc Neckwvear, shown in our We 1 > l etebest1seecte i ne I 0 its iret It thie XX (4t wind ow. plriceso. Doilnot(liv aSuit, Sin gien 'it. (or Spring Overcoat 11cl you have cmii llor Ii(. A Ilurge ]il'e)1 if Tin1S uil hugs u 5 lwov in(I haniid it The J. T. Jacobs Company, -"-=- THETWO S A MS_ -. ANN ARBIOR. 27 nd 29 AIL.tN STREI+ET. T SEKAYTO TS3 I TTO.ATSOlv4GEORGE L. MOORE MeSuccess...…

March 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…THE LU. CE M. IDAILY. WLARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN- COMPANY, 'New 1'ltt XX itt Corlwr(otit I lal iadi i bel IttsStreets. I wxil "Opc e I i,tIl ity plttig a titne sito f(Gintars ,ttno t cx . d - --Three rains For PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU., Find i7 . Y'S Mve S o 25 south Fourth Avenue, (City.~g ~ Z ~ Fifty Qent§ YOUR GIRL IWotil lilti reiattabx of hos Fine ChocolateS Alban LaW School HOSIERY ('URSL 1 w, veerx.T hre ill to Iills S...…

February 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…Ic i . of A T. Walp. Vor. 1.-No. 104. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAiN, M\OND)AY, FEBRUARY 29, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Preliminary Oratorical Contest. fi itrel~iniinary contest of t, t101 liw class xway heliiSatturd(ay i cuiing,xwhiich c(oimipletsthetseries r 1enivesI iwtt o5 wi lt ( ti Iart in ic iiiter-lassixercses )n xarc c 5thwhlnthey((iillxiitriifor the hon- orif representingp the t of N.inii t Northernax IOratorxil Ieaxgue at Li'aiitoii Th...…

February 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. " ready to deprecate these nesv ideas of philosophical and scientific (is- coveries. The ministry needs trained u blishni Oaily (Sundtays excepted) daringI men whlo are true to their cosvic- the sllce ene tions. Untrained men are not fit 1HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION to be leaders. The disintegrating forces nmust he met on their own Subscription price $2"50 per yenr, invariably 1grootids. IDrains as well as piety n ...…

February 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…TH{EU. OF M. DAILY. THE TWO SAMS.- '- GloveS, ________THE? GREAT Bess hire5, ONE -FORTH OFF Is still raging -at the J. TI. Jacobs Coms- Ont Children's Slits. EVERIYTING goes until Ml~arch :I.(Dotme and avail yourself of this fOlden tll/.jpo)lIunty!. TieS, for Full Dress, SALE SThe J. T. Jacobs Company, -TTCTS] ANN ALRBOR, 27 and 2.) MAIN STRET.L Mill Alior Stoo9M LD II . C 0 A . GEORGE L. MOORE, snce )+ + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED, ...…

February 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New's XX rtot s , 10"Cordert of MaI~in antoolLiberty' Streets. I will "'Open thteo Ball'' by placing a line stock of Guitars, lansOS etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. findol5717"=z s s Mv=T2Zc STomm, 25 South Fourth Aronue, C'ity. ' ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. .lbe I-us~kup, 't~Ie c OX~obl e," HATS NOBJA -'S. Pure 4 EStAA ttt-Et) P",t. Fresh 501 1Kh, ottot year. 'l'httee ftoll tert...…

January 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…l . of in/in VOL. II.-NO. . VOL. 1f.-No. ~4. NVERSITY OF MICHIGAIN, FRIRDA Y, JANUTA RY1- 291192. IRCTRECNS PRICE, THREE, CENTS. Washington Alumni Banquet. I .About seventy of the altmi o iicf the t- of M . attended the banquet tiell it the hotel Arno on Wednes- diy etven ig. President Angell swas piesent nid respiondledl to the toast tirat kina .Mater.' Among the wIllknotsni graduates were: lHon- orlble dw II ill etts iandl tite, lii f',...…

January 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~C. of 1,Mf. $caitu. Puliista-it Daily (S ssheys exicepted) ingsi the coll-e )eab THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION P. 5. In a t iYot Offiecttltie s andtltit 1'3. "l'c At'taaloc, cn iheitti ttas t taet ef a 110fiCofTHE U.Aof 151. DILYueMoka whelta'sat totle s r At rb of h e EXCHANGES. of (:carrel1lireceiveifreeptilionllleath year. 15ler t 20 prolrhitc 7 lte r iverlitipit ittirrsitiprcdI l-lt -i'llSteveils,Techi nci ,I'...…

January 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. AT THE TWO SAMS C:> ec cy \Vadcccaladc' 7c lan a ray 27, t 92. The.,.!,l Entire Stock {J~~~- Of Clothing. tl catS itslan sasss ils, (cincAll rtSuit ki,, Snalai c ke oct, BIthRi bsEcc J NO WAR WITH CHILL! 0 ctwr ortepic fCohig s a bs derwa, (Gicvca Mittensc, II (s~c( , IEl tNKS. VALISES, 1line'Shirts, Coliars, CalEs, f-lcaalls and Jackets. We are Z> Itoa]et the pual ic loose amy nIth it-eght thoucacel dlia , ,lScoo~e worth...…

January 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAiN COMPANY. \ ew \acr innp.. Corniei (,f21 ain and ilbm 1n. Stret. I yill11"OpthBall1-81byi plaingmya line esnock of (nitars, anon. etc PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. i Finil aiz -'s N20 DIStTO8AE,- 25 south Fourth Avenuie City. 1' l f 10.001 for I1(Overcoat. (aroente nwortli)$1°200 to ~CI;n ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. Pure G SEAT AJE zA' N( TQTI='s- Fresh COLuafie, ogne a. teefulltermsn Jiiiiiiii al...…

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